


Deep-miner was a type of exceptionally powerful drilling devices used by the Sith Empire during the Cold War. Developed by machinist Jelven Donn while investigating ways to keep mining worlds profitable, the deep-miners were able to drill down to previously-unreachable depths and thus could reach resources that were thought to have been depleted. However, Donn was unable to solve the issue of power consumption, burning out half a dozen deep-miners when their batteries overloaded. It was not until the planet Ilum and its Adegan crystals were discovered by the Empire that Donn managed to solve the problem—the amplifying properties of the crystals allowed for the successful creation and deployment of deep-miners on Ilum, though the miners' deployment close to the planet's core was suspected of causing irregular seismic activity.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Deep-miners appears in Star Wars: The Old Republic during the Ilum planetary story arc.


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 SWTOR mini Star Wars: The Old Republic — Codex: "Deep-Miners"