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- "Come with me, please, I need to ask you a few questions."
- ―Unidentified CorSec Investigator
The Corellian Security Force, commonly abbreviated CorSec, was the primary law enforcement agency of the Corellian system. CorSec was famous for its impressive success rate that relied on the great efficiency of its personnel. CorSec officers were well know for their probity and cleverness combined to their advanced training and their dedication to work. They rarely allowed criminals to roam around long enough to cause any harm on Corellia. CorSec had an impressive arrest and conviction record and was among the finest law enforcement officials in the galaxy. The Corellian Security Force ensured security and maintained order in the Corellian system for more than three thousand years, being only briefly replaced by the Public Safety Service late in the Galactic Civil War.
- "We have our moments."
- ―Corran Horn
The Corellian Security Force was the primary law enforcement agency for the Corellian system.[1] It acted as a semi-autonomous organization:[12] although CorSec was ostensibly under control of the Corellian chief of state, CorSec officers often acted independently from the Corellian government.[1] CorSec operated predominantly on the planet Corellia[2] but its jurisdiction extended also over certain parts of the Corellian system. Its authority extended over municipal and regional police forces, giving to CorSec a coordinating role.[12] This span of operation allowed CorSec to maintain a coordinated law enforcement system throughout the star system, while reducing the bureaucracy involved in far-ranging investigations.[1] Hence, Corellian Security was assigned to investigations that spanned over multiple local jurisdictions. The Corellian Security Force was recognized as one of the most efficient police agencies in the galaxy and was widely seen as a standard for planetary security.[12]

A CorSec officer
Members of CorSec were renowned for their loyalty and dedication to justice. The bulk of the Corellian Security Force was made of police officers known as CorSec officers. They were hard-workers who performed general policing and peacekeeping jobs, such as walking beats in neighborhoods, patrolling and monitoring traffic on the ground and in the air, writing tickets, performing community outreach and arresting scofflaws, without any kind of recognition from fellow Corellians.[2] There was a false, but persistent, myth that all CorSec officers were given quotas of traffic tickets to hand out.[18] Beyond standard police officers, the Corellian Security Force also strongly relied on investigators, responsible for investigating criminal cases.[2] These investigators were trained to think analytically and base decisions and assumptions on the most facts available. If necessary, they might even work under-cover to assess a situation or retrieve information that might be critical to solving the case.[12] In addition, CorSec also employed pilots,[2] soldiers,[19] commandos[2] and personnel specialized in diverse fields such as computer science, diplomacy,[13] and infiltration.[12] New recruits were trained at the CorSec Academy where they received advanced training.[20] CorSec members could advance and attain the ranks of sergeant,[21] master sergeant,[22] chief,[23] technical officer,[24] lieutenant,[25] captain,[26] major,[27] and commissioner.[28] Such promotions usually resulted from the efforts and capacities of the officers rather than political nomination.[12] The Corellian Security Force was originally headed by a commissioner,[3] and later by a director.[2] Members of the Corellian Security Force took pride in their ability to keep Corellia safe.[12]

A CorSec major
The Corellian Security Force was organized in several services and divisions such as the Smuggling Interdiction Division,[6] the CorSec Intelligence service,[5] the Animal Control Division,[4] the Tactical Response Team[8] and the Special Operations Unit.[7] The Tactical Response Team was an elite paramilitary unit that carried CoSec's most dangerous missions.[2] The Special Operations specialized in penetrating criminal organizations and dismantling them from inside.[13] CorSec also provided bodyguard services for Corellian government figures[14] and senators.[29]

The CorSec Headquarters
The Corellian Security Force was headquartered at One CorSec Plaza,[17] in Coronet City, the capital of Corellia.[3] Other major CorSec facilities such as the Corellian Security Force Academy and the CorSec Maximum Security Prison were also located in Coronet.[30][31] CorSec operated SurvNet, a network of security cameras throughout Coronet City.[30]
Beyond Corellia and other Corellian worlds, the Corellian Security Force was also present in the Corellian space. The police force used starships to patrol the system and operated several space stations, such as the Corellia Space Station,[32] the CorSec Outpost[33] and the Corellia Orbital Station.[9] Such stations were used to monitor trafic and control access to Corellia.[32][9] CorSec also protected, along with the Corellian Defense Force, the strategic CEC shipyards.[34]
CorSec personnel made used of a wide variety of equipment.[2] CorSec officers traditionally wore emerald and black uniforms.[17] During the Galactic Civil War, most CorSec officers wore CorSec Mk. IV armored vests. They also made use of Type III "Berethron" Personal Modular Armors[2] and Corellian HuntSuits.[35] The most commonly known weapon used by CorSec were CDEF blaster pistols, HL-27 light blaster pistols, H-7 "Equalizer" blaster pistols,[2] Deck Sweeper Stunning Blasters,[35] CDEF carbines,[36] E-11 blaster rifles[37] as well as electrobatons,[38] vibroknives[2] and swords.[39] CorSec also used devices such as Autoscan Weapons Detectors[40] and DimSims.[35]

A CorSec X-wing
The Corellian police force also owned a a large variety of security droids, probe droids and battle droids,[41] including sonic generator droids[14]
The Corellian Security Force owned various vehicles such as D-22 "Screamer" speeder bikes, Seraph-class urban landspeeders, CAV-11 "Condor" airspeeders,[2] and century tanks.[15] During space missions, CorSec pilots primary flew LAF-250 starfighters.[2] Additionally, they also used T-65 X-wing starfighters,[8] CL-1c Lancet interceptors,[2] Z-95-AF4 Headhunters, RZ-1 A-wing interceptors, Firespray-31-class patrol and attack crafts and Ye-4 gunships.[42] The Corellian Security also made use of larger starships such as PB-950 patrol boats,[2] YV-330 light freighters,[43] and CR90 corvettes.[44][45]
CorSec maintained a large criminal database.[35]
Old Republic era[]
During the time of the Galactic Republic, officers of the Corellian Security Force were reputed for their loyalty to the Republic.[13] CorSec alumni were often chosen to become members of the Republic Guard of the Galactic Senate.[12][1]
Galactic War[]

CorSec troops during the Battle of Corellia
- "No one expected the transition to be easy. But the Republic turned some minor resistance into an all-out war."
"The real Corellia rioted in the streets. CorSec launched full-scale attacks on the Empire. There was nothing minor about it." - ―A member of the Corellian Council and Councilor Belos
During the Galactic War between the Galactic Republic and the Sith Empire, the Imperial forces invaded Corellia in 3640 BBY. CorSec forces supported the Republic and joined the Corellian resistance against the Imperials.[47]
Rise of the Empire and Clone Wars[]
- "CorSec's men and women will not be drafted into Republic service, to die on a distant world outside of Corellia's borders. Nor will armed forces from other worlds be billeted in our homes."
- ―Diktat Shyla Merricope
In the last millennium of the Old Republic, CorSec forces battled and destroyed the pirate cruiser Xim's Scion. The wreck of the cruiser was later salvaged as the Gus Treta Inner-System Market Station.[2] Centuries later, the Gus Treta Inner-System Market Station by the Bonestar Pirates in an attempt to evade capture by CorSec.[48]
In 22 BBY, during the Separatist Crisis, Corellia invoked the Contemplanys Hermi to withdraw from its obligation towards the Galactic Republic and remained neutral in the incoming Clone Wars between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Consequently, Corellian military and police forces were not authorize anymore to support their Republic counterparts and the Republic was not allowed to request CorSec assistance in any matter.[29] This not prevented CorSec officer Rostek Horn to help a group of Jedi to get information against the Confederacy during a mission on Corellia at the beginning of the war.[49] Despite their isolation, the Corellians prepared themselves for an impending attack from the Confederacy after the neighboring world of Duro was conquered by the Separatists later during the war. CorSec forces were put at maximum alert throughout the sector, particularly in the protection of the CEC shipyards.[50] Eventually, the Separatist fleet bypassed Corellia when they invaded the Core Worlds and struck directly at Coruscant.[51]
At some point, Rostek Horn served as Director of CorSec.[17]
The Empire and the Galactic Civil War[]
- "CorSec is Corellia's local Security force. As you know, Corellia is officially neutral in the Galactic Civil War... or at least as neutral as a world can be in this day and age. We provide defense and law enforcement for the entire Corellian system."
- ―Sergeant Rhea, to a spacer
After the Declaration of a New Order, Corellia remained officially independent from the Galactic Empire. The Diktat formally kept its leadership over the Corellian sector and the Corellian military but, in reality, the Diktat and the Corellian government were subjected to the Empire. The Galactic Empire was allowed to operate freely in the system and established a military presence on Corellia. The Corellian Defense Force was maintained but was placed under Imperial control. The Diktat directly assumed the position of Director of CorSec during the Imperial Period.[2] The Corellian Security Force was also maintained but forced to accept the insertion of Imperial Intelligence liaison officers in every divisions, officially to monitor and coordinate activities with local Imperial garrisons,[1] but in reality to oversee CorSec officers.[12] Hence, the collaboration was rather difficult.[6][12][53][54][55] Imperial Officer Kirtan Loor served in such position in the Smuggling Interdiction Division.[6] Nevertheless, despite its imperialization, CorSec remained largely intact.[56] Non-Human CorSec officers were among the most affected by the regime change.[57]
During the Great Jedi Purge, CorSec resources were used to aid Darth Vader in tracking down and hunting Jedi.[8]

CorSec officers Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri
When the Galactic Civil War between the Galactic Empire and the Rebel Alliance erupted, the situation became more complicated for Corellian Security Force officers. Suddenly, the Empire froze CorSec funds and confiscated large quantities of weapons and starships. CorSec staff was purged, without pension, of officers suspected of sympathy for the Rebellion, often abusively.[58]
After the Battle of Yavin, a group of Rebel operatives led by Adar Tallon assaulted a CorSec corvette and rescued a Rebel pilot arrested by CorSec forces following Imperial orders.[44] Around the same time, a CorSec shuttle carrying a group of Imperial inspectors crashed in the Corellian wilderness while heading to a suspected smuggling depot. The crash of the shuttle, that happened just after technicians had completed maintenance, put the police force in a very uncomfortable position. Furthermore, the Corellian Security discovered that the bodies of the Imperial agents were devoured by local scavengers, prompting CorSec to recruit a spacer to hunt the creatures and erase all traces of this terrible fate before the Empire could figure out.[59] Later, in 1 ABY,[60] Imperial Grand Admiral Nial Declann requisitioned CorSec starfighter pilots to participate in an assault against a Rebel Alliance CR90 corvette in the Kessel system.[32]
Ironically, the pressure exerted on CorSec officers by the Empire in its hunt for Rebels eventually made some of them rather supportive of the Rebellion.[58] After the Battle of Yavin, Lieutenant Jasper attempted to reclaim the Codex of Tython, a Jedi holocron wanted by the Rebel Alliance, from an Imperial operative.[61] In 3 ABY, a group of CorSec officers directly worked with the Rebel Jedi Rachi Sitra to investigate the Imperial presence on Cloud City.[62]
Fighting criminals[]
- "Crime rates have risen all over Corellia lately. It is up to the Corellian Security Forces to find out why."
- ―Captain Vitala Baize, to a spacer
During the Galactic Civil War, CorSec officers were encouraged by their Imperial liaisons to neglect their police duties to focus on anti-Rebel operations.[8] The lack of personnel and funding forced CorSec to recruit civilians to carry out minor missions.[4][53][54][64][59][55] Hence, criminality increased on Corellia.[63] Moreover, reallocation of Corellian military forces to fight the Rebellion led to a rise of piracy in the Corellian system.[56] The Corellian Security Force had therefore to deal with a large variety of criminals throughout the Corellian system,[65] namely the Black Sun,[66] Borvo the Hutt,[67] the Binayre Pirates, the Afarathu, the Cult of Lord Nyax, the Lost Aqualishs, the Tralus and Talus Liberation Party, the Monumenters,[65] Lamproid smugglers,[4] the Flail,[68] Jump pirates,[64] the Ragtags, the Deflarians,[69] the Meatlumps,[70] the Chirq Council,[71] the Hidden Daggers,[72] and the Followers of Baba.[73] CorSec forces were sometimes assisted by the mercenaries of Beldonna's League.[65] Furthermore, a large group of CorSec officers deserted during the Galactic Civil War to chose a criminal lifestyle. Those Rogue CorSec established a base on an island and violently harassed loyal CorSec officers.[74] The situation was indeed a source of terrible embarrassment for the CorSec.[75]
In 1 ABY,[60] the CorSec officers resolved several complex cases on Corellia. Lieutenant Jasper revealed a plot arranged by the Rogue CorSec to create a public political-judicial scandal in order to overthrow the Corellian Head of State, the Diktat Daclif Gallamby, and his government.[76][77] Lieutenant Joth discovered and closed an illegal lab where the crazy scientist Doctor Maldien performed dangerous genetic experiments to create dreadful beasts.[78][79] Inspector Cora and Captain Jark retrieved a cargo of weapons stolen by the Deflarians and prevented a Ragtag attack on Tyrena.[80][69] Commander Talte rescued hikers kidnapped in the Thaos Mountains by a group of psychotic cave-dwellers.[81] Major Walden arrested the retired CorSec hero Wilfred Quelsh for murdering fellow officer Kal Braggan.[82] Lieutenant Cope and Captain Baize discovered the existence of the powerful Chirq Council and finally disbanded the organization.[83][71]

CorSec troopers battling Flail cutthroats on Talus
The Corellian Security Force was also very active in other parts of the Corellian system. In 1 ABY,[60] the CorSec localized the Flail hideout on the planet Talus, leading to a battle nearby.[68] Later, Agent Taarna defeated the Talusian Smugglers who exploited the Selonians of the Neetha Den.[84] Taarna later exposed and canceled the Parasophic Arachne program, an illegal and dangerous bioengineering project conducted by the GeneTech Syndicate on Talus in order to create an intelligent and deadly form of arachnes.[85] The same year, Sergeant Rhea's pilots engaged and killed and the Hidden Dagger leaders Russ Grimblade, Xopw Laow, Mori the Bastard, Owpa Awoz and Quixio the Rotten in Corellian space.[72]
Nevertheless, CorSec operations were not always successful. Around the time of the Battle of Yavin, Black Sun operatives overran the Rubicund Eye, an extra-galactic observatory in the Corellian system. Advanced Black Sun starfighters were able to repel all CorSec attempts to drive them out of the station.[2] On Naboo, a CorSec agent, Niksel Frangee, infiltrated in Borvo the Hutt's criminal organization since before the beginning of the Galactic Civil War was uncovered and assassinated. Moreover, Borvo's bodyguard later duped CorSec Captain Thale Dustrunner and infiltrated his own agent in CorSec on Corellia. Borvo's spy then murdered the CorSec agent Maerzen and the witness Aldalad.[67] The same year, in 1 ABY,[60] an assault team led by Bruce McBrain destroyed a CorSec CR90 corvette that contained evidence against Jabba the Hutt's criminal activities.[44] Overall, the most visible manifestation of difficulties for the Corellian Security Force was the total abandonment of the Blue Sector of Coronet City to swoop gangs.[2]

CorSec forces assault IG-88's droid factory
Later in 1 ABY,[60] the assassin droid IG-88 discovered a secret Clone Wars-era Separatist droid factory on Corellia and reactivated it as part of his Droid Revolution. A strike team led by Lieutenant Varias, that included Agent Jornel Savas, Sergeant Hirka, technical officer Druno Kener, Sergeant Mener and CorSec soldiers, was soon dispatched to shut down the factory.[51][86]
In 2 ABY,[10] CorSec officers Hal and Corran Horn arrested Zekka Thyne, the leader of Black Sun on Corellia.[66] Some times later, Hal Horn was killed by the Trandoshan bounty hunter Bossk. Corran Horn later captured Bossk but the Trandoshan was eventually set free by Horn's Imperial liaison officer. At this time, the Dirktat did not assumed the position of Director of CorSec anymore.[8]
During the Galactic Civil War, CorSec captured the illegally-modified Short Hauler Nova Whisper, up till then property of the privateer Dharus. CorSec wanted to use the ship as a bait for criminals and left the customizations on it. The ship was assigned to CorSec's vehicle pool until it was hijacked by its pilot, Delt Nerris.[87]
The end of the Empire[]

Corsec officers assisted Rogue Squadron in the rescue of Fyric Fel
After the death of Emperor Palpatine at the Battle of Endor, the Galactic Empire began to collapse and numerous Imperials fled to Corellia, still ruled by the pro-Imperial Diktat. This new situation gave a lot of power to Imperial liaison officers who felt free to threaten directly CorSec officers.[8] Despite this context, CorSec officers Corran Horn and Iella Wessiri collaborated with New Republic's Rogue Squadron in 4 ABY to rescue Fyric Fel, a child kidnapped by an Imperial sympathizer.[88] Horn and Wessiri were then suspected of treachery by Imperial liaison Kirtan Loor. Thanks to the help of their superior, Gil Bastra, they escaped Corellia and defected to the New Republic. Bastra was later killed by Kirtan Loor during his interrogation.[11]
In 7 ABY, the Corellian Security Force was dissolved upon order of Diktat Daclif Gallamby. Most of its resources and some of its personnel were allocated to the new Diktat-friendly Public Safety Service.[11]
Later history[]
The Corellian Security Force had been reconstituted by the time of the Yuuzhan Vong War,[5] thanks to to intervention of the New Republic.[1] However, the Corellians became more isolationist than ever during the war and eventually elected the nationalist Thrackan Sal-Solo as Governor-General of the Corellian system. Sal-Solo might have forced CorSec officers to collaborate with the Peace Brigade, Yuuzhan Vong collaborators.[5] Later during the Yuuzhan Vong War, in 27 ABY, the Jedi Tahiri Veila, Jaina Solo and Anakin Solo gave a briefing about the Yuuzhan Vong to Corellian Security personnel.[89]
In 40 ABY, the Corellian system became a hotspot of the Second Galactic Civil War. CorSec forces were involved in intense figtings on Corellia as well as on Centerpoint Station.[90]
Notes and references[]
External links[]
Corellian Security Force on the SWG Wiki