The Challenge of the Body was one of the three challenges that an Alderaanian heir had to undertake to prove their worthiness to be formally declared heir to the Alderaanian throne, along with the challenges of the Mind and Heart which were announced at the heir's Day of Demand. Traditionally, the heir climbed Appenza Peak, a famous mountain visible from the capital Aldera, solo, although they could choose to bring along one companion.[1]
When she was heir to the Alderaanian throne, Breha Organa was severely injured in a fall while completing her Challenge of the Body. She would have died if not for the royal guards supervising from a distance. This led to the replacement of her heart and lungs with cybernetic pulmonodes. Breha's daughter Leia Organa, for her Challenge of the Body, asked her mother to accompany her on her climb.[1]
Years later while on the planet Madurs during her honeymoon, Leia remembered her mother's fall as Leia recognised that the more she was celebrated the more people would seek her flaws, exploit them and use them to topple her image.[2]
- Leia, Princess of Alderaan (and audiobook) (First appearance)
- Leia Organa: Ordeal of the Princess (Mentioned only)
- The Princess and the Scoundrel (and audiobook) (Mentioned only)