

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
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"Tell your uncle if he gets a translator, be sure it speaks Bocce."
―Beru Whitesun Lars[1]

Bocce was a language that saw some use on the suns-scorched planet of Tatooine. The adopted aunt of Luke Skywalker, Beru Whitesun Lars, once insisted on acquiring a translator droid that could speak that tongue. This prompted her husband Owen Lars to buy C-3PO, a protocol droid who affirmed that Bocce was "like a second language" to him.[1]

Words and phrases[]

  • Jettoz! — "Hello!"[2]
  • Keezx — "Yes"[3]
  • Nokeezx — "No"[3]
  • Zanki — "Thank you"[3]

Behind the scenes[]

In the 2015 junior novel Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy, a character angrily yells "wox ho uffdon comda,"[4] which (in the Legends continuity) was Bocce for "you go shut down now."[5]


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

In other languages