

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


"The explosive device did not explode."
Darth Vader's droid[1]
Smoke Grenade DICE

A smoke bomb was a type of bomb.

A bomb was an explosive device designed to explode under specified conditions.[2] The blazer bomb,[3] electro-proton bomb,[4] Electro-Proton Bomb/Defoliator,[5] gas bomb,[6] molecular purge bomb,[7] plasma bomb,[8] proximity bomb,[2] viral bomb,[9] VL-61/79 proton bomb and ion bomb[10] were types of bomb that saw use in the galaxy.[11] Bombers were starships designed to strike heavily armored targets and armed with projectile weapons such as proton torpedoes,[2] proton bombs,[12] and concussion missiles.[13] Kyber crystals were normally used to power lightsabers, but could also be used to power other weapons. During the Clone Wars, the Infiltrator demolition droids are both the demolition droids and have the explosion charges which means there are bombers of the Confederacy of Independent Systems set themselves to self-destruct to blow up the central power distribution grid on Coruscant goes the mandatory blackout, even to stop the vote for the bill to de-regulate banking conglomerates.[14] People had tried to make kyber bombs and kyber blasters, and there were a few weapons of that kind in the Jedi Archives.[15]

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