



For other uses, see Bad Batch.
Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"When have we ever followed orders?"
―Tech, on the Bad Batch's independence before his sacrifice on Eriadu[22]

Clone Force 99 (CF 99) nicknamed the Bad Batch and designated as Experimental Unit Clone Force 99 or alternatively known as Force 99, was an elite clone commando special forces squad that operated under the Special Operations Brigade in the Republic during the Clone Wars. The squad had five modified troopers that were also designed with genetic mutations. The squad was led by Clone Sergeant Hunter, a clone with enhanced sensory abilities; Wrecker, a clone with an enhanced muscular form; Tech, a clone with enhanced mental capacity and intelligence; Crosshair, a clone with keen eyesight and marksmanship that allowed him to excel in long-distance firefights; and Clone Corporal Echo, a clone with cybernetic implants and a scomp arm that gives him the ability to extract information with ease via computer systems.

Mutations of the CT-99s caused their inhibitor chips to be less effective, due to extensive experimentation and the cloning process, which meant that Clone Force 99 was able to disobey Order 66, at least at first, while they were fighting in the Battle of Kaller, and Hunter helped Jedi Padawan Caleb Dume escape the other clones by lying about his death. However, unlike the rest of the team, Crosshair was affected by his chip, attempting to kill Dume during the incident. In the aftermath, as the Galactic Republic became the Galactic Empire, the Bad Batch's loyalty was questioned by Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin. He sent them on a mission to eliminate a group of insurgents, but as the squad found out, that was not what was happening. After the squad disobeyed orders to kill civilians and former Republic fighters during a mission to Onderon, all of the squad's members except Crosshair deserted from the Empire, taking with them Omega, a young experimental female clone they met on Kamino. Now fugitives from the Empire, they eventually came to work as mercenaries for the information broker Ciddarin Scaleback in the early Imperial Era.


Origin and overview[]

"Experimental unit Clone Force 99, they're defective clones with, uh… desirable mutations."
Clone Commander Cody describes the Bad Batch — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[1]

Clone Force 99, or the Bad Batch, was an elite squad and family unit of irregular clone troopers.

Designated as CT-99s,[17] Clone Force 99 was named in remembrance of 99, a malformed maintenance duty clone who died while aiding the defense of Kamino from the Separatist invasion during the Clone Wars.[30] The unit originated as a batch of clones who were created with "desirable" genetic mutations that made them superior soldiers,[31] as a result of genetic manipulation.[32] These mutations also had the unique effect of altering their appearance and voice greatly compared to regular clone troopers. Each one of the members acquired certain abilities unique to the team.[31] The squad initially consisted of four clone commandos.[1]

While a part of the Grand Army of the Republic, they earned quite a reputation. They were known to have a one hundred percent success rate. The squad worked with Marshal Commander Cody on certain occasions,[1] but did not report to anyone in particular.[8] The group, somewhat disdainfully, referred to normal troopers as "regs." According to Wrecker, whatever ship they were using was always shot down and destroyed when they worked alongside regular clones.[1]


Lama Su: "They could be an asset to your new Empire."
Wilhuff Tarkin: "Yet reports indicate they exhibit a concerning level of disobedience and disregard for orders."
Nala Se: "A side effect of their mutation."
Lama Su: "Yet one that has never hindered the completion of their missions."
―Lama Su, Wilhuff Tarkin, and Nala Se discuss Clone Force 99[4]

The Clone Force 99's modified armor was originally "Dark Commando Armor".

The Bad Batch's armor was originally dark on their very first mission, and they would later customize their commando armor.[33] Each member of the squad had a skull icon on their modified Katarn-class Commando Armor, which could be seen as their unofficial logo and helped set the five apart from other clone units.[31] They also had the number "99" written in Aurebesh on various places on their armor.


The Marauder served as both the transport and home of Clone Force 99.

Clone Force 99 modified an Omicron-class attack shuttle named the Marauder and used it as their own vessel.[34] A GNK-series power droid named Gonky served aboard the ship.[35] They primarily used DC-17 hand blasters, DC-15A blaster carbines, and DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon Systems. Crosshair, meanwhile, preferred the 773 Firepuncher sniper rifle as his main weapon.[1] Omega, the newest member of the team, used her Zygerrian energy bow, which she acquired on a mission to Ord Mantell.[2]


The Clone Wars[]

Insurrection on Yalbec Prime[]

"Sorry we're late, Commander. We were putting down an insurrection on Yalbec Prime when your comm came in. Had a few unforeseen… complications."
―Hunter to Cody[1]
Clone Force 99 Bad Batch

The original four members of Clone Force 99

At some point during the Clone Wars, Clone Force 99 performed an operation on Kuat, which Wrecker described as a "smash and grab."[2] Around 19 BBY,[36] Clone Force 99 was sent to Yalbec Prime in order to put down an insurrection. Partway through the mission, they received communications from Cody summoning them to the planet Anaxes for their next assignment. Before they could leave the world, however, complications arose when Wrecker cut off the stinger of a Yalbec queen with a vibro-knife, causing a number of Yalbec males to try to mate with them. The Bad Batch eventually got off Yalbec Prime and traveled to Anaxes.[1]

Infiltrating the Anaxes Cyber Center[]

"All right, what are your orders? We pick them off from the treeline one by one?"
"Actually, I was thinking we'd take a page from your book. Rush them head on."
"I like your style."
Hunter and Rex during the Battle of Anaxes — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[1]
Clone Force 99 S7

Clone Force 99 on Anaxes

Following Yalbec Prime, the Bad Batch arrived on Anaxes and joined Cody, Clone Captain Rex, Advanced Recon Commando Jesse, and Kix on an infiltration mission to a Separatist Cyber Center. During their flight on a LAAT/i gunship, they were shot down by a pair of DSD1 dwarf spider droids. Their ship crashed in a canyon, where Cody was wounded. Wrecker showed his immense strength by lifting the wreckage of the gunship and retrieving Cody. As a large detachment of droids approached, Hunter told his troops to execute Plan 82. Wrecker hefted the door to the wrecked gunship to use as a shield while the others took cover behind him. They charged the droids, with Tech calculating angles for Hunter to throw EMP grenades at the enemy, which Crosshair shot to activate. As they closed the gap between them and the forces, Wrecker heaved the piece of wreckage, and the group entered hand-to-hand combat. Once the remaining droids had been defeated, they made camp, and Rex called in an evac for Cody, and Kix was to remain with him to tend to his injuries until they got there.[1] Rex attempted to give an order to move out, which Crosshair disputed, saying that Cody was too injured. Rex explained that he had called evac and asserted himself to be in charge, as well as having a plan. Crosshair questioned Rex's planning skills, and after a short fight between Jesse, Kix, Wrecker, and Crosshair, as well as Hunter's convincing, the clones calmed down.

Continuing on to an outpost near the Cyber Center, Hunter agreed to defer to Rex to create a plan, but Rex decided to take after their tactics of a direct assault, which pleased Hunter. However, by this time, Admiral Trench had caught on to them, sending a platoon of droids with a Multi-Troop Transport to surround them. The clones quickly executed their plan, with Jesse, Rex, and Crosshair causing a distraction at the front as Hunter, Wrecker, and Tech entered through the backdoor. Tech tried to hack through the door, but the impatient Wrecker used brute force to smash through it. The clones took out all the droids inside, with Crosshair shooting the droid commander as he communicated with Trench, and Tech plugged into the computers. As Trench's reinforcements arrived, Hunter, Wrecker, and Jesse held them off as Tech worked under Rex's supervision. The two clones discovered that a live signal was being sent from Skako Minor, which carried the CT number of clone trooper Echo, leading Rex to believe that his friend was still alive.[1]

Mission to Skako Minor[]

Encounter with the Poletecs[]
"Hope nobody's scared of heights."
"Well, I'm not scared of nothing. It's just...when I'm up real high, I've got a problem with gravity."
―Anakin Skywalker and Wrecker on Skako Minor — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[8]

With the aid of Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker and Rex, the Bad Batch were deployed to Skako Minor, a planet controlled by the Techno Union. Their mission was to locate Echo and, if they could, rescue him. They traveled to the planet but had trouble landing since a storm had built up in its atmosphere.[8]

After landing, they were attacked by three Poletecs, one of whom was the leader of a nearby village, riding large reptiles called keeradaks. Skywalker was kidnapped by the aforementioned leader. Crosshair shot a tow cable that attached itself to the keeradak holding Skywalker, and Hunter grabbed one end of the cable and was pulled with the keeradak. After being shaken off by the Poletecs, Hunter tracked Skywalker to the Poletec village and called in the other members. After the rest of the team had arrived, they initiated a rescue attempt while attempting not to harm the natives. Wrecker pushed a large boulder down a hill into the valley to use as cover, while Crosshair shot an electric dart at the leg of the keeradak still holding Skywalker captive, freeing the Jedi. They took the leader of the tribe hostage, and, with Tech translating, the Poletecs explained that they did not want to be dragged into the Clone Wars and agreed to send scouts to lead them to Purkoll, the Techno Union's base on the planet, under the condition that the clones and Jedi leave their planet directly afterwards and never come back.[8]

Entering Purkoll[]

Clone Force 99, alongside Anakin Skywalker and Captain Rex, enter Purkoll

They traveled there with the scouts provided by the Poletecs and saw that Purkoll was rising high above the clouds on tall, thin pillars. At that point, it was revealed that Wrecker was not fond of heights. Tech lost Echo's signal, leading the team to question whether this whole operation could be a trap. After a short fight, the team began infiltrating the base. They tried and failed to be stealthy, so the team ended up resorting to blasting their way through many D1-series aerial battle droids. They then split up and began searching every nearby door. After being contacted by Wat Tambor, the foreman of the Techno Union, through the base's communication system, Tech opened the door to the room storing Echo, allowing Rex and himself to pass through while the others held off several waves of droids attempting to stop them. After opening the stasis chamber storing Echo, Tech began working out how to unplug him from the system.[8]

Escaping Purkoll[]
"What are you doing?"
"I'm putting an end to Tambor's little science experiment!"
―Anakin Skywalker and Wrecker prior to blowing up the stasis pod — 20?cb=20250116042720 ▶️ (file info)[37]

The Bad Batch escapes Purkoll on keeradaks

When Echo was released, he was very disoriented and knew neither where he was nor how he got there. Talking to Rex, he admitted that the most recent thing he could remember was the Citadel. Tech kept working on removing Echo, while outside the room, more and more droids were arriving. Hunter, Anakin, Crosshair, and Wrecker retreated inside and sealed the room's two doors shut as the droids surrounded the only entrance. Wat Tambor arrived and prepared the Decimator, a prototype droid that only targeted organic beings, which began to cut through the doors as Tech released Echo from the wires connecting to his stasis chamber. Echo told the group about a hatch in the ceiling, which led to the computer cooling system. He opened the door with his cybernetic arm. To escape, Wrecker used his considerable strength to toss his fellow troopers up towards the hatch. Wrecker sent the rest of the team except Anakin, who Force jumped up. Wrecker then tossed thermal detonators on the stasis chamber to end Tambor's "little science experiment." At this point, the Decimator had breached the doors, and its energy tentacles fanned out. Anakin lifted Wrecker with the Force just moments before the Decimator's energy tentacles found him. Wrecker's bombs then went off, destroying the Decimator and knocking Tambor to the ground.[37]

The group made its way through the cooling systems, where Echo revealed he had extensive knowledge of the Techno Union. He told the group that he knew of an escape route, but it wasn't a particularly pleasant one. Once they arrived at the location Echo knew of, Anakin agreed to plan to walk across a very thin pipe between buildings that led to a landing platform, where they planned to steal a ship. While walking on the pipe, Wrecker started to panic due to his fear of heights, but Hunter kept him calm. However, as the squad neared the end of the pipe, a force of D1-series aerial battle droids arrived on each side of the pipe. Tech used a recording he had of a keeradak call from when they attacked the group earlier, using it to call keeradaks to their position, which they rode to safety. The droids took off to pursue the clones at the nearby village. The chief was displeased that they had returned and brought the war to the village. The remaining droid pursuers attacked, and while several of them were shot down, one of them escaped and returned to Purkoll, and reported the clones' whereabouts to Tambor. The foreman sent more D-wing droids as well as two octuptarra tri-droids to attack the village and recapture his "experiment."[37]

Defending the village[]

Hunter, Wrecker, and Rex help fend off an octuptarra tri-droid

The natives were angered that they had broken their word, and Rex, agreeing that they were right, persuaded them to fight by showing them what the Techno Union had done to Echo. The Poletec warriors and the team took positions around the village. Skywalker, Crosshair, and Echo took up positions on top of a large spire of rock that projected over the village.[37]

When the first wave of D-wing droids landed at the village, they found it empty. Skywalker signaled for the attack to start, and Wrecker began the defense by sending a boulder rolling down into the village, flattening multiple droids. The Poletec warriors charged into the village, attacking the droids. While many droids were destroyed, dozens of Poletecs fell. As the battle continued, Hunter borrowed Wrecker's combat knife to use alongside his own, and Tech deployed electromagnetic pulses against the droids.[37]

The favor of the battle leaned towards the Techno Union once the octuptarra tri-droids arrived. Realizing the danger the three-legged droids posed, Skywalker ordered Rex, Hunter, and Wrecker to take one of them while he took the other. The clones shot at it from below to distract it. Skywalker quickly disarmed his target by cutting off its three turrets, rendering it useless. Wrecker grabbed Rex and Hunter and threw them onto the other octuptarra tri-droid, much to the Captain's irritation. Rex shot out one of the droid's visual sensors, Hunter took out another with his knife, and Crosshair shot out the third from his sniper position. Skywalker cut off one of the legs of the other droid, leapt off, and Force-pushed it into the blinded droid, causing both octuptarras to fall over. Realizing they had lost, the remaining D-wing droids retreated.[37]

As the group prepared to leave, the chief told them that the Jedi would always have an ally on Skako Minor. Rex reassured Echo that things would be just like old times, but Echo remained uncertain about the future.[37]

Republic victory on Anaxes[]

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"You've got some medals coming your way"
―Obi-Wan Kenobi to Clone Force 99, Rex, and Echo[38]
Clone Force 99 plus Echo

Echo joins Clone Force 99

Returning to Anaxes, the Republic launched a massive attack, planned by Echo, that included the Bad Batch, Skywalker, Rex, and Echo infiltrating the Separatist flagship, the Invulnerable, commanded by Admiral Trench. Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu, and the 212th Attack Battalion held off the main droid attack. By using his scomp arm to intercept and send Trench messages about the strategies they should use under the guise of them coming from Skako Minor, Echo was able to order Trench's army around. He redirected most of the army to Kenobi and Windu's location. The two Jedi had almost been overwhelmed by the massive number of droids that Echo ordered to their location, then Echo sent a pulse that deactivated all of the droids in the room. About to unplug, Echo scanned an order from Trench to activate a countdown for a bomb hidden in the droid assembly complex where Windu and Kenobi were.[38]

Tech alerted Windu to the situation, and Echo decrypted the sequence to shut down the bomb. Before he could decrypt the final number, however, Trench discovered Echo's location, and ordered a pulse to be sent from the machine Echo was plugged into, which overloaded his brain, knocking him unconscious. Skywalker, mentioning that Trench must have the sequence, attacked the bridge and, after getting the final digit, killed Trench. As they left the ship, Skywalker allowed Wrecker to use the detonator to blow the ship, which greatly pleased Wrecker. Following the Republic victory, medals were prepared for the Batch, as well as Rex and Echo. However, these were forfeit by the commandos, with Tech telling Echo that accolades were 'not really our thing'. Hunter asked Echo if he ever felt out of place among the "regs," then extended an invitation to him, if ever he wished to join the Bad Batch. Echo told Rex that he was considering joining the squad. Rex, while seemingly saddened at the proposition, told Echo that if he felt that it was his place, that he would support him. When[38] the former ARC trooper[39] elected to join the squad, the group saluted Rex before he turned and made his way back to the command center.[38]

Conquest of Kaller and Order 66[]

"What...What just happened?"
"The comm channel is repeating one directive: 'Execute Order 66.' "
"Yeah, I heard that too. What's Order 66?"
"I...am not certain."
―Echo, Tech, and Wrecker on Kaller[4]

Clone Force 99 on Kaller

As Republic forces needed reinforcements at Kaller and most available forces were sent to the capital due to the Battle of Coruscant, Clone Force 99 was sent to provide support. There, they met Jedi Padawan Commander Caleb Dume, who saw them as reinforcements. Together, they assisted Dume's master, Jedi General Depa Billaba, and their battalion in finishing off the battle droids and their AATs. Just as the Bad Batch advanced, Darth Sidious issued Order 66, resulting in all the clone troopers turning against their Jedi General and her Padawan. Depa Billaba was gunned down and Dume ran away from the massacre. The Bad Batch had also received the directive; however, they did not know what Order 66 was and none of them attempted to kill the surviving Padawan, with the exception of Crosshair, who tried to shoot Dume, despite Hunter trying to stop him. Dume eventually knocked Crosshair out, but Hunter still chased after him.[4]

After talking to a Clone Captain, Tech found out that Order 66 meant the clones were to kill all Jedi for treason against the Republic. As Hunter chased Dume to the edge of a cliff, he tried to convince the frightened Padawan that he was on his side, but a scared Dume jumped across the cliff and escaped. Crosshair regained consciousness and caught up to Hunter, demanding to know the status of Dume; Hunter lied, saying that the Padawan was dead, which Crosshair didn't believe.[4]

Age of the Empire[]

Abandoning the Empire[]

"What's the plan, Hunter?"
"I thought we could go off on our own. Lay low. But with Crosshair gunning for us, I'm not so sure."
―Tech and Hunter[4]

Omega joins Clone Force 99 for a meal.

After taking part in the Conquest of Kaller, the Bad Batch were flying towards Kamino with the Marauder, in which during the flight Crosshair questioned Hunter's certainty about the Padawan's death, citing that usually, one would look down when another falls, rather than across. Hunter lied again, saying that some people did not like to watch others die, which did nothing to convince Crosshair. When the squad arrived on Kamino, Wrecker wondered aloud what they had missed, as the city was crawling with activity. A shock trooper quartermaster greeted them and told them that the Clone Wars had ended. Later, the squad headed towards their barracks, where they discussed why they were immune to Order 66, witnessing the "regs" comply with the new status quo. Later, they watched a hologram of Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine's proclamation of the Galactic Empire and met a child named Omega, who knew each of them by name. While they were on Kamino, Admiral Wilhuff Tarkin put the squad through a trial, but judged them to be too independent. After being ordered to hunt down a "Separatist remnant" that turned out to be Saw Gerrera's Partisans and innocent refugees, and upon return to Kamino and their imprisonment, the Bad Batch decided to desert the Empire, with Hunter offering Omega a place among them. She agreed, and the squad fled from Kamino. Crosshair, who was already skeptical of the unit's general disregard for orders from the Empire and sympathy towards Imperial enemies, had his inhibitor chip, the only one seen working, to be amplified on Tarkin's orders. This resulted in his betrayal of Clone Force 99, with him choosing to stand with the Empire and against his traitorous former comrades. He was left behind on Kamino, resulting in the remaining squad's dismay.[4]

Trip to Saleucami[]

"What do we have here? More clones who have lost their way."
"It's been a while, fellas."
―Suu and Cut Lawquane greet the Bad Batch[9]

Clone Force 99 greeted by the Lawquanes' defenses

After escaping Kamino,[4] the group sought out an old acquaintance, Cut Lawquane. As the Imperial Military began to lock down Saleucami, Lawquane planned to move his family off of the planet before he was discovered as a deserter. Introducing Cut to their new companions, Echo and Omega, Hunter wanted to learn how Cut had stayed hidden so well, as his squad were fugitives, and he needed to keep them (and Omega) safe. Realizing how close the Empire was to catching Cut, the Lawquanes turned to Clone Force 99 for help getting off the planet. With Vice Admiral Rampart now requiring all citizens of the Empire to get chain codes, Clone Force 99 were forced to acquire chain codes to help the Lawquanes get off the planet. Throughout this mission, Cut helped Hunter adjust to his role as a parental figure in Omega's life, but Hunter decided to send Omega off with Cut and his family, reasoning that the Bad Batch simply cannot give her the kind of "family" she needs, regardless of whether or not it's what he wants.[9]

Tech came up with a plan to get the chain codes they need. While they were away from the ship (seemingly, as Tech and Echo were actually hidden inside), the Empire impounded the Marauder and moved it to its base on Saleucami. As revealed to Hunter, Tech's plan actually required that this happen, and thus he was the one who called the Empire to report their ship, much to Hunter's frustration. Unbeknownst to Tech, Omega was on the ship at the time. In order to create the chain codes, Echo infiltrated the Imperial base and stole the chain code data and the disks. Tech was planning to slip through and deliver the disks, but the Empire upped security, which led to Omega taking the disks and running off on her own. This only increased Hunter's fear of her getting injured, but she made it safely.[9]


The Batch helped the Lawquanes escape Saleucami.

She handed over the disks, mentioning that Tech "accidentally" made five disks instead of four. Cut asked Hunter, confused, if he had not told her about his plan yet. Hunter explained that she was to go with Cut and his family, and they would raise her as one of their own. He left, and as Tech and Echo got into a firefight with the guards at the impound dock, Omega ran back and boarded the ship with them. Hunter and Omega had a heart-to-heart: Omega about her desire to stay with the Batch and Hunter about his doubts about his capability to be a parental figure. During the aforementioned firefight,[9] their ship was damaged, leading them to crash on a moon.[40]

Stop on Pantora[]

"This is a supply run. In and out, quickly and quietly."

Hunter assigns everyone their tasks on Pantora.

The Bad Batch were forced to restock their supplies on Pantora before continuing their journey. As the rest of the squad ventured off to restock their supplies and credits, Tech and Wrecker (who stayed behind to work on the ship) were approached by the landing bay employee, trying to scan their ship's signature. Tech and Wrecker, after an initial confusion, bribed him not to, as their ship's signature was branded as a wanted ship by the Empire. Because of this, while on the planet, Tech modified their ship's signature so that the Empire wouldn't be able to recognize it. However, the landing bay employee that greeted the Batch on their arrival recognized them and secretly contacted mercenary Fennec Shand, who was hired to capture Omega. Hunter and Echo explored in search of supplies while Wrecker and Tech were tasked with repairing the damage done to the ship. While in a marketplace, Omega got distracted, split off from the Batch, and got lost, unable to find Hunter or Echo. Eventually she was approached by Shand; the bounty hunter claimed she was trying to help Omega find her friends, but actually led her the opposite way of Hunter. Hunter tore through the city in search of her and got in a firefight with Fennec in an attempt to retrieve Omega. After a risky, high-speed chase, Shand disappeared, and Hunter and Omega returned to the Marauder safely.[10]

Ord Mantell[]

"You pull a job for me, and I get the information you want. That's how this mercenary thing works."

Ciddarin Scaleback lays out her terms for helping the clones.

After their ordeal on Pantora, Hunter and the Batch hoped to learn more about Fennec Shand, so Echo suggested that they meet a Jedi informant from the Clone Wars named Ciddarin Scaleback, who resided on Ord Mantell. Upon arriving at Scaleback's bar, they were greeted by a Trandoshan woman who seemed to care very little for why they need Cid. When the group expressed their frustration, Echo explained that he had never actually met Scaleback, he just knew where to find them. The Batch felt the trip was for nothing and prepared to leave, but Omega quickly realized that the Trandoshan who greeted them was actually Cid. She agreed to share information with the Batch concerning Fennec only if they did a job for her, which was to rescue a child named Muchi from Zygerrian slavers.[2]

The mission[]
"Gear up. We have to go after Muchi. If we don't capture her, we don't get our intel from Cid."

The Bad Batch scout out the Zygerrian camp.

The Bad Batch agreed to the terms and flew to a mountain range to survey the area. Using macrobinoculars, they observed several slaves, and Tech spotted two dozen sentries and multiple entry points with minor fortifications. Before they set off, Hunter ordered Omega to go back to the ship. Although Omega was upset with the decision, she reluctantly obliged. The clones started navigating over the rocky terrain towards the compound but they were attacked by a large brezak and were soon captured by the Zygerrians. Meanwhile, Omega was talking to Gonky when she overheard Zygerrian voices saying they found their ship. She quickly hid and waited for the Zygerrians to leave. She then contacted the others, but received no reply. She went to investigate and learned that the Bad Batch had been captured.[2]

The Zygerrian slavers' leader, Raney, inspected the captured clones, hoping to sell the four strong prisoners for a good price. Echo protested that the Republic outlawed slavery, but Raney countered that they were not in the age of the Republic anymore. Meanwhile, Omega scuttled across the cables and spied the Bad Batch's armor and equipment below. However, while climbing down, she made a noise that alerted the guards. However, before they could investigate, Wrecker distracted them. Omega moved onto a cage that held a baby rancor, and she unlocked the cage. However, in the process, she was also captured. The Zygerrians demanded to know why she was there; Omega responded by saying she was opening the cage. A second later, the rancor burst through the gate. The clones took advantage of the rancor's rampage to break free of their chains and free themselves.[2]

Rescue of Muchi 2

Raney descends on the Bad Batch riding his brezak.

A skirmish started between the Bad Batch and the Zygerrians. While the Bad Batch was in combat, Omega approached a Falleen girl whom she believed to be Muchi, saying that they were there to rescue her. Her father, speaking in Falleen, told her that Muchi was actually the rancor. While Omega and Echo led the liberated slaves to safety, Hunter led the other clones to Muchi, who was fighting several Zygerrian guards. The Bad Batch converged on Muchi, but Raney descended on the clones with his brezak, scattering them. Muchi charged at Raney and his brezak, but the creature hurled the rancor aside with its long tail. As Muchi whimpered, Raney prepared to whip him, but Hunter threw him to the ground. Muchi took the opportunity to flee with the brezak in pursuit. Raney confronted Hunter as Tech and Wrecker pursued Muchi.[2]

Hunter took on Raney with his vibroblade, but Raney wrapped his electrowhip around Hunter's right arm, causing Hunter to drop his knife. Hunter pushed Raney aside and kicked him to the ground. Around the same time, Echo and Omega took shelter behind rocks, hiding from the guards. Echo took the guards out with his blaster and led the slaves and Omega towards the speeders. On their way, Omega retrieved a Zygerrian energy bow. Meanwhile, Muchi and brezak fought; Muchi won the fight soon after Wrecker and Tech arrived. Wrecker asked Tech if he had a plan, and Tech explained that rancors adhered to social hierarchies and told him to challenge the alpha (Muchi) for authority. Wrecker and Muchi then charged at each other and a fight began. Echo and Omega returned to the others after confirming that the freed slaves were now safe. The clones gathered as Wrecker and Muchi fought for dominance, and finally, Muchi dropped from exhaustion. Later, the squad arrived outside of Cid's Parlor with Muchi; they gave the Rancor to the buyer, Bib Fortuna. Echo told Scaleback that she could have told them they were dealing with a rancor, but Scaleback claimed that it slipped her mind and ushered Hunter into her office.[2]


The Batch return Muchi to an ecstatic Bib Fortuna.

Inside, Scaleback revealed to Hunter that the bounty hunter they encountered was Fennec Shand: a newcomer, but someone who had already proven herself to be ruthless and cunning. Hunter asked who hired her, and Scaleback replied that it was a direct commission, so she did not know. Scaleback explained that the Bad Batch would need friends and money, and told Hunter that if he wanted more work, they could work for her. Hunter replied that he would consider it.[2]


Special delivery[]

On a mission for Scaleback, the Bad Batch traveled to a moon near Ryloth, with a shipment of weapons for Gobi Glie. During their exchange, Omega gave the Twi'lek girl Hera Syndulla a tour of the Marauder, during which Hera revealed to Omega that she had always dreamed of living on a starship. As the Twi'leks and the Bad Batch prepared to part ways, Gobi told the Bad Batch to request more weapons from Cid. Hunter warned that building an arsenal attracted attention and that they better know what they were getting into. Gobi replied that they had no choice.[41]

A call for help[]

Soon after, the Bad Batch received a recorded transmission from an unrecognized frequency. The message turned out to be from Hera, who informed the Bad Batch that her parents and their allies had been captured by the Empire and she needed their help. Despite initial reluctance, the squad decided to investigate. They arrived on Ryloth, and traveled into a canyon area and onto a landing platform at a cave, where Hera and Chopper greeted them. Hunter asked Hera why the Empire was after her and she told him they were arresting anyone loyal to her father. Hunter was unconvinced, but when Hera offered to pay them to free her parents, Hunter agreed to investigate further although he did not promise that he would help.[15]


The Bad Batch and Hera Syndulla scout Lessu.

Hera and the Bad Batch observed the city during Rampart's address to the citizens, telling them those responsible for attacking Senator Taa have been detained, and that he will make a full recovery. After Omega spotted Crosshair in the city, her brothers discussed the situation. They argued a bit, but were interrupted as Hunter sensed and disabled a probe droid watching them, causing them to retreat.[15]

Hunter told Hera that they would not help her especially because they lost the element of surprise. Hera desperately offered to pay them double, but Hunter told her that the credits meant nothing if they perished. He offered to take Hera off-world, but Hera declined. Omega argued with Hunter about what he said, then followed Hera and apologized. Omega suggested that they come up with a strategy to convince Hunter to help them, adding that Hera knew Ryloth better than any of them.[15]

The rescue[]

Hera and Omega outlined their plan to the rest of the squad: one squad will attack the Imperial doonium refinery on the outskirts of the city, drawing reinforcements away while the other team rescued Hera's parents. Hera told them there were five unmanned perimeter autocannons at the refinery, which could be disabled by Chopper at the command console. Hunter agreed to the plan, telling Hera and Omega to back up Chopper while he disabled the cannons. He selected Tech and Wrecker to attack the refinery while he and Echo scaled the outer wall and rescued the Syndullas.[15]

Later that night, Hera and Omega waited in position while Chopper infiltrated the refinery. After taking out an Imperial astromech droid at the command console, he tried to access the network terminal, only for the droid to discover he cannot access the cannons. Shortly thereafter, he was cornered by two clone troopers. Hera wanted to help Chopper, but Omega noted that they needed the console offline first, and after pointing out an Imperial Rho-class transport shuttle. As Hunter and Echo scaled the wall, Omega and Hera commandeered the shuttle, which they used to take out the command console. As it exploded, the newly freed Chopper flew up to join them. As they flew away, Tech inquired about the multiple explosions at the refinery, and was told by Omega that they did it and that weapons were down. The Marauder then descended on the undefended refinery and took out the gun emplacements, causing the clone trooper commander to call for reinforcements.[15]

Captain Howzer informed Vice Admiral Rampart that the refinery was under attack, and was ordered to guard the capital. Meanwhile, Hunter and Echo freed Cham, Eleni, and Gobi. When Gobi was surprised to see them, Hunter explained they were hired by Hera, and reassured Cham that she was safe. As this was happening, Crosshair set up an ambush outside, anticipating Hunter's plan. Howzer noticed this, and warned the would-be escapers, using the chance to apologize to Cham for not stopping the Empire's actions earlier. Eleni invited Howzer to join them, since the Empire would know that he helped them, but Howzer refused to abandon his squad, and decided to try to get through to them. As he faced his squad, the rest fled in Senator Taa's shuttle, barely avoiding getting shot down by Crosshair.[15]

The fight for Cid's Parlor[]

"My parlor's right in the middle of the action. Roland saw the value in it and took it. But we are taking it back."

After finishing a mission, the Bad Batch returned to Cid's Parlor, and they found it packed with customers. Among the customers were several armored figures. They were promptly escorted to Cid´s office. They met a Devaronian named Roland Durand, who had seized Cid's Parlor. Scaleback met them at the Marauder and devised a plan to take the Parlor back. It involved stealing a shipment of spice from Durand to agitate the Pyke Syndicate. Scaleback led the Bad Batch to a manhole that led to Ord Mantell's old mining tunnels. Scaleback warned that the caverns had an infestation problem and that they should keep quiet. While passing through the tunnel, Wrecker stirred the mysterious creatures, prompting a disapproving glance from Cid. Meanwhile, Ketch and Bolo distracted Durand by stealing his prized lizard Ruby. Scaleback and Omega loaded the spice onto the mining transports as Wrecker brought them down. Just as Durand entered the office, the crew ducked into the tunnels to make their escape. As they fled through the tunnels, Durand's goons pursued them. Their blaster fight aroused the irlings, who swarmed the carts. Scaleback was upset when the irlings destroyed the spice on the second cart. They made it safely on the other side of the cavern, and Wrecker sealed the door behind them.[16]


The team objects to the Pykes demand to hold Omega captive.

The crew returned to the Parlor, where they witnessed the Pykes arresting Durand. However, the Pykes demanded that Scaleback return the stolen spice and held Omega captive while the Bad Batch retrieved the spice shipment. Scaleback promised she would do everything she could to rescue Omega. The Marauder hovered over the chasm and Wrecker and Scaleback rappelled beneath the surface to locate the missing spice. Scaleback began securing crates of spice for Hunter to tow up. With the final two crates secure, Scaleback and Wrecker rode them as Hunter pulled them to the surface. Ascending past the mining rail, Scaleback and her crate bumped a lonely cart, sending it tumbling into the depths of the hive. Once again, the irlings swarmed the cavern. Tech dropped a flash grenade down the chasm and frightened the swarm. Scaleback and Wrecker continued their journey safely to the ship. Scaleback and the Bad Batch delivered the shipment to the Pykes, who returned Omega, according to their word. Durand faced death, but was spared when Omega and Scaleback reasoned with the Pykes, warning them against a potential war with Isa Durand. One of Durand's horns was sliced and the Pykes exited the hangar. In return for saving his life, Durand restored the Parlor to Scaleback's ownership. Thankful for the Bad Batch's assistance, Scaleback bought the crew a treat on the house.[16]

Rescue of Gregor[]

"I received a distress signal from a clone trooper, but I'm a bit tied up at the moment to retrieve him."
"You want us to recover a reg?"
"He's an old friend, and he's in trouble. I need you to get him out."
―Rex and Hunter[17]

Rex contacted the Bad Batch to ask for their help to rescue Gregor.

Gregor, a clone commando who had his inhibitor chip removed, was another clone who was not subject to Order 66. He was sent to Daro's Imperial base as an instructor, but he secretly despised the Empire and attempted to flee, only to be captured. Rex then contacted the Bad Batch and requested they rescue Gregor. Tech reminded them that they were in the middle of a job for Scaleback, and while Hunter decided not to take this mission, Echo convinced him. The Bad Batch landed on Daro near the beacon's location. After a bit of searching, Omega found the beacon, but the clone was not there. Hunter started tracking Gregor, which led to a mountain. Hunter deduced that there was something inside the mountain; Tech agreed and mentioned that something was jamming his scanner. When Wrecker reminded Tech that he said that nothing was on the planet, Tech simply said that his previous data appeared to be inaccurate. Hunter ordered Omega and Wrecker to stay aboard the Marauder, while Hunter, Tech, and Echo moved towards the mountain.[17]

While on the trail, Hunter noticed that a shuttle had landed at the base of the mountain. The squad moved to where they had a better view of the mountain base. Using a pair of macrobinoculars, Echo discovered a couple of clone commandos and stormtroopers standing at attention. He noticed that the "clones" were wearing updated armor. After discussing the situation for a bit, Hunter decided that they should turn back, but Echo reminded them of the mission. Tech responded that they did not know for certain if Gregor was even in there, or if he was still alive, to which Hunter added that they would be going in blind without reinforcements. Echo pointed out that the Bad Batch did just that when they rescued him on Skako Minor, and that he would have still been trapped there if they hadn't. He said that if there was a chance that the clone trooper was being held there against his will, they had to try to get him out.[17]


Echo, Tech, and Hunter free Gregor from his cell.

Aboard the Marauder, Omega and Wrecker received Hunter's transmission. Hunter told them that they had not found the "reg" yet but that they had found an Imperial base built inside the mountain. He told them that they were going in. Omega wanted to follow them, but Hunter reminded her of the orders to stay on the ship with Wrecker, to which Omega reluctantly agreed. The three clones jumped on top of a turbolift and entered the base through an elevator shaft. Inside the base, Echo used his cybernetic arm to access a network terminal. He found that the encryption was new. The clones hid while a squad of troopers wearing the new armor walked past and entered a lift. After a bit of time, Echo found that Gregor was being held in Cellblock 25. The three clones descended deeper into the base and knocked out the guard guarding Gregor. Echo asked if he was Gregor, while Hunter explained that Rex sent them. Gregor told them his name and accepted their help.[17]

The escape[]

"I keyed a Code-16 to redirect their forces. I don't know what happened."
"Clone codes don't work here. You just triggered a security alert."
―Tech and Gregor[17]

Tech inadvertently triggered a security alarm using a defunct clone code.

Traveling through the corridors, the Bad Batch and Gregor wanted to avoid the other clone troopers. Gregor explained that the troopers had gathered for inspection and that there was no way to get past them unnoticed. Echo pointed out that they had to reach the lifts to get out. Tech said that he could redirect them and headed to a network terminal. When an alarm sounded, Tech, frustrated, explained that he keyed a Code-16 to redirect their forces, but Gregor explained that clone codes didn't work here, and that he just triggered a security alert. The clones were attacked by Imperial stormtroopers, and a blaster battle raged. The clones stunned some of them as Hunter broke the neck of one of his opponents. When Hunter asked if there was another way out of the base, Gregor said that the only way out was up. The Bad Batch fought their way through the stormtroopers. Tech asked Gregor if he was sure that he knew where they were going. Gregor replied that he escaped before. The clones reached an elevator shaft, stunned the occupants, and dragged them out. Tech used an authorization code to activate the lift, which rose to the top of the mountain. Echo asked Gregor about the troopers, and Gregor explained that they weren't clones; they were recruits from across the galaxy.[17]

When they reached the top, they were confronted by a squad of stormtroopers. The clones were forced to take the lift back down. On the Marauder, Omega was worried for the rest of the squad because she hadn't heard from them for some time. Wrecker tried to calm her. Meanwhile, the Bad Batch and Gregor engaged in a blaster battle with stormtroopers, stunning several. Hunter jumped on top of a lift before grabbing part of the lift shaft. The rest of the squad faced off against a clone commando named Scorch. Gregor was wounded during the shooting, but he dismissed his injuries, stating that he survived a explosion. The squad took refuge in a control room, where Hunter pointed out that the Imperials had blocked off all entry points to the main ring. Tech proposed using reactor conduits to escape the base, but Gregor pointed out that the exhaust vent was halfway up the mountain and that they couldn't survive that jump. Tech said that they could signal the Marauder for a pick-up, to which Gregor agreed. On their way to the exhaust vent, Hunter contacted Omega and asked for a pick-up.[17]


Outnumbered, Hunter ordered the rest of the team to leave him behind.

Wrecker and Omega lifted off in the Marauder. The Bad Batch and Gregor reached the reactor port as the Marauder approached. In response, several LAAT gunships and V-wing starfighters departed from the base. Omega flew close to the exhaust port, while Wrecker extended the gangplank so that the clones could board. Tech and Gregor quickly boarded the ship, but before the evacuation was finished, V-wings attacked the Marauder, forcing them to flee, leaving Echo and Hunter behind, where they started fighting the TK-troopers. Meanwhile, the Marauder was in combat with two V-wings. After a bit of time, the Marauder emerged victorious. Tech told Echo and Hunter they were coming back and to be ready. When they returned, Echo managed to jump aboard. However, more V-wings arrived, disrupting their rescue. Hunter jumped and attempted to pull himself up the gangplank, but lost his grip and fell down the hill into the forest. He broke his fall with his knife, shortly before a gunship landed near him. Hunter ordered the rest of them to leave him. Despite Omega's pleading, Hunter refused to rescind his order, and Tech reluctantly piloted the Marauder to safety. Hunter was taken to a prison cell, and soon after, Crosshair came to him and transported him to Kamino.[17]

Return to Kamino[]

"We're loyal to each other, not some Empire."
"You weren't loyal to me. I was one of you. You may have forgotten, but I haven't. And it's why I'm going to give you what you never gave me: a chance."
―Hunter and Crosshair[18]

Crosshair, using Hunter's transponder, lured the Bad Batch back to Kamino, well aware that the remaining members would not leave their leader behind. Despite knowing that it's a trap, the group nonetheless arrived on Kamino to rescue Hunter. Omega introduced them to Nala Se's private research lab, where their mutations were enhanced, mentioning that she was there. While this was happening, Crosshair explained to Hunter that he would like them to join the Empire. Hunter declined, citing their loyalty to each other above some organization. Crosshair snapped back that Hunter and the others weren't loyal to him. Hunter tried to explain that it was either they leave or he would've killed them, which really wasn't much of a choice, but Crosshair aggressively pointed out that he didn't have a choice in the matter either. At this point, the Batch tried to sneak in and rescue Hunter, but ended up getting captured by Crosshair.[18]


Crosshair eliminated his entire Elite Squad with a single shot.

Rather than eliminating the traitors, Crosshair ordered them to be spared, and called out their betrayal of him. His squadron disobeyed his orders, so Crosshair killed them himself to prove his intentions to his former teammates. He tried to get them to serve the Empire with the promise of them all being brothers again, but the group called him out on this claim, saying that he didn't understand who they were if he thought that they would ever accept that offer. Crosshair told them not to become his enemy again, but Hunter responded that they were never his enemies at all. Omega rescued the group by activating several training droids, but ES-02, who was not with the rest of the squadron, spotted Crosshair working with the Bad Batch and her killed comrades.[18]

Quickly escaping after gunning down one of the droids, she informed Rampart that Crosshair had lost control of the situation, who then ordered Tipoca City destroyed with the Bad Batch still inside. Once the clones had wiped out the remaining droids, Hunter tried to point out that Crosshair was being manipulated by the inhibitor chip, but Crosshair explained that he actually had his chip removed. Hunter, surprised, asked when he had it removed, and Crosshair retorted by asking whether it mattered. Hunter affirmed emphatically that it did matter, but Crosshair simply said that this was who he was now. Hunter stunned Crosshair and grabbed his rifle and backpack, ordering Wrecker to take him with them.[18]

End of Kamino[]

"We want different things, Crosshair. That doesn't mean that we have to be enemies."

Despite the city collapsing into the sea, the Bad Batch and Crosshair escaped. Omega saved Crosshair from being crushed, while Wrecker used his knife to wedge open the door separating them in order to keep them from drowning. After entering the tube system with the hope of returning to the Marauder, Wrecker voiced his anger at the fact that Crosshair never once attempted to come back, saying that the Batch would've accepted him back with open arms, but Tech stepped in and explained that being "severe and unyielding" was just his nature, and that no one could change that, not even him. Crosshair asked why Tech was defending him, but Tech shot back that he wasn't, and that understanding him and agreeing with him are not the same thing.[42]


Hunter invites Crosshair to rejoin them.

They reached Nala Se's lab, but the tube system between the lab and the Marauder was destroyed. While Tech was figuring out how to escape, Hunter and Crosshair argued about the Empire and leadership. Crosshair sat down, and Omega attempted to comfort him, but he told her to go away, and she did. Tech decided to escape through the medical tubes, and once they had been jettisoned from the lab, Omega opened her tube to save her friend, the droid AZI-3, who used up all his power guiding them to the surface. In order to pay her back for saving his life, Crosshair shot a grapple onto AZI-3, who Omega held onto while he reeled it in, dragging the two of them to the surface. When the Batch got to their ship, Hunter gave Crosshair the option to rejoin the group, stating it to be his "chance," but Crosshair declined, still loyal to the Empire. On her way out, Omega mentioned that they were still his brothers, and added that he was her brother too. The Bad Batch then departed Kamino, leaving Crosshair behind once again.[42]

Months after the Fall of Tipoca City[]

"We went over the plan five times."
"I got the package, didn't I?"
―Echo and Wrecker, during one their mercenary missions[19]

Months after the Fall of Tipoca City, Clone Force 99 had removed the number "99" from their armors and had changed their colors from red and dark grey to gold and grey with a hint of light blue. The clones and Omega kept working as mercenaries for Scaleback, the latter notably sending them to Serenno to steal one of Count Dooku's war chests from his former castle.[19]


"To lose one of your own, it must weigh heavily on you as their leader."
―Doctor Royce Hemlock to Hunter[22]

Tech sacrifices himself.

Around 18 BBY on Eriadu, Clone Force 99 found themselves stranded in the air on a railcar, surrounded by Imperial forces. Their car took severe damage, with one half of it coming loose. Tech restored power to the rail, but was unable to safely return to the squad, instead hanging precariously off of the loose half of the railcar. As the Empire closed in, Tech decided to enact Plan 99; he shot the connection hinge, causing the loose half of the railcar and himself to fall, much to his squad's dismay. However, the other clones were able to escape to Ord Mantell and get medical attention.[22]

Capture of Omega

Omega was captured and brought to Mount Tantiss.

Unfortunately, Scaleback betrayed them to the Empire, causing Dr. Royce Hemlock and a squad of Clone commandos to arrive. Since Hemlock was interested in Omega, he and his troopers first captured Wrecker. Next, they went after Hunter and told him that they only wanted Omega. When Hunter refused to hand her over, Hemlock presented Tech's shattered goggles and warned him that Wrecker would be the next to die if Omega does not come with him. Hunter surrendered, but Omega later appeared and demanded Hemlock to release her fellow clones. Hemlock tried to convince Omega that he would do so if she came with him, but Omega did not believe that he would let Wrecker and Hunter live. Clone Commander Scorch surprised her from behind and stunned her. As Hemlock left Ord Mantell with Omega, Echo freed Hunter and Wrecker, and they resolved to find Omega, despite having no way of tracking her. Hemlock brought Omega to Mount Tantiss, where she unexpectedly found herself reunited with Crosshair.[22]

During this time, Crosshair was sent to Barton IV, where he met the clone commander Mayday and his squad, tasked with acquiring gear stolen from pirates. Mayday's squad was killed in the ensuing attack, and Mayday himself was wounded during the recovery operation. Nolan, Crosshair's commanding officer for the operation, refused to provide medical aid to Mayday, resulting in Crosshair killing him out of anger. Crosshair was then detained and taken to Mount Tantiss in order to make him divulge where the rest of the squad were.[43]

Crosshair would later attempt to inform his former teammates of the Empire's intentions with Omega via Plan 88, barely being able to do so before being recaptured.[44]


While in Mount Tantiss, Omega would learn why she was taken there and was informed by Nala Se that she was in grave danger if her blood was tested.[45] Thus, Se helped Omega escape, who also took Crosshair with her. While they were successful in the escape, Hemlock also discovered that Omega's blood was compatible with his tests and thus needed her alive.[23] Omega and Crosshair crash-landed on the planet Lau, evaded recapture by the local Imperial garrison, and got a new ship to escape with. She sent a coded transmission to Hunter and Wrecker, where they reunited on one of Ryloth's moons.[46]

Omega wanted to return to Tantiss to free the other clones, but they needed to extract information from Se's datapad, which had been damaged during the escape. Without Tech, the group was forced to return to Barton IV to use an old terminal to restore it. During the mission, the group was beset upon by a massive ice wyrm, which separated Hunter from the group. They were able to restore power to the sensors surrounding the base, which emitted a sound that repelled the wyrm. Echo also repowered the datapad, and while it did not have the coordinates of the facility, it listed clone prisoners held at the facility, which he and Rex could use.[47]


After the clone assassin CX-1 was sent to assassinate Senators Riyo Chuchi and Avi Singh, who were planning out a course of action against the Emperor. CX-1 was captured in the ensuing attempt, having failed to kill either senator, and the Clone Underground discovered a datapad on him that contained a hit list. Rex and Howzer ultimately decided on calling Clone Force 99 despite not wanting to get them involved, as the latter believed that Crosshair could help determine Tantiss' location. Scorch, aware of CX-1's capture, immediately sent another assassin, CX-2, to eliminate him and finish the objective.[48]

CX-2 would engage with the Clone Underground while additional forces led by Wolffe were deployed to recapture Omega. Crosshair defeated CX-2 in hand-to-hand combat, before reuniting with his comrades and the remaining Clone Underground as they confronted Wolffe and his soldiers. After a brief argument between both sides with Echo arriving midway, Wolffe allowed the clones to leave. As they left, Hunter advised Rex that he was doing the impossible by challenging the Empire, but Rex refused to give up and told Hunter that he had to figure out why Omega was being targeted.[25]

CX-2, who survived his encounter with Crosshair, eventually boarded Phee's ship, the Providence, and discovered that she frequently visited a planet from the databank. Upon arriving at said planet, he confirmed that Omega was hiding there, prompting Scorch to send a group of stormtroopers to storm the island and methodically search for her. To prevent Clone Force 99 from escaping, he destroyed the Marauder with three explosives. Omega surrendered herself to protect the townspeople while having Crosshair attempt to plant a tracker on one of the ships, but he failed to do so.[49]

Rescuing Omega[]

Following Omega's capture, Clone Force 99 was unsure how they could find Omega, seeing that Crosshair was unable to plant the tracker on the ship. After a short discussion, Crosshair revealed that he knew of another way, prompting concerns from his fellow allies as to why he didn't say it earlier. Crosshair defended himself stating that he did not want go back to Tantiss and it was a last resort. He explained that he believed the now-disgraced Vice Admiral Rampart might know how to access Tantiss and with the help of Phee, traveled to Erebus where he was being held in a labor camp. After successfully rescuing Rampart from the camp, Crosshair demanded to know where Tantiss was. To their surprise, even Rampart did not know, but he claimed to know another way around it.[50]

Rampart revealed that while Hemlock kept the coordinates of Tantiss Base secret, the codes were transmitted at Imperial Station 003 that orbited above Coruscant. They also contacted Echo, who arrived with a stolen Rho-class transport shuttle. Clone Force 99 and Rampart infiltrated the station, with Rampart acting as a captain (to his disdain) and the clones as his bodyguards, removing all the decorations on their armor in the process. The clones discovered that there was a science vessel departing for Tantiss and that the coordinates were given via direct link, making it impossible to extract the data without arousing alarm. Hunter, determined to rescue Omega at all costs, decided that they would attach their shuttle to theirs, much to Rampart's surprise. Echo infiltrated the vessel and disabled its proximity sensors at the last possible moment, allowing Hunter to latch their vessel onto the Imperial one as it jumped into hyperspace for Tantiss.[51]

Unfortunately, both Clone Force 99 and Rampart were later identified by the Imperials and a warning was sent to Tantiss. As the science vessel entered Weyland's atmosphere, Clone Force 99 detached their shuttle before being met by a V-Wing squadron, forcing them to abandon ship and make their way to Tantiss Base through the jungle. The use of the base turbolasers indicated to Omega that her brothers had arrived and began plotting to help herself and the other Force-sensitive children escape. Meanwhile, Echo managed to infiltrate the base disguised as a stormtrooper and found his way to the lab, where he met Emerie Karr, who had grown disillusioned with the Empire and offered to help him rescue the prisoners.[52]

Omega managed to discover a weak point in the Tantiss vault enabling her access to its pneumatic tube system, which led her and the children to release the captive Zillo Beast. The resulting chaos created a breach in Tantiss Base for Hunter's group to enter, only for the three of them to be captured by Hemlock's clone operatives; Crosshair lost his right hand to CX-2. The three captives clones were sent to Hemlock, who planned to use his refined conditioning process on them. Echo and Karr spotted the captive clones and resolved to rescue them after they located the children. Subsequently, Echo would stun a pair of stormtroopers who were about to report the children, before sending them and Karr on a shuttle back to Pabu, while Echo and Omega stayed behind to finish their mission. They would then free all the clone prisoners, including Nala Se and Rampart, and recruited them to rescue the rest of their squad.[53]

Unfortunately, the clones fell right into Hemlock's trap, as he recaptured Omega while his operatives fought against Echo and the others. Fortunately, Omega had managed to release Wrecker's restraints, causing him to damage the machines that held Hunter and Crosshair as well as the mechanisms pumping toxin into the training room that incapacitated the regular clones. Wrecker remained behind to help Echo finish off the clone operatives while Hunter and Crosshair pursued Hemlock, managed to shoot down his CX Dagger vessel and killed Scorch, forcing Hemlock to take Omega hostage, knowing they wouldn't risk hurting her. Omega then stabbed Hemlock in the leg, causing him to involuntarily expose their binders, allowing Crosshair to shoot it before they killed Hemlock. Immediately afterwards, the surviving clones fled Tantiss before Admiral Tarkin's fleet arrived. Once safely back on Pabu, Echo departed with Karr and some of the clones to rejoin the Clone Underground while the rest of Clone Force 99 remained on Pabu.[53]

At some point between 2 BBY and 4 ABY, Clone Force 99 still resided on Pabu, while Echo's status remained unknown. Around this time, Omega decided to depart Pabu to join the Alliance to Restore the Republic as a pilot.[53]


"We shouldn't have been surprised. It's the same model the Republic used for Clone Force 99, an unorthodox unit known as the 'Bad Batch.' "
―Amilyn Holdo[54]

In 34 ABY,[55] Amilyn Holdo mentioned Clone Force 99 while annotating The Rebel Files, a collection of documents that archived the history of the Alliance to Restore the Republic. She compared Clone Force 99 to the stormtrooper squad Task Force 99, which she said had the same model.[54]


"You…know who we are?"
"Hunter, Echo, Tech, Wrecker, and Crosshair. You're Clone Force 99."
―Hunter and Omega[4]

Echo, Crosshair, Hunter, Tech, and Wrecker are the five genetically defective clones of the Bad Batch

Clone Sergeant Hunter possessed a talent for leadership, and could sense the electromagnetic fields given off by droids, which was considered an invaluable ability as Clone Force 99 was often sent on top secret and dangerous missions. The squad's leader was reluctant to work with standard clone troopers – who the squad nicknamed "regs" – as he believed that they would only interfere with the squad's unusual, yet effective, combat tactics. Wrecker was the squad's muscle thanks to his strength, and although he had a dark sense of humor, he was deeply loyal to his fellow squad-mates and others who won his respect.[1]


The squad after the loss of Crosshair and addition of Omega

The member known as Tech was considered the unit's resident genius, as he was an expert slicer and problem-solver who preferred clever planning rather than raw force to defeat their enemies. Tech was also skilled in decryption, language skills, military tactics, and improvisation. Crosshair had exceptional vision that was far superior to a standard clone's, which allowed him to dispatch targets at extremely long distances. Although Crosshair was dedicated to his comrades in Clone Force 99, he had little regard for regular clones, who he viewed as expendable.[30] Crosshair was often tasked with serving as the team's lookout, a position from which he could cover his squad[5] with his sniping skills.[4] A fifth member joined the unit later, during the Outer Rim Sieges, this member was the rescued Advanced Recon Commando Clone Corporal Echo (Havoc-4).[44] Echo was captured by Separatist forces during the Battle of Lola Sayu, and turned into a cyborg.[8] Following a key victory at Anaxes, Echo decided to join the squad,[38] and was equipped with his own modified commando armor.[17] He may not have been born different, like the rest of the batch, but after the changes he went through, Echo became a natural addition to their ranks,[56] as a CT-99 member.[17] Each member of the Batch had a unique genetic mutation designed to heighten a specific skill set.[56] During the early Imperial Era, the young unaltered female clone Omega (Havoc-5)[44] also joined the squad, while Crosshair left the team as a result of his behavioral modification biochip, later revealed to be long since removed.[4]

Mission to Ravens Peak TBBS2

The squad right before the death of Tech during the mission to Raven's Peak

Later, after the squad's latest mission unintentionally caused the formal shift from clones to stormtroopers, Echo decided to take a leave of absence and instead go with Rex to help the other clones.[57] He later returned to the group to ask for Tech's help in decrypting Imperial data he had recently stolen.[44] Soon after, Tech sacrificed his life to allow the rest of the squad escape Imperial attacks. While they briefly found refuge on Ord Mantell, Scaleback revealed their location to the Empire, who ultimately captured Omega, with the remaining three members vowing to find her.[58]

Behind the scenes[]

Clone Force 99

Concept design of Clone Force 99 members for Star Wars: The Clone Wars

Clone Force 99, also known as the "Bad Batch," was created for the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series. It first appeared in the seventh season episode "The Bad Batch,"[1] which was originally released in its unfinished form as a screening at Celebration Anaheim[59] and then on StarWars.com.[60][61] Star Wars creator George Lucas came up with the idea of the Bad Batch, as he wanted to explore the idea that there were clones that were a little bit more unique from one another and who were like an enhanced-skills special-forces unit.[62]

Clone Force 99 was set to appear in another arc in the series, but the show was canceled before the episodes could be completed. In the arc, the clones fought Babwa Venomor, a Trandoshan Separatist leader. A clip from one of the episodes featuring the clones was shown at Celebration Anaheim in 2015 where eight netcasters attacked the group on Kashyyyk, though all netcasters were killed.[63] Elements of this arc were later incorporated into Star Wars: The Bad Batch's season two episode "Tribe."[64]


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Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Bad Batch"
  2. 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 2.10 2.11 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Rampage"
  3. 3.0 3.1 StarWars-DatabankII Clone Force 99 / The Bad Batch in the Databank (backup link)
  4. 4.00 4.01 4.02 4.03 4.04 4.05 4.06 4.07 4.08 4.09 4.10 4.11 4.12 4.13 4.14 4.15 4.16 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Aftermath"
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Decommissioned"
  6. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Pabu"
  7. 7.0 7.1 Hyperspace Stories 10
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Distant Echo"
  9. 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Cut and Run"
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Cornered"
  11. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Battle Scars"
  12. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Reunion"
  13. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Bounty Lost"
  14. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Common Ground"
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 15.4 15.5 15.6 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Rescue on Ryloth"
  16. 16.0 16.1 16.2 16.3 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Infested"
  17. 17.00 17.01 17.02 17.03 17.04 17.05 17.06 17.07 17.08 17.09 17.10 17.11 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "War-Mantle"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 18.4 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Return to Kamino"
  19. 19.0 19.1 19.2 19.3 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Spoils of War"
  20. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Faster"
  21. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Entombed"
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 22.3 22.4 22.5 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Plan 99"
  23. 23.0 23.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Shadows of Tantiss"
  24. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "A Different Approach"
  25. 25.0 25.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Extraction"
  26. According to Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!, the name "Clone Force 99" came in honor of the deceased Clone 99, who died during the Battle of Kamino in 21 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. As the name "Clone Force 99" is used in Hyperspace Stories 10, the issue must take place after the Battle of Kamino. The story is also set during the Clone Wars, which ends in 19 BBY according to Timelines. As such, Clone Force 99 must be founded between 21 BBY and 19 BBY.
  27. Per the reasoning here, the seventh and eighth episodes of The Bad Batch Season 2, "The Clone Conspiracy" and "Truth and Consequences," can be placed in 18 BBY. Therefore, all Season 2 episodes proceeding "The Clone Conspiracy" occur between 19 BBY, which features the end of The Bad Batch Season 1 according to Star Wars: Timelines, and 18 BBY. The Galactic Empire, the formation of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, sent Mayday's squad to Barton IV over a year prior to the events of the twelfth episode, "The Outpost." As it occurs over a year into the Imperial Era and is set shortly after the events of "Truth and Consequences," the events of "The Outpost" occur around 18 BBY. Following that logic, the ninth through eleventh episodes ("The Crossing" through "Metamorphosis") are also set around 18 BBY because they occur between the events of "Truth and Consequences" and "The Outpost." Finally, all season 2 episodes set after "The Outpost" occur shortly after its events, thereby placing those episodes around 18 BBY as well.
  28. Per the reasoning here, Season 2 of Star Wars: The Bad Batch takes place around 18 BBY. The tally marks made by Omega in The Bad Batch Season 3's first episode, "Confined," indicate the episode must take place at least twenty-one standard days following her capture as depicted in the Season 2 episode "Plan 99." According to StarWars "Confined" Trivia Guide | Star Wars The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link), Omega spends about 164 further days in captivity by the end of "Confined." As such, the events of Season 3 must begin around 18 BBY.
  29. AltayaCite "Din Djarin and Other Characters of the Underworld" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  30. 30.0 30.1 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!
  31. 31.0 31.1 31.2 StarWarsKids Bucket List: "The Bad Batch" – Star Wars: The Clone Wars on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (content now obsolete; backup link)
  32. StarWars-DatabankII Tech in the Databank (backup link)
  33. StarWars "Into the Breach" Episode Guide | Star Wars: The Bad Batch on StarWars.com (backup link)
  34. StarWars-DatabankII Marauder in the Databank (backup link)
  35. StarWars-DatabankII Gonky in the Databank (backup link)
  36. StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) places the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "The Bad Batch" after the episode "Voices," the events of which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 19 BBY. Since Galactic Atlas also dates the end of the Clone Wars to that same year, the events of "The Bad Batch," which include the mention of the Insurrection on Yalbec Prime, must take place around 19 BBY.
  37. 37.0 37.1 37.2 37.3 37.4 37.5 37.6 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "On the Wings of Keeradaks"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Unfinished Business"
  39. StarWars-DatabankII Echo in the Databank (link obsolete; content only found on older version of webpage: backup link)
  40. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Replacements"
  41. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Devil's Deal"
  42. 42.0 42.1 42.2 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Kamino Lost"
  43. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Outpost"
  44. 44.0 44.1 44.2 44.3 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Tipping Point"
  45. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Confined"
  46. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "A Different Approach"
  47. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Return"
  48. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Infiltration"
  49. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Point of No Return"
  50. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Juggernaut"
  51. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Into the Breach"
  52. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Flash Strike"
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Cavalry Has Arrived"
  54. 54.0 54.1 Star Wars: The Rebel Files
  55. Star Wars: The Rebel Files states that The Rebel Files were buried on Durkteel simultaneously with the Battle of Endor, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY. Star Wars: The Rebel Files also states that when the book was discovered and sent to the Resistance, it had not been seen for thirty years, meaning it must have been recovered in 34 ABY.
  56. 56.0 56.1 Star Wars: The Secrets of the Clone Troopers
  57. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Truth and Consequences"
  58. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Plan 99"
  59. StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars "Bad Batch" 4-Episode Arc Coming to Star Wars Celebration on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  60. StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars "Bad Batch" Recon on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  61. Star Wars Year By Year: A Visual History, New Edition
  62. Clone Wars EP Dave Filoni breaks down the first episodes of the final season by Leong, Tim on ew.com (March 2, 2020) (archived from the original on March 3, 2020)
  63. SWYT-Logo The Untold Clone Wars Panel | Star Wars Celebration Anaheim on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)
  64. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Tribe"

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