

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"What are we looking for, Lord Vader?"
"Two Jedi. Male and female. They will attack us. It is only a matter of time. Be wary. They are cunning. Their direction of attack may be…unorthodox."
―Two Imperial shock troopers, and Darth Vader[1]

The Coruscant Incident[5] occurred years into the reign of the Galactic Empire when a chase involving two rogue Inquisitors and Darth Vader occurred on Coruscant.[1]


While on hunt for former Jedi Master Eeth Koth, the Inquisitor[1] Thirteenth Sister[4] let Eeth Koth's daughter escape with her mother, Mira. The other Inquisitorius questioned her actions, but she told them that she had not let the child escape, and used the Force to steal the baby from her mother's arms. She and the other Inquisitors returned to the Inquisitorius Headquarters with the baby.[1]

She and[1] Tualon Yaluna,[4] who she was acquainted with, toasted to a successful mission. While they were talking they were interrupted by Darth Vader, who ignited his lightsaber. Vader attempted to kill the duo after he discovered an attachment between them, stating that they should have learned their lesson about attachments from the death of Eeth Koth. However, Vader's strike was intercepted by Tualon's lightsaber. He told Akaris to run while he held off Vader. Darth Vader offered to let him stay but he refused and ran off.[1]

The chase[]

The two rogue Inquisitors ran out of the headquarters and Tualon confessed his love for Akaris. They both decided to kill Darth Vader so they could be free and they jumped onto an incoming speeder. Elsewhere, Darth Vader and two Imperial shock troopers where in a speeder also patrolling for the rogue Inquisitors. As they were patrolling, their speeder was hit by the lightsabers of the Inquisitors causing the speeder to explode. Vader jumped off the speeder and onto another one but that one was also destroyed. Down below in a park, Senator Maklooq was having a drink when the speeder came down and killed her. Back on the speeder, the two rogue Inquisitors used the Force to throw another speeder in Vader's direction but Vader stopped it and threw it back at them. Vader started to leap from speeder to speeder as the Inquisitors continued to throw more objects in his direction. A statue fell over and hit Vader, causing him to fall on the balcony of a nearby building.[1]

The Inquisitors jumped down and were surprised to see that they had beaten Darth Vader. They both ignited their lightsabers but before they could strike Vader down, he stopped their blades with the Force. Vader started to redirect the lightsabers back at the Inquisitors. When they realized what was happening, they said their last goodbyes to each other and their lightsabers stabbed them, killing them both.[1]


At the Imperial Palace, Darth Vader reported the incident to his master, Darth Sidious. He was angry at Vader for causing destruction in the city and the death of an important senator but was pleased that he eliminated the traitors. The Emperor had a gift for Vader, the Naboo Royal Starship of Padmé Amidala. Vader accepted the gift but refused to do the Emperor's next task, to his master's surprise. Darth Vader asked for a planet of his own. Sidious agreed and offered many planets that he thought would fit Vader but Vader instead wanted the lava world of Mustafar.[1]



Notes and references[]
