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For other uses, see Damask.

"Discontent in the outer systems is in keeping with the aims of Damask Holdings, is it not, Magister?"
Qui-Gon Jinn to Hego Damask[1]

Damask Holdings was a clandestine financial group allied with the important InterGalactic Banking Clan, it acted as a lobbying and political organization which involved itself in the galaxy's affairs, both to exploit local resources, or financials, or to gain influence on a galactic scale, following the Sith agenda. The organization brought together the galaxy's most influential beings to yearly Gatherings on the moon of Sojourn, which were attended by the leading body of Damask Holdings, the steering committee. The clandestine group was led by Muun Dark Lord of the Sith Darth Plagueis, publicly known as Magister Hego Damask. The group was formed by a dozen Muuns, and Larsh Hill, who also was the leader of the InterGalactic Banking Clan.

At some point by 115 BBY, shortly after Damask Holding's founding, the organization acquired a superspire at the capital city of Harnaidan on the planet of Muunilinst, which became the company's headquarters. From that time, the clandestine financial group began to host yearly gatherings on Sojourn, slowly forming alliances and fullfilling the Sith agenda thanks to Magister Damask's careful planning. As part of a joint venture between the company and the Naboo people of the Mid Rim planet of Naboo to expand plasma refining on the planet, Damask Holdings helped with the construction of the plasma refinery complex located in Naboo's capital city, Theed. Later, Hill and the Muuns that formed Damask Holdings were killed during an attack on the Order of the Canted Circle. However, the Sith Muun survived, and dissolved the organization, and centered on his studies of the Force.


Damask Holdings was formed by Muuns, including Hego Damask, Larsh Hill and a dozen others. The Steering committee led the organization, it was composed of non-muuns, such as Narro Sienar, a Human.[1]


Part of the Plan[]

"Senator Palpatine and Damask Holdings share a dream for Naboo [...] Palpatine was one of the few who early on saw the wisdom of ushering in a new era for his homeworld."
"How does it feel to have realized your wish for your homeworld?"
"One can't very well stand in the way of destiny."
"[...] The will of the Force begets uncommon fellowships."
Count Dooku and Palpatine on the Naboo-Damask Holdings joint venture[1]

Hego Damask, the company's leader

At some point by 115 BBY,[2] Damask Holdings acquired an important superspire at the capital city of Harnaidan on the planet of Muunilinst, which Damask Holdings turned into their headquarters. In 67 BBY, during that year's Gathering, members of the Subtext Mining corporation revealed to Damask that a massive plasma reserve had been discovered beneath the city of Theed on Naboo. Damask personally traveled to Naboo, seeking to establish a foothold on the world by striking a deal with the reformist party of monarchical candidate Bon Tapalo in the heated election season. He sought out the young noble who had released sensitive information to the Tapalo group: Palpatine, heir of House Palpatine, one of the conservative clans. Damask recruited the young Human as a spy, and later trained him as his Sith apprentice, bestowing upon him the name and title of "Darth Sidious."[1]

As part of a joint venture between the company and the Naboo people of the Mid Rim planet of Naboo to expand plasma refining on the planet, Damask Holdings helped with the construction of the plasma refinery complex located in Naboo's capital city, Theed.[3] Hego Damask continued to run the company until 52 BBY, when all of its guiding members except for Damask himself were killed in an attack at the Lodge of the Order of the Canted Circle during Larsh Hill's initiation ceremony. The group was not re-formed, and Damask, who was severely wounded in the attack, removed himself from galactic affairs to devote his time to the manipulation of midi-chlorians in his Aborah laboratory, although Sojourn Gatherings continued to be hosted until 43 BBY.[1]


"I will relocate to Sojourn in order to devote myself fully to our investigations, to furthering the imperative, and to healing myself."
"What will become of Aborah?"
"For the time being it can serve as a repository."
"And Damask Holdings?"
"The group will not be re-formed, though I may continue to host annual Gatherings. And I will tutor San Hill personally, to prepare him for assuming chairmanship of the Banking Clan."
"Why do we need them?"
"Because war is now on the agenda, Sidious. But our actions must be circumspect, restricted to those star systems rife with petty conflicts, where appropriate beings can be encouraged, appropriate operations can be funded [...] We must arrange for worlds in the Outer Rim to suffer while the Core prospers. Pathetic as those worlds may be, we have no choice but to use what we have at hand."
―Darth Plagueis and Darth Sidious[1]

San Hill (pictured) took on the Banking Clan chairman seat

In 32 BBY, Palpatine murdered Damask in his Coruscant penthouse. The dissolution of Damask's Holdings, as well as his death were not shared with the public, as the InterGalactic Banking Clan, now led by San Hill, which had been mentored by Damask, did not share the information. After Palpatine's election as Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, and his own self-anointing as the leading Sith Lord, Palpatine skillfully used Plagueis' vast assets in his gradual transformation of the Republic into the Galactic Empire, an Empire led by him and his eventual apprentice, Darth Vader.[1]


"Magister Damask? Of Damask Holdings"
―A Sullustan, to Hego Damask[1]

Damask Holdings was formed by Magister Hego Damask, the leader of the organization, along with the steeering committee, Narro Sienar, Larsh Hill and a dozen Muuns.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Damask Holdings first appeared in the 2012 novel Darth Plagueis, written by James Luceno.[1]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 1.14 1.15 1.16 1.17 1.18 1.19 1.20 1.21 Darth Plagueis
  2. 2.0 2.1 Darth Plagueis states that Damask Holdings had owned a superspire in Harnaidan for more than fifty years before Darth Plagueis met Palpatine when the latter is seventeen years old. StarWarsDotComBlogsLogoStacked "Major Character Birth Years" — Keeper of the Holocron's BlogLeland Chee's StarWars.com Blog (backup link) dates Palpatine's birth to 82 BBY, therefore placing the meeting of Plageuis and Palpatine in 65 BBY. With this, the company must have been founded by 115 BBY.
  3. Nexus of Power
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