

Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"I've only ever protected you! You must trust me!"
―Denolm Orr to Sa'har Kateen[2]

Denolm Orr was a Human male Jedi Master who was the mentor of Sa'har Kateen. During the third Galactic War, Orr was killed during a mission to retrieve a holocron from the Temple of Nul by the renegade Sith Lord Darth Malgus, who tried to turn his Padawan against him.


Child of the Emperor[]

Denolm Orr was a member of the Children of the Emperor who carried out various atrocities in the Emperor's name. Denolm was later freed from the influence of the Emperor and joined the Jedi Order to which he only revealed his past to Jedi Master Gnost-Dural who agreed to conceal the information.[4] Denolm Orr later made it his personal mission to eradicate the dark presence of the Children starting from it's creator: Darth Nul.[5]

Taking a Padawan[]

Sahar Kateen after Elom

Denolm's padawan Sa'har Kateen

Sometime before the third Galactic War Jedi Master Denolm Orr encountered two Force-sensitive Twi'lek children. He took the girl as his Padawan and left the boy behind as his connection to the Force wasn't strong enough.[2]

Mission to Elom[]

"Expedition report. Day four, Jedi Master Denolm Orr, Elom recovery team leader. The more we examine the powerful device at the center of these ruins, the more concerned I become. There is a dark energy that radiates from it, one that I recognise all too well. I fear how being so close to it affects Sa'har. But I must put my uneasiness aside, for now. My focus must be finding and destroying the holocron of Nul left here. All of her designs--her plans--could be within. I will not stop until I erase every last dark stain left by the Children of the Emperor... I must rectify all that we have done."
―Denolm Orr recording a message about his true mission and his origins on Elom[6]

After Darth Malgus's theft of relics from Great Jedi Library and Dantooine Jedi Enclave, Task Force Nova discovered that the stolen items came from the planet Elom and belonged to Darth Nul, a mysterious Sith who the Republic didn't have any records of. Denolm Orr assembled a team consisting of Jedi Master Gan Enok, Material Analysis Dr. Mykon Ora, Chief Engineer Rolan Aun, Specialist Tiriz Etto, and his Padawan Sa'har Kateen in search of Darth Nul's creations. During their mission, the team encountered Imperial forces. By the time they reached the Temple of Nul only he and his Padawan were alive. They went to the device they found inside when Darth Malgus appeared and killed the Jedi Master. Before his death, he managed to destroy the machine, but Malgus still managed to get his hands on the holocron that was inside of it.[3][2]


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