During the Great Sith War, a conflict fought in 3996 BBY between the Galactic Republic and Exar Kun's Sith Empire, the Sith attacked the planet Belderone.[1]
The attack[]
Following the failed invasion of Coruscant, flashpoints ignited across the galaxy. The Sith strategy during this period of the Great Sith War aimed at attacking various points along the Perlemian Trade Route, such as the Kemplex Nine jump station and the planet Belderone in the Outer Rim Territories, and the Vento system shipyards in the Core Worlds.[1]
In the aftermath of Aleema Keto's attack on Kemplex Nine, in the Cron system of the Auril sector,[2] the Sith struck at Belderone,[1] in the neighboring Belderone sector.[3] Following the attack on Belderone, the Sith led an attack on the Vento system shipyards.[1]
- The Essential Atlas (First mentioned)