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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"Careful with that thing. It's been through hell."
―The Second Sister speaks to Cal Kestis, overwhelmed by the Sister's past[1]

Chaos,[2] also known as the Void,[3] was a mythological place associated with disorder.[2] When referred to as Hell, it hinted at an unpleasant afterlife—deck officer Tigran Jamiro once told Han Solo he would probably freeze to death on the icy plains of Hoth, before rescuing Luke Skywalker, to which Solo replied "Then we'll see you in Hell!"[4] The term could also be used as an expletive, such as when clone trooper CT-782 "Hevy" asked "What the hell was that?" after a Rishi eel killed CT-4040 "Cutup" on the Rishi Moon, and when "Hevy" claimed a droid commando kill and CT-1409 "Echo" responded "Like hell you did."[5] Owen Lars once said that Luke better have the units in the south range repaired by midday, "or there'll be hell to pay."[6] After escaping from her binds and fleeing onto Polan GX-8's escape ship, Mae-ho Aniseya remarks to Jedi Master Sol, "See you in hell, Jedi."[7]

According to a legend of the Naboo people, Chaos was a pit held back by six impenetrable gates. In a direct reference to that legend, the virtually fathomless core of Theed's power generator was kept behind six laser gates.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

The word "Chaos" originates in the Legends novel Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker, where Darth Vader growls angrily at Captain Antilles, "Chaos take your mission!"[8] The term "hell" was first used in the film Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope.[6]

In Greek mythology, Chaos refers to Tartarus, the Greek version of Hell; and the primeval emptiness of the universe before things came into being.[9] It also refers to the primordial goddess of the same name (Kaos/Χαος in Greek, sometimes spelled Kháos, with Chaos being the common English spelling).


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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
