




The title of this article is conjectural.

Although this article is based on official information from the Star Wars Legends continuity, the actual name of this subject is pure conjecture.

The Rebel Alliance launched a series of attacks on Imperial forces in 3 ABY as they attempted to construct the space station Platform NL-1 in the Pakuuni system.


Vice Admiral Thrawn's task force had succeeded in eliminating the Pakuuni Pirates outpost, establishing a foothold on the Pakuuni system. Following the initial attack, Frigate Ludwick patrolled the system until Imperial convoys carrying parts and construction crews could arrive to build a new space installation. Imperial Intelligence reported high probability of enemy counter attack.

The battle[]

The Ludwick deployed two flight groups of TIE fighters and a group of TIE interceptors to patrol the system until the convoys arrived. Less than fifteen minutes before to the convoy arrived, Alliance EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Huntress emerged from hyperspace, launching B-wings and Z-95 Headhunters, rapidly joined by Y-wings from Red Squadron to bomb run the Frigate Ludwick. Imperial fighters bested the initial fighters fronted by the Rebel Alliance, swiftly replaced by fresh X-wings.

Imperial Fighters, one of which piloted by Maarek Stele, fought vigilantly against the Rebel attack, however their Rebel rocket and torpedo attacks succeeded in heavily damaging the hull of the Ludwick. The Huntress also got hit to the point of losing shields. Which resulted in two Shuttles called Escape carrying Officers leaving the frigate. However, both were destroyed by Maarek while the Frigate prepared to retreat. As the Ludwick's condition deteriorated, Assassin-class corvette group Horvus arrived, along with Victory I-class Star Destroyer Stalwart and the rest of the convoy, consisting of Cargo ferry group Bakkun, freighter group Ravn and Modular conveyor group Gorfan. With the might of the Stalwart and its combined task force, Frigate Huntress fled to the safety of hyperspace.

Vice Admiral Thrawn's task force had succeeded in eliminating the Pakuuni Pirates outpost, establishing a foothold on the Pakuuni system. Following the initial attack, Frigate Ludwick patrolled the system until Imperial convoys carrying parts and construction crews could arrive to build a new space installation. Imperial Intelligence reported high probability of enemy counter attack. The Ludwick deployed two flight groups of TIE fighters and a group of TIE interceptors to patrol the system until the convoys arrived. Less than fifteen minutes before to the convoy arrived, Alliance EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Huntress emerged from hyperspace, launching B-wings and Z-95 Headhunters, rapidly joined by Y-wings from Red Squadron to bomb run the Frigate Ludwick. Imperial fighters bested the initial fighters fronted by the Rebel Alliance, swiftly replaced by fresh X-wings. Unyielding to Imperial presence, Rebel forces staged their first assault on the platform itself with A-wings, Y-wings and two Assassin-class corvettes from group Moori. With shields functioning at only fifty percent, Platform NL-1 stood severely exposed to the impending Rebel assault. Imperial gunboats, TIE/sa bombers, and TIE/IN interceptors from Frigate Ludwick rapidly found themselves engulfed in combat against Y-wings, A-wing and the newly arrived X-wing starfighters. A portion of assault gunboat group Tau destroyed Corvette Moori, resulting in the arrival of Shuttle Shakker. Prior to the attack, Secret Order agents had requested that their trusted pilot, Maarek Stele, arrange for the capture of such escape craft, in the hopes of extracting vital information concerning Rebel plans in the system. Stele himself saw to the identification of the Shakker, escaping from Moori and its subsequent disabling. Transport Soryi launched from NL-1 to capture the officers found aboard. As Imperial fighters whittled down the remaining rebel forces transports from group Del arrived to attempt another futile torpedo run on the platform, only to be destroyed. With the capture of Shuttle Shakker, and Victory I-class Star Destroyer Stalwart's arrival from hyperspace, it was not long before the destruction of the remaining Rebel forces.

Vice Admiral, at the time, Thrawn was anxious to inspect the work of his subordinates on Space station NL-1. Much of Frigate Ludwick's TIE fighter and Interceptor stores could not be fielded as a fighter screen during Thrawn's inspection, due to repair and refurbishing necessities; thus the Ludwick would suffice with heavily armed TIE Bombers to oversee the Vice Admiral's visit. Imperial Intelligence expected trouble but had no intel.

Thrawn and his staff ferried from his command ship, the Victory-class Star Destroyer Stalwart to NL-1 aboard Transports Sigma. No sooner had Thrawn begun his journey to NL-1 an attack composed of Rebel A-wings, X-wings and Y-wings arrived. Imperial fighters moved to intercept as Thrawn's inspection team boarded the platform. Imperial pilots, one of which was Maarek Stele, managed to finish off this low level hit and run just as Admiral Thrawn completed his inspection, returning to the Stalwart aboard Transport Omega. Moments after Imperial TIE Bombers moved to escort Thrawn back to the Stalwart, several groups of pirate shuttles arrived to add the disruption. Thrawn safely arrived aboard his vessel as Imperial fighters suppressed the last of the rebel and pirate nuisance.

The skirmish was considered a close call for Thrawn's safety. He was impressed by Stele's performance in a TIE Bomber in a role it was not designed to do. With the inspection complete Thrawn decided to make preparations to finalise the station and bring the Pakuuni sector under Imperial control.

With the space station NL-1's construction completed and inspected by then Vice Admiral Thrawn, there were just the finishing touches to make the station fully operational. His Victory-class Star Destroyer Stalwart stayed on station for the last critical steps of the station construction effort. Two System patrol craft designated Ranger arrived not longer after the previous enemy engagement. The Stalwart was soon to depart the system to bring reinforcements to aid the arrival of relief for the battle-weary pilots of the frigate Ludwick. Knowing that the Rebels were likely to stage one last effort to disrupt Imperial control of the Pakuuni sector, members of the Secret Order tasked their pilot, Maarek Stele, to be alert for any craft carrying high priority targets in the hope to gather more information about Rebel activity.

In the absence of a Star Destroyer, patrol frequency increased and pilots aboard the Ludwick anticipated additional enemy activity. Sure enough, the Rebels attacked, starting with the arrival of the assault transport Thunder, accompanied by B-wings, the rebels' more advanced assault craft. Escorting assault gunboats, TIE bombers and interceptors moved to intercept, followed by the launch of a suspicious shuttle from the Rebel assault transport. Maarek Stele, piloting an assault gunboat, inspected and disabled the shuttle Electra, which was revealed to be carrying Rebel advisors. During the battle, more Rebel forces arrived aboard the Rover group, along with A-wings and X-wing fighters. Transport Shark, dispatched to capture Shuttle Electra, succeeded in its mission even amidst the heavy fighting. The Rebel onslaught heavily taxed Imperial pilot abilities, and inflicted heavy damage to station NL-1 and patrol craft Ranger. Despite this, Imperial starfighters wrestled the upper hand from the imposing rebels, just as the Stalwart arrived with the frigate Gaarni, CR90 corvette Stallion and supplies aboard bulk freighters Sivaa to relieve the Ludwick.


Thrawn oversaw the repairs of NL-1, anxiously wanting the station fully operational and prepared for any further Rebel attack, keeping everyone involved on a hasty schedule. With the Station fully installed, operational and reinforced, the Rebels and the Pakuuni pirates had been completely driven off and the Imperial control over the sector, allowing intergalactic trade to flourish and benefit the Empire. For his efforts, Stele was awarded the Medal of Progress.

Stele was also given the next rank in the Secret Order of the Empire for capturing the Rebel officers, allowing more information about Rebel activity in the sector. However, he would not follow through with what they would find. Instead, he was transferred to Admiral Zaarin's frigate Shamus to help him acquire new Hyperdrive technology.

Behind the scenes[]

The battle appears in the PC Game Star Wars: TIE Fighter, as the majority of the third Battle mission. This article assumes "Medium" difficulty. In "Hard" difficulty not only are there are more fighters to contend with, the player has to destroy another Assassin-class corvette group Runeer.



Notes and references[]
