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"The best food this side of the Senate District!"
―Advertisement for Dex's Diner[3]

Dex's Diner was a small eatery in a dilapidated industrial area of the planet Coruscant called CoCo Town. The diner was owned and operated by Dexter Jettster, a Besalisk with a colorful background.


Dexs Diner WotF

Dexter Jettster serving popular cuisine from the diner kitchen.

Serving mostly hard workers from the area, the diner offered home-style cooked meals and freshly brewed ardees ("Jawa Juice"). Jettster worked as the cook and employed two waitresses, Hermione Bagwa and her WA-7 waitress droid partner, FLO.[2] Other offerings at Dex's Diner included the Shawda club sandwich for 6.7 credits, served on toasted or therm-zapped bread, the Sic-Six-layer cake,[3] which was one of his most popular desserts,[4] served by the slice at 2.5 credits and the Photon Fizzle at 1.7 credits. Credit chips were accepted at Dex's Diner.[3]

As a result of Dex's welcoming nature and belief that he shouldn't intrude into the private affairs of his customers, Dex's Diner was a frequent meeting spot for criminals.[5]


Shortly before the Clone Wars, Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi came to Dex's Diner to see if his old friend, Jettster, could identify a poisoned dart. Jettster was able to identify it as originating from the planet Kamino, which he knew of from his days as a prospector.[1]

Jettster lost the diner around 16 BBY. At the time of its closure, Jettster presumed that he would only have to close it temporarily, but he was unable to reopen it afterwards, with the diner being left in an abandoned state for the next two and a half decades.[6] By the time after the Galactic Empire's defeat in the Battle of Endor, Dex's Diner was still defunct and abandoned.[7] During the New Republic Era, an author noted fond memories of Dex's Diner in the survival compendium "Species From A to Z."[8]

Behind the scenes[]

The novel The High Republic: Into the Dark describes a restaurant on Coruscant with some of the same characteristics as Dex's Diner: "checkered floors, shiny red seats, and waiter droids that rolled around on impractical wheels."[9] However, no source has stated that these are the same restaurant.


Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
