Long, long ago, deep in an enchanted forest on the distant moon of Endor, an evil group of outsiders set
up their strange machines, bringing a war from the outside galaxy. Another group of outsiders, seeking
only peace for the galaxy, fought them off and restored the natives' village to its once-serene nature. But
even after the heroes leave and new threats loom, the forest moon will always be protected by….
After the fall of the Empire, it is a time of peace and rebuilding on the
forest moon of Endor. But following the invasion of their home by what
the Ewoks call "cruel ones," the native villagers of Bright Tree Village
are at odds--are all outsiders bad? Or, as young Wicket proposes, is it
a balance of openness and cautiousness that is the true way forward?
All the while, a team of Imperials and bounty hunters, including
4-LOM and Zuckuss, have traveled back to Endor looking to reclaim
weapons of the Empire, and they've come face to face with the native
forest dwellers….