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This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 

A doll was a small figure representing a living being, typically used as a youngling's toy. Using dolls, young ones could engage in a form of role-playing.[2] Due to the widespreadness of the feline Tooka throughout the galaxy, Tooka-shaped dolls were commonplace.[9] While left alone with his infant son, Han Solo attempted to soothe a crying Ben Solo with his Tooka doll, to no success.[6] When she was ten years old, Rey crafted a Rebel Alliance pilot doll from debris she found in the junkfields of Jakku. To create the doll's characteristic suit, she used a piece of orange fabric salvaged from a New Republic cargo container.[5] Voodoo dolls were a type of dolls used in the practitioning of voodoo, as used by Mother Talzin.[10]


Non-canon appearances[]


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