This category is for starships of the Galactic Empire.
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All items (1339)
- AA-23
- Abolisher (EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate)
- Abrogator
- Accresker Jail
- Acheron
- Adamant (Victory-class)
- Adjudicator
- Admonitor
- Aggressor (Acclamator-class)
- Aggressor (Executor-class)
- Aggressor (Imperial I-class)
- Agility
- Agincourt
- Ahr's Venator-class Star Destroyer
- Akaga
- Allecto
- Almirante
- Annihilator (Executor-class)/Legends
- Anterab
- Anya Karu
- Aquilifer
- Aramadia (Super Star Destroyer)
- Aratech (Star Galleon-class)
- Arbitrator
- Arc Hammer
- Archer (Assassin-class)
- Archon (Nebulon-B2 frigate)
- Arreis
- Arrestor (Acclamator-class)
- Arrowhead (Freemakers)
- Aspirant
- Assailer
- Assailer/Legends
- Attentive
- Avarice
- Avenger
- Avenger/Legends
- Azgoghk
- Badlands (CR90 corvette)
- Basilisk (Star Destroyer)
- Battler
- Bel'reen
- Bellicose (Imperial-class)
- Bixby
- Black Ice
- Black Ice/Legends
- Blackguard (Star Destroyer)
- Blood Ambition
- Blood Ambition/Legends
- Blood Crow
- Blue Hawk
- Blue Ruin
- Boarding craft 356
- Bombard
- Brazen
- Brunson's Arquitens-class command cruiser
- Caledonia
- Cargo freighter EF-75
- Carrion Spike
- Cascade
- Cataclysm
- Cavalry
- Celerity
- Centicore
- Centurion (Broadside-class)
- Cerberus
- Cerebus (bulk cruiser)
- Certainty
- Chimaera
- Chimaera/Legends
- Claw (Immobilizer 418 cruiser)
- Colossus (Star Destroyer)
- Commandeered transport
- Condemnation
- Conqueror (Imperial-class)
- Conqueror (superlaser)
- Conquest (Imperial-class)