


Factryn meat pie was a savory Wookiee delicacy. The pie was made from the meat of the factryn[1] species[2] and edible by Humans and Wookiees.[1] Around 2 BBY,[3] at the wedding of the Wookiees Chewbacca and Mallatobuck on the planet Kashyyyk, factryn meat pie was served on a table among other Wookiee delicacies. The Human smuggler Han Solo noted that it was among the safe Wookiee foods that were not too spicy for Human consumption.[1]

Behind the scenes[]

Factryn meat pies appeared in the 1997 novel Rebel Dawn, written by A. C. Crispin as the third novel in The Han Solo Trilogy.[1]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 Rebel Dawn
  2. The Official Star Wars Fact File 12 (WOO2, Wookiees)
  3. StarWars Books, Comics, & Television VIPs on StarWars.com Message Boards. Posted by Tasty Taste on June 14, 2006 at 1:08 PM. (content now obsolete; backup link) states that Lumpawaroo was born around 1 BBY. As Rebel Dawn establishes that he was born one year after the wedding of Chewbacca and Mallatobuck, the wedding must have taken place around 2 BBY.
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