Located in the Orus sector, the Chazwa system contained the planet Chazwa. Its sun was a white dwarf type star.
The system was located along a popular freighter traffic route. As such, heavy freight traffic within the system was not an uncommon sight. However, the abundance of valuable merchandise moving through the system lent itself to a strong influence by smugglers.
During the Thrawn campaign, the Kern's Pride was pursued by a pair of Lancer-class frigates in the system, but he managed to escape with the assistance of Talon Karrde and the Wild Karrde.[2]
- Star Wars: Rebellion (Mentioned only)
- The Last Command (and unabridged audiobook) (First appearance, in book)
- The Last Command Sourcebook
- The Thrawn Trilogy Sourcebook
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia (See Chazwa)
- The Essential Atlas
Star Wars: The Essential Atlas Online Companion on StarWars.com (article) (backup link)