


"The Rebels are devious, and like fanned rawls they have hidden themselves well and fashioned nests and lairs at the highest levels of power."
―Inquisitor Loam Redge[4]

Fanned rawls, also known simply as rawls, were reptilian snakes from the Mid Rim world of Naboo.

Biology and appearance[]


A giant fanned rawl on Naboo

Rawls were native to Naboo[3] but they could also be found on the planet Mandalore.[5] Varieties included giant fanned rawls, spitting rawls, and vine rawls, all native to Naboo.[1] A very similar snake species was the shadevale venomsting of Kashyyyk.[6]

Rawls had a scaly hide.[1] The fans, located on the side of their bodies, were used for swimming.[7] Fanned rawls had a poisonous bite[1] and were considered to be quite dangerous serpents.[3]


The powerful Teräs Käsi attack of Spitting Rawl was named after the one variety of rawl.[1] Inquisitor Loam Redge likened the Rebel Alliance to fanned rawls.[4] Pilots of the Naboo Royal Space Fighter Corps sometimes used the call sign "rawl".[8]

After the Battle of Yavin, Doctor Relan Smiff was awarded the Herpetology Award of the Galactic Science Foundation for his discovery of giant fanned rawls on Naboo.[2]

Behind the scenes[]


Fanned rawl concept from Pencil to Pixel

Fanned rawls were creatures in the 2003 video game Star Wars Galaxies, a massively multiplayer online roleplaying game developed by Sony Online Entertainment and published by LucasArts,[1] prior to its closure on December 15, 2011.[9]

While the vast majority of Naboo's wildlife was well-established through Episode I and other sources, the team created a handful of new creatures for the planet, including the rawl, to fill specific niches.[3]



Notes and references[]

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