


Darth Noctyss was a female[2] Dark Lord of the Sith.[3] Legend has it that in the early days of Sith life, Darth Noctyss could conquer the entire galaxy and establish a permanent Sith Empire. Instead, Noctyss spent her entire career concentrating on one thing: immortality. Darth Noctyss' philosophy was that empires and kingdoms would be meaningless if she only had them for a few years before she died. Instead, Noctyss would discover a way to permanently and unnaturally extend her own life, and then focus her energies on conquering the galaxy.[2]

She would be more than an empress: she would be a dark goddess ruling the galaxy. She devastated many worlds in her quest, traveling to Exegol in search of immortality. After encountering a being she did not know was Darth Sanguis, who attained immortality as a twisted creature in Exegol, Sanguis became her servant[2] and apprentice.[3] Deep inside Exegol's shell, Noctyss discovered Sanguis' lab and ritual notes. After a long study, she completed the three-day ritual by sacrificing Sanguis.[2]

Later, the ritual transformed her into a creature very similar to Sanguis, revealing she had been manipulated by her servant to escape his immortal fate, tricking her into succeeding him on his punishment.[2] However, Noctyss eventually died long before 21 ABY.[1]

Darth Noctyss was able to utilize Force lightning, and used a cloak and hood to mask her identity. Noctyss also utilized a Sith lightsaber with a curved blade.[2]

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Behind the scenes[]

"As this story was one of the last to be added, and due to approaching printing deadlines, I had to proceed with the illustration without knowing whom or what the main characters were. What I did know was that this story took place on Exegol and was going to have a strong Dr. Frankenstein and Ygor vibe. At the time, I only had the trailer visuals to go off of. Inspired by a screenshot, I built up the scene and shrouded our Sith in a hood to hide their identity. With a bit of Force lightning to showcase the villain's power, I was able to increase the drama in the composition. The curved saber was added later, and if I am not mistaken, is specific to a particular Sith."
―Grant Griffin[4]

Darth Noctyss appeared in 2020 in "A Life Immortal," a story within the book Dark Legends, written and illustrated by George Mann and Grant Griffin, respectively.[2]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 The events of Shadow of the Sith take place in 21 ABY per Star Wars: Timelines. As Darth Noctyss is stated to have died long before the events of Shadow of the Sith, she must have died by 21 ABY.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 "A Life Immortal" — Dark Legends
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 Star Wars: The Dark Side Pocket Expert
  4. StarWars Get a First Look at New Art from Star Wars: Dark Legends - Exclusive on StarWars.com (backup link)