Around 3660 BBY, during the Great Galactic War, a battle occurred on and in orbit of the planet Serenno. The conflict was initiated by the Sith Lord Darth Malgus, who hoped to capture or kill Jedi Master Ven Zallow, who had made his base in the villa of the noble House Palerma on Serenno's surface. Zallow had been staging strikes throughout the territory of the Sith Empire throughout the previous year, and so had become the object of Darth Malgus's hatred. Although the Imperial Armada succeeded in seizing Serenno from the Galactic Republic, Master Zallow fled the world, robbing Malgus of his prize. The Sith initiated an occupation of the world shortly after their arrival, but were not well met by the natives of House Teramo and House Comprassi. The two Houses hired mercenaries to remove the Sith from their world, but all of their hired hands were killed by Sith assassins under Malgus's command.
- Book of Sith: Secrets from the Dark Side (First mentioned)