- "See, some of the miners get it into their ferrocrete skulls that since the Jedi's unconscious, they can collect the bounty the Exchange has posted for live Jedi. Well, what passes for the law here didn't like that idea, so the two groups started fighting."
- ―Atton Rand informs the Exile of recent events at the Peragus Mining Facility
Ferroconcrete, or ferrocrete, was a composite building material made from the combination of concrete and iron that was molecularly bonded to produce a substance with exceptional resistance to wear and tear. The material was used primarily in the construction of roads and walkways, but also for reinforced bunkers and building foundations.
- Galaxy Guide 11: Criminal Organizations
- Heroes & Rogues
- Lords of the Expanse
- Secrets of the Sisar Run
- Coruscant and the Core Worlds
- The Complete Star Wars Encyclopedia
- Galaxy at War
- Enter the Unknown
- Suns of Fortune
- Lords of Nal Hutta