Jedi who served in the Jedi Order from the Ruusan Reformation to the Great Jedi Purge.
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All items (216)
- Unidentified Aqualish Jedi
- Unidentified Bandomeer commander
- Unidentified Bith Jedi (Yinchorri Uprising)
- Unidentified Bith Jedi Scholar
- Unidentified blue-skinned Jedi Initiate
- Unidentified Cerean Jedi (unidentified desert planet)
- Unidentified Dark Jedi Padawan
- Unidentified Givin Jedi
- Unidentified Human female Jedi (Jar'kai)
- Unidentified Human female Jedi (space battle)
- Unidentified Human Jedi (Beyghor Sahdett)
- Unidentified Human male Jedi (Jabiim)
- Unidentified Human male Jedi (Kamino)
- Unidentified Human male youngling
- Unidentified Human Padawan
- Unidentified insectoid youngling
- Unidentified Jedi (Kardem's victim)
- Unidentified Jedi (Myles' killer)
- Unidentified Jedi (Yinchorri Uprising)
- Unidentified Jedi hermit
- Unidentified Mon Calamari Jedi
- Unidentified Nikto Jedi/Legends
- Unidentified Rodian Jedi (Kamino)
- Unidentified Rodian Jedi (Yinchorri Uprising)
- Unidentified Shistavanen Jedi
- Unidentified Sullustan Jedi
- Unidentified Togorian youngling
- Unidentified Togruta Padawan
- Unidentified Twi'lek female Jedi (Battle of Shumari)
- Unidentified Twi'lek Force-sensitive
- Unidentified Twi'lek Jedi General
- Unidentified Weequay Jedi
- Unidentified wounded Bith Jedi