Around 25,200 BBY,[1] the planet Tatooine was bombarded by the Infinite Empire of the Rakata species, which was suffering a plague that was reducing their numbers and stripping them of their ability to use the Force. The Kumumgah, who lived on Tatooine and had fought the Rakata[2] ever since they had conquered Tatooine in 25,793 BBY,[3] used the plague as an opportunity to sabotage Rakatan ships, and the Rakata retaliated by bombarding Tatooine. The bombardment covered Tatooine in glass. Over the centuries, the glass developed into a planet-wide desert,[2] and the Kumumgah evolved into two species: the Jawas and the Tusken Raiders.[4] By the time Revan traveled to Tatooine during his quest for the Rakatan Star Maps, only basic information about this conflict managed to survive in the form of oral history told by the Tusken Raiders' Storyteller.[2]
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (First mentioned)
- The Essential Atlas (Indirect mention only)
- Star Wars: The Old Republic Encyclopedia