


Warning: This infobox has missing parameters: parents, pronouns, masters, apprentices, skin, children, siblings, type, partners, families, cyber, feathers, eyes, birth, death, height, mass and unrecognized parameters: hideb, era

Feln was a Feeorin Jedi Consular stationed on Taris around 3,964 BBY. Feln was one of the five Jedi Masters that was implicated in the Padawan Massacre of Taris. He wielded a green lightsaber, and was a member of the Covenant.


Feln was known to pilot ships and was the leader of the search for Zovius Mendu, who was smuggled off Taris by Marn Hierogryph in a crate of dried dreeka fish.

He joined fellow Masters Q'anilia, Lucien Draay, and Raana Tey in their pursuit of Zayne Carrick and Marn "Gryph" Hierogryph, who they had framed for the Padawans' murders. He battled rakghouls in the Undercity in hopes of discovering the duo and was later present at the attempted arrest of Zayne and Gryph at Junk Junction, following which the two escaped offworld.


  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic 0: Crossroads
  • Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic: Commencement (First appearance)