

This article covers the Canon version of this subject.  Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Legends version of this subject. 


"Veermoks may be strong, but those are durasteel bars. I don't see how they could do this kind of damage."
Milo Graf[3]

Durasteel was a type of metal alloy used for a variety of purposes, ranging from combat armor to buildings. More resistant than standard steel and stronger than the common alloys of titanium,[1] durasteel was able to protect against kinetic damage,[4] so it was often used for defensive plating on military starships.[1] Durasteel was able to withstand blows from vibro-weapons, force pikes, and even able to briefly stand against lightsabers.

Production and usage[]


Darth Vader's helmet was made of a durasteel and obsidian alloy.

Zersium was an ore critical to the making of durasteel, and was found in the bedrock of the planet Nag Ubdur. Because of this, the Galactic Empire strip-mined the planet to make use of its ore deposits.[5]

Durasteel could also be transformed into a pliant material. The weapons technicians of the Empire wore black durasteel gloves.[6]

Part of the Calcoraan Depot was made of durasteel, and Denetrius Vidian was placed in durasteel cuffs when he was captured by Hera Syndulla, Kanan Jarrus, Skelly, and Zaluna Myder. Additionally, the starship Forager possessed a catwalk made of heavy durasteel.[7] The Millennium Falcon was armored with a form-fitted durasteel shell.[8]

During the Republic Era, the EML-850 light freighter was designed and prototyped. However, it had an exterior plating of durasteel which made the craft durable but very expensive. This led to the design being rejected for mass production.[9]

Durasteel was used in the hilts of Aayla Secura's lightsaber[10] and Adi Gallia's second lightsaber.[11]

General Grievous' cybernetic armor was made of durasteel composite duranium.[12]

Darth Vader's armor was constructed from an alloy that combined durasteel and obsidian.[13]

The Mos Espa Grand Arena was constructed out of sandrock and ditanium over durasteel supports.[14]

During 3 ABY[15] durasteel was sold throughout the galaxy for seventy five credits a unit including on the planets Akiva, Kijimi, Tatooine and the moon Toshara.[2]


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Non-canon sources[]

Notes and references[]
