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"I am an Imperial officer. I do not tolerate disrespect, my love."
―Cerasus Ehllo, to Aryssha[1]

Cerasus Ehllo was a human male Imperial officer of the Ehllo family. His father personally knew Galactic Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Cerasus rose to the rank of captain in the Galactic Empire.[1]

At some point between 3 ABY and 4 ABY,[3] he married Aryssha of the Starros Clan, and she eventually became pregnant with twins. Aryssha traveled to the Starros family ancestral home on Hosnian Prime to give birth and informed Ehllo she would meet him in a fortnights time. Ehllo grew impatient of waiting for Aryssha to return, claiming he missed her, and had a birthing suite created for her on his ship. He then stormed the clan's home with[1] a squad[4] of stormtroopers to retrieve Aryssha and took her back to his ship.[1]

Once on-board, he escorted her to their suite and left her there as he attended to his own matters. She snuck out and connected a datapad to the ship's computer. When she was found by a pair of stormtroopers, Ehllo returned and took her to get some food. He served her Nosna fish that he got on Naboo since he knew it was her favorite. Ehllo was asked by Aryssha about their destination, but he refused to divulge the information. She asked him if they could visit Neral's moon so she could get some shoshak. They were interrupted by Gabe Bean who told Ehllo that they had made a breakthrough in their research. He left the room after promising his wife he would consider the trip to Neral's moon.[5]

Ehllo traveled to the Corellian sector and brought his wife to the bridge of his ship. He apologized for forcing her to leave her family, confessing that he was worried he might lose her. They returned to their quarters but Aryssha left to use the refresher. She followed a pair of crewmembers thinking they might lead her to Avon's journals. Ehllo and Phel Starros caught her and threaten to punish her.[6]

The Imperial officer was on his ship above Hynestia while Phel, with the assistance of Marl Jibs, captured Thea Starros and Mevera Starros.[7] After Lanitra and several of her allies snuck onto the King's Ransom and disabled most of the crew with gas, Ehllo and a fire team of stormtroopers confronted them. He was captured by Deva Lompop when Sana broadcast Chadra-Fan opera into the helmets of the stormtroopers at loud volume, disabling them. She forced him to lead her to the data cube that contained Avon's journals. He was then forced into an escape pod and jettisoned into space with Phel. Ehllo vowed to get his family back.[2]

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Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 Sana Starros 1
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Sana Starros 5
  3. The events of Star Wars: Sana Starros take place between those of issue 31 and issue 38 of the 2020 Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series. Issue 31 is also set after Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters crossover event, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 3 ABY, while issue 38 is a part of the Star Wars: Dark Droids crossover event, which is followed by the events of issue 43 of the 2020 Star Wars series. Furthermore, the flashbacks of issue 50 of the Star Wars series—which follow the events of issue 43—take place approximately twenty-two years after Sheev Palpatine's ascension to the title of Galactic Emperor. Since Timelines dates that event to 19 BBY, the flashbacks must occur around 3 ABY and the events of Sana Starros must therefore also take place around the latter year.
  4. SWInsider "Launchpad" — Star Wars Insider 216
  5. Sana Starros 2
  6. Sana Starros 3
  7. Sana Starros 4
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