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"You must have *nng* been told that we are a *grrr* polymorphic species—capable of shape-shifting into a more aggressive form!"
Miaria Prrt, to Ahsoka Tano[1]

Felacatians were a species of polymorphic felines native to the planet Felacat.

Biology and appearance[]

"I did warn you. My species should not be in hyperspace too long. The stress does strange things to us."
Miaria Prrt, to Vilmarh Grahrk[2]

Felacatian in "animal form"

In their normal state, the average Felacatian was a tall, humanoid being with near-human characteristics. The tell-tale signs of their alien lineage was their short fur and long tail, sharp, fang-like teeth, along with a hyperdeveloped sense of balance, perfect night vision, and hyper-fast reflexes and speed—all results of their feline evolution. Their tails can also retract into their bodies when they are in danger. Their tails are hyper-sensitive and can detect subtle atmospheric differences. However, when a Felacatian was forced to stand hyperspace for an extended period of time, or when they experienced any level of stress, a Felacatian's body began to change. Without an outlet for their stress, the Felacatian's body would shift its form within seconds, becoming a huge, predatory cat. In this form, the Felacatian was extremely dangerous, and was protected by a row of heavy spikes along their back, along with claws that could shred durasteel, notoriously potent strength and speed, and incredible sensory perception. With practice, a Felacatian could phase back and forth in between the two forms at will, and, with further practice, restrain themselves from shifting when they did not want to.


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