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Bayrn was a Force-sensitive Tarlafar and the child of Ailish.[1] Around 18 BBY,[3] an infant Bayrn was kidnapped by bounty hunter Cad Bane and delivered to the Galactic Empire.[1] While imprisoned in the Tantiss vault, Bayrn was looked after by the other Force-sensitive prisoners, primarily by the Pantoran Sami.[4] When prisoners at Tantiss were liberated by the Bad Batch, Sami grabbed his sling, strapping him to her back. Doctor Emerie Karr then flew the children to safety on Pabu.[5]


Around 18 BBY,[3] Bayrn resided with his mother Ailish on the planet Caraad. One day, Bayrn was playing with a doll at a marketplace when he threw it amongst some vases. In trying to retrieve it, the infant threw one of the vases using the Force, causing it to break in front of an Aqualish at the market stall. The Aqualish questioned who threw the object, and was in disbelief when an Arcona and a human answered that Bayrn was responsible. Ailish swiftly apologized and left with Bayrn. The two witnesses mentioned rumors that the child was cursed or gifted, and promptly left after noting the kind of trouble their discussion might bring. Having overheard this conversation, the Aqualish later tipped off a class one bounty hunter to Bayrn's whereabouts.[1]

Back in their home, Bayrn and his mother played until she noticed footsteps outside their door. Ailish sat Bayrn down and grabbed a shovel, in preparation for an intruder. The door opened to reveal Cad Bane, who immediately stunned Ailish. Bane instructed his droid Todo 360 to test Bayrn's blood to confirm their target. With the test yielding the desired results, Bayrn was lifted into a hovering pram. Todo gave the young Tarlafar his doll to prevent him from crying, and the three of them left the premises. On the way out, Bayrn saw once last glimpse of his unconscious mother and whimpered.[1]

Powers and abilities[]

Bayrn possessed a high Midi-chlorian count and as such was Force-sensitive. Despite his age, Bayrn was capable of using the Force to throw objects that were otherwise too big for him to lift.[1]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Identity Crisis"
  2. 2.0 2.1 StarWars "Identity Crisis" Episode Guide | Star Wars: The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  3. 3.0 3.1 Per the reasoning here, Season 2 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch takes place around 18 BBY. The tally marks made by Omega in The Bad Batch Season 3's first episode, "Confined," indicate the episode must take place at least twenty-one standard days following her capture as depicted in the Season 2 episode "Plan 99." According to StarWars "Confined" Trivia Guide | Star Wars The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link), Omega spends about 164 further days in captivity by the end of "Confined." As such, the events of Season 3 must begin around 18 BBY.
  4. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Into the Breach"
  5. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Cavalry Has Arrived"