- "Patience truly is a virtue... especially in the Engineer Battalion!"
- ―Clone Sergeant Gaffa
The Combat Engineer Battalion was a battalion of clone troopers of the Grand Army of the Republic.

A clone combat engineer trooper.
Heavy artillery troopers in the Combat Engineer Battalion subdivision of the 38th Armored Division wore white armor marked with brown fleurs-de-lis, and helmets painted with three wide brown stripes on the top. This identified them separately from the rest of the 38th, which was marked with similar—but dull mustard-colored—markings.
This subdivision of the 38th Armored Division consisted of clone combat engineers who were specialized in the operation of heavy artillery equipment such as the Self-Propelled Heavy Artillery-Turbolaser (SPHA-T) walkers and Republic Artillery Guns.
- The Making of Star Wars Revenge of the Sith
Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith toy line (Pack: Clone Troopers (Commemorative Episode III DVD Collection)) (backup link) (First pictured)
Star Wars: The Saga Collection (Pack: Combat Engineer Clone Trooper) (backup link) (First identified as Combat Engineer Battalion)
- Threats of the Galaxy
Star Wars PocketModel TCG — Clone Wars Tactics (Card: 38th Armored Division clone artillery cannon) (backup link)