The Cutlass-9 patrol fighter, also known as the SoroSuub patrol fighter, was a starfighter manufactured by SoroSuub Corporation prior to the Clone Wars.
Twelve meters in length, the Cutlass-9 was designed to protect SoroSuub Corporation interests in the Sullust system and across the galaxy. It was armed with twin laser cannons and a concussion-missile launcher.

A Cutlass-9 patrol fighter
During the time of the Galactic Republic, Jedi Master Saesee Tiin received one such ship from a group of Duros diplomats he had rescued from pirates. He modified the ship far beyond its standard configuration and named it Sharp Spiral.
The fighter was originally intended solely for SoroSuub's own defense forces, but the corporation also supplied large quantities of the fighters to its Confederacy of Independent Systems allies during the Clone Wars. After the war, the design became common among planetary defense forces and pirate bands.[2]
While production ceased after the Clone Wars, it resumed when Sorosuub began covertly aiding the Alliance to Restore the Republic.[2][4]
When Sullust seceded from the Galactic Empire and joined the Alliance to Restore the Republic, these vessels became part of the Alliance Fleet. Cutlass-9 starfighters continued to serve in the fleets of the New Republic.
The design of the Fury-class starfighter used by the One Sith was based on the Cutlass-9 patrol fighter.[5]
- Star Wars: Jedi Starfighter (First appearance)
- The Last Jedi
- Mask of the Pirate Queen
- The New Essential Guide to Vehicles and Vessels
Star Wars Miniatures — Starship Battles (Pack: SoroSuub Patrol Fighter)
- Starships of the Galaxy, Saga Edition
- The Force Unleashed Campaign Guide
- Star Wars Fandex Deluxe Edition
- Legacy Era Campaign Guide
Tiin, Saesee in the Databank (content now obsolete; backup link)
- Strongholds of Resistance