- "He said that together we would bring a stunning defeat down on the Rebel Alliance. A victory they would never recover from. […] That's why I endorsed his credentials. […] Don't you see? He was going to bring us victory. […]
"You endorsed—You knew he was a fraud?"
"Victory over the Rebellion. […] And then … it would be Admiral … Drusan … Admiral … Admiral …" - ―Captain Calo Drusan and Commander Gilad Pellaeon, with the former dying
Calo Drusan was a captain that served the navy of the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War against the Rebellion. In 0 ABY, he commanded the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera. Seeking a decisive victory against the Rebellion and a promotion to admiral, Drusan allowed the supposed Imperial Court member Lord Odo—in truth, the Storm-hair Warlord Nuso Esva—aboard the Chimaera so that Esva could help him defeat the Rebels and therefore, bring the captain his desired promotion. Drusan claimed to his senior officers, including third bridge officer Commander Gilad Pellaeon, that "Odo" had been sent to the Chimaera by Emperor Palpatine and discouraged his crew's efforts to identify the Imperial lord in an attempt to conceal the warlord's true identity.
Drusan, along with Odo, commanded the Star Destroyer during a battle in the Unknown Regions that resulted in the retreat of one of Esva's attack squadrons and the arrival of the Chimaera and Imperial Task Force Admonitor in the Outer Rim Territories' Poln system. There, Esva made his move, sabotaging Drusan's warship and incapacitating the captain, who in his final moments revealed his treachery to Pellaeon.
A profitable alliance[]
A male captain of the Galactic Empire, Calo drusan commanded the Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera during the Galactic Civil War against the Rebellion.[2] In 0 ABY,[1] Drusan allied himself with the[2] Storm-hair[3] Warlord Nuso Esva, who promised to help the captain get promoted to admiral by assisting him in a decisive battle against the Rebels, which would prompt the Empire to promote Drusan for his hoped-for rank. While acting as if Emperor Palpatine had verified Esva—who posed as a fictitious Lord Odo of the Imperial court—the captain had done so himself.[2]
Enter Nuso Esva[]
- "We're charging the turbolaser batteries now."
"Excellent. […] In the meantime, may I request you shunt all other available power to the tractor beams and pull—"
"Not a good idea, my lord. […] At this range, a full-power tractor beam could severely damage your hull."
"That you shunt all power to the tractor beams, […] and pull the two endmost attackers toward you."
"Oh. Yes. Yes, I understand. Ensign Caln, tractors on the two endmost raiders—lock up, and reel in." - ―Captain Calo Drusan and Warlord Nuso Esva, posing as Lord Odo

The Imperial II-class Star Destroyer Chimaera, which Captain Calo Drusan commanded.
While the Chimaera's captain criticized the capabilities of Imperial High Command because of their assignment of the Star Destroyer to passenger duty, Esva's Kazellis-class light freighter, the Salaban's Hope, jumped out of hyperspace. Commander Gilad Pellaeon, Third bridge officer, noted that the light freighter's speed was significant and advised Drusan to sound a combat alarm. After six starships affiliated with Esva's realm appeared, the captain did as advised and charged the Chimaera's turbolasers. Through comm, Esva ordered his ally to divert all power to the tractor beams and pull the last two attacks toward the Chimaera, allowing the Salaban's Hope to destroy them while the Star Destroyer took care of the others.[2]
The Salaban's Hope then docked with Drusan's ship, and the captain ordered Pellaeon to greet their guests, as he was busy. After Esva and his pilot, Sorro, had received their quarters and been welcomed by Pellaeon, Drusan announced to all senior bridge officers—including his first, Senior Commander Grondarle—that the warlord was in absolute command of the Chimaera as part of a special assignment. Esva then ordered the Chimaera to the Wroona system, where, on the planet Wroona, he was to obtain some special equipment. After the material was obtained, Drusan delayed their departure from Wroona because he wished to make sure Esva's errand had been completed. It was, and the warlord commanded him to speak to the helm immediately, advising Drusan to follow his every command. Shortly after, Pellaeon assisted Esva in his move to his new quarters closer to the Chimaera's bridge, where Drusan was waiting for the pair. Upon their arrival, the captain dismissed the commander.[2]
After determining that Esva could be a member of the Arkanian species because he quoted an Arkanian legend, the Song of Salaban, Pellaeon shared his findings with his captain. Drusan was impressed by the other's findings, and confirmed the commander's suspicions: Esva was an Arkanian and the order to carry him around had come from the Outer Rim, specifically from the Imperial Star Destroyer Predominant. The captain claimed the order had come from Palpatine himself and shared that the warlord had been ordered aboard the Chimaera to look into a possible alliance between the Rebellion and Esva himself. Ordering Pellaeon not to tell any of what he had said to the commander, Drusan once again dismissed him. Shortly after, the Chimaera briefly visited the Poln system before heading into the Unknown Regions. Drusan then told Pellaeon of what they would be doing in the Unknown Regions: hunting down one of Esva's attack squadrons alongside Imperial Task Force Admonitor.[2]
Teptixii and the murder of Calo Drusan[]
- "Sir, Captain Drusan's been killed, and I think Lord Odo is the one who murdered him."
"His name isn't Odo, Commander. […] The man in the mask is Warlord Nuso Esva." - ―Commander Gilad Pellaeon and Senior Captain Thrawn

Commander Gilad Pellaeon (pictured; right) confronted Drusan in his dying moments.
Arriving at Teptixii, Drusan considered Task Force Admonitor's formation foolish, and set upon to correct it. Believing the Admonitor's Captain Voss Parck to be risking his task force's two Strike-class medium cruisers and four Carrack-class light cruisers, the Chimaera's commander advised the other captain to pull back his cruisers; however, Esva disagreed, telling Drusan that putting the cruisers in front of the Admonitor shielded the Star Destroyer from the firepower of Esva's main ships, the Firekiln warships, whose firepower was significant. The warlord also explained that by shielding the Admonitor with the other ships, Parck was able to lower his flagship's shields for a long enough period of time so that he could destroy one of the Storm-hair's other vessels. Drusan then ordered his crew to set the Chimaera to flank Esva's attack squadron, and Esva remarked that that would not be what the Star Destroyer would be doing. Instead, under the warlord's directive, it angled thirty degrees portside to divide the Firekilns' screening ships, prompting them to flee to hyperspace. Esva, seeking to bring Parck's superior, Senior Captain Thrawn, to the Poln system, ordered the captain to travel to the Poln system. As Parck refused, Drusan threatened to invoke Directive One-Oh-Three before a transmission reached both the Chimaera and the Admonitor. The message instructed both warships to travel to Poln to respond to an insurrection, with Drusan sending his ship there.[2]
Once they arrived, Drusan informed Pellaeon that a DeepWater-class light freighter, the Lost Reef, had been following the Chimaera since they departed from Poln before the Teptixii engagement. The captain stated that Esva believed it was one of his agents or the warlord himself, and ordered Pellaeon to find the Storm-hair, as he was expected to have joined the captain by that time. However, the commander had no chance to tell his captain, as Esva sabotaged the Chimaera and incapacitated Drusan himself. While the captain died, Pellaeon confronted him and learnt why Drusan had verified the warlord. Drusan's hoped-for victory over the Rebellion did not arrive, with Esva's Eastern Fleet being shattered shortly after the captain's death by Imperial and Rebel forces.[2] Eventually, Admiral Horst Strage became the Chimaera's captain.[4]
Personality and traits[]
- "The safety of this ship, the fleet, and the Empire is the business of all Imperial officers. […] So are persistence and initiative. Well done, Commander. The fleet needs more officers like you."
- ―Captain Calo Drusan praises Commander Gilad Pellaeon
Captain Calo Drusan was an impatient male who was willing to lie to his officers and crew to obtain a promotion.[2]
Behind the scenes[]
Calo Drusan appeared in Timothy Zahn's 2011 novel Choices of One.[2]
- Choices of One (First appearance)
Notes and references[]
- ↑ 1.0 1.1 The events of Choices of One, which include Calo Drusan's death aboard the Chimaera in the Poln system, are dated to 0 ABY by The Essential Reader's Companion.
- ↑ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 2.16 2.17 Choices of One
- ↑ "Crisis of Faith" — Heir to the Empire: The 20th Anniversary Edition
- ↑ The Essential Guide to Warfare