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For other uses, see Cody (disambiguation).
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I have a bad feeling about this…

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"Yeah, regular folk don't understand. Sometimes in war, it's hard to be the one that survives."

Cody, formerly designated CC-2224, was a male Clone Marshal Commander in the Grand Army of the Republic who commanded the 7th Sky Corps—including its renowned subunit the 212th Attack Battalion—during the Clone Wars. He served as the second-in-command of High Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi within the Third Systems Army and the 7th Sky Corps. General Kenobi found the commander to be reliable, trustworthy and loyal, with his abilities as a soldier and strategist earning Cody the respect of both his Jedi superiors and fellow clone troopers.

During the final years of the Republic Era, Cody was created as part of an army of genetically-identical soldiers bred from the template of Jango Fett, a human bounty hunter, and conditioned for absolute loyalty to the Galactic Republic. Once deployed from the clone homeworld of Kamino, Cody served in several major battles against the Confederacy of Independent Systems, such as the Battle of Christophsis, the Second Battle of Geonosis, and the Battle of Anaxes. In addition to General Kenobi, Cody formed a friendship with Clone Captain CT-7567 "Rex," a fellow clone trooper officer who served in Jedi General Anakin Skywalker's 501st Legion.

Following the Battle of Coruscant, the Jedi High Council deployed Cody's battalion to the planet Utapau, where General Grievous and the Separatist Council had taken refuge. His troops overwhelmed the Separatist Droid Army while Kenobi engaged Grievous, destroying the cyborg general and effectively ending the Clone Wars. As the Battle of Utapau continued, Cody carried out an action that proved to be his most enduring legacy: he was the man to order Kenobi's death, albeit not by choice. The Clone Commander received a transmission from Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine, secretly the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, who instructed him to execute Order 66. Controlled by the secret programing implanted into him and all his clone brothers by the Sith, Cody was forced to turn against his longtime general and friend but ultimately failed to kill him. Nevertheless, his service continued under the reign of the Galactic Empire by assisting in the final enslavement of Kashyyyk. After an additional mission for the Empire to the Separatist holdout world of Desix, Cody questioned the goals of the organization and deserted soon after.


Clone Wars

Creation and early career

"No, sir, I wasn't involved in the first assault on Geonosis."
"You didn't miss much. Last time, I was chained to a pole and attacked by several humongous monsters."
"That sounds entertaining."
"It was. For the Geonosians."
―Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi[13]
Kamino Facility

Cody was a clone of Jango Fett, one of the early thousands engineered on Kamino to serve the Galactic Republic.

Like every other clone trooper, Cody was born and trained on the planet Kamino to serve as a soldier of the Galactic Republic.[4] Since the beginning of the war, Commander Cody had been placed under the command of Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi and frequently fought alongside him[3] as the Jedi Master's second-in-command.[14] In that role, he helped Kenobi in leading the 212th Attack Battalion.[15] Although Cody was not involved in the First Battle of Geonosis,[13] he took part in many other battles during the Clone Wars.[7] Early during the war,[16] Cody, Clone Captain Rex, and Jedi officers were involved in an incident on Tibrin.[17]

During the early weeks of the war, Kenobi, his Padawan Anakin Skywalker, and Cody led their troopers in a series of battles for the control of a rocky planet. As the Jedi and clones were still working on combing their skill sets during that early time, Cody and his fellow clones fought against battle droids separately from Kenobi and Skywalker, with both Jedi moving to speak to the clones after their respective skirmishes had finished.[18] As the battle continued in the distance[19] and Skywalker spoke with Sister, Kenobi and Skywalker's astromech droid, R2-D2, moved to greet Cody, who agreed with his general that they needed better cover, as both the Jedi and commander were upset at how easily their soldiers could be picked off on the planet. Afterward, Cody sounded an alarm over their secure communications channel to warn that more battle droids were approaching, which Skywalker and another clone quickly responded to.[18]

Following Kenobi and the still-recently promoted General Skywalker's mission to the planet Cato Neimoidia, Kenobi requested a report on the crash of a prisoner transport on Cato Neimoidia that was carrying the Neimoidian Royal Guard Ruug Quarnom, whom he had allied with during the mission. After the passing of the Jedi Military Integration Act, Cody entered a hangar bay on the Republic capital planet of Coruscant to give his general a datapad containing the report, breaking up a conversation between Kenobi and Skywalker as he approached. Having come to look forward to his further work alongside the clone, Kenobi thanked Cody before studying the report with Skywalker.[20] As the war ground on, Cody and Kenobi became better at combing their tactics, developing a mutual trust and camaraderie as they fought alongside each other, and Cody's armor changed to have orange markings[13] instead of the yellow[20] typical of early commanders.[21]

Mission to Krystar

"Krystar is still a member of the Galactic Republic—at least for now. Launching an assault on the planet without any proof to justify our actions would not be wise."
"But General Kenobi, these are our brothers we're talking about. If they're being secretly held as prisoners of war, we must do something about it."
―General Kenobi and Commander Cody[22]

At some point after Cody adopted orange markings on his armor, Cody and his troopers accompanied Kenobi and Senator Padmé Amidala to Krystar. Their mission was to discover if the Ovissians had taken prisoners for the Confederacy. While Amidala spoke with Regent Queb and Senator Vishar Koss, Cody and Kenobi sent Waxer, Boil, and several troopers on a recon mission. Cody learned from his troops that Queb was planning to sell the clone prisoners to a Trandoshan hunter. Cody contacted some of the captured troops, including Wooley, and told them that they were there to break them out. Their operation was successful, with Cody and his men rescuing the prisoners and eventually leaving Krystar.[22]

Battle on Caliban

"My point is, this bridge is the only way to get from one side of the planet to the next. Since we're the ones rebuilding it—"
"It would be tragic if the Seppies suffered some kind of accident using our bridge."
―Kenobi and Cody[23]

Cody in HT-77 Cold Assault Armor on Caliban

On the frozen moon Caliban, Cody, Kenobi, and their troops were captured by General Grievous's forces and forced to build a bridge. While there, Cody and Kenobi met a Qubey trying to reach its parents, who they convinced to help them by attacking Grievous and retrieving Kenobi's lightsaber. After the bridge was completed, Cody, Kenobi, and their men were to be executed. However, they were saved by the Qubey. Cody and his men were able to get the battle droids' blasters, help the Qubey, and return to a gunship. Cody suggested capturing Grievous, but Kenobi told them that Separatist reinforcements were coming. Before leaving Caliban, the gunship destroyed the bridge.[23]

Siege of Hisseen

Cody was also involved in the siege of Hisseen, alongside Rex, Clone Commander Wolffe, and their units.[24] Cody, Wolffe, and Rex decided to rescue the members of the Hisseenian parliament while the Jedi kept Dooku busy.[25] Cody led his troops alongside Wolffe's Wolfpack in freeing the parliament members from the battle droids. Cody, Wolffe, and their troops escorted the parliament members to meet up with Rex's troops.[22] Cody and his troops were able to push the droids back.[26] Cody, Rex, Wolffe, and their forces were then surrounded by battle droids. However, the Jedi arrived and rescued them. Cody, and Kenobi were then recalled to Coruscant.[23]

Battle of Christophsis

"Skywalker should've attacked by now!"
"Don't worry! He knows the plan."
―Cody and Obi-Wan Kenobi — (audio) Listen (file info)[27]
Slick fights Cody

Cody and Slick fight

Cody was involved in the battle against a massive Separatist invasion of the planet Christophsis and fought alongside Generals Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi.[28] During the campaign, they were able to root out a traitor among themselves; a Clone Sergeant by the name of Slick, who had divulged intelligence to Count Dooku's apprentice Asajj Ventress for freedom. While Anakin and Obi-Wan were fighting Ventress, Cody and Captain Rex successfully apprehended Slick after a short chase, but not before he managed to sabotage numerous walkers, gunships, and other weapons belonging to the Republic's weapons depot.[29]

Cody Christophsis

Clone Commander Cody with fellow clones during the Battle of Christophsis

Sometime after this, Cody was joined on the front lines by Skywalker to defeat the first wave of droids, commanded by General Whorm Loathsom but eventually was forced to retreat when the Separatist tanks overwhelmed the Republic artillery. Whorm was able to set up a deflector shield that protected his advancing forces from the Republic's heavy cannon fire. Skywalker and his newly arrived Padawan Ahsoka Tano, were tasked to take down the shield while Cody, Rex, Kenobi, and the clones were to hold off the enemy as long as they could. Kenobi allowed himself to be captured and distracted the Separatist general by discussing the surrender in a civilized manner. Whorm had enough of the playing and ordered Kenobi to surrender right before Skywalker and Tano took down the shield, allowing the Republic's cannons to tear Whorm's tanks apart. Whorm while distracted, was taken hostage by General Kenobi, ending the battle as a Republic victory.[27]

Battle of Teth

"Commander Cody, prepare the gunships for ground assault."
"Yes, sir. [To gunships] Go, go go!"
―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cody[27]

Cody on the Battle of Teth.

After the Battle of Christophsis, Cody and the 212th Battalion accompanied General Kenobi during his meeting with Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine. He and his men were tasked to assist the 501st Legion, General Skywalker and his apprentice Ahsoka Tano, during their mission to rescue Jabba's son Rotta, who had been kidnapped and brought to a Separatist controlled prison on Teth. With the 212th's help, the battle was ultimately won by the Republic, and Rotta rescued.[27]

Skirmish on Rishi Moon

"Whoa! Rex! What the heck are you doing?"
"Relax. Just as I thought. Looks like one of those new commando droids."
―Cody and Rex — (audio) Listen (file info)[17]
Watching Rishi Station die

Aided by a group of rookie clones, Cody and Rex alerted the Republic to an impending Separatist attack on Kamino.

When Cody and Rex were dispatched to inspect the Rishi moon station, they were welcomed by what appeared to be a clone trooper, who was in-secret, a disguised commando droid. It tried to get rid of the two by attempting to fool them, explaining that the base was in good shape; Rex and Cody still weren't convinced. Rex concluded it was a droid due to the droid answering a command with 'Roger, Roger' and a droid attack flare was fired by the surviving base guards, Hevy, Echo and Fives. Rex immediately shot the disguised BX droid, shocking Cody. They were caught in an ambush set up by the droids in case the disguised droid failed to send both away, and the droids proceeded to throw thermal detonators towards the clones. The explosion destroyed their shuttle, but the clones were able to survive by hanging from cables and landing safely on the ground. Later they met the survivors and encountered a Rishi eel that earlier ate Cutup, one of the survivors. Rex shot the beast in the eye, effectively killing it, then proceeded to use its blue blood to place his hand-print onto Echo's "shiny" armor.[17]

The group managed to take back the station and discovered the droids had hard-wired an "all-clear" signal to the unsuspecting Republic Navy, that would allow General Grievous to attack Kamino and stop the clones' production once and for all. As the clones attempted to disable the signal, droid reinforcements arrived and discovered the clones had survived and retaken the station. The outnumbered clones tried to deactivate the all-clear signal by destroying the station with tibanna liquid and explosives set off by remote detonation, but the detonator jammed. Heavy chose to remain and activate it manually. Heavy continued to hold off incoming droids for as long as he could, eventually getting shot in the back. Before he could've been killed by the droid forces, he manually detonated the explosives. The all-clear signal ceased to broadcast, thereby alerting the Republic fleet of Grievous' presence near Kamino. For this act, Rex accepted the last two survivors into the 501st Legion.[17]

Continued service

Battle of Ryloth

"It's not going to be easy getting to those guns, sir."
"There is always a way, Wooley."
―Wooley and Cody — (audio) Listen (file info)[30]
Ghost Company3

Ghost Company played a role in the liberation of Ryloth under General Obi-Wan Kenobi and Commander Cody.

Later in the war, Cody and the Ghost Company, were sent to Ryloth to free the Twi'leks from the Techno Union leader and Separatist Council member, Wat Tambor. When General Skywalker and his apprentice Commander Tano were able to destroy the blockade surrounding the planet, Cody along with Jedi generals, Kenobi and Mace Windu; were able to make an almost safe landing onto the planet. However, they were attacked by anti air guns which Windu tasked General Kenobi and Ghost Company with destroying.[30]

After landing outside of Nabat, Cody and his troops then took down the droids' defense. Cody then took Wooley, Waxer, and Boil to scout ahead. While Waxer and Boil went off on their own, Cody and Wooley found the cannons and witnessed the droids using Nabat's survivors as a living shield. After General Kenobi spoke with Windu, Cody signaled Waxer and Boil to return. After that, Cody, Wooley, Waxer, and Boil went with Kenobi to free the Twi'leks.[30]

First Battle of Felucia

Cody fought at Felucia alongside Rex, General Kenobi, General Skywalker, Tano, and their troops. However, they were forced to retreat when the Confederate forces began to surround and overwhelm them. They were able to leave Felucia using General Plo Koon's gunships.[31] Cody accompanied Generals Windu and Kenobi with bounty hunter Cad Bane in custody to his station to retrieve the holocron and the memory crystal. Unfortunately, Bane escaped, but Cody was able to get their ship away from the station before it blew up.[32]

Second Battle of Geonosis


Cody and Rex revise the strategy of the battle.

Cody participated in retaking Geonosis in order to capture Poggle the Lesser, one of the Separatist leaders. He and his forces landed at Point Rain to set up the rendezvous point for Generals Skywalker's and Mundi's forces. When General Kenobi's gunship was shot down, Cody sent Waxer and Boil to rescue Kenobi and Trapper from the wreckage. Cody and his men held out against the Geonosians and their AATs until Skywalker called in an airstrike. Cody, the Jedi and their clone commanders then planned the attack on the ray shield fortress. Cody and Kenobi brought up the AT-TEs and destroyed the generator after Skywalker and Tano disabled the proton cannons.[13]

Cody and one of his squads accompanied Kenobi and Skywalker as they investigated the disappearance of General Luminara Unduli as she searched for Poggle. The search party went underground where they fought undead Geonosian warriors. While narrowly escaping them, they found themselves in the lair of the Geonosian Queen, Karina the Great, where Poggle retreated. The rescue party freed Unduli and killed the Queen, escaping the catacombs as they collapsed, bringing Poggle along with them. The squad returned back to base for recovery.[33]

Battle of Saleucami

When Jedi General Eeth Koth was captured by General Grievous, Cody accompanied General Kenobi aboard his Jedi light cruiser after learning that Grievous was in the Saleucami system. There, they attacked Grievous' fleet. Once there, their ship was seized by Grievous' destroyer's tractor beam. Cody and his men stood their ground when Grievous, his Magna Guards, and BX commando droids boarded the ship. Cody and his men attempted to halt Grievous' escape of the ship, but failed in doing so. Cody and Kenobi followed Grievous into the docking tube as their ship was being destroyed. Cody and Kenobi then met up with Gallia. However, they could not continue their attempt and were forced to leave the destroyer.[34]

Cody then accompanied Kenobi, Rex, and their units to the surface of Saleucami. There, Cody, Kenobi, and Crys then searched the flatland for Grievous. The ground battle was fought when Grievous came to find the only working escape pod from the crash. Obi-Wan and the clones did not catch Grievous, as he got away yet again.[35]

Skirmish aboard the Coronet


The battalions of Commander Cody and Captain Rex provided security for the Mandalorian delegation.

Cody along with Skywalker, Rex, and their troops then accompanied General Kenobi as he continued to protect Mandalore's Duchess Satine Kryze and her entourage during their trip to Coruscant from Death Watch aboard the Coronet.[36] Cody, Rex, and their men checked the cargo hold for anything dangerous. They then found R2 spooked by something and contacted Skywalker. Cody, Rex, and Skywalker then opened the container. Cody, Rex, and their men then went to Skywalker's aid when he was attacked by a Assassin probe.[37]

They were able to stop, but one got past them and went into the lift. Cody and the others then came under attack by smaller SD-K4a mini-assassin droids, which they were able to destroy. They then questioned the protocol droid in charge of the cargo, who confirmed that one of the senators was a traitor. They then continued their search for more of the probes. When Cody and Rex were under attack by one of the droids, it was dispatched by R2-D2. Cody and Rex then assisted Skywalker in destroying the last of the probe droids. Later, Cody, Rex, Skywalker and the rest of the clones assisted the royal guards in repelling the B2-series super battle droids boarding the Coronet. During the skirmish, Skywalker managed to kill the traitor, by then revealed to be Tal Merrik, before he destroyed the ship. Cody, Rex, and the royal guards were able to destroy the droids, and Cody subsequently reported their success to Skywalker.[37]

Battle of Tipoca City

"With all due respect, General, if someone comes to our home, they'd better be carrying a big blaster."
"I concur with Captain Rex, sir. This is personal for us clones."
―Rex and Cody, to Obi-Wan Kenobi[38]

Cody, Rex, Anakin and Obi-Wan discover the plan to attack Kamino through a coded hologram.

Later in the war, the Republic intercepted a coded hologram of Ventress and General Grievous planning an attack on Tipoca City. Cody and Rex along with Generals Kenobi, Skywalker and the 501st Legion were sent to reinforce General Shaak Ti's forces on Kamino. When General Grievous' droid fleet arrived, Cody was overseeing the battle along with Masters Ti and Kenobi, Prime Minister Lama Su and other clone officers, but later joined Rex, Echo, Fives and clone 99 when Ventress' AQ-series battle droids carried by Tridents had attacked Tipoca City from underwater. Cody later helped the other clones along with cadets to set up an ambush for Grievous and his droids that were clearing out the barracks, while Kenobi engaged Grievous in a short duel. While the clones were battling the incoming droids, 99 tried to run back to the armory to resupply the clones whom Cody ordered him to stop, but due to his slowness was ultimately shot in the back. Following the separatist defeat, in addition to Grievous and Ventress fleeing the system, the loss of 99 was mourned and he was acknowledged by his comrades as a true soldier. Later, Fives and Echo were promoted to ARC troopers.[38]

Meeting Vos

Kenobi and his maverick Jedi friend Quinlan Vos were assigned to hunt down Jabba's notorious uncle Ziro, who had been freed from captivity in the Republic Judiciary Central Detention Center by a group of bounty hunters led by Cad Bane. Cody met Kenobi on one of the Jedi Temple's landing platforms. Cody questioned his Jedi general commenting he looked troubled. Kenobi replied that Vos was known to have that effect. Cody then remarked that Vos was known for his reputation, to which Kenobi replied that Vos was crazy. A gunship then rendezvoused with Cody and Kenobi, with Vos jumping from the ship while it was still in mid-air. Vos greeted Kenobi and Cody, before Kenobi started to debrief Vos on the mission, only to discover Vos already had read everything on the mission file. Cody listened as Kenobi informed Vos his intentions were to recapture Ziro and to also imprison Bane and bring both to the courts. Vos then told Kenobi that he'd fly the ship, while Kenobi was the co-pilot. Kenobi remarked to Cody that he was afraid Vos would request to be the pilot.[39]

Battle of Lola Sayu

Cody was then part of Skywalker's and Kenobi's assault team assigned to infiltrate the Citadel on Lola Sayu to rescue Master Even Piell before the Confederacy got information about the Nexus Route. Thus, he and the others were put into carbonite to avoid the sensors. Once they reach a cave near the prison tower, the team had to free-climb a cliff face. When their team was spotted, Cody lost one of his men, Longshot, when he was caught in a electric field. Cody eventually helped in freeing Master Piell and his captain, Wilhuff Tarkin. After defeating a few waves of droids, the team decided to split up with Cody going with Kenobi, Piell, three clone troopers, and three rescued clones. Their group decided to make a diversion which would allow Skywalker's group to escape the tower and reach the lower levels. They planted explosives so that they can wrecked havoc on the facility so that Skywalker's team could reach the tunnels.[40]

MissiontotheCitadel-The Citadel

Cody and his men fighting in the Citadel.

Kenobi and his group decided to hide in the ventilation shafts so that they can find a way out. Cody then spotted a probe droid and Piell destroyed it. However, this caused the security doors to start closing and one of Cody's men was sliced in half.[41] They managed to find their way out, but were ambushed and captured by droidekas, crab droids, and commando droids. The group was brought before the commander of the facility, Osi Sobeck, who wanted to find out about Piell's information. Sobeck executed one of Cody's men when they refused to give it to them but then ordered his droids to take them to the interrogation room. They were later saved by R2-D2. The two groups later met up and tried to get on the shuttle. However, it was blown up and they were forced to retreat. The group was on the run and were chased by droids and Anoobas. They were eventually saved by the Republic with only Anakin, Obi-Wan, Ahsoka, Tarkin, Rex, Cody, Fives, R2, and two rescued clones remaining.[42]

Transition to phase II armor

Battle of Umbara


Cody had transitioned to Phase II armor when he participated in the Battle of Umbara.

Sometime after Cody adopted a set of Phase II clone trooper armor, Cody, Kenobi, and their battalion were then sent to retake Umbara. Kenobi briefed Skywalker, Rex, Cody, and their troops on the plan. Jedi Masters' Krell and Tiin, along with their troops, would support Kenobi, Cody, and the 212th in the south while Skywalker and his troops would come in from the north to take out enemy reinforcements. They would then take and hold the capital.[43] However, the 212th met heavy resistance.[44] At one point, Cody directed his troops to bring down a target.[15]

The 501st,[45] which came under the command of General Krell after Skywalker was recalled,[43] were sent to take over the Umbaran airbase that was supplying the capital. When Rex and his troops achieved this, the 212th won the fight for the capital, sending surviving Umbaran forces towards the 501st position. Despite sabotage from General Krell, who ordered Cody's men and Rex's men to fire on each other after deceiving them into thinking the other force were Umbaran soldiers in disguise, Republic forces emerged triumphant.[45]

Battle of Kiros


Cody displays Darts D'Nar's message.

Cody then went with Kenobi to reclaim Kiros. There he received a message from Confederate commander, Darts D'Nar to discuss terms of surrender. Cody, Skywalker, and Tano then listened in on Kenobi's negotiations with D'Nar, claiming he planted bombs all over the city. After D'Nar detonated one of the bombs, Cody and R2 guided Skywalker and Tano to the locations of the bombs. They were successful in disarming the bombs.[46]

Rescue on Florrum


Cody is left to watch as General Grievous murders one of his brothers.

When Tano was kidnapped from her group of Jedi younglings aboard the Crucible,[47] Cody went with Kenobi to pick up the younglings and rescue Tano from Captain Ohnaka's gang of pirates. However, they then came under attack by a Confederate fleet under General Grievous. When Grievous's forces took control of the Negotiator, Cody and Kenobi activated the self-destruct and fled with what remained of their forces to the escape pods.[48]

Cody, Kenobi, and their men then met up Tano and the younglings after they escaped with Ohnaka from Grievous.[49]

Republic strategy conference

Cody then attended the Republic strategy conference at the Valor space station in the Carida system. It was there that a Separatist plot was being initiated in which a large amount of rhydonium was being used to blow up the space station. However, their plan failed when R2-D2 saved them.[50]

Mission to Bray

"These Brayans seem a nervous bunch, General."
―Cody, to Obi-Wan Kenobi[51]

During the war, Cody and several other clones accompanied Adi Gallia and Kenobi on a mission to the planet Bray after the native Brayans asked the Jedi Order for help. There, they fought off a vampiric creature named Ravna that was sabotaging the Brayans' power. A member of the 212th, Peel, was infected by the creature and started to damage the electric systems on Obi-Wan's shuttle. When they found out, Peel attacked them but was stunned and secured by Cody. Later, after Ravna was defeated, Peel was cured.[51]

End of the war

Assault on Vizsla Keep 09

"A military base hidden amongst the asteroids? Are you certain?"
"No doubt about it. We finally have that red-faced monster in our crosshairs."
―General Kenobi and Cody[52]
Assault on Mandalorian supply outpost

Cody with Obi-Wan and Tiplee on Vizsla Keep 09.

After Maul captured Dooku and Grievous during the Battle of Ord Mantell, Jedi Masters Obi-Wan Kenobi and Mace Windu led a team of Jedi to track Maul to his supply outpost on Vizsla Keep 09. Maul convinced Dooku to join him and led an attack against the Jedi. Cody and the 212th Attack Battalion fought alongside the Jedi and they fought their way though an asteroid field and numerous Gauntlet fighters. In the end, Maul, Dooku, and Grievous escaped and Master Tiplee was killed by Dooku.[53]

Dealing with Quinlan Vos

Obi-Wan Kenobi: "Can you give chase?"
Cody: "Sorry, sir, that's a negative, my leg's been snapped like a twig."
Anakin Skywalker: "We'll get you patched up, Cody, don't you worry. Those slippery, slimy…"
―Obi-Wan Kenobi, Cody, and Anakin Skywalker[54]

Cody wearing his customized Phase II armor.

Towards the end of the Clone Wars, Commander Cody took part in a mission to raid a Separatist supply storage base that contained medications, arms, ship repair parts, and foodstuffs. For this mission, Commander Cody worked with the Jedi Kenobi, Anakin, Desh, and Quinlan Vos. Unknown to Cody and his colleagues, Vos had turned to the dark side and was secretly working with Count Dooku to sabotage the Republic's war effort. Upon arriving, Vos quickly "discovered" that the retreating Separatist forces had planted bombs throughout the entire asteroid. Cody and his colleagues managed to evacuate the asteroid but were unable to extract the supplies, which were destroyed with the asteroid.[54]

Later, Cody took part in another joint Jedi-Republic operation to destroy a Separatist listening post on Vanqor. Under General Kenobi's orders, Cody divided his squadron into teams and sent them to scout the facility. Upon arriving there, Cody and his Clone and Jedi comrades discovered that the listening post had already been abandoned. As a result of this incident, the Jedi High Council came to suspect that Master Vos was a traitor. To test his loyalty to the Jedi and the Republic, they sent Vos on a mission to kill Count Dooku.[54]

Vos managed to infiltrate Dooku's dreadnought in space but failed to kill the Count. He wanted Dooku to lead him to his mysterious master Darth Sidious and then kill the two Sith Lords. However, Master Kenobi and the Jedi Knight Anakin had tailed him there and arrested both Vos and Dooku. Master Kenobi then contacted Cody and Desh, who were aboard the Venator-class Star Destroyer Vigilance and informed them that they were bringing back Vos and Dooku as prisoners. When Desh asked the Clone Commander how many troops they should bring to the hangar, Cody joked about sending two hundred men.[54]

Instead, Cody handpicked two dozen of his best clone troopers to meet the prisoners once they had landed on the brig. As a precaution, Cody also stationed clones every couple of meters between the hangar bay and the brig. Cody was also accompanied by Desh and another Jedi Knight named Kav Bayons. Despite being outnumbered, Vos managed to turn the table on his captors by tricking Desh into approaching him and then stealing his lightsaber. Vos then used the lightsaber to free Dooku's bonds. After seizing Bayon's lightsaber, Dooku cut down one clone escort and then "Force-threw" Cody down the corridor. After killing both Desh, Bayons, and all the other clone troopers, Vos and Dooku escaped the Vigilance on Asajj Ventress' ship Banshee. Cody survived the fight but sustained a broken leg. While Anakin and Obi-Wan pursued the fugitives to Christophsis, Cody stayed behind to recover aboard the Vigilance.[54]

Battle for Anaxes

"Our target is this Cyber Center. It's the 'brains' of the entire Separatist campaign here on Anaxes."
Cody Rex The Bad Batch

Cody and Rex during the Anaxes campaign

During the Outer Rim Sieges in the late stages of the Clone Wars,[55] Cody fought alongside Rex[12] and under Generals Kenobi,[55] Skywalker, and Mace Windu during Admiral Trench's campaign to take Anaxes's shipyards. However, after weeks of heated fighting, the Republic's grip on the planet began to falter. During this crisis, Cody was supportive of Rex's theory that the Separatist Droid Army had learned the Clone Captain's personal strategy. Rex shared this theory with Windu and Skywalker, and Cody noted his concern: with Rex being one of their best, the droids knowing how to defeat the Captain might make the rest of them vulnerable. Cody proposed that he and Rex take a small squad into Separatist lines to reach the Cyber Center, knowing that it relayed all battlefield intelligence to the Separatist command ship. Cody believed that any information they needed to find would be at the center.[12]

After Windu approved the mission, Cody met with Rex inside the barracks to inform the Captain that they needed to go. Inside, however, Rex was looking at a picture of the two of them with ARC troopers Echo, who was believed to have been killed at the Citadel, and Fives,[12] who had died on Level 1325 of Coruscant.[56] Rex reflected on how many clones had been killed, and Cody noted that regular people did not understand and how it could be hard to be a survivor. This, however, was what Rex's concern was, as he admitted to Cody that he believed Echo had survived. While Cody felt it was impossible, Rex noted the strategies used by the Separatists and himself were old plans created by himself and Echo. Cody understood what the Captain was saying, but the Clone Commander reaffirmed that it was not possible, ultimately telling his fellow officer that it was unlikely, probably misplaced hope, and that he needed him to be focused.[12]

Rex claimed he knew and told Cody not to worry before asking what squad they would be taking. Cody responded that they were bringing Clone Force 99. After the squad's ship, Marauder landed, Cody explained to Rex that the squad was an experimental force with desirable genetic mutations. Once their operation began, however, Cody was injured in their gunship's crash and was left behind with Kix.[12] In the end, however, the battle turned into a Republic victory after the rescue of the indeed alive Echo, who would join the Bad Batch.[57]

Battle of Yerbana

"Well, I can see things are going splendidly on this front."
"It's no good. We can't locate the tactical droid. He's staying out of sight."
―General Kenobi and Cody[58]

Obi-Wan Kenobi saved Cody and fought alongside his commander during the Battle of Yerbana.

Some time after the Anaxes campaign, the 212th and the 501st were ordered to attack a Separatist stronghold on the planet Yerbana.[58] At one point during the fighting, Cody, wielding a DC-15A blaster rifle, fought back-to-back with Kenobi on a Yerbana bridge.[15] Later, Cody, by that time having adopted a DC-15 carbine, commanded his troopers on a bridge and faced heavy resistance from droid forces. After ordering his men to take cover, Cody was nearly killed by a missile, but was saved by the timely arrival of Kenobi, who deflected the missile with his lightsaber. Kenobi then ordered Cody to find cover as he deflected a laser blast back at the Separatist droids.[58]

After hiding behind some debris, Cody informed his general that they couldn't locate the tactical droid in charge of the enemy army as he was keeping himself out of sight. Skywalker arrived a moment later and questioned Cody and Kenobi on why they were hiding. Kenobi replied they were taking cover, and insisted Skywalker did the same. Skywalker created a ruse, pretending to surrender to the Separatists, surprising Cody and Kenobi. Cody watched as Skywalker stalled the droids, causing them to ceasefire and call their commanding officer to the front lines. The tactical droid deduced it was a trap and ordered his forces to open fire. However, it was too late for the droid commander, as Skywalker's ruse enabled him to destroy the tactical droid. Rex and the 501st then flew up from underneath the bridge, destroying much of the leaderless Separatist forces. Cody turned to Kenobi who confirmed that he and the 212th could reinforce the 501st, joining the fun on the bridge battlefield. Cody ordered his troops to blast their opponents as he rose from his hiding spot and charged the droids, alongside his troopers. Soon after, the combined forces of the 212th and 501st defeated the remaining droids.[58]

Battle of Utapau

"I'll keep them distracted until you get there. Just don't take too long."
"Come on. When have I ever let you down?"
"Very well, the burden is on me not to destroy all the droids before you arrive."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cody[7]
212th Battalion

Cody with the 212th Attack Battalion on Utapau.

During the Battle of Coruscant, Separatist Head of State Count Dooku was executed by General Skywalker, leaving Supreme Commander General Grievous as the highest-ranking member of the Confederacy. Hoping to end the war with Grievous' capture, the Republic tirelessly searched for the droid general across the galaxy until he was discovered by Clone Intelligence to be hiding on the Outer Rim planet Utapau. The Jedi High Council tasked General Kenobi and the 7th Sky Corps with the capture of Grievous. Upon leaving the atmosphere of Coruscant aboard a Venator-class Star Destroyer, Kenobi and Cody formulated a strategy for the upcoming battle in the Destroyer's hangar.[7]

Obi-Wan decided to infiltrate Utapau in order to confirm the exact location of Grievous before the battle. As he entered his starfighter, Kenobi requested that Cody be ready to attack the Separatist forces on Utapau. Cody reassured the Jedi General, reminding him that he had never let Obi-Wan down. Kenobi was able to infiltrate Pau City, the capital of Utapau, and locate General Grievous. Creating a distraction, Obi-Wan dueled the droid General in single-combat, allowing Cody and the 7th Sky Corps to launch a surprise assault on the droid forces occupying the city. During the battle, Kenobi dropped his lightsaber in his pursuit of Grievous across the city. The weapon fell near Cody, who picked it up and kept it on his person. Part way through the battle, Cody contacted General Windu on Coruscant and informed him that Kenobi had made contact with Grievous.[7]

Order 66

"Commander Cody, the time has come. Execute Order 66."
"Yes, my lord."
―Darth Sidious and Cody[7]

Kenobi, who had slain Grievous, approached Cody during the battle atop the varactyl Boga. Kenobi ordered Cody to command his troops to move to the upper levels of the city. As Obi-Wan prepared to rejoin the fighting, Cody handed the Jedi his lightsaber, reminding him that he may need it for the battle ahead. Kenobi thanked Cody and sped off on Boga, determined to push the Separatist forces from Utapau.[7]

End Days

CC-2224 receiving Order 66 from Darth Sidious.

However, as Kenobi traversed up the chasm of Pau City atop Boga, Cody received a encrypted transmission from the Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Sidious, who ordered Cody to enact Order 66,[7] the secret directive to kill all members of the Jedi Order. Sidious and Dooku had control chips implanted within all clones at birth,[59] which when activated, would override their loyalty to the Jedi and control them into betraying and murdering them. With Sidious activating his chip, Cody's loyalty towards Kenobi was abolished, brainwashing the Commander into believing Kenobi was a traitor to the Republic.[3] Cody immediately turned on his former friend, ordering a nearby AT-TE to fire on him without hesitation. The laser blast from the AT-TE knocked Kenobi and Boga off[7] the carven wall,[60] sending them hurling into the abyss below.[7]

Like Cody, many other clones would be forced to turn against the Jedi upon Sidious ordering them to execute Order 66. Unsure of Kenobi's fate, Cody ordered a search party to locate the Jedi's body. Eventually, a clone paratrooper reported that a corpse couldn't be recovered and expressed his doubts that anyone could survive such a fall. Cody, seemingly convinced that the Jedi Master had perished, ordered his men to prepare for departure. Kenobi survived, however, becoming one of the few Jedi to escape the activation of Order 66.[7]

Age of the Empire

Mission to Kashyyyk

After the near-extinction of the Jedi Order, Sidious reorganized the Republic into the first Galactic Empire, proclaiming himself as Galactic Emperor.[7] During the subsequent Imperial Era, Cody and the 212th, by then serving as stormtroopers, assisted in the Empire's final enslavement of the Wookiee homeworld of Kashyyyk.[10]


"Tell me something, Crosshair. This new Empire... Are we making the galaxy better?"
"We're soldiers. We do what needs to be done."
"You know what makes us different from battle droids? We make our own decisions. Our own choices. And we have to live with them too."
―Cody and Crosshair, shortly before the former left the Empire[11]

Cody and Crosshair were reunited for the mission to Desix.

Cody later reunited with Crosshair, the lone member of the Bad Batch that still served the Empire. Crosshair joined Cody's squad on a mission to the Separatist holdout world of Desix. After their ship was shot down, Cody led the surviving members of the squad into the city, eventually taking Crosshair, "Wyler," and "Nova" to rescue the hostage, Grotton, the Imperial-appointed governor of Desix. After facing numerous battle droids which resulted in the deaths of Wyler and Nova, Cody eventually made a deal with the acting governor, Tawni Ames, promising to work out a peaceful resolution in exchange for Grotton's freedom. However, when Grotton ordered Ames to be executed and Crosshair complied, Cody questioned whether or not the Empire's actions were truly meant to establish peace. Following the return to Coruscant, Cody admitted these thoughts to Crosshair, and went AWOL soon after—abandoning the Empire.[11]


"Cody and I practically invented these emergency protocols back in the Clone War. Trust me, the codes are good."

Around a year into the Imperial Era, Kenobi, having gone into exile on the desert planet Tatooine to protect the young Luke Skywalker, remembered parts of his past while meditating, including Cody giving him back his lightsaber moments before Order 66.[60] Upon seeing the face of a clone, Anakin Skywalker, who had become the Sith Lord Darth Vader by that point, remembered Cody, Rex, Fives, and Echo. Each name was a trigger for a memory, and Vader saw each clone as a ghost from his past.[62]

Fifteen years after the rise of the Empire,[63] many of the codes and emergency protocols that Cody and Rex had come up with during the Clone Wars were still used by the Empire.[61] For all the battles he took part in during the Clone War, Cody was most-well known as the clone who ordered the execution of Kenobi. His failure proved to be vital for the future of the galaxy due to the Jedi's role in the Galactic Civil War.[64]

Personality and traits

"Report back once you've arrived."
"Copy that. Cody out."
"Good man, that Cody."
―Obi-Wan Kenobi and Cody[17]

Commander Cody was known for his loyalty and his skills as a commander.

As a clone of Jango Fett,[4] Cody was a human[1] male who stood 1.83 meters tall[3] and had black hair, brown eyes, and tan skin.[7] A natural leader, the 212th Attack Battalion became a renowned regiment under his command. He was also a keen strategist, possessing a practical mind for warfare, which, combined with his combat ability, earned him the respect of his superiors and fellow soldiers. He was known as Cody,[3] a name the commander used as part of a growing trend in the military, where the Jedi encouraged the clones to explore their individuality.[65]

Cody could be cautious[3] and adhering to procedure,[1] but was consistently capable on the battlefield. His effectiveness as a leader was due in part to his range in ability, being able to efficiently lead his soldiers in either straightforward infantry battles or more complicated infiltration missions. As a soldier in the Grand Army of the Republic, Cody never wavered in his allegiance to the government he was bred to serve. His loyalty to the Galactic Republic was absolute; any attempt to make him question his service was met with Cody's impassiveness.[3] He hated it when clones died in otherwise preventable ways, such as not having enough cover,[18] and confided in Rex that, sometimes, he found it hard to be one of the few who survived battle after battle, when so many of his family had fallen in battle.[12] He shared his brethren's affinity for their homeworld, Kamino,[38] having been grown in the Kaminoan hatcheries alongside the other Fett clones.[1] The Separatist invasion of Kamino was personal for Cody, who viewed their actions as a direct threat to his kind.[38]

Like his general, Cody developed a habit of walking with his hands clasped behind his back. He was also familiar with the reputation of Quinlan Vos, which he quickly noted to Kenobi when asked about him.[39] Owing to his strong sense of loyalty, Cody had little patience for traitors.[54] He was unaffected by the treason of Slick, who believed that the clones were enslaved.[3] However, Cody expressed to the Jedi that he understood how Vos' betrayal affected them, recalling the incident with Slick.[54]


Cody's friendship with Kenobi was built on mutual respect and trust.

Cody often served alongside another clone, Captain Rex, with whom he had a close friendship. Cody frequently questioned how Rex could handle working under a Jedi as reckless as Anakin Skywalker and was grateful Jedi General Obi-Wan Kenobi was much more cautious on the battlefield than his former padawan. In addition, Cody's qualities as an officer made him an ideal second in command to Kenobi. Serving at Kenobi's side throughout the Clone Wars, Cody developed a working relationship and a friendship built on trust and camaraderie with the general. Kenobi came to trust Cody to never let him down, while Cody and the troops under his command respected their Jedi general's skills both as a negotiator and as a warrior. Kenobi also respected Cody for his leadership skills he displayed while in combat and his tactical abilities.[5] However, Cody's chip was activated by Chancellor Palpatine, which overrode his loyalty to Kenobi. As a result, he was forced to follow Order 66, the directive to kill all Jedi as enemies of the Republic, as such he was compelled to turn against the general who had also been his longtime friend.[66] As a soldier of the Galactic Empire, Cody participated in the subjugation of Kashyyyk and the enslavement of its native Wookiee population,[10] but he later realized that Imperial peace was not a type of governance he could support.[3]

Skills and abilities

Commander Cody was a competent and adept field commander.[13] His knowledge and skill on the battlefield even earned him the rank of Marshal Commander.[54] Cody displayed impressive close combat and hand-to-hand combat skills as well, as shown when he was able to get the upper hand against Sergeant Slick,[29] and against the droid forces on Christophsis.[27] The Commander was also proficient with blasters. He was able to accurately hit a fuel tank that was launched from Obi-Wan, and was able to destroy many battle droids throughout the Clone Wars.[48]

As Commander Cody was also an experienced commander, as he was able to formulate plans and execute them effectively. Before the Second Battle of Geonosis, he informed the Jedi Generals of the plan that would eventually lead to victory.[13] Cody was an expert military tactician and was also proficient with a jetpack, frequently wearing one for aerial maneuvers and was known for his skills in reconnaissance.[5]


"Hey! Hey, that's my blaster! Let go! Let—gooooooo!"
"You first."
―Cody commandeers a blaster from a battle droid[23]

Cody's modified Phase I helmet

During the Clone Wars, Cody used a set of Phase I clone trooper armor[27] that was originally given yellow markings[20] like that of all Clone Commanders at the start of the war.[21] In time, more clones began to customize their armor, and Cody's armor was given an orange colorization, which was a color used by many of the other members of the 212th.[33]


Cody's custom Phase II helmet

His armor also came to feature a removable visor,[27] which was used to reduce glare,[5] a communications antenna on his helmet, with a secondary antenna on his shoulder, and a small light. He had lamps on his helmet at Geonosis.[33] Later, when Phase II clone trooper armor was created Cody wore a similar set but had a few changes. The changes were two gray stripes coming down the sides of the top of his helmet, a clip compatible with Obi-Wan Kenobi's Lightsaber on his waist, a small tool attached to the upper arm piece, one antenna on the shoulder pads with one on the back of his helmet, and a smaller, oval-shaped jetpack. This also featured a visor and orange markings.[7]

During the Imperial Era, the orange markings of Cody's armor were made gray with a few additional markings added to his helmet.[11]

Behind the scenes

First appearances

Cody made his first canonical appearance in the 2005 film Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, where he was played by Temuera Morrison, who played all of the other clone troopers in the movie.[7] Cody was named as a tribute to the film serial character Commando Cody.[67]

Cody was later voiced by Dee Bradley Baker in Star Wars: The Clone Wars.[17] In "The Hidden Enemy," the sixteenth episode of The Clone Wars first season, Cody was mistakenly referred to as a captain by Kenobi, due to a script change in which Kenobi was originally talking to Rex.[68]

While developing Star Wars Rebels, the writers considered bringing back Cody. At Dragon Con 2018, Henry Gilroy stated there was an idea where Grand Admiral Thrawn realized that the Spectres were working with clones, leading him to do research and bring Cody in to assist.[69]

Cancelled appearance in Obi-Wan Kenobi television series

"And the idea of mine was that when Obi-Wan had to leave Tatooine, he left Cody in charge of Luke. And that gave us a fun little B-story to keep cutting away to. And yeah, he's a really fun character and a guy racing against the clock obviously, because he's aging twice as fast. He's trying to atone for the worst thing he's ever done in his life. So tragic in a way, but just fun…"
―Stuart Beattie[70]

Writer Stuart Beattie gave Cody a big role in the draft for the first of three Obi-Wan Kenobi feature films, and the film would explore Cody's character arc and show how he transformed from where he was in Revenge of the Sith to Obi-Wan Kenobi. When Kenobi went into a town on Tatooine, Cody would take the Jedi into an alley and hold a knife to his throat. Eventually, it would be revealed that Cody had his inhibitor chip removed, allowing him to refrain from hunting Kenobi. Cody then became Kenobi's "secret buddy" and that they would both be overwhelmed by guilt. Beattie's idea was that when Kenobi left Tatooine, he left Cody in charge of Luke Skywalker, which was meant to be a side plot that the film would cut away to. Cody was planned as a way to show how disconnected Kenobi was from the Force due to forcing his will upon young Skywalker in a manner similar to when Superman lost his powers in the film Superman II. Beattie wrote Cody as a fun character who is tragically racing against his accelerated aging. The writer added a comedic scene when Cody and Kenobi visited the local sarlacc to get rid of some dead stormtroopers, and other locals showed up to also get rid of bodies. Beattie wasn't sure why Cody didn't appear in the Obi-Wan Kenobi television series, but he assumed it was because Temuera Morrison was too busy with The Book of Boba Fett or it was decided that the show didn't need Cody.[70]


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Notes and references

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 StarWars Clone Commander Cody in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  2. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! states that CC-2224 was born thirty-two years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states begins in 0 BBY. Therefore, CC-2224 must have been born on Kamino in 32 BBY.
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 StarWars-DatabankII Clone Commander Cody in the Databank (backup link)
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 StarWars-DatabankII Clone Troopers in the Databank (backup link)
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!
  6. Star Wars Journeys: Beginnings
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  8. AltayaCite "Obi-Wan Kenobi" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  9. Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
  10. 10.0 10.1 10.2 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 35 (Helmets: 212th Attack Battalion)
  11. 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Solitary Clone"
  12. 12.0 12.1 12.2 12.3 12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Bad Batch"
  13. 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Landing at Point Rain"
  14. Obi-Wan 3
  15. 15.0 15.1 15.2 AtomicMassGames-Favicon Scene to Stats: Clone Commander Cody (March 15, 2023) on Atomic Mass Games' official website (backup link)
  16. StarWars-DatabankII Rishi Station in the Databank (backup link) establishes that the Defense of Rishi Station depicted in "Rookies" took place early in the Clone Wars. As "Rookies" dates the event on Tibrin to have been before that battle, it must also have been during the early Clone Wars.
  17. 17.0 17.1 17.2 17.3 17.4 17.5 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Rookies"
  18. 18.0 18.1 18.2 Queen's Hope
  19. Queen's Hope audiobook
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 Brotherhood
  21. 21.0 21.1 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  22. 22.0 22.1 22.2 Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 3
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 5
  24. Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 1
  25. Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 2
  26. Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 4
  27. 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 27.5 27.6 Star Wars: The Clone Wars film
  28. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cat and Mouse"
  29. 29.0 29.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Hidden Enemy"
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Innocents of Ryloth"
  31. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Holocron Heist"
  32. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Children of the Force"
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Legacy of Terror"
  34. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Grievous Intrigue"
  35. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Deserter"
  36. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Mandalore Plot"
  37. 37.0 37.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Voyage of Temptation"
  38. 38.0 38.1 38.2 38.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "ARC Troopers"
  39. 39.0 39.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hunt for Ziro"
  40. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Citadel"
  41. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Counterattack"
  42. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Citadel Rescue"
  43. 43.0 43.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Darkness on Umbara"
  44. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Plan of Dissent"
  45. 45.0 45.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Carnage of Krell"
  46. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Kidnapped"
  47. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Test of Strength"
  48. 48.0 48.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bound for Rescue"
  49. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Necessary Bond"
  50. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Point of No Return"
  51. 51.0 51.1 Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader's Castle 2
  52. Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 3
  53. Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 3
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 54.6 54.7 Dark Disciple
  55. 55.0 55.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Distant Echo"
  56. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Orders"
  57. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Unfinished Business"
  58. 58.0 58.1 58.2 58.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Old Friends Not Forgotten"
  59. 'TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Unknown"
  60. 60.0 60.1 Ahsoka
  61. 61.0 61.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Stealth Strike"
  62. Lords of the Sith
  63. According to Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious, in the year 7973 C.R.C., Ketsu Onyo resigned from the Black Sun. It also dates the Battle of Scarif to 7977 C.R.C., four years after Onyo's resignation. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates Jyn Erso's mission to steal the plans of the first Death Star, which concluded with the Battle of Scarif, to 0 BBY. Therefore, it can be calculated that 7973 C.R.C. is equal to 4 BBY. Since Onyo states in Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Blood Sisters" that she currently works for the Black Sun, the episode must occur by 4 BBY. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Siege of Lothal to 4 BBY. Since that conflict preceded the events of Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Blood Sisters", it can be concluded that the episode took place in 4 BBY. According to StarWars Star Wars Rebels Returns...with Princess Leia on StarWars.com (backup link), Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A Princess on Lothal" is "set roughly three years before the events of A New Hope. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the events of A New Hope to 0 BBY, Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A Princess on Lothal" must occur in 3 BBY. Since Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Stealth Strike" takes place between Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Blood Sisters" and Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A Princess on Lothal", it must occur around 4 BBY.
  64. SWInsider "Clone Tales" — Star Wars Insider 187
  65. StarWars-DatabankII Clone Trooper Armor in the Databank (backup link)
  66. StarWars-DatabankII Clone Commander Cody in the Databank (backup link) (version archived on December 6, 2022; content now replaced)
  67. Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume Two DVD (Audio Commentary)
  68. StarWars The Clone Wars Episode Guide: The Hidden Enemy on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  69. Highlights of the 'Star Wars' Animation Panels at Dragon Con 2018 on TWG (September 8, 2018) (content obsolete and backup link not available)
  70. 70.0 70.1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Writer Reveals Commander Cody's Scrapped Role (Exclusive) by Johnson, Nathan on thedirect.com (July 1, 2022) (archived from the original on July 1, 2022)