



"If the Pikpik and I can learn to share, then maybe there's hope for all the rest of the scrappers out there too."
―Eren Kitt[1]

Eren Kitt was a scrapper on the planet Bracca during the High Republic Era. She worked very closely with her droid M1-M1. Kitt was also a frequent supplier of starship parts for Durango Shuttle Service. She had cybernetics of the left leg below the knee. At her home, Kitt stored many parts, including several circuit thrusters.[1]

In 232 BBY,[2] Nash Durango, her droid RJ-83 and Jedi Initiates Kai Brightstar, Lys Solay, and Nubs spent a day learning about being a scrapper from Kitt and M1-M1. She taught the youths about the rule of finders keepers on Bracca, in which the scrapper who first finds items lays claim to it. As the younglings helped search for parts, M1-M1 accidentally sustained critical damage to her power cell.[1]

Kitt and the younglings decided to search a fresh drop of scrap for power cells. They eventually found a generator with many power cells. As Kitt scavenged the parts, a group of Pikpik scrappers confiscated the power cells in spite of the rule of finders keepers. She and the younglings pursued the Pikpik on her skiff, but were unsuccessful. As M1-M1's power ran out, the Jedi encouraged the devastated Kitt to pursue asking the Pikpik for just the one power cell necessary to reboot M1-M1. They found the Pikpik, and Kitt nearly stole back the power cells, but decided to let the Pikpik keep them regardless of finders keepers. After explaining M1-M1's need, the Pikpik decided to trade all the power cells for the circuit thruster their skiff needed, marking the start of a new working relationship with the Pikpik.[1]

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