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"They don't look like the Espos though. Not the regular ones, anyway."
"What is an Espos, Lando Calrissian?"
"CSA security police. But these have been seriously beefed up."
Landonis Balthazar Calrissian and Komat upon seeing CSA troopers[2]

The Corporate Sector Authority Security Police,[1] also known as the Corporate Sector Authority police,[3] or as the CSA security police, or Espos,[2] was a law enforcement agency that was part of the Corporate Sector Authority.[1] During the New Republic Era, the CSA tried to transform its police force into a true army, creating the new position of "CSA trooper" out of the Espo ranks.[2]


Agent of the Emperor - LotDS FFG

A woman hiding from police

At some point, red-haired human female was seen hiding behind the wall from two members of the[4] Corporate Sector Authority Security Police[1] on an unknown planet.[4]

By 33 ABY,[5] Councillor Sturg Ganna of the Canto Bight legislative body was untouchable by the Canto Bight Police Department and the Corporate Sector Authority police due to the fact that his business acumen was profitable for the Canto Bight city.[3]

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