

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 
"Republic credits? Republic credits are no good out here, I need something more real."
―Watto, to Qui-Gon Jinn about the use of Republic credits[src]
File:Tracking fobs.png

A stack of Imperial credits.

Credits, also known as galactic credits, were a standardized form of currency in use throughout the Galactic Republic,[1] the Galactic Empire,[2] and territories of the New Republic, Resistance and other non-aligned systems following the Empire's fall.[3] They were considered acceptable as currency on most major planets, though on some planets in the Outer Rim Territories, such as Tatooine, some merchants considered them to be "no good," desiring something "more real" in exchange for their goods. They were sometimes referred to as "Republic credits" or Republic dataries during the time of the Galactic Republic.[1] They became known as Imperial credits during the Age of the Empire.[4] During the Clone Wars, the Confederacy of Independent Systems issued its own Confederacy credits.[5] Following the Battle of Endor, credits were known as New Republic credits as the New Republic replaced the Empire as the galactic government.[6] The citizens of Milvayne used Milvayne credits.[7] "Creds" was a colloquial term for credits.[8] The credit symbol (AurebeshSans-Serif credit) resembled an Aurebesh letter R with two vertical strokes at the top.[9]


Credits could be carried on one's person via credit chips.[10] Credits also came in the form of credit ingots, which were often kept in vaults and transported under heavy guard. During the Age of the Empire, Arquitens-class light cruisers were often used for this task.[11]

One such merchant that was wary of the value of credits was Watto, who refused Qui-Gon Jinn's offer of 20,000 credits in exchange for a T-14 hyperdrive generator. When Jinn then attempted a mind trick on him to get him to accept the credits, he replied that he was a Toydarian and that mind tricks didn't work on him, only money.[1]

When attempting to secure passage to Alderaan aboard the Millennium Falcon, Obi-Wan Kenobi stressed to Han Solo the importance of avoiding "Imperial entanglements." Concerned with the danger, Solo asked for a price of 10,000 credits up front. As Kenobi and Luke Skywalker didn't have much with them, Kenobi instead negotiated an upfront price of 2,000 credits with the promise of an additional 15,000 upon safe arrival at Alderaan. Solo deemed it worth the risk, as he and his partner Chewbacca were heavily in debt to Jabba the Hutt and had a bounty on them.[2]

Following the advent of the Galactic Empire, credits from the time of the Galactic Republic eventually became mostly worthless.[12] Credits from the Galactic Empire became increasingly worthless following the rise of the New Republic, resulting in Grand Admiral Rae Sloane paying the bounty hunter Mercurial Swift "in owed favors."[13] The New Republic also issued credits, the value of which was considered volatile and thus their use was not allowed on Canto Bight, visitors instead required to exchange their credits for currency made of aurodium.[14]

The mercenary AD-W4 considered credits to be the highest power and true ruler of the galaxy, even more powerful than a god.[15]


Non-canon appearances


Notes and references
