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"Your next task is to secure a landing zone for us at Birgis. Here's the reconnaissance data we've just received, in a format that you can use. We could simply destroy the surface from orbit, because the planet will be reshaped and reengineered to our requirements anyway, but we wish to take the inhabitants alive to work for us."
―Yuuzhan Vong executor Nom Anor informs Boba Fett of his species' plans for Birgis[3]

Birgis was a terrestrial world in the Dalonbian sector of the Outer Rim Territories. It lay in the path of the extragalactic Yuuzhan Vong species during their invasion of the galaxy.


Birgis was a terrestrial world[3] in the Birgis system of the Outer Rim Territories.[1] Located in the Dalonbian sector[2] of the Tingel Arm, it was situated between the Seline and Bimmiel systems on the Veragi Trade Route.[1] Its surface featured grass.[3]


In 25 ABY, Birgis was a member state of the New Republic. During a meeting between Mandalorian leader Boba Fett and Yuuzhan Vong executor Nom Anor, Anor charged Fett with laying the groundwork for an attack on Birgis. The extragalactic alien Anor outlined his species' plans for the galaxy, and specifically for Birgis; they would terraform the planet and take its population as slaves. Promised safety for the Mandalore sector if he complied, Fett planned to use the upcoming assault as cover for ferrying intelligence on the Yuuzhan Vong to the New Republic.[3]

One week after the opening battle of the Yuuzhan Vong War, Birgis was serving as a fallback point for displaced New Republic fleet elements that had escaped the Yuuzhan Vong advance and regrouped onsite. Fett and the Mandalorian Protectors landed on Birgis and went ahead of the Yuuzhan Vong landing force to run interference at a spaceport housing a New Republic contingent. Though Fett and his troops carried out the attack as ordered, they were able to recruit a pilot to get pertinent information and Yuuzhan Vong materials gathered by the Mandalorians to New Republic High Command. The Mandalorians were forced to withdraw as the Yuuzhan Vong landing force arrived, slaughtering the spaceport's defenders to a man.[3]

Birgis fell under the control of the Yuuzhan Vong empire, and remained a member state until the Yuuzhan Vong's defeat in 29 ABY.[1]


Birgis was home to several cities spread across the planet, at least five of which were situated on the northern hemisphere, and a spaceport that served both military and civilian vessels.[3]

Behind the scenes[]

Birgis first appeared in Karen Traviss' 2006 eBook Boba Fett: A Practical Man.[3] The 2009 reference book The Essential Atlas placed Birgis to the grid co-ordinates M-3.[1]



Notes and references[]

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