Battle Group Serroco, also known as the Courageous battle group, was a unit within the Republic Navy that saw service during the Mandalorian Wars under the command of Admiral Saul Karath. Much of it was destroyed in the Battle of Serroco, and the remainder came under heavy Mandalorian attack in the retreat that was ordered shortly afterwards.
- Knights of the Old Republic 13 (First appearance)
- Knights of the Old Republic 14
- Knights of the Old Republic 15
- "The Admiral's List: Remember Serroco! Edition" — Knights of the Old Republic 16 (First identified as Courageous battle group)
- Knights of the Old Republic 17
- Knights of the Old Republic 18
- Knights of the Old Republic 19 (Mentioned only)
- Knights of the Old Republic 20 (Mentioned only)
- Knights of the Old Republic 21 (Mentioned only)
- "The Admiral's List: Karath Home Safely" — Knights of the Old Republic 22 (Mentioned only) (First identified as Battle Group Serroco)
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