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Z-95 Headhunter

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The Directory, or the directors of the Trade Federation, formed the executive board of the Trade Federation, a powerful shipping and trade conglomerate.[1] In the year 33 BBY,[2] the then incumbent directors were all assassinated by the Nebula Front during the Eriadu Conference. That incident allowed a group of ambitious Neimoidians, led by Nute Gunray and Lott Dod, to step in as directors. Gunray took the office of Viceroy, and Dod that of Senator in the Galactic Republic's Senate.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 200
  2. SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 200 states that the Eriadu trade summit took place 33 years prior to the events of Star Wars Episode IV A New Hope, which took place in 0 BBY according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Therefore, the summit must have occurred in 33 BBY.