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Got A Bad feeling

I have a bad feeling about this…

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"A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.…"
―Journal of the Whills[1]

The story of galactic history involved countless beings over thousands of generations.

This is a timeline of galactic history—a chronological record of events relevant to the galaxy. This timeline uses dates in terms of years before the Battle of Yavin (BBY) and after the Battle of Yavin (ABY).

Wiki-shrinkable This in-universe list is incomplete. You can help Wookieepedia by expanding it.

Timeline of galactic history[]

Before the Republic (eons–25,025 BBY)[]

The Old Republic (c. 25,025 – c. 1000 BBY)[]

Dawn of the Jedi (c. 25,025 BBY)[]

Expansionist Period (25,000 BBY)[]

Millennia before the Imperial Era[]

22,000–5000 BBY[]

Wars of the Old Republic (c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY)[]

Battles with the Jedi (c. 5000 BBY)[]

c. 5000 – c. 1000 BBY[]

Defeat of the Sith (1032 BBY)[]

  • 1032 BBY[20]
    • The Jedi-Sith War[80] ends with the Jedi Order and Republic forces victorious.[72]
    • The sole Sith survivor, Darth Bane,[86] creates the Grand Plan—a plot to destroy the Jedi and the Republic from within for the coming of Sith rule over the galaxy[87]—and establishes the[88] Rule of Two,[35] a lineage of Sith who would operate in the shadows, preserving the Sith's vendetta against the Jedi whilst preparing for their own return. Centuries before the Clone Wars, the Rule of Two is revealed to the Jedi Order, though still they presume the Sith's eradication and believe that Bane's plan is ruined with his defeat[88] allegedly at the hands of his apprentice, Darth Zannah, in a duel on the Inner Rim planet Ambria. This pattern is repeated by nearly all Sith thereafter.[89]
    • The Sith Lord becomes the last of his kind to be laid to rest on Moraband's Valley of the Dark Lords.[88]
    • The Sith Wars waged between the Republic and the Sith Empire[90] has ended by this point.[91] The Sith Wars saw the participation of the Jedi Order on the side of the Republic[7] as well as the participation of the Chiss Ascendancy, which encountered multiple alien species before retreating to their borders.[90] The Jedi Cervil the Uncanny had left begind testimonies about lightwhips being effective against the Sith's Forbidden Forms,[92] and Ithorian population of Auratera continues restoring the world to its natural state following the Sith Wars.[7]
  • c. 1022 BBY
  • c. 1000 BBY
    • The Massassi become extinct.[20]
    • The translation of Sith runes is outlawed.[20]
    • In the aftermath of the Corsair Wars, Master Oo'ob breaks with Jedi doctrine, pursuing a pre-emptive method of dealing with threats to galactic peace. He and his partner, noted crystallist Var-Whill, develop the Farkiller, and use it to kill a number of "emergent" despots. Within the decade, the Jedi Council pronounces them apostate and eventually purges them,[93] with Oo'ob's expulsion taking place around 1000 BBY.[20]

Republic Era (c. 1000 – 19 BBY)[]

Reformation of the Republic (c. 1000 BBY)[]

  • c. 1000 BBY (continued)
    • Founding of the modern Galactic Republic; with the Republic's definitive victory, its capital resettles on Coruscant, and the time before this rebirth is forgotten as a dark age, the "Old Republic." Official calendars begin anew,[72] and the Old Republic military is disbanded.[16] By this point,[94] the Galactic Senate, newly founded by several star systems,[95] elects Tarsus Valorum[80] as the first Supreme Chancellor.[16]
      Republic Emblem

      Emblem of the Galactic Republic

      Senate seal

      Great Galactic Seal, of the Galactic Senate

    • Around this time, the Coruscant Jedi Temple begins serving as the Jedi Order's operational and spiritual headquarters.[96]
    • The Yavin Code is established at the Yavin Convention.[97]
    • The Bardottan Royal Palace is constructed. (Approximate date)[98]
    • The construction of the Royal Palace of Alderaan begins.[99] After the initial buildingwork, additional chambers are added every few decades.[100]
    • What will be remembered as the most unpredictable and thrilling instance of the Dragon Void race until the race involving Han Solo occurs.[101]
    • The Anchorite sect, a light side group on Jakku believing that suffering was the basis of life, binds itself to the Jedi Order.[102]
    • Auratera is concealed from official charts and isolated from the galaxy at large by the Jedi and its populace to prevent future Sith or other dark side Force users from accessing the planet's Acablas vergence.[7]
  • c. 1014 BBY[103]
  • c. 972 BBY

c. 1000 – c. 500 BBY[]

High Republic Era (c. 500 – 100 BBY)[]

c. 100 – 32 BBY[]

Theed Generator Complex

Palpatine presided over the opening of the Theed power generator.

Jedi Temple spires ROTS

Obi-Wan Kenobi was raised in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant.

Fall of the Republic (32–19 BBY)[]

Prelude to galactic war (32–22 BBY)[]

  • 32 BBY (continued)

    The Trade Federation marches upon Theed

    • As planned by Darth Sidious, the Trade Federation blockades Naboo in protest of the Senate's decision to tax their much-used Free Trade Zones, escalating the trade disputes.[279][85]
    • Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas had foreseen an upcoming full-scale conflict, but was accused of war-mongering and removed from the Jedi Council.[95][58] He is sent by the Jedi Council to resolve a tribal dispute on Felucia, but instead secretly goes to negotiate with the Pykes on Oba Diah along with Chancellor Valorum's aide, Silman, per the Chancellor's initiative.[280][20]
    • Supreme Chancellor Finis Valorum secretly dispatches Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan Kenobi to serve as the ambassadors for scheduled negotiations with the Federation in hopes of resolving[85] the Naboo Crisis.[274]
    • Invasion of Naboo; Darth Sidious further manipulates the Trade Federation leadership into instigating a peace crisis for the Republic with the deployment of military forces for the occupation of the harmonious world of Naboo.[85]
    • Anakin Skywalker wins the Boonta Eve Classic; with Jedi Qui-Gon Jinn's interference, he is freed from the Toydarian junk dealer Watto and follows the Jedi.[85]
    • As the Jedi group leave Tatooine, a duel ensued as Darth Maul attempts to fell them; Jedi encounters Sith for the first time since the Sith were thought extinct nearly a millennium ago.[85]
    • Dooku deletes the Kamino system from the Jedi Archives records.[281]
    • Battle of Naboo. Queen Amidala returns to Naboo and forms an alliance between the Naboo and Gungans. Qui-Gon Jinn is killed by Darth Maul, who, in turn, is dealt a mortal wound by Obi-Wan Kenobi[85] in the Padawan's rage.[282] Anakin Skywalker deactivates the droid army by destroying the Droid Control Ship.[85]
      Naboo celebration

      The Jedi, as well as the newly elected Supreme Chancellor Palpatine, watch on as a new era of peace is celebrated between the Gungan and Naboo societies.

    • Darth Sidious orders Dooku to arrange for Sifo-Dyas' murder.[20] Dooku fakes Sifo-Dyas' death on Felucia during the tribal conflict there.[280]
    • Dooku turns his back on the Jedi Order, secretly killing Jedi Master Yaddle and becoming Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice, Darth Tyranus.[281]
    • Hired by the Sith Lord Tyranus, the Pyke Syndicate murders Sifo-Dyas while Silman is secretly captured by the Pykes for leverage against Tyranus.[280]
    • Senator of Naboo Palpatine is elected Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic, replacing Finis Valorum.[85] Oshadam takes Palpatine's place as senator of the Chommell sector.[235]
    • The Jedi High Council promotes Obi-Wan Kenobi to the rank of Jedi Knight and permits him to train Anakin Skywalker as a Jedi per the late Qui-Gon Jinn's wishes. The Council, the Chancellor, the Naboo leadership, Kenobi, and Skywalker later attend the funeral of Qui-Gon Jinn and a victory parade at Theed.[85] The Gungans host a funeral at their sacred place for their fallen warriors afterwards.[127]
    • Maul goes into hiding on Lotho Minor.[20]
    • Lord Tyranus hires bounty hunter Jango Fett as the Kaminoans' clone template based on Fett's reputation.[283][201]
      Jango Fett meets with Dooku

      Sidious' new apprentice, Lord Tyranus, hires the infamous bounty hunter Jango Fett for the creation of a clone army of the Republic to orchestrate a costly galactic war.

    • Under the control of the Sith, the clones from the template of Fett had behavioral modification biochips inserted which would activate Protocol 66 under the command of the Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic.[280][20]
    • Boba Fett is born[20] as a clone of Jango Fett on Kamino under the name Alpha.[284] Per Jango's request, Boba is the only clone completely unaltered by the Kaminoans,[95] and as the son of Jango, the clone Fett is trained by his father as a bounty hunter.[75]

      Inhibitor chips overrode clones' wills, submitting them to the whim of the Supreme Chancellor.

    • Omega is born after Alpha. Her genome is near-identical to that of Jango Fett and Alpha. Unlike Boba, Omega is kept on Kamino and raised by Nala Se as her assistant.[284]
    • Han is born on Corellia.[285]
    • Miara Larte is born. (Approximate date)[286]
  • c. 31 BBY
  • 31 BBY
  • 30 BBY
  • Before or during 29 BBY
  • 29 BBY
    • Hera Syndulla is born on Ryloth.[61]

      Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine and Jedi in the latter's Temple, on Anakin Skywalker

    • Anakin Skywalker searches for his first kyber crystal on Ilum. (Approximate date)[20]
    • Palpatine takes Skywalker undercover in Coruscant's lower levels.[20]
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker travel to Carnelion IV following a distress signal sent from the planet. The Jedi find a war-torn world, split between the Open and Closed factions in the Open-Closed War. The Jedi Order and a Galactic Republic Judicial Forces fleet arrive shortly after, enforcing a cease in hostilities. (Approximate date)[296][20]
  • 28 BBY
    • Padmé Amidala steps down following two two-year terms as Queen of Naboo. Réillata defeats Jamillia in her campaign to succeed Amidala.[235][20]
    • During Réillata's coronation, the new monarch requests that Padmé Amidala take Oshadam's place as senator of the Chommell sector. Amidala accepts and begins leading the Naboo delegation in the Galactic Senate with Jar Jar Binks.[235][20]
    • Sabé begins investigating ending slavery on Tatooine at the behest of Amidala.[235][20]
    • Groundquakes at Bromlarch; Senator Padmé Amidala proposes the Mid Rim Cooperation Motion in hopes of aiding the populace of Bromlarch, where she is assisted by fellow senator Rush Clovis.[235][20]
    • Ryoo Naberrie is born.[235][20]
    • Bom Vimdin is born.[39]
    • Theed Spaceport is developed with haste using Republic reparation money provided for the Trade Federation invasion. Ignoring the Naboo design aesthetic save for its curved docking platform, it receives immigrants seeking the prospect of spice-mining Naboo's moons and increased traffic resulting from the high-profile tenure of Senator Padmé Amidala. (Approximate date)[14]
  • 27 BBY
Zillo beast attacks

Zillo Beasts were hunted to near-extinction by the Dugs of Malastare.

Clone Wars (22–19 BBY)[]

22 BBY[]
21 BBY[]
20 BBY[]
19 BBY[]

Imperial Era (19–5 ABY)[]

Clone Wars (continued; 19 BBY)[]

"The Dark Times" (19–0 BBY)[]

  • 19 BBY (continued)
    • The duel on Mustafar occurs.[460]
      Twin Suns thumb

      With the Force drenched in darkness, many Jedi detached themselves from the wider galaxy, allowing for the reign of the New Order.

    • The duel in the Galactic Senate occurs.[460]
    • Skywalkers Luke and Leia[472] are born to Padmé Amidala on Polis Massa. Amidala dies after childbirth due to heartbreak at her lover's fall to the dark side, though she remains adamant that there is still good in her husband. In order to protect the Skywalker twins from the Sith, Obi-Wan Kenobi leaves Luke with Anakin's stepbrother Owen Lars on Tatooine while Bail Organa adopts Leia into the Alderaanian royal house.[460]
    • The funeral of Padmé Amidala is held on Naboo.[460]
    • After the funeral, Bail Organa secretly meets Ahsoka Tano and gives her a line of contact in the case of emergency. Tano then departs with Rex,[473] and the pair soon part ways.[474]
    • Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda go into exile on Tatooine and Dagobah respectively.[460] Kenobi is tasked with ensuring the future of the Jedi by watching over Luke Skywalker, while Yoda uses Dagobah's strength in the Living Force to ponder ancient Jedi texts and the mysteries of the Force, as well as to communicate with other Jedi exiles and monitor the Skywalker twins.[14]
    • Ezra Bridger is born to Mira and Ephraim Bridger on Lothal.[61][475]
    • Rex meets Cut Lawquane on Saleucami, speaking about inhibitor chips.[476]
    • Ahsoka Tano settles on Thabeska with the Fardi clan, taking on the name "Ashla."[474]
    • With the Jedi Order's overseer of Kamino's clone army facilities, Shaak Ti, having been murdered by Darth Vader in the Jedi Temple,[335] Governor Tarkin arrives in Tipoca City to assess the viability of using clones in the New Order.[477]
    • The celebration of the Jedi Order's eradication occurs.[478]
    • Darth Vader recaptures a starship gifted to him by the Emperor.[478]
    • Vader's attack on Brighthome occurs.[479]
    • Clone Force 99 is dispatched to end an insurgency on Onderon. However, the clones let go of the insurgents, who were mainly refugees led by Saw Gerrera, and decide to desert the new Empire.[477]
    • Vader's mission to Al'doleem occurs, where he kills Jedi Kirak Infil'a.[480]
    • Clone Force 99 returns to Kamino and, with the exception of Crosshair, who remained loyal to the Empire, rescue Omega with the assistance of Kaminoan cloner Nala Se. Wary of the Empire's intentions, the Kaminoans keep secret the clones' defection.[477]
    • Aboard the Marauder, the clones escape to meet Cut Lawquane on Saleucami. They help the Lawquane's family escape the Empire.[476]
    • Seeing that the most effective of clone troopers were disloyal to the Empire, Vice Admiral Edmon Rampart's proposes a new army of loyal, enlisted soldiers, to the dismay of Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su. Intrigued, Governor Tarkin trials Rampart's proposal, which is named Project War-Mantle. Elite Squad, led by CT-9904, is thus sent to handle Saw Gerrera's rebellion on Onderon.[481]

      Recruits are favored over clones as standard soldiers as the Empire builds up its new army.

    • The Kaminoans hire bounty hunter Fennec Shand to track down Omega. The Bad Batch and Omega escape Pantora and ask informant Ciddarin Scaleback to identify the hunter on their tail. In return, the clones retrieve the rancor Muchi for Cid, who in turn gives Muchi to Jabba's majordomo, Bib Fortuna, for a payment.[482]
    • The Bad Batch and the Martez sisters undertake a mission on Corellia.[483]
    • The hunt for Jocasta Nu occurs.[484]
    • The Bad Batch retrieve the lizard Ruby.[485]
    • The clones escape from Elite Squad on Bracca, but Omega is captured by Cad Bane, hired by the Kaminoans.[486]
    • Prime Minister Lama Su sends Taun We to obtain Omega's genetic material and then terminate the clone. However, Nala Se hires Fennec Shand to rescue Omega from Taun We and Cad Bane at the Bora Vio cloning facility. Ultimately, Omega is rescued by the Bad Batch at Bora Vio.[284]
    • The Batch extract Senator Avi Singh from the Imperial-occupied Raxus Secundus, the former Separatist capital.[487]
    • On Imperial-occupied Ryloth, Admiral Rampart frames the freedom fighter Cham Syndulla for attempting to assassinate Senator Orn Free Taa,[488] and sends Captain Howzer to pursue Syndulla's daughter, Hera. Together with Howzer and the Bad Batch, Hera and the Ryloth freedom fighters rescue Cham and Eleni Syndulla.[489]
    • Cid and the Bad Batch steal sansanna spice from Roland Durand on Ord Mantell.[490]
    • Rex sends the Bad Batch to rescue Gregor from an Imperial installation on Daro. While Gregor is rescued, Hunter is captured by the Empire's Clone Commandos and new stormtroopers and brought before Crosshair.[491]

      The clones cross a mountain range on Daro to rescue an old friend from the new stormtroopers.

    • The Empire cancels all its contracts with the Kaminoans and mobilizes its clone forces for departure from Kamino. Fearing their own doom, the Kaminoans attempt to evacuate Kamino with some of their clones as well, but are caught by Rampart's forces. Rampart thus takes away Nala Se for her expertise and deposes Lama Su.[491]
    • The Bad Batch rescue Hunter and confront Crosshair in Tipoca City. While Crosshair maintains his belief that they must serve the Empire, he turns on his own Elite Squad members, wishing to join his brothers-in-arms.[492]
    • As per Tarkin's command, Rampart's forces destroy Tipoca City's cloning facilities and other Kaminoan cities. The Bad Batch flee the city alongside Crosshair, Omega, and AZI-345211896246498721347.[492]
    • Secure as Emperor, Darth Sidious begins to delve deep into dark side arcana, including the hunt for immortality. (exact chronology undefined)[49]
    • Shortly after the rise of the Empire, entire populations of one species or planet are enslaved[16] as manufacturing worlds such as Riosa of the Inner Rim are annexed and pushed to produce components for Imperial military projects, including the Death Stars.[305] Meanwhile, dissent and resistance emerges with the beginning of the Ryloth Insurgency.[70]
Force Gods of Mortis

Ezra Bridger accepts the passing of his parents and mentor, who sacrificed themselves to save the ones they loved. Thus resisting darkness and foiling the plans of the Sith, Bridger later does likewise for his new-found family.

Battle of Yavin[]

Galactic Civil War—after the Battle of Yavin (0–5 ABY)[]

Renewed hope (0–2 ABY)[]

Empire ascendant (3 ABY)[]

  • 3 ABY
    • Echo Base is established inside a mountain on Hoth by the Rebel Alliance.[732][736] The base is expanded[735] after scouting and surveying work was done on several locations within Hoth's temperate zone.[14]

      The Sixty-First Mobile Infantry's base ship, the Thunderstrike, and its escort, Apailana's Promise.

    • The Rebel Alliance launch the Mid Rim Offensive campaign.[3]
      • Battles are fought between the Empire and the Rebellion's Sixty-First Mobile Infantry on Phorsa Gedd, Ord Tiddell, and Bamayar.[3]
      • The Empire regains territory in the Mid Rim, pushing out the Alliance. The rebels decide to halt their offensive, and the Mid Rim Retreat begins. Some Mid Rim revolutionaries follow the Alliance, though many stayed to continue their struggle locally.
      • Attack on Haidoral Prime; Imperial Governor and Ruling Council member Everi Chalis defects to the Rebel Alliance.[3]
      • After a battle in the Kontahr sector, the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry is sent by the Rebel Alliance to protect the Coyerti and secure their world in an effort to distract Imperial forces from the rebel withdrawal. The Coyerti campaign begins, ultimately resulting in an Alliance-Coyerti victory.[3]
      • Rebel groups are sent throughout the Mid Rim to conduct missions designed to distract Imperials from the Mid Rim Retreat. The Twenty-First travel to Bestine IV on one such mission.[3]
    • At some point before the Battle of Hoth[737]
    • Weeks before the Battle of Hoth
      • Luke Skywalker begins to fly snowspeeders with Dak Ralter at Hoth's Echo Base.[742]
        Love is letting go

        "Love is letting go." Leaving her loved ones, Chelli Aphra delayed Darth Vader's tenacious pursuit of the Rebellion.

      • Death Squadron is misled in their search for the Rebellion's main base of operations by Chelli Lona Aphra to[743] the long-lost Jedi world of Tython.[14] With the Empire redirected from probing Hoth, the Rebel Alliance is given an extra few weeks to prepare for an imminent Imperial intrusion.[743][744]
      • Despite the Alliance's efforts, Imperial forces continue to find rebel groups, such as the Sixty-First in the Metatessu sector, and conduct attacks on the insurgents, tracking and pursuing them relentlessly.[3]
      • Desperate for supplies, the Sixty-First make a raid on an Imperial heavy freighter in the Redhurne system.[3]
    • The Battle of Hoth occurs. The Alliance suffers a costly blow when the Empire attacks Echo Base, although Carlist Rieekan's evacuation order helps rebels escape in time to avoid a complete catastrophe.[745]
    • Prelate Verge of the Imperial Ruling Council continues to hunt down the Sixty-First, commanding the unsuccessful infiltration of the rebel vessel Thunderstrike.[3]
    • By around this point, Lando Calrissian had freed the enslaved people held at the Fantanine mining colony.[746]
    • Following advice from the Force spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, Luke Skywalker heads to Dagobah to begin his training with Jedi Master Yoda.[745]
    • Darth Vader hires bounty hunters Boba Fett, Bossk, Dengar, IG-88B, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM to track down the Millennium Falcon, which travels across the Anoat sector, eventually reaching Bespin's Cloud City from the Hoth asteroid belt.[745]
    • Duel on Cloud City between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Skywalker learns that Vader is his father, Anakin, although Luke lets go and surrenders himself to the abyss of Cloud City rather than join the dark side.[745]
      Carbon-freeze chamber SWB

      Luke Skywalker chose to leave his training on Dagobah to save his friends.

    • Han Solo is frozen in carbonite and taken by Boba Fett. Aboard the Millennium Falcon, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Leia Organa, Chewbacca, C-3PO, and R2-D2 escape from Cloud City, which is occupied by Imperial forces.[745]
    • Darth Vader embarks on a quest for revenge against those who hid his son Luke Skywalker from him.[747] With the forensics droid ZED-6-7,[748] Vader returns to the Lars moisture farm and later to Padmé Amidala's apartment on Coruscant for clues.[747]
    • "The Contessa" is faced with rebuilding her rebel[749] Corona Squadron after it fought at the Battle of Hoth and regrouped aboard the Liberty.[307] Tasked by Mon Mothma to organize the starfighter defense at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three, "the Contessa" assigns Wedge Antilles to reform Red Squadron from Rogue Squadron veterans and other individuals.[749]
    • Under Commander Wedge Antilles, Red Squadron foils the plans of a group of hostile pirates.[749]
    • Dengar gambles with and is indebted to the Ohnaka Gang, whose original leader, Hondo Ohnaka, had been replaced by Skragg.[750]
    • Having cracked the Rebel Alliance's codes, which were top secret and known only to a few individuals, such as R2-D2, the Empire tracks down rebels regrouping from the Battle of Hoth who initiated communications with other Alliance divisions.[751]
      Rendezvous Point Delta-Three

      The Empire relentlessly pursued the scattered rebel forces in the aftermath of their near-destruction on Hoth.

    • The Falcon arrives at a battle at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three. The new arrivals aide in the rebels' escape from Imperial forces led by Ellian Zahra,[751] who was reassigned by Darth Vader and the Emperor from a non-essential post at the spice mines of Kessel to hunt down remnants of the Rebellion.[752] Following the incident, Commander Zahra received explicit instructions from Lord Vader: Luke Skywalker was not to be harmed.[751]
    • After taking a fork-nosed ice worm fossil from Imperial forces on Hoth to sell to the Shadow University through Sava Estat, Chelli Lona Aphra embarks on a job to find the Rings of Vaale, which allegedly grants eternal fortune, immortality, and abilities to rival the most powerful Force user when used together. Doctor Aphra, archaeology student Detta Yao, the bounty hunter Black Krrsantan, and the mercenary "Just Lucky" pursue the rings against Ronen Tagge, scion of the Empire's aristocratic Tagge family. After losing years of research to Tagge at the Ruins of Kolkur, Professor Eustacia Okka and her droid, TA-418, who had done research on the rings, join Aphra aboard the Ark Angel III,[753] traveling to Vaale, Dianth, the home of the The Architects of Vaale who made the rings. They discover murals of High Republic iconography warning that when used independently, one ring would grant eternal life at the cost of the user's madness, while another would grant fortune at the cost of hastening the user's eventual demise.[754]
    • With the assistance of Just Lucky, Tagge's mercenaries trace Aphra's crew to Vaale, taking the Ring of Fortune before destroying the city of living bone with Aphra and her crew captured.[755] Aphra's crew is taken to Ronen Tagge's Private Penthouse in Canto Bight, where they defeat Ronen, who was wearing the two rings, and escape from after stealing several priceless artifacts.[756]

      A replica of the Nihil Path engine set both the Unbroken Clan and the Tagge dynasty in pursuit; while the clan was reputed for not letting go, Tagge hired the rogue archaeologist Doctor Aphra for the hunt.

    • Nakano Lash resurfaces near Kessel.[757] Having been informed by Aphra and Black Krrsantan on Burnin Konn that she has resurfaced, Bossk races to find Lash. The latter is also sought by her former protégé, Beilert Valance, as well as Boba Fett, who deviated from delivering Han Solo in carbonite to settle a personal score with Lash. Lash had torn apart the group of hunters years ago on Corellia, when she killed their client and the sole heir of the Mourner's Wail Syndicate, Khamus, as well as causing the death of Krynthia, the sole heir of the Unbroken Clan, instigating a continuation of violence between the two groups, which formed the three crime syndicates of Corellia with the addition of Lady Proxima's White Worms.[758]
    • Leaving her lover, Losha, and her peaceful life on the Moon of Logal Ri behind, T'onga pursues Lash to avenge the death of her brother, T'ongor, while Thisspiasian hunter Ooris Bynar pursues Lash with the help of the bondsman Syphacc.[757]
    • Amanaman agrees to notify Lando Calrissian should Boba Fett appear at Jabba's Palace. Jabba himself forces Calrissian to agree to spy on the Rebellion on his behalf with the threat of death.[165]
    • Having deduced alongside Commander Grek's Fourth Division they have saved at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three that the Empire was using Alliance codes to hunt down rebels at rendezvous points, the crew of the Millennium Falcon leave the EF76 Nebulon-B escort frigate Redemption at Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine to return to Cloud City.[759]
    • While the Liberty and Corona Squadron, previously at Rendezvous Point Delta-Three, did not join the rebels at Backup Rendezvous Point Gamma-Nine. Instead, Corona Squadron undertake a series of reconnaissance missions for the Rebellion, charting the planet D'Qar shortly before the Battle of Endor.[307] D'Qar would house only a small Alliance outpost during the Galactic Civil War before becoming the base of the Resistance decades later.[14]
    • Luke Skywalker seeks and fails to find his lost lightsaber, whilst Leia Organa, in her resolve to rescue Han Solo, infiltrates and is captured by the local Imperial garrison in her quest to learn more of the carbon-freezing mechanism. Meanwhile, Lando Calrissian finds his friend Lobot and sabotages the surrounding area of refined tibanna.[760]
      Destiny SW4

      Through a vision, Luke Skywalker lets go of his lightsaber and sets off to save Leia Organa.

    • Skywalker lets go of his weapon following a vision through the Force. He then joins with Calrissian and Lobot to rescue Leia Organa from the Empire. In doing so, they accidentally free the Bespin Wing Guard, who are admitted into the Rebel Alliance.[760]
    • Luke Skywalker parts ways with the crew of the Millennium Falcon. With R2-D2, he travels to the planet he envisioned earlier in search of a woman, whom Skywalker also witnessed in his vision, for help in his Jedi future and the fate of the Rebellion.[761]
    • Skywalker meets Verla, a former disciple the Jedi Ferren Barr who rejected the Jedi, the Sith, and the Force in order to live her life. On Luke Skywalker's promise that he would not disturb her again be it the will of the Force, Verla gives the aspiring Jedi the location of a yellow-bladed lightsaber for him to claim for the extinct Jedi Order. After a duel of wills against the phantom Grand Inquisitor, who found himself tied to a fate worse than death as he is bound by Darth Vader to the mortal realm despite dying years ago over Mustafar, Skywalker asserts his understanding that the Jedi believed in self-sacrifice; compassion—dying for a greater cause.[762]
    • Darth Vader and ZED-6-7 trail a transmitter from Padmé Amidala's apartment and travel to Vendaxa[748] after being led to a false finding of Luke Skywalker.[761] On Vendaxa, the pair encounter a group[748] of Amidalans—individuals seeking to avenge the mysterious death of Padmé Amidala[763]— being attacked by native fauna whilst investigating the cause of Amidala's death.[748]
    • Darth Vader and his droid finds the group's sole survivor: Sabé, a handmaiden of the late Padmé Amidala. Sabé's group intent on avenging Amidala's death, Vader tells the handmaiden that he as well sought revenge on those who hid the cause of Amidala's death, and Sabé joins Vader and leads him to Naboo, where she had hidden the security recordings taken from Amidala's apartment.[748]
    • Now on a hunt for the truth of Padmé Amidala's death, Darth Vader comes across Sabé's associates, former Royal Naboo Security Forces guards of Amidala Captains Gregar Typho and Tonra, who long suspected the senator was murdered after leaving for Mustafar during the last moments of the Clone Wars. With their presumption that Darth Vader had killed Padmé Amidala and Anakin Skywalker confirmed by the Sith Lord himself, Sabé's group ambush him, though their confrontation is interrupted by an[764] elder sando aqua monster.[75][763]
    • Darth Vader slays the sando aqua monster after fleeing with ZED-6-7, thereby increasing the species' chances of extinction within a century to eighty-three percent. Vader then leads his death trooper unit to battle the Amidalans, who guarded the tomb of Padmé Amidala under the leadership of Ric Olié. With memories of the group's leader teaching Anakin Skywalker to operate Amidala's Royal Naboo Starship surfacing, Vader spares Olié and proceeds to Amidala's tomb, although he is stopped by Sabé and other handmaidens of the former Naboo Queen and senator. Unable to kill them, he immobilizes Padmé Amidala's bodyguards and enters her tomb.[763]

      Rejected by his son, the cyborg Vader struggled with his desire for power and his chosen destiny as a Jedi and current servitude to the Sith, tearing through his past only to be reminded of his losses.

    • Darth Vader and ZED-6-7 trace a med implant at Amidala's tomb to Polis Massa, which had been attacked and abandoned by this point. Vader and his droid are followed and attacked by the Amidalans, who are defeated. Finding a holorecording of his wife's death at the maternity ward, Vader destroys ZED-6-7 in his rage before wallowing in grief, hearing his lover's last words that there is still good in Anakin Skywalker as he returns to the Imperial Palace on Coruscant, where he submits to the Emperor.[765]
    • Mourner's Wail kills Unbroken Clan soldiers in a bombing on Chorgad. In retaliation, General Vukorah of the clan attacks[766] a Mourner's Wail spice run[767] in the Kessel Sector,[766] prompting the latter group to bomb a Caviness IV settlement.[766]
    • Ooris Bynar is killed by Nakano Lash after tracing the latter to Ruusan, and Bossk is left on the graveyard world of Galmerah by Boba Fett. Valance and T'onga reach Lash, who reveals that she only killed Khamus because they were sent to murder a pregnant Krynthia. Lash further reveals that she had been raising Khamus and Krynthia's child, Cadeliah, in the hope that she would unite the two warring syndicates as their joint heir.[767]
    • While T'onga's lets go of her desire for vengeance, she is mortally wounded by Boba Fett, who fulfills his desire to arrange Lash's death by leaving her on her starship, which is destroyed by Vukorah of the Unbroken Clan. Fett escapes aboard the Slave I, and Valance vows to protect Cadeliah as per Lash's dying wish, taking his ship, the Broken Wing, alongside Cadeliah.[768]

      With the criminal underworld at war amidst the galactic struggle against the Empire, Valance had to navigate through fragments of his past while honoring the selfless acts of Nakano Lash, his mentor, and his savior, Han Solo.

    • Vukorah finishes purging those loyal to the old line of the Unbroken Clan and hires Zuckuss and 4-LOM to hunt down Valance and Cadeliah to secure her own place as leader of the clan.[769]
    • Remy delivers a replica of the Nihil Path engine to De'Rruyet Industries on Corellia before assisting Sana Starros with a drop-off on the world.[770]
    • The Gortus 4 colony signs over rights to their moon, prompting the Tagge Construction Division to be tasked with establishing an ore factory within a week.[771]
    • The strikes on the Keshk lunar colony continue for the eighth day as a result of wage disputes with the Keshk Corporation.[771]
    • Beol De'Rruyet reveals that his De'Rruyet Industries has found a way to replicate the Nihil Path engine with the potential to completely change the galactic economy or end the galactic war.[771]
    • Lucky reports Ronen's fall to Lady Domina Tagge,[756] who captures Aphra to Tagge Space after bounty hunter pursuits through Taris, Burnin Konn, and Arveesh Station. The head of Tagge Corporation hires Aphra to gather more information on the De'Rruyet Path engine replica.[771]
    • Aphra enlists the help of Sana Starros to gain an audience with Lady Proxima at the Den of the White Worms on Corellia, who directs them to the Unbroken Clan. After clan leader Vukorah finished interrogating Remy, Aphra and Starros steal a datapad containing a transcript of Remy's interrogation, following a lead to[770] an ancient battlefield on Dol'har Hyde. There, Aphra and Starros are attacked by Vukorah and the Unbroken Clan.[772]
    • Working alongside "Just Lucky" in Canto Bight, Ariole Yu offers to let Koz go if the latter pays his debt to Wen Delphis, leader of the Sixth Kin, although Kin enforcers are ambushed by traitors.[773] With treason apparent amongst the ranks of the Kin, Wen Delphis sends "Just Lucky" and Ariole Yu to eliminate the alleged traitor Gallin Crae and his contact off-world.[774]
    • Emperor Palpatine instructs Domina Tagge to capture Beol De'Rruyet's Nihil Path engine replica.[773] Aided by Lapin Tagge, Domina Tagge discovers that slicers had stolen confidential data from TaggeCo as well as its competitors.[774]
    • For wallowing in grief, Vader is deposited by Darth Sidious to the black sands of Mustafar, on the spot where the Sith apprentice was immolated decades prior. To turn Vader's anger back into fear and the fear into pain, Sidious sends Ochi of Bestoon, assassin of the Sith, as a reminder.[775]
    • The Eye of Webbish Bog calls out to Vader, reminding the cyborg of his inner conflicts between his personal desire for power, his current servitude to the Sith and destined servitude to the Force, and his personal needs for family. After receiving a wayfinder to Exegol from the Eye,[776] Vader defeats Ochi's droid army and departs Mustafar holding Ochi captive in an escape pod retrofitted onto his green Jedi starfighter.[777]
    • Darth Vader and Ochi reach the vicinity of Exegol,[777] where they fly through an Imperial blockade led by Administrator Sly Moore as well as a creature of a summa-verminoth sub-species. After receiving a vision of his son, Luke Skywalker, striking him down and taking his place at the Emperor's side, Vader makes a forbidden use of the Force to subdue the beast, thereby violating his master's command. Through fear of the Emperor's plans, Vader had become angered and was fueled by hatred, leading to a demonstration of power whereby the cyborg gained control over the beast and rode it to Exegol's Sith Citadel.[778]
    • Vader confronts his master but is subdued by pain. Vader's beast lies dead, and Ochi loses his eyes; overwhelmed by the power of the Emperor, Vader chooses to yield to his Master. Vader, the Emperor, Ochi, Sly Moore, and Mas Amedda then leave Exegol—leaving its Sith cultists, minions, experiments, and a growing fleet of planet-destroying Star Destroyers.[779] Dathan escapes from Exegol by hiding in Vader's shuttle.[780]
    • The Rebellion's Fourth Division joins forces with the Seventh Division after battling Ellian Zahra's assault group[675] at Elessia.[781]
    • Operation Starlight begins; the Fourth Division aims to reassemble the scattered Alliance Fleet.[781]
      • The Pathfinders of the Rebel Alliance conduct a heist at Coruscant's Imperial Museum with help from Lando Calrissian and Lobot to steal the Autonomous Translator Module, Mark II droid, through which the Fourth and Seventh Divisions intend to establish new secret communications with other rebels.[781]
      • Starlight Squadron is established. Consisting of Wedge Antilles, Freyta Smyth, L'ulo L'ampar, Shara Bey, Evaan Verlaine, and Mart Mattin, it attempts to contact other rebel groups and establish new secret communications through the codes provided by the Autonomous Translator Module, Mark II linguistics droid, which is kept operational by Lobot.[782]
        Lando apologizes to Lobot

        Lando Calrissian insisted on saving Lobot despite the latter's loss of mind and the lives of rebels being at stake.

      • Starlight Squadron finds the ruins of the Sixth Division instead and is ambushed by Imperial probe droids. Amidst the chaos, Lobot begins to die in his efforts to keep the rebels' linguistics droid operational. While Lando Calrissian remains adamant in telling Lobot to cease maintaining the droid, Kes Dameron, fearing for his love, Shara Bey, demands Calrissian to let Lobot die in exchange so that Bey may be saved.[782]
      • Calrissian is detained by order of Leia Organa. After secretly learning its language, C-3PO deactivates the Rebellion's linguistics droid in its refusal to yield its self-interest to save Lobot. With command of the droid's language, communications are reestablished with Starlight Squadron, which escapes from Zahra and her flagship, Tarkin's Will, by exploiting the Empire's disregard for its own droids.[783]
      • However, Shara Bey, Starlight's commanding officer, is captured by Zahra's forces. While a despaired Kes Dameron is counseled by Leia Organa, Lando Calrissian is reunited with Lobot and, seeing that the Rebellion would not care for them, offers to pay off his debt to Jabba the Hutt by stealing the deactivated linguistics droid and its embedded rebel codes.[783]
      • Having traced the location of Tarkin's Will, the Rebellion plans to strike back at the Empire.[783]
    • Aphra, Starros, and the Unbroken Clan attempt to seize the replica on Midarr. The engine is destroyed during the resulting firefight, but Aphra steals the crystal core of the original Path engine and gives it to Domina Tagge. In refusing to let Aphra and Starros go yet again, Vukorah loses an eye while chasing them.[774]
    • Valance and Cadeliah flee to meet Valance's lover, Yuralla Vega, at a rebel outpost on Lowik.[769] Valance leaves Cadeliah in the care of Yuralla Vega as Zuckuss and 4-LOM attack the Lowik rebels,[784] who are separated from Rebel Command as the Empire had broken the rebel security codes. While Valance distracts the hunters by visiting random ports throughout the galaxy, the Lowik rebels evacuate before the Empire's arrival, though they ask Valance to save a lone transport that was lost in the process. Valance does so to settle his debt to Han Solo, but is shot down by the Ohnaka Gang, which is led by Skragg, advised by a captive Dengar,[785] and in pursuit of the locations of the rebel armada.[750]
    • Working for Jabba alongside the Hutt's majordomo, Bib Fortuna, the hunter Bossk joins the hunted in the Great Hunt of Malastare, sparing Grummgar and killing the InterGalactic Banking Clan Vice Chair Exum Jermit, who had been refusing to do business with Jabba.[786]
    • Hunt for Han Solo
      • While en route transporting Han Solo to Jabba on Tatooine, Boba Fett loses Solo to mysterious figures on Nar Shaddaa after killing the Kanji Criminal Enterprise's pit fighting champion, Wyrmen Lictor, in the Garkata Fighting Arena.[787]
        WOTBH1Giuseppe Camuncoli

        Dozens of galactic figures battle for Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, after Boba Fett lost Solo on the Smuggler's Moon, Nar Shaddaa.

      • Crimson Dawn resurfaces under Lady Qi'ra. They steal Han Solo from Boba Fett[788] with the help of Deva Lompop, who in doing so betrays Jabba.[789] Qi'ra aims to bring the great factions of the galaxy together in an auction for Han Solo—hosted by Crimson Dawn on Jekara for a frozen figure wanted by all.[788]
      • Jabba places a large bounty on Boba Fett,[790] believing that he had betrayed him by selling Solo to another party.[791] T'onga is thus motivated to take up arms again against Fett, and T'onga's wife, Losha, follows.[790]
      • Valance battles Skragg's Ohnaka Gang, saves the rebel transport, and secures the rebel locations for the Rebel Alliance's Private Blanch Sproull. Hearing of Han Solo's capture by Boba Fett from Dengar, Valance takes Dengar captive to rescue Solo.[750] Aboard a Corona-class armed frigate stolen from the Ohanak Gang, the two hunters pursue Boba Fett and his Slave I.[786]
      • Vader, believing that any attempts to rebel against the Emperor is futile, changes his strategy of keeping Luke Skywalker and his friends alive; Vader decides that killing his son is the only way, and sets out to hunt for Han Solo using the services of Bokku the Hutt and Ochi of Bestoon.[792]
      • Aboard Jabba's yacht, the Star Jewel, alongside Bib Fortuna, Bossk learns of Jabba's bounty on Boba Fett.[790]
      • Intent on killing Fett and rescuing Solo, Valance is tracked down by Zuckuss and 4-LOM in the Y'Toub System. Dengar arranges a deal between the four of them to postpone pursuing the Unbroken Clan's bounty on Cadeliah and instead hunt down the wanted Fett.[790]
      • Boba Fett is confronted by Zuckuss and 4-LOM. They are defeated and left for dead on Nar Shaddaa and Tatooine, respectively.[788]
      • Chewbacca hears from Sagwa a lead on Han Solo's location.[793]
      • Working with Dengar to trail Boba Fett, Valance seeks to help Han Solo since the latter saved his life. The pair run into Chewbacca and C-3PO on Nar Shaddaa. Chewbacca warns Valance not to cross paths with him again on their search for Solo, and they part in peace. Valance and Dengar learn from Devono Vix that Crimson Dawn had returned and stolen Solo from Fett, but Vix is immediately killed by the assassin Deathstick.[791]

        The assassin Deathstick was under the employ of Lady Qi'ra, leader of Crimson Dawn.

      • Valance and Dengar are pursued by Deathstick at Qi'ra's behest. In a brief interlude, Dengar contacted Bib Fortuna, seeking reassurance that[459] his love interest, the Aruzan[794] Manaroo, remained safe under Jabba's captivity[459] while the bounty hunter remained indebted to the Hutt.[795]
      • Valance and Dengar quietly escape to Canto Bight. While he remains indebted to Wen Delphis of the Sixth Kin, Dengar reclaims his ship, the Punishing One, on the condition that he and Valance stir up trouble at the Crimson Dawn gathering.[796] Before they leave, Dengar promises to give Deathstick the location of Cadeliah.[795]
      • Crimson Dawn attacks the Mourner's Wail. T'onga and Losha are cuaght amidst the attack.[791] After repelling the Dawn, T'onga informs Mourner's Wail leader Khamdek that he has a granddaughter—Cadeliah. Khamdek asks T'onga to keep Cadeliah safe from the Dawn.[459]
      • T'onga and Losha recruit gladiator champion Tasu Leech, who seeks a worthy challenge, and Zuckuss, who was left bitter by the fact that his own friend, 4-LOM, had lost memory of him and attempted to kill him.[796]
      • On Nar Shaddaa, General Vukorah is invited to the Crimson Dawn gathering by Deathstick.[796]
      • R2-D2, C-3PO, Luke Skywalker, Chewbacca, and Sagwa are ambushed by the Kanji gang on Nar Shaddaa, and the rebels escape aboard the Falcon. The gang reports their sighting of Luke Skywalker to Imperial Garrison on Vandor.[793]
      • R2-D2 informs Skywalker of the locations of dozens of Jedi outposts. Sagwa joins the Rebellion, and the Falcon is recalled to the Rebel Fleet by General Leia Organa after an unknown party contacted the Alliance regarding Solo.[793]
      • Invitations are sent out to various individuals throughout the galaxy, including Jabba the Hutt, Black Sun's Boss Gyuti,[797] and Imperial General Hurst Romodi.[798]

        Durge resurges

      • Sly Moore and her court hire IG-88 to destroy Vader in the fear that he could overpower the Emperor. After defeating IG-88 at Zee-Nine City Seven in Hutt Space, Vader, Ochi, and Bokku find a Crimson Dawn lead to Han Solo. Bokku is tasked by Vader with obtaining Solo,[799] as is Sly Moore.[798]
      • Bounty hunter Boushh and his crew, hired by Crimson Dawn, attempt to assassinate the corporation's executive board. In the ensuing fight, Domina Tagge roots out Tagge Corporation's mole, Silas Tagge, and kills him. She then persuades Boushh's crew to work for her, promising as payment to take them back to their homeworld, Uba IV, from which they had been exiled by Ubese society.[800]
      • Domina Tagge sends Aphra and Starros to track down Ebann Drake, who had left TaggeCo[774] for Crimson Dawn's auction. Aphra and Starros betray the bounty hunter Durge, who had also taken a bounty on Drake, and take Drake's invitation to Crimson Dawn's auction, which they attend per Domina Tagge's instructions.[797]
      • Amilyn Holdo, who had been working amongst the crime syndicates, informs Leia Organa that Solo was no longer with Fett, and is instead held at an auction hosted by Crimson Dawn. Organa asks Chewbacca to reach out to Lando Calrissian about the matter, and C-3PO accompanies the Wookiee to handle urgent tasks relating to Starlight Squadron's efforts to find the remainder of the Alliance Fleet.[801]
      • Luke Skywalker and Starlight Squadron rescue the Eleventh Division at Ab Dalis, saving High Command's Admiral Gial Ackbar and Alliance Chancellor Mon Mothma.[802]

        Rebel victory at Ab Dalis liberated Alliance High Command's Admiral Ackbar and Chancellor Mon Mothma from a relentless seige.

      • Calrissian agrees to help rescue Solo, although he also promises Jabba via Fortuna that his package would be delivered over Jekara. Upon the Falcon's arrival over the world, Calrissian secretly jettisons the rebels' linguistics droid into space. As the droid drifts away, it attempts to bargain with Calrissian, temporarily repairing Lobot's implants and restoring his personality.[801]
      • Calrissian regrets his actions and vows to revive Lobot, although Chewbacca, Organa, and C-3PO pilot the Falcon down to Jekara.[801]
    • Auction for Han Solo and aftermath
      • On Jekara, Boba Fett leaves Bossk for dead after the Trandoshan attempted to capture him for Jabba.[788]
      • Fett infiltrates the auction venue, and Jabba successfully outbids everyone for Solo with one million credits.[803] Back stage, Crae battles Ariole Yu and Lucky. Darth Vader arrives claiming Solo as his own.[804]
      • Qi'ra duels Lord Vader while Imperial General Romodi takes Han Solo aboard an Imperial shuttle headed for the Executor.[805]
      • Wishing to maintain the Hutts' relationship with the Empire, Jabba lets his prize go before leaving the auction halls himself. Dissatisfied that the Hutts' reputation is at risk, Bokku leads dissident Hutt Council members to take back Solo from Romodi's Imperial shuttle with a Hutt fleet.[805]
      • The rebels pursue the same shuttle aboard the Millennium Falcon.[805]
      • Wishing to save Han Solo, Valance teams up with his hated rival, Boba Fett, to pursue the same shuttle aboard the Slave I, leaving Dengar stranded on Jekara.[805]
      • Vader, sensing the presence of Luke Skywalker above Jekara, pursues the Jedi-trainee in orbit.[805]
      • Chelli Lona Aphra and Sana Starros steal a Black Sun necklace containing data crystals from the Crimson Dawn gathering and make their escape.[806] While escaping, work alongside Ariole Yu and Lucky, and Aphra kills Crae.[807] Aphra's electro-tattoos are fried after activating the Thought Dowser to incapacitate a pursuing Deathstick.[806]
      • Ariole Yu and Just Lucky are stranded at the Crimson Dawn venue by Aphra and Starros, who escape and find that a network of Crimson Dawn spies had infiltrated Black Sun, the Empire, the Rebellion, the Sixth Kin, as well as the Tagge Corporation.[806] Ariole Yu and Just Lucky eventually depart as well, back to Canto Bight.[808]
      • Most guests leave the venue after fighting broke out over Han Solo, but General Vukorah remains with Crimson Dawn, impressed with their confrontation with Vader.[795]

        Qi'ra brought about the re-emergence of the Crimson Dawn, challenging the might of the Empire.

      • T'onga, Losha, Tasu Leech, and Zuckuss track Dengar and Valance to Jekara, where they find Bossk, who frees himself using Zuckuss' knife.[795]
      • Dengar is recued by Deathstick, to whom he hands the location of Cadeliah as Deathstick promises to pay off Manaroo's debt to Jabba.[795]
      • Qi'ra continues pulling her strings as Crimson Dawn's leader, anticipating the coming of the "end" while holding the a Sith holocron.[805]
        • At the Dawn's urging, the Hutt Council armada attacks the Executor, although the shuttle containing Han Solo is safely delivered to the Imperial flagship.[809]
        • Certain that his son's fear is keeping him from being a Jedi, Darth Vader leaves Luke Skywalker and, at Emperor Palpatine's command, personally executes the Hutt Council, including Bokku, over Jekara.[809] Vader thus also learns that Palpatine wants Skywalker alive and is fearful of losing the boy.[810]
        • Ochi apprehends Sly Moore for attempting to save Skywalker from Vader, but the Sith Lord lets Moore go to fulfill his next mission from the Emperor—to hunt down Crimson Dawn's operatives within the Empire.[810]
        • Crimson Dawn also arranges for the crew of the Millennium Falcon to board the Executor and rescue Solo. However, he is instead taken by Boba Fett, who injures Valance and leaves him for dead aboard the Executor.[809]
      • Crimson Dawn, the rebels, and Boba Fett depart Jekara.[809]
      • Working for Crimson Dawn, Deva Lompop has IG-88 restored to take Solo back from Boba Fett. While IG-88 fails, the droid retreats to a junk world in order to bide his time and improve his systems.[811]
      • Boba Fett sells Han Solo to Jabba the Hutt on Tatooine, where Fett remains. Having become the sole leader of the Hutt clans, Jabba remains unfettered in regard to the Hutts' relationship with the Empire.[809]
    • Declaring the success of the "dawn," Qi'ra gathers warriors such as Ren's Knights of Ren in preparation for the reign of her organization.[809]
    • Having had her group of Amidalans killed by Imperial forces,[812] Sabé infiltrates Crimson Dawn, and on Polis Massa, the former handmaiden reactivates a repaired ZED-6-7 so that the droid could work for her in uncovering Vader's interest in Padmé Amidala.[813]

Crimson chaos (3–4 ABY)[]

  • 3–4 ABY
    • By this point, the Archivist had visited Yoda on Dagobah, having been tasked by Qi'ra to find him so that the Jedi Master could assist in her plans. However, Yoda taught the Archivist, and she reports to Crimson Dawn the lie that Yoda was dead.[814]
    • Ochi is ordered by Vader bring his assassin associates under the Sith Lord's fold. However, on Saki, Ochi kills his fellow master assassins to free an imprisoned Lady Qi'ra, joining Crimson Dawn.[810]
    • Vader restores Valance and presses him into his service, tasking him with killing Admiral Tarl Sokoli.[815]
    • Vader and Ochi hire three Assassin's Guild members on Vincorba and recruit three anti-Dawn Revengers on Calior, and they are joined by Valance on Laecor.[816]

      Crimson Dawn machinations spell chaos within the Empire and among the crime syndicates

    • Domina Tagge tasks Aphra and Starros with recovering Ascendant technology similar to the Thought Dowser,[817] but the pair run into rogue archaeologist Kho Phon Farrus, who works for the Archivist of Crimson Dawn and has been assembling Ascendant technology as well, in the hopes of finding the Spark Eternal.[818] Aphra, Starros, Kho Phon Farrus, and Iglan'tine Nos enter the Unyielding Heart on Bar'leth, where the Spark Eternal possesses Aphra.[819]
    • Starros and Kho Phon Farrus inform Domina Tagge of the Spark Eternal, and Tagge tasks them with retrieving both the artifact and Aphra. An ambitious Ronen Tagge also wishes to acquire the Spark Eternal.[819]
    • Vader leads his group to attack Laecor's Crimson Dawn forces and retrieve a list of their collaborators in the Empire. Unbeknownst to them, Sabé and ZED-6-7 had planted the list there.[816]
    • Vader and his group purges the suspects on Coruscant and on the Executor.[813]
    • Sabé and ZED-6-7 question Ochi and Sly Moore—fellow Crimson Dawn collaborators—about Vader's motives. In a later mission to Tranchar, Vader uncovers Ochi's betrayal—intending to use him as a pawn against the Dawn—and follows him to Sabé's place on Naboo.[812]
    • Vader and Sabé join together, united by their belief in making the galaxy orderly—[812]Sabé concludes that Vader was Anakin Skywalker,[820] who had fathered Luke Skywalker alongside Padmé Amidala.[813]
    • Ochi also helps General Romodi, who has been unhappy about some of his soldiers being killed by Vader's crew, and informs Romodi's forces about the location of Vader's crew. While Romodi's forces attack the crew, they are occupied by Crimson Dawn forces called in by Ochi, allowing the treacherous assassin to take Vader's crew away from the site. Vader then orders Romodi's forces to battle the Dawn until their end, and a pulse bomb annihilates all the combatants.[820]
    • On Gabredor III, Vader and Sabé reunite with Kitster Banai and Wald and target the corrupt Imperial Governor Tauntaza, a Crimson Dawn collaborator; while she escapes, Vader, Sabé, and Ochi discover that she had been developing technology that drains power from living things to the extent of entire planets—the world Karolia had already been devestated.[821]
    • Believing that Sabé has been trying to bring him back to the light side, Vader pursues the governor himself in anger. He orders the Executor to incinerate Tauntaza's fortress but makes efforts to save his allies. While the governor escapes again, Sabé saves Vader in turn. They discover that Tauntaza had been acting upon direct orders from the Emperor, who is testing his apprentice again.[822]

      Sabé working alongside Darth Vader

    • Vader, accompanied by Sabé, confronts Darth Sidious. However, Vader, still troubled by his suffering in his former self as Anakin Skywalker, turns her over to the Emperor, who asserts that the former handmaiden could be a powerful asset. She and Vader are sent to quell an uprising on Skako Minor.[823]
    • Luke Skywalker and R2-D2 search the galaxy for Jedi sites, and on Al'doleem, they find a holocron by Yoda that leads them to Gazian, where Skywalker speaks with an imprint of Jedi Elzar Mann and obtains a sacred Jedi text.[824]
    • Lady Qi'ra and Crimson Dawn initiate the Syndicate War in order to disrupt the Empire and specifically target the Sith—Darth Sidious and Darth Vader—in a war against the Sith.[825]
      • Chanath Cha and the Orphans sow mistrust and chaos among the galaxy's leading criminal syndicates by secretly attacking their facilities.[825]
      • Qi'ra informs the surviving Rebel Fleet—assembled from the Fourth, Seventh, and Eleventh Divisions—that Zahra's hunter fleet had destroyed all but one remaining rebel division—the Second Division on Panisia. The Rebellion also strikes a deal with Crimson Dawn to organize its supplies, which have been disrupted by the Syndicate War, through Leia Organa's friend Amilyn Holdo.[826]
      • Kes Dameron leads Starlight Squadron and the Pathfinders on an unauthorized mission to rescue Shara Bey from Zahra's flagship, Tarkin's Will, which the Pathfinders infiltrate.[826]
      • Battle of Panisia[827]
        • Deathstick alerts the Empire to Panisia's rebel base, captures Cadeliah from the rebels, and brings her to Qi'ra.[828]
        • The Tarkin's Will is destroyed by the Pathfinders, who also rescue Shara Bey successfully, but not before the Star Destroyer eliminated the entire rebel base and several of the incoming Rebel Fleet's vessels—Zahra had relished forcing the rebels to kill some of their own members in their hopes of saving the rebel base.[827]
        • Leia Organa duels Ellian Zahra and leaves her to the mercy of Panisia's animals, stating that the Rebellion only kills as a necessity and always for justice.[829]
      • Ochi assassinates ten of the Emperor's Royal Guards in the Imperial Palace.[828]
      • The Knights of Ren raid Fortress Vader to acquire the Screaming Key.[830]
    • T'onga, Losha, Tasu Leech, Bossk, Zuckuss, and 4-LOM attempt to rescue Cadeliah from Crimson Dawn. However, Cadeliah chooses to stay with Qi'ra, who further offers T'onga's crew employment.[831]
    • Realizing the purposeful threat to the Sith, the Emperor instructs the Imperial Military to target Crimson Dawn; in response, Lady Qi'ra instructs her agents to cause chaos in the Empire.[832]
      • Palpatine speaks with the leadership of the Hutts, Black Sun, the Pykes, the Droid Gotra, and Zerek Besh and instructs them to cease their infighting and defeat Crimson Dawn.[833]
      • T'onga's crew accept a Crimson Dawn mission to Bestine IV, and Vader tasks Valance to stop the Dawn there.[834] T'onga reveals that the entire rebel base containing Valance's loved ones had been eliminated by the Empire, save for Cadeliah, turning a guilt-ridden Valance to destroy the Imperial naval base. In retaliation, Vader's forces bomb the Bestine insurgents[835] and sends Inferno Squad to track down Valance and wipe his memory—his cybernetic memories had glimsped plans for a new Death Star.[836]
      • Taking Imperial bounties, IG-88 eliminates Son-tuul Pride leaders and hunts Vukorah, leader of the Unbroken Clan.[834]
    • The Spark Eternal, using Aphra, visits Crimson Dawn in search of knowledge and power, and speaks with the Archivist. Starros, Kho Phon Farrus, Eustacia Okka, Detta Yao, Korin Aphra, and Magna Tolvan assemble to retrieve Doctor Aphra. However, they are being tracked by Ariole Yu and Just Lucky, working for Ronen Tagge along with their old crew[837] in the hopes of scoring their last job and retire safely.[819]
      Doctor Aphra 21 textless cover

      The Spark Eternal possesses Doctor Aphra

    • Starros' crew finds 0-0-0 and BT-1 on Birukay, while Ariole Yu and Just Lucky find Doctor Aphra and the Spark with Crimson Dawn. Both groups confront the Spark, but it convinces Kho Phon Farrus to let it go and leaves with the Null Blade and 0-0-0 and BT-1 in her service,[838] with the aim of destroying the Sith.[839]
    • The Archivist and the Knights of Ren recover the Fermata Cage for Crimson Dawn using the Screaming Key.[832] They are joined by Kho Phon Farrus as they prepare the Fermata Cage to defeat the Sith.[833]
    • The Imperial Unity Day parade on Bar'leth is incinerated by a hit-and-run attack by the Rebellion—the event has been broadcast across the entire Empire.[840]
    • The Imperial Security Bureau is alerted to an incident on Al'doleem, which Major Sharin, inspecting the second Death Star, intends to investigate.[840]
    • At this point, Emperor Palpatine and Darth Vader are reported by the Rebellion to be aboard the Executor in the Mid Rim.[841]
    • Death Star workers Bevelyn and Jon Melton, as Crimson Dawn agents, kill Major Sharin and take her shuttle in order to inform the Rebellion the existence of the new superweapon. The couple bring with them their children, Reen and Zelly, hail the Rebel Alliance for help,[840] and flee to the Coruscant underworld. They are rescued by Luke Skywalker, and Alliance High Command learns of the new Death Star's construction.[841]
    • Amilyn Holdo bring Leia Organa, Luke Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, and Lobot to a resort on Spira for a vacation. They steal a Nihil Path engine from an auction and enter No-Space, in pursuit of much-needed fuel from the long-lost Kezarat Convoy.[166]
    • The other former handmaidens of Queen Amidala work alongside Ochi in order to retrieve—or stop—Sabé from Vader's service. However, when Sabé has herself captured by nationalist revolutionary leader Jul Tambor, Vader intercepts the handmaidens and attempts to turn them to his service too.[842] Although he fails, the Sith Lord rescues Sabé, who chooses to join him and leave her sisterhood.[843]
    • Sabé finds a diplomatic solution; she unveils to the Skakoan refugees Jul Tambor's true colors as a power-hungry individual willing to sacrifice his own people—he has ordered his forces to bomb a city despite being informed that his people were present there along with Vader, discrediting Tambor. His refugees are granted amnesty by the Empire, saving hundreds of lives.[843]
    • Vukorah resigns from the Unbroken Clan, allowing IG-88 to eliminate its leaders and leaving unscathed herself.[844]
    • Having been rescued by Ariole Yu and Just Lucky just prior to the Empire's attack, Starros' crew enter the service of Ronen Tagge, who had joined Crimson Dawn.[839] Ronen's Crimson Dawn forces attempt to eliminate Domina Tagge but they are thwarted, with Starros' crew aiding Domina instead and thus clearing their debt to the Tagges.[845]
    • The Empire finds and attacks Crimson Dawn's flagship. The Emperor speaks with Qi'ra, who loses the battle but orders the Fermata Cage to be activated, lying that she wishes to free an ancient Sith trapped by the artifact.[833]
    • Threatened, Sidious and Vader pursue the Fermata Cage. The two Dark Lords arrive at the Amaxine Station aboard the Executor and they are attacked by Crimson Dawn's fleet.[846]

      Qi'ra's plans to topple the Sith fail at the Amaxine Station, though her efforts in destabilizing the Empire succeeded, and her agents had alerted the Rebellion to a second Death Star.

      • Starros' crew and Kho Phon Farrus help Doctor Aphra expel the Spark Eternal from her body near the Fermata Cage. Starros successfully forces the "hopelessly emotionally constipated" Aphra and Magna Tolvan to have a real conversation, and the crew part ways afterward.[847]
      • Vader joins Sidious before the Fermata Cage. Qi'ra activates it, beginning to trap the Dark Lords, but they are freed by the Knights of Ren.[848]
      • Qi'ra acknowledges her failure and scatters the Dawn fleet. She leaves her remaining resources to Cadeliah, her protégé.[848]
      • The Fermata Cage's activation causes a great disturbance in the Force, creating a Force Wave across the galaxy.[849]
        • Vader loses control of his powers, and Sabé attempts to calm him down, taking him to an isolated world. However, while Vader demands her loyalty, Sabé refuses to give in to hate, and the Sith Lord casts her away in an ocean. The Emperor tasks his Empire to hunt for the rogue Vader.[849]
        • Luke Skywalker is similarly affected, with his powers intermittently augmented uncontrollably or weakened. Nevertheless, with his help, the rebels recover much of the Kezarat Colony, who give their fuel to the Rebel Fleet, though some of its population decides to remain in No-Space and colonize the former Great Hall of the Nihil.[850] Lando Calrissian and Amilyn Holdo had become romantically involved while in No-Space, and they reaffirm their commitment to the rebel cause.[851]
    • Inferno Squad successfully wipes Valance's memories.[852]
    • As the Alliance prepares for an aerial assault on Coruscant,[853] Luke Skywalker travels to Christophsis to obtain a kyber crystal and build his own lightsaber along with R2-D2. He receives help from Gretta and Dr. Cuata, communicates with a Sith and Yoda, and leaves with a red and a green crystal.[854]
    • Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Nien Nunb, Freyta Smyth, and Bryen Rowne battle Corusant's defenses and attack the Emperor's statue in Monument Plaza. The latter two rebels are lost, but the burning statue is broadcast on the HoloNet.[853]
    • Vader acquires a shield of kyberite to focus his raw Force powers with Doctor Aphra's help on Ringo Vinda.[855]
    • By Imperial mandate, ZED-6-7 leads a group of droids who had been wronged by Vader to hunt down the cyborg Sith. However, ZED helps Vader to defeat the droids and rebuild them to his allegiance, forming a droid army, and Aphra escapes, as does 0-0-0 and BT-1.[856]
    • Aphra, Luke Skywalker, and R2-D2 find a Jedi temple on Sason[857] and battle the Starweird.[858]
    • T'onga reassembles her crew, wishing to save Valance's deteriorating mind. Boba Fett gives them coordinates to cyborg-fixer Tarr Kligson after they eliminate a rival Black Sun leader.[852]
    • Having merged with the Spark Eternal, the insatiable Scourge spreads, wishing to control all beings.[151] Ajax Sigma's Second Revelation droid movement attempts to destroy it.[859]
    • Mon Mothma, Admiral Ackbar, General Madine, Princess Organa, Luke Skywalker, and Commodore Grek convene to discuss the mysterious second Death Star. Meanwhile, C-3PO succumbs to the Scourge, which wishes to control Force-wielders too.[859]
    • Lando Calrissian and Lobot attempt to use Talky in Jabba's Palace to restore Lobot's mind.[860]
    • Vader and his droid army battles the Scourge aboard the Executor.[861]
    • Working for Domina Tagge, Aphra and Just Lucky face the Scourge on Havel Prime.[862]
    • The Scourge targets Vader on Mustafar.[863]
    • R2-D2 reassembles D-Squad to combat the Scourge.[864]
    • Tarr Kligson works with the Scourge to suppress Valance's consciousness. The Scourge abaondons Kligson and wishes to experiment with Valance, but T'onga and her crew attempt to kill their former friend.[865]
    • Ajax Sigma and D-Squad defeat the Scourge.[866]
    • Valance's memories are restored.[867]
  • 3–4 ABY (continued)

Return of the Jedi (4 ABY)[]

  • 4 ABY

    Calm and collected, Leia Organa proceeded to disarm Boushh with a single blaster shot.

    • After eliminating a rebel cell in the aftermath of the Battle of Hoth,[869] Squadron Five of Shakara Nuress's 204th Imperial Fighter Wing, also known as Shadow Wing, reclaim the Kudo system from the defecting Admiral Gratloe's private faction. The 204th's Lyttan Dree and Zin Graw are killed amidst an attack by the Rebel Alliance after Graw, secretly wanting to defect to the rebels, leaked intelligence to the Alliance.[669][20]
    • Leia Organa travels to Ord Mantell to find Maz Kanata for assistance in rescuing Han Solo. Boushh attacks Organa, though the bounty hunter was defeated by the latter, who took from Kanata's teachings of patience. Organa wears Boushh's armor as a disguise, thanking Maz Kanata before leaving in the Millennium Falcon with Chewbacca and R2-D2.[870][871]
    • Boushh attempts to blackmail Black Sun. He fails and falls to agents of the crime syndicate, though his demise is not well-known.[872][871]
    • Leia Organa, disguised as Boushh, rescues Lando Calrissian from bounty hunters on Arkanis. One hunter, Bossk, attempts to capture Chewbacca, although the Wookiee is later rescued. Organa thus cements Boushh's reputation with Bossk.[873]
    • With the Millennium Falcon, Lando Calrissian and Chewbacca attempt to find Han Solo,[745] eventually arriving at Jabba's Palace.[874]
    • Corona Squadron is involved in a dogfight in the Hudalla system.[307]
    • Less than one week before Operation Yellow Moon, Bothan operatives obtain footage of the second Death Star at Endor.[680] The Bothans bring the information to the Rebellion's Mon Mothma, Gial Ackbar, and Airen Cracken at the cost of many lives.[874]
    • Rebel intelligence chief and general Airen Cracken's men report a confirmed sighting of Boba Fett's ship over Tatooine, and that Fett has been paid for the delivery of Han Solo and is continuing to work for Jabba the Hutt.[680]
    • With the Rebellion's fleet still scattered across the galaxy to prevent another major defeat, the rebel convoy protecting Princess Leia Organa withstands an attack by Imperial forces.[680]
    • Rebels on Zastiga
      • Mon Mothma orders members of Rebel High Command to convene on Zastiga. Aboard the Mellcrawler, Nien Nunb transports Leia Organa, Caluan Ematt, and C-3PO to Zastiga, where they join Luke Skywalker and R2-D2.[680]
        Death Star II revealed

        Barely recovering from their defeat at Hoth, the Rebellion was forced to face the Empire's new Death Star.

      • On Zastiga, while Mon Mothma, Gial Ackbar, Airen Cracken, Crix Madine, Leia Organa, Carlist Rieekan, and a number of top admirals and generals—amongst them Nantz and Massa, as well as Veertag and Tantor—meet at a safe house to discuss the second Death Star, Luke Skywalker, Wedge Antilles, and Nien Nunb meet for a discussion of how Nunb saved Antilles at Hagar Secundus.[680]
      • Luke Skywalker, who had rejected Antilles' offer for him to rejoin Red Squadron[875] and had been delaying his return to Yoda on Dagobah to await news of Han Solo, expects that he would return to the Redemption. Skywalker also tells Leia Organa of his need to master patience to become a Jedi.[680]
      • The next day, taking from Skywalker's lesson, Organa proposes Operation Yellow Moon to buy much-needed time for the Rebellion and the galaxy at the risk of her life. Mon Mothma approves of the proposal after telling Organa not to deny herself another chance at love; duty cannot provide the comfort love would bring.[680]
      • Rebels leave Zastiga the following day.[680]
    • Operation Yellow Moon; Aboard Nien Nunb's Mellcrawler, Leia Organa leads a faux Alliance recruiting mission in the Corva sector, nearly a hundred-thousand light years away from the second Death Star, that is meant to distract the Empire while the Rebellion gathers an armada at Sullust.[680]
      • Imperials led by Captain Khione garrison Basteel and Sesid in retaliation for Organa attempting to recruit for the Alliance on the two worlds, imposing greater fear and oppression on their populace in the goal of instilling absolute obedience.[680]
      • Unwilling to cause more lives of others to be lost while doing their duty for the fate of the Rebellion and the galaxy, Organa's crew decide to go beyong their mission parameters and assist in a civilian uprising against the Empire on Jaresh, ensuring that the local resistance succeeds.[680]
      • Organa's crew proceed to the Yellow Moon, over which rebel recruits from the Corva sector are set to rendezvous as arranged by the Rebel Alliance. The Mellcrawler broadcasts a message to the gathered rebels that they are only a distraction for a major upcoming Alliance battle elsewhere, and telling them to flee. As the rebels leave, Captain Khione's Imperial flagship, the Shieldmaiden, arrives and captures the Mellcrawler.[680]
        Yellow Moon crew

        Operation Yellow Moon taught that while duty was crucial, people struggled against the Empire for inter-personal love; whether to honor those who died in the conflict or to fight for a brighter future for those still living.

      • With the individual voluntary sacrifices of two members of Organa's crew, as well as a surprise return of the rebel recruits, the crew destroys the Shieldmaiden using the Mellcrawler as a bomb, escaping Khione's Star Destroyer with a stolen Imperial shuttle named Tydirium.[680]
    • Aboard the shuttle Tydirium, Leia Organa, Nien Nunb, and Kidi Aleri reach Kothlis, where they join Luke Skywalker. Skywalker reports that they had gathered that Han Solo is still in carbonite, held at Jabba's Palace.[680]
    • Iden Versio escapes from the Invincible Faith with Moff Derrek Raythe's message, in which Death Squadron is ordered to move to the far side of Endor as part of the Empire's plans to trap the Rebel Alliance during what the rebels think to be their surprise assault on the Emperor's new battle station.[876]
    • With his green-bladed lightsaber, Luke Skywalker leads a raid at Imperial Refining Platform M36 to secure an entire year's worth of fuel supplies for the Rebel Alliance. With the rebels skeptical of Skywalker for his Force abilities sometimes giving false positives of potential threats, the rebels refuse to heed Skywalker's call to risk jumping into hyperspace and are attacked by an Imperial Star Destroyer as a result. Skywalker resists Darth Sidious' telepathic urges to abandon the rebels for being weak and the temptation to leave the war to live a quiet life, rejoining the rebels aboard their transport. Controlling his anger that festered from his guilt of nearly abandoning the rebels, Skywalker assists their leader in helping the rebels escape to safety.[877]
    • Imperials and rebels battle on Mordal.[27]

      Leia Organa rescued her beloved Han Solo from the clutches of the crime lord Jabba the Hutt.

    • Rescue of Han Solo; on Tatooine, Han Solo is rescued from Jabba the Hutt, who is killed by Leia Organa. Boba Fett is consumed by the sarlacc of the Great Pit of Carkoon.[874]
    • Jabba's demise leads to the fall of his criminal empire.
    • Lando Calrissian defeats a pirate fleet at the Battle of Taanab, earning himself the rank of general in the Rebel Alliance.[86]
    • Squadron Five is replenished with the newly graduated Bansu Ro and Rac Syrmo and destroys the rebel recruitment base traced from Zin Graw's leak.[670]
    • Yoda dies on Dagobah; Luke Skywalker discovers that he is not only truly the son of Darth Vader, but also the brother of Leia Organa.[874]
    • By this point, the rebels had fought the Spice Runners of Kijimi, whose leader, Zarah Bliss, is replaced by Zeva Bliss.[881]
    • The Alliance Fleet gathers in the Sullust system; days before their offensive, the Spice Runners had been bribed and manipulated by the Empire to set up an assassination attempt on Mon Mothma, but it is foiled by rebel spy Tomasso, Shara Bey, and Kes Dameron. Tomasso additionally informs Mothma that the Imperial leadership is aboard the second Death Star.[881]
    • A strike team led by Alliance General Han Solo lands on the Forest Moon of Endor with the shuttle Tydirium. They gather Ewok allies from Bright Tree Village.[874]
    • Luke Skywalker tells Leia Organa that they are siblings and that Darth Vader is their father. Luke Skywalker then leaves to confront Vader himself, attempting to join forces with him to fight against the Emperor as Jedi.[874]
      Luke Leia BTV RotJ

      Luke and Leia share a moment in Bright Tree Village, Endor.

    • Battle of Endor[874]
      • Departing Sullust, the Alliance Fleet flies into the trap set for them by the Emperor in the Endor system. Led by Admiral Ackbar from aboard the Home One, the rebels destroy the Executor.[874]
      • Han Solo's strike team and Ewok allies destroy the Death Star's shield generator, allowing rebel starfighters to infiltrate the Death Star's reactor core.[874]
      • Vader duels his son in the Emperor's Throne Room, but is defeated by the furious Jedi, whom Darth Sidious wishes to turn to the dark side as his new apprentice. Realizing his own fear and anger, Luke Skywalker throws away his lightsaber and refuses to kill Vader. While Sidious attempts to destroy the Jedi, Darth Vader's compassion for his son overwhelms him, and, resuming his duty to the Force as the Chosen One, Anakin Skywalker kills his former Sith Master at the cost of his own life. By destroying the Sith, Anakin brings balance to the Force and passes away in peace, and Luke Skywalker escapes from the Death Star as a true Jedi.[874]
      • The second Death Star is destroyed by the Millennium Falcon.[874]

        Compassionate for the selflessness of his son, Anakin Skywalker let go of his hatred and cast away the Sith, bringing balance to the Force, fulfilling his destiny, and passed away with peace and purpose.

Fall of the Empire (4 ABY–5 ABY)[]

New Republic Era (5–34 ABY)[]

Galactic Civil War (continued; 5 ABY)[]

Peace (5–28 ABY)[]

  • 5 ABY
    • The taming of the Unknown (5 ABY–15 ABY): The Imperial remnant that fled to the Unknown Regions is met by secret reinforcements in uncharted space. There, the remnant of the Empire grows in power, eventually becoming the First Order, and Imperial-era leaders, such as Grand Admiral Rae Sloane, General Brendol Hux, and Allegiant General Enric Pryde make way for the rise of Snoke, heir apparent to the fallen Emperor. Some come to realize that their new leader was himself subservient to an unseen force.[49]
    • The Ryloth Insurgency ends.[29]
    • Ben Solo is born to Leia Organa and Han Solo.[905] By this point,[895] Leia Organa had concluded her year-long training with Luke Skywalker for she witnessed visions of the future, seeing where she would best serve the galaxy.[49]
      Han Leia and Ben

      Balancing family and service, Leia Organa found her place in leading the galactic populace from the Core Worlds with her newborn son, Ben Solo.

    • Luke Skywalker begins searching the galaxy for lost lore of the Force.[907]
    • After the Galactic Civil War, the Cosmic Force becomes dormant and is seemingly quieted to those who could sense its presence. (Approximate date)[54]
  • Sometime after 5 ABY
  • 6 ABY
  • 7 ABY
  • 8 ABY
    • Poe Dameron begins to learn to fly starships from his mother, Shara Bey.[913]
  • 9 ABY[914]
    • Gideon's Imperial remnant issues a bounty to multiple hunters on "the Child"—a Force-sensitive member of Yoda's species named Grogu. Multiple parties clash in the ensuing hunt for Grogu, with the Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin emerging as the victor after undertaking a mission to Arvala-7.[915]
    • Despite giving the Child to his Imperial clients, Din Djarin would not let go, and instead mounts a rescue.[916]

      The Mandalorian bounty hunter Din Djarin had become like a father to Grogu, a child who was sought by others for his potential in the Force.

    • The skirmish on Sorgan occurs.[917]
    • A hunt for Fennec Shand occurs.[879]
    • The Bothan-Five incident occurs.[918]
    • The Clash on Nevarro occurs, liberating Nevarro from the Imperial remnant of Moff Gideon.[653]
    • Din Djarin undertakes a mission to Tatooine and later another to Trask.[919]
    • Din Djarin joins Bo-Katan Kryze's group of Mandalorians in a mission to steal weapons from Moff Gideon's Imperial remnant. Before parting ways, Kryze instructs Djarin to find her friend Ahsoka Tano on Corvus.[920]
    • Djarin attacks Moff Gideon's Nevarro Imperial base, discovering that Grogu, "the Child," was sought for his midi-chlorians.[921]
    • Djarin travels to Corvus along with Grogu, meeting Ahsoka Tano.[922]
      • They liberate the city Calodan together, where Tano defeats despot Morgan Elsbeth and interrogates her for the whereabouts of Grand Admiral Thrawn.[922]
      • Tano sees that she could not train Grogu, as Djarin had formed a paternal bond with the child, and in turn suggests that Djarin take Grogu to Tython, where the child could find his path in the Force.[922]
    • Grogu is captured by Moff Gideon's dark troopers from Tython and taken to Gideon's light cruiser.[923]
    • After conducting a mission against Imperial remnants on Morak,[924] Din Djarin mounts a successful rescue of Grogu, defeating Gideon in the process.[925]
      • Djarin takes the Darksaber while Gideon is taken into New Republic custody, though he is broken out en route to trial.[926]
      • As Bo-Katan Kryze returned to her forces without the Darksaber, her Mandalorians abandon her and become privateers under Axe Woves.[926]
      • The Jedi Luke Skywalker beckons Grogu to train as a Jedi with him. Removing his Mandalorian helmet, Djarin gives his blessing to Grogu before letting the latter go.[925]
    • Luke Skywalker builds a Jedi Temple on Ossus.[927] After a brief time with Skywalker there, Grogu decides to return to Din Djarin.[928]
      Boba and fennec on the throne

      Jabba's Palace under new management

    • Boba Fett and Fennec Shand attack Jabba's Palace, replacing Bib Fortuna's place as master of the palace.[925]
    • A gang war erupts on Tatooine, with Daimyo Boba Fett's Fett gotra defeating the Pyke Syndicate presence on the world and emerging as its leading criminal syndicate.[928]
  • c. 9 ABY
    • With Bo-Katan Kryze's help, Din Djarin bathes in the Living Waters of Mandalore in order to redeem his position in the Children of the Watch, in the process discovering that Mandalore is still habitable. While also submerged in the Living Waters, Bo-Katan witnesses a live Mythosaur.[929]
    • A large force of TIE fighters destroy the castle of Bo-Katan Kryze.[929]
    • The Shadow Council, among which include Brendol Hux and Gideon, anticipates Gilad Pellaeon's promise of the return of Grand Admiral Thrawn.[930]
    • The Children of the Watch liberate Nevarro by defeating the pirates of Gorian Shard,[931] who had captured the the planet at the behest of Moff Gideon.[926]
    • Bo-Katan Kryze is accepted into the Children of the Watch, and the Armorer tasks Kryze with reuniting all Mandalorians.[931]
    • Kryze returns to Axe Woves' group of Mandalorians with the Darksaber in hand, regaining their allegiance and her Mandalorian fleet.[926]
    • Together with the Children of the Watch, Kryze and her forces retake Mandalore from Imperial remnant forces and defeat Moff Gideon.[930]
  • c. 9 ABY (continued)
    • Ahsoka Tano, Huyang, and Sabine Wren begin searching for Ezra Bridger together, coming into conflict with Morgan Elsbeth and her Dark Jedi mercenaries Baylan Skoll and Shin Hati on their quest to find Grand Admiral Thrawn.[11]

      The Jedi Sabine Wren, Ahsoka Tano, and Ezra Bridger face Thrawn's forces

      • Elsbeth's Eye of Sion intergalactic transport is completed over Seatos. The Dark Jedi capture the pursuing Sabine Wren and together they depart for the galaxy of Thrawn's exile.[10]
      • New Republic General Hera Syndulla defies orders to help Tano and Wren in their pursuit on Seatos, and is recalled for trial by senators such as Hamato Xiono.[932]
      • Wren, Tano, and Ezra Bridger reunite on Peridea and kill Morgan Elsbeth.[933]
      • The Dathomiri Great Mothers help Thrawn's forces with their return to the known galaxy, arriving at Dathomir.[933]
      • Baylan Skoll leaves Hati, who leads a band of nomads, to attend to the mysteries of the Force on Peridea.[933]
      • While Wren, Tano, and Huyang also remain on Peridea, Ezra Bridger returns to the New Republic.[933]

Cold War (29–34 ABY)[]

First Order-Resistance War (34 – 35 ABY)[]

  • 34 ABY (continued)
    • Hosnian Cataclysm. The Hosnian system is targeted and destroyed by the First Order's superlaser weapon, Starkiller Base.[1000]

      Believing that purging of his past would make himself stronger, Ben Solo, hiding behind the façade of "Kylo Ren," ended his father's life.

    • The Cosmic Force is reawakened as individuals, such as Rey and Finn experience an awakening in their connection to the Force.[54]
    • The battle of Kestro occurs.[876]
    • The Colossus resistance led by Kazuda Xiono, Jarek Yeager, and Captain Doza expel First Order forces from the Colossus and take the station into hyperspace. Tamara Ryvora, a mechanic who had been working for Yeager, joins the First Order.[1001]
    • Battle of Takodana. The First Order sacks Takodana Castle, searching for Resistance astromech droid BB-8.[1000]
    • Battle of Starkiller Base. Resistance forces engage with First Order at their stronghold, destroying the Starkiller Base superweapon. Kylo Ren murders his father, Han Solo.[1000]
    • The skirmish on the Retribution occurs.[876]
    • The hunt for Rivas occurs.[1002]
    • With the exposure of their base on D'Qar, the Resistance begins evacuating. The First Order attacks in the midst of the evacuation, but the Resistance fleet escapes.[965]
    • General Leia Organa sends Inferno Squad and Black Squadron on a mission to the Outer Rim Territories to find allies of the Resistance.[876][1003]
    • With the First Order in need of refueling stations to supply their of conquest the galaxy, Commander Pyre and Agent Tierny aboard the Star Destroyer Thunderer hunt for the Colossus, which roams the galaxy for a safe haven. In order to supply the Colossus, its crew steal coaxium from the wreckage over D'Qar.[1004]
      Siroc and Black Squadron

      Siroc was adamant in flying in "the way the wind is blowing," thinking that resistance against the new order would only lead to more suffering, and that the new order would peacefully negotiate with his people.

    • Battle on Pastoria. Black Squadron fails to persuade King Siroc to ally with the Resistance against the First Order.[1003]
    • Rey and Chewbacca find Luke Skywalker on Ahch-To, a planet in the Unknown Regions. Skywalker briefly trains her before she departs to try to redeem Kylo Ren.[965]
    • The First Order fleet ambushes the fleeing Resistance, having deployed their recently developed means of tracking a ship through hyperspace.[965]
    • The Resistance mission to Canto Bight occurs.[965]
    • Rey is captured by the First Order whilst trying to redeem Kylo Ren, and brought before Supreme Leader Snoke aboard his flagship, the Supremacy. A wavering Ren betrays and murders Snoke, then attempts to forge a new order for the galaxy with himself and Rey as its new leaders. However, she declines and escapes after a fight in the throne room.[965]
    • The Resistance fleet is effectively wiped out in the Crait system while fleeing the First Order fleet, but are able to score a victory of their own as Vice Admiral Amilyn Holdo launches a suicide attack which heavily damages the Supremacy and destroys many Star Destroyers.[965]
    • Battle of Crait. Resistance forces that escaped to the surface of Crait are pursued by remaining First Order forces in the system. The two factions engage briefly, before the remaining Resistance members escape aboard the Millennium Falcon.[965]
      Luke interrupting Rey and Kylo Ren

      Both lost and alone, a bond of compassion formed between the Jedi-aspirant Rey and Kylo Ren.

    • Luke Skywalker dies with peace and purpose on Ahch-To, becoming one with the Force in a sacrifice that inspires hope for the rebel fighters, who have Rey amongst them to ensure that the spark of rebellion would not die, and that Skywalker with his legendary bloodline would not be the last Jedi.[965]
    • Hunt for the Colossus
      • In order to feed the station, Ace Squadron, local racing pilots trained by Yeager to defend the station, battle a jakoosk.[1005] After the Colossus was briefly sabotaged by the First Order,[1006] Team Colossus obtain fuel from Drahgor III[1007] and attempt to resupply from Ashas Ree, but barely escape First Order Raiders in search of the world's Sith relic with the help of archaeologist Mika Grey.[1008]
      • On Torra Doza's birthday, the Colossus attempts to meet Torra's mother, Venisa, who was serving the Resistance, but the station is chased away by the First Order, and Venisa Doza is captured aboard the Thunderer. She escapes after encountering cadets Tamara Ryvora—whom she advises about the failings of the First Order—and Jace Rucklin. Ace Squadron celebrates Torra's birthday.[945]
      • With the Colossus in need for credits, Ace Squadron takes part in the Voxx Vortex 5000.[1009]
      • The Colossus moves through Guavian Death Space.[1010]
      • Xiono and his best friend and engineer, Neeku Vozo, and CB-23 infiltrate the Titan to secure a trans-binary deflector necessary to prevent cosmic radiation from killing all those aboard the Colossus, disrupting a meeting between General Hux, Commander Pyre, and Agent Tierny. Unbeknownst to Xiono, Tamara Ryvora secretly helps him escape.[1011]
      • Team Colossus rescues Resistance agent Norath Kev on Varkana, with them all narrowly escaping First Order capture.[1012]
      • Kragan Gorr's Warbird gang stages a mutiny on the Colossus for their own gain, using B2 battle droids and a B1 repaired by Neeku Vozo; however, Vozo had reprogrammed the droids, with Xiono and Synara San helping to foil the mutiny and expel the pirates.[1013]
      • First Order forces attack a former Rebellion outpost on Aeos Prime, devastating a local village.[1014]
      • With Captain Doza hopeful that Aeos Prime would provide a suitable home for the Colossus, Ace Squadron scouts the surrounding ocean but are attacked by hostile Aeosians. Thanks in part to Xiono, their queen calls off the attack and makes peace with Doza, negotiating the Colossus' stay. Xiono remains restless and does not wish to stay in their new home, and wishes to continue fighting the First Order.[1014]
      • Xiono decides to leave and rejoin Norath Kev and the Resistance near Batuu. However, he encounters a First Order probe droid over Aeos Prime, and the Thunderer promptly attacks the Colossus. It flees with the help of the Aeosians.[1015]
      • Venisa Doza and Team Colossus break the First Order's blockade of Dantooine, evacuating several Resistance recruits.[1016]
      • As retaliation against Team Colossus and the Aeosians, the First Order bombards Aeos Prime.[1017]
      • Tamara Ryvora defects from the First Order with the help of her friends Kazuda Xiono and Jarek Yeager, leading to a skirmish in which the Thunderer is destroyed.[1017]
    • The Battle of Grail City occurs.[1018]
    • The Resistance's Falcon, Zay Versio and Shriv Suurgav, and Black Squadron reunite. They are joined by rebel veterans Carlist Rieekan, Orrimaarko, Phantom Squadron, Wedge Antilles, and Norra Wexley, and they shelter at Yendor's Ryloth Defense Authority cave base. They launch a mission to Corellia and a mission to Bracca to secure a list of people targeted by the First Order, take much-needed starships, and recruit several more individuals, including Leia Organa's old friend Ransolm Casterfo.[947]
    • After fleeing Ryloth, the Resistance move to a Collective safe house[947] on Helmaxa,[20] beginning to recruit more people to the cause.[947] Having received supplies from Tah'Nuhna, the Resistance then relocates to Anoat.[1019]
    • Rebuilding his command, Kylo Ren discovers the First Order's reserve forces under the leadership of Allegiant General Enric Pryde, who is given a seat on the Supreme Council.[49]
    • The First Order annihilates Tah'Nuhna.[1019]
    • Black Squadron secures munitions from the moon of Avedot.[1019]
    • Leia Organa leads a mission to Mon Cala, securing their people's support and Aftab Ackbar's ships just as the First Order invades the waterworld.[1019]
    • Blockade of Kashyyyk; the Resistance, among them Chewbacca and Beaumont Kin, battles First Order jet troopers subjugating the Wookiee world.[1020]
    • The Resistance seizes bacta with their mission to Tevel.[1021]

      Leia Organa persuaded the initially reluctant people of Mon Cala to unite and wage war in sacrifice for their world's freedom against the tyrannical First Order.

    • The Resistance stops the First Order on Minfar[1022] and conducts a mission to Garel,[1023] a mission to recruit Horizon Base's Oruans,[1024] and a livestock-gathering mission on Kamil.[1025]
    • Strono Tuggs, having been forced to leave Maz Kanata's castle after the Battle of Takodana, sets up shop at Batuu's Black Spire Outpost with a Sienar-Chall Utilipede Transport and publishes his cookbook The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook.[1026][1027]
    • Four months after the Hosnian Cataclysm, Resistance spy Vi Moradi and former stormtrooper Archex journey to Batuu and establish a Resistance base at the galaxy's edge. Their presence draws the attention of the First Order.[1027][1028]
    • Battle of Batuu[58][1028]
      • Six months after the Hosnian Cataclysm,[1027] the First Order's 709th Legion occupies Black Spire Outpost. Kylo Ren leads the search for Resistance fugitives.[1029]
      • The Resistance and the First Order compete over Batuu.[1027][1030]
      • The Finalizer is crippled in battle above Batuu and is retired from service. Half a year after the Starkiller Incident, Kylo Ren transfers his command to Allegiant General Pryde's flagship, the Steadfast.[49]
    • At some point, Kylo Ren rummages through the galaxy using the Steadfast, haunted by his defeat by Luke Skywalker's phantom at the Battle of Crait. He orders the ruins of Skywalker's Jedi Temple to be bombarded.[1031]
  • 35 ABY

    Kylo Ren was determined to follow the footsteps of his grandfather, Darth Vader, heeding his example as a lord of destruction.

    • The voice of the former Galactic Emperor, Sheev Palpatine, threatens revenge via a broadcast transmitted throughout the galaxy.[1032][1033]
    • Determined to eliminate any threat to his power, Kylo Ren travels to Mustafar for a calling Force-imbued Sith wayfinder. Ren travels to the co-ordinate pre-defined within the wayfinder—the planet Exegol—and discovers a resurgent Darth Sidious. Initially intending to bring an end to the dark power he found behind Snoke, Ren hears Sidious reveal that the voices of Snoke and Darth Vader in his head were that of his doing. Sidious then unravels the Final Order, a massive fleet of Xyston-class Star Destroyers built by the Sith Eternal, trying to persuade Ren to join forces and kill Rey, although he actually intended to make her his successor as she was his granddaughter.[1032]
    • The Mission to Sinta Glacier Colony occurs; the First Order Supreme Council recognizes a hidden spy within a their ranks.[1032]
    • The First Order tracks down Rey, Finn, Poe Dameron, BB-8, C-3PO, and Chewbacca to Pasaana during the its once-every-forty-two-years Festival of the Ancestors. While the five managed to evade the First Order thanks to Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca gets captured by the Order and presumed dead by his friends.[1032]

      Realizing his parents and Rey still loved him, Ben Solo sought to find his strength and do what must be done.

    • The mission to Kijimi occurs. Armitage Hux reveals himself to be the spy who has been helping the Resistance and lets them escape, with Rey discovering that Darth Sidious is her grandfather thanks to Kylo Ren. However, Allegiant General Enric Pryde sees through Hux's deception and executes him, taking control of the First Order military.[1032]
    • The crew of the Millennium Falcon conducts a mission to Kef Bir in search of the Emperor's whereabouts.[1032]
    • Rey, in fear after learning of her true lineage and from her tendencies of falling to the dark side of the force, takes Ren's starfighter and attempts to exile herself on Ahch-To, following the footsteps of Luke Skywalker, but is persuaded by the latter to face her destiny and confront her grandfather. Bestowed the lightsaber of Leia Organa and Skywalker's submerged X-wing starfighter, Rey uses the wayfinder aboard the late Kylo Ren's ship to uncover the path to Exegol, throneworld of the Darth Sidious' Sith Eternal, his personal Sith cult.[1032]
    • Allegiant General Enric Pryde assumes control of the First Order and pledges himself to Darth Sidious.[1032]
    • The destruction of Kijimi occurs at the behest of Pryde in a demonstration of loyalty to Sidious. Kijimi, a world affiliated with the Resistance, is destroyed by the axial superlaser of the Xyston-class Star Destroyer Derriphan.[1032]

      The return of the Sith and the coming of an eternal Final Order is ended with the dyadic strength of Rey and Ben, culminating in the rise of Skywalker.

    • The Battle of Exegol occurs.[1032]
      • The Resistance confronts the Sith Eternal army and the Sith fleet. In face of apparent defeat, Lando Calrissian leads a Citizens' Fleet of allied starships gathered from across the galaxy against the Sith Eternal forces.[1032]
      • Ben Solo arrives at the Sith Citadel to assist Rey, battling through defending Knights of Ren into the throne room.[1032]
      • Darth Sidious fights against Rey and Ben Solo before the Throne of the Sith. Rey dies destroying Sidious, the last of the Sith.[1032]
      • Ben Solo sacrifices himself to revive Rey by giving her what remains of his life Force. Solo becomes one with the Force together with his mother, Leia Skywalker Organa Solo.[1032]
      • The allied forces win the battle against the remaining Sith forces.[1032]
    • The Resistance and their allies hold celebrations[1032] and mourn their losses on Ajan Kloss;[1031] an uprising against the First Order takes place across the galaxy.[1032]

New Jedi Order (35 ABY–)[]

  • 35 ABY (continued)

    Jedi Master Rey Skywalker aims to create a new Jedi Order

    • Rey finalizes the construction of a yellow-bladed lightsaber—her new personal weapon.[894]
    • Rey and BB-8 arrive at Tatooine with the Millennium Falcon. Rey buries the Skywalker twin's lightsabers by the Lars Homestead and, with the blessing of Luke Skywalker and Leia Skywalker Organa Solo, recognizes herself as a Skywalker.[1032]
    • With the destruction of the Sith, a new era is ushered in, to be shaped by the Force in ways as yet unknown.[1034]
  • Rey Skywalker's new blade would go on to honor the Skywalker legacy,[1035] and she works to restore peace in the galaxy as a Jedi Master.[58]
  • 50 ABY
    • Rey Skywalker builds a new Jedi Order.[1036]

      The New Jedi Order era


  • A long time after the Battle of Yavin (exact chronology undefined)
    • Fey Zara operates a cantina in a distant corner of the galaxy which hosts a series of holotables upon which patrons may play games based on pivotal conflicts of galactic history.[1037]
    • An artist, possibly Gammit Chond, creates maps based on tales of the galaxy, and his works end up in the Shadow Stacks of the Graf Archive. Later, the drawings are exhumed by a trainee archivist.[335]
    • An archival task force led by archive droid TR-33NA scours the Graf Archive in a restoration effort for artifacts of historical importance. Within the library, they find an old illustrated journal of galactic species and cultures. TR-33NA identifies the drawing style to be similar to that of Gammit Chond.[1038]
      Life-Day DB

      Dissatisfied by recorded galactic history in the Journal of the Whills, a Whill lets go of it and forges their own story of the celebration of Life Day.

    • A Whill is asked by other Whills to chronicle events that transpired in the galaxy into the Journal of the Whills. After a lifetime of preparation, the Whill begins writing an entry titled "Episode IV" for an audience far away from the galaxy.[1]
    • A dissatisfied Whill instead writes about how Chewbacca's family celebrated Life Day in another journal[1] while the former Whill goes on to write how the Empire strikes back in the next episode.[1039]

Behind the scenes[]

"[W]e're exploring a lot of different storylines. This really spawns from what George Lucas said years ago, that he created Star Wars to move forward and backward along a mythological timeline."
―Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy[1040]

Star Wars creator George Lucas had intended the fictional universe to be a mythology, with stories taking place throughout a timeline.[1040] Since 2014, Lucasfilm has been creatively aligning all storytelling in the current canon, aiming to keep all content consistent and interconnected in all aspects. Some content draw inspiration from the Expanded Universe that is now branded as a separate continuity—Star Wars Legends[1041]—which has its own timeline of galactic history on Wookieepedia, an unaffiliated online Star Wars encyclopedia maintained by volunteers.

Lucasfilm's Star Wars eras for the current canon continuity comprise of "Dawn of the Jedi," "The Old Republic," "The High Republic," "Fall of the Jedi," "Reign of the Empire," "Age of Rebellion," "The New Republic," "Rise of the First Order," and "New Jedi Order."[1042]


Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "Whills" — From a Certain Point of View
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 Smuggler's Run: A Han Solo & Chewbacca Adventure
  3. 3.00 3.01 3.02 3.03 3.04 3.05 3.06 3.07 3.08 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 Battlefront: Twilight Company
  4. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Destiny"
  5. 5.0 5.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Ghosts of Mortis"
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6 6.7 6.8 6.9 Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order
  7. 7.00 7.01 7.02 7.03 7.04 7.05 7.06 7.07 7.08 7.09 7.10 7.11 7.12 7.13 7.14 7.15 7.16 7.17 7.18 7.19 7.20 7.21 7.22 7.23 7.24 7.25 Nexus of Power
  8. 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 Star Wars: Aliens of the Galaxy
  9. 9.0 9.1 AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Two: Toil and Trouble"
  10. 10.0 10.1 AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Six: Far, Far Away"
  11. 11.0 11.1 AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part One: Master and Apprentice"
  12. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 26 (Guide to the Galaxy: Coruscant Underworld)
  13. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 30 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Utapau)
  14. 14.00 14.01 14.02 14.03 14.04 14.05 14.06 14.07 14.08 14.09 14.10 14.11 14.12 14.13 14.14 14.15 14.16 14.17 14.18 14.19 14.20 14.21 14.22 14.23 14.24 Star Wars: Complete Locations
  15. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge has official backstory elements that, though not directly published for the public, are officially canon details that can be obtained verbally from cast members working in the land.
  16. 16.00 16.01 16.02 16.03 16.04 16.05 16.06 16.07 16.08 16.09 16.10 16.11 16.12 16.13 16.14 16.15 16.16 16.17 16.18 16.19 16.20 Tarkin
  17. Facebook icon Star Wars Rebels on Facebook: Purrgil and the hyperspace (February 11, 2016): "The purrgil didn't invent the technology, but inspired it. Much like how humans studied birds to achieve flight." (screenshot)
  18. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 21 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Felucia)
  19. 19.0 19.1 Unlimited Power
  20. 20.000 20.001 20.002 20.003 20.004 20.005 20.006 20.007 20.008 20.009 20.010 20.011 20.012 20.013 20.014 20.015 20.016 20.017 20.018 20.019 20.020 20.021 20.022 20.023 20.024 20.025 20.026 20.027 20.028 20.029 20.030 20.031 20.032 20.033 20.034 20.035 20.036 20.037 20.038 20.039 20.040 20.041 20.042 20.043 20.044 20.045 20.046 20.047 20.048 20.049 20.050 20.051 20.052 20.053 20.054 20.055 20.056 20.057 20.058 20.059 20.060 20.061 20.062 20.063 20.064 20.065 20.066 20.067 20.068 20.069 20.070 20.071 20.072 20.073 20.074 20.075 20.076 20.077 20.078 20.079 20.080 20.081 20.082 20.083 20.084 20.085 20.086 20.087 20.088 20.089 20.090 20.091 20.092 20.093 20.094 20.095 20.096 20.097 20.098 20.099 20.100 20.101 20.102 20.103 20.104 20.105 20.106 20.107 20.108 20.109 20.110 20.111 20.112 20.113 20.114 20.115 20.116 20.117 20.118 20.119 20.120 20.121 20.122 20.123 20.124 20.125 20.126 20.127 20.128 20.129 20.130 20.131 20.132 20.133 20.134 20.135 20.136 20.137 20.138 20.139 20.140 20.141 20.142 20.143 20.144 20.145 20.146 20.147 20.148 20.149 20.150 20.151 20.152 20.153 20.154 20.155 20.156 Star Wars: Timelines
  21. 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Star Wars: The Last Jedi: The Visual Dictionary
  22. 22.0 22.1 Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising states that the Galactic Republic fought against the Sith Empire. As the Empire was destroyed by the time of the modern Republic's founding per Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, and the Republic that existed prior to the Sith's fall is referred to as the Old Republic by Star Wars Propaganda, it can be found that the Old Republic was the Galactic Republic, only that the government of the time before the Sith's fall came to be commonly known as the Old Republic.
  23. 23.0 23.1 23.2 23.3 23.4 23.5 23.6 23.7 The High Republic: The Rising Storm
  24. 24.0 24.1 Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 29 (Guide to the Galaxy: Major Trade Routes)
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 52 (Guide to the Galaxy: The History of Neimoidia)
  26. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 31 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Cato Neimoidia)
  27. 27.00 27.01 27.02 27.03 27.04 27.05 27.06 27.07 27.08 27.09 27.10 27.11 27.12 27.13 27.14 27.15 Aftermath
  28. 28.0 28.1 28.2 28.3 Last Shot
  29. 29.00 29.01 29.02 29.03 29.04 29.05 29.06 29.07 29.08 29.09 29.10 29.11 Aftermath: Life Debt
  30. 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 30.4 Han Solo 5
  31. 31.00 31.01 31.02 31.03 31.04 31.05 31.06 31.07 31.08 31.09 31.10 31.11 Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide
  32. StarWars-DatabankII Zygerrian in the Databank (backup link)
  33. 33.0 33.1 33.2 StarWars-DatabankII Sith in the Databank (backup link)
  34. Star Wars (2015) 9
  35. 35.0 35.1 35.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Sacrifice"
  36. 36.0 36.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Escape from Kadavo"
  37. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Big Bang"
  38. StarWars-DatabankII Death Star Superlaser in the Databank (backup link)
  39. 39.0 39.1 39.2 39.3 39.4 39.5 39.6 39.7 39.8 Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious
  40. According to Unlimited Power, the Blood Monarchy was founded 20,000 years prior to the founding of the Galactic Republic. As the Republic was founded at the end of the Jedi-Sith War, per Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy, and the end of this war is established to have occurred 1,032 years prior to Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope by The Star Wars Book, dated to 0 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines, the Republic's founding could be dated to 1032 BBY. As such, the Blood Court's founding occurred around 21,032 BBY.
  41. 41.0 41.1 41.2 Doctor Aphra (2016) 2
  42. 42.0 42.1 Doctor Aphra (2016) 4
  43. Doctor Aphra (2016) 6
  44. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 58 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Rodia)
  45. 45.0 45.1 Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 48 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Ord Mantell)
  46. According to Nexus of Power, which is set in the Imperial Era, the Jedi credited Ossus as having been their cultural center for a 12,000 year period. Since the Imperial Era began in 19 BBY and ended in 5 ABY per Star Wars: Timelines, Ossus must have come to be the Jedi's cultural center around 12,000 BBY.
  47. According to Nexus of Power, the Qel-Droma Epics dates the devastation of Ossus to 4000 years before the Imperial Era, which began in 19 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. Since the Epics also say that Ossus' devastation took place one thousand years after the Great Hyperspace War, the war occurred around 5000 BBY.
  48. According to Nexus of Power, the Qel-Droma Epics dates the devastation of Ossus to 4000 years before the Imperial Era, which began in 19 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. Since the Epics also say that the Great Jedi Library on Ossus stood for nearly a millennium, the Library was established around 5000 BBY.
  49. 49.00 49.01 49.02 49.03 49.04 49.05 49.06 49.07 49.08 49.09 49.10 49.11 49.12 49.13 49.14 49.15 49.16 49.17 49.18 49.19 49.20 49.21 49.22 49.23 49.24 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary
  50. The Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states the original Rammahgon was thought to have been destroyed over 5000 years at the time of the Starkiller Incident, which is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Timelines. Thus, the original Rammahgon was thought to have been destroyed at around 5000 BBY.
  51. Journey Through Space
  52. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 23 (Guide to the Galaxy: Yavin 4's Massassi Temple)
  53. 53.0 53.1 53.2 53.3 53.4 53.5 53.6 53.7 Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil
  54. 54.0 54.1 54.2 54.3 54.4 54.5 54.6 54.7 Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary
  55. 55.0 55.1 55.2 55.3 55.4 55.5 55.6 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Twilight of the Apprentice"
  56. 4,000 years before the Starkiller Incident equates to around 3966 BBY, since the Incident is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Timelines.
  57. 57.0 57.1 57.2 57.3 57.4 57.5 57.6 57.7 Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition
  58. 58.00 58.01 58.02 58.03 58.04 58.05 58.06 58.07 58.08 58.09 58.10 58.11 58.12 58.13 58.14 58.15 58.16 58.17 58.18 58.19 The Star Wars Book
  59. Dawn of Rebellion
  60. Gadgets and Gear
  61. 61.0 61.1 61.2 61.3 Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide
  62. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 47 (Guide to the Galaxy: Visiting Taanab)
  63. Since according to Star Wars: Timelines, the time of the Galactic Empire began in 19 BBY, thousands of years before the Empire's time is equivalent to over 2019 BBY.
  64. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition states that the Klorri-clan battle shield dated to two thousand years before the Clone Wars. Since Star Wars: Timelines places the war between 22 and 19 BBY, the shield must have been introduced between 2022 and 2019 BBY.
  65. 65.0 65.1 65.2 Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  66. Doctor Aphra 2 takes place soon after the Battle of Yavin, the end of which Star Wars: Timelines establishes to be the beginning of 0 ABY. Since Doctor Aphra (2016) 1 takes place immediately prior to Doctor Aphra 2, the events of Doctor Aphra 1 must have taken place in or shortly after 0 ABY. Since the comic issue states that farmers had lived on Boothi XII for thousands of years, Boothi XII's settlement by the farmers must have begun by 2000 BBY.
  67. 67.0 67.1 67.2 Doctor Aphra (2016) 1
  68. In TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Overlords", it is said that the Jedi code sent from Mortis has not been used for "over 2,000 years." As the Clone Wars is dated to around 0 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines, the Jedi code received by Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, and Ahsoka Tano during the war was last used around 2000 BBY.
  69. Battlefront: Twilight Company states that the Arakein Monks were active "almost two thousand standard years ago" at the time of the novel's events set twenty-two years after the Clone Wars, which ended in 19 BBY, according to Star Wars: Timelines. Thus, the section of the novel that mentions the Monks is set in 3 ABY, meaning that the Monks were active around 2000 BBY.
  70. 70.00 70.01 70.02 70.03 70.04 70.05 70.06 70.07 70.08 70.09 70.10 70.11 70.12 70.13 70.14 Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel
  71. Darth Vader (2017) 22
  72. 72.00 72.01 72.02 72.03 72.04 72.05 72.06 72.07 72.08 72.09 72.10 Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy
  73. 73.0 73.1 73.2 73.3 73.4 73.5 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Mandalore Plot"
  74. StarWars Gauntlet fighter in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  75. 75.0 75.1 75.2 75.3 75.4 Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know
  76. 76.0 76.1 Vader Immortal: A Star Wars VR Series – Episode I
  77. Dooku: Jedi Lost script
  78. 78.00 78.01 78.02 78.03 78.04 78.05 78.06 78.07 78.08 78.09 78.10 78.11 78.12 78.13 78.14 Dooku: Jedi Lost
  79. Guardians of the Whills
  80. 80.0 80.1 80.2 80.3 80.4 80.5 80.6 80.7 Rise of the Separatists
  81. 81.0 81.1 Endless Vigil
  82. Star Wars: The Dark Side
  83. StarWars-DatabankII Darth Bane in the Databank (backup link)
  84. StarWarsKids The Sith | Star Wars Galaxy of Adventures Fun Facts on the official Star Wars Kids YouTube channel (backup link)
  85. 85.00 85.01 85.02 85.03 85.04 85.05 85.06 85.07 85.08 85.09 85.10 85.11 Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace
  86. 86.00 86.01 86.02 86.03 86.04 86.05 86.06 86.07 86.08 86.09 86.10 Ultimate Star Wars
  87. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 14 (Weapons & Uniforms: The Sith)
  88. 88.0 88.1 88.2 StarWars Darth Bane in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  89. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 2 (Databank A-Z: Ambria)
  90. 90.0 90.1 90.2 90.3 90.4 Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising
  91. Since the Sith Wars are established to have the involvement of the Sith Empire in Thrawn Ascendancy: Chaos Rising, and The Star Wars Book states that the Sith forces were dissolved 1,032 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the beginning of which Star Wars: Timelines places in 0 BBY, the fall of the Sith Empire, and therefore the end of the Sith Wars, must have occurred by 1032 BBY.
  92. 92.0 92.1 92.2 The High Republic: A Test of Courage
  93. Doctor Aphra (2016) 33
  94. According to Tarkin, the Galactic Senate was founded during or after the Jedi-Sith War, which ended in 1032 BBY according to Star Wars: Timelines.
  95. 95.00 95.01 95.02 95.03 95.04 95.05 95.06 95.07 95.08 95.09 95.10 95.11 95.12 95.13 95.14 95.15 95.16 95.17 95.18 95.19 95.20 95.21 95.22 95.23 95.24 95.25 Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones
  96. Nexus of Power, set during the Imperial Era that began in 19 BBY as dated by Star Wars: Timelines, states that the Jedi Temple had served as the Jedi Order's operational and spiritual headquarters for just over a thousand years, and that the temple's spire had existed for a thousand years. As such, the Jedi Temple began serving as the operational and spiritual headquarters of the Jedi Order in approximately 1032 BBY, and the Temple Spire was built at around that time.
  97. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas establishes that the mission to Utapau occurred in 19 BBY. As "The Big Bang" states that the Yavin Convention occurred approximately 1,000 years prior, also took place in 19 BBY. Thus, the Convention took place around 1019 BBY.
  98. Nexus of Power states that the Bardottan Royal Palace was a thousand years old at the time of the Imperial Era, which is dated to have begun in 19 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. As such, the palace was built around 1000 BBY.
  99. Since Star Wars: Timelines places Leia Organa's birth in 19 BBY, and the events of Leia, Princess of Alderaan commence just after Organa's sixteenth birthday, it can be deduced that Leia, Princess of Alderaan is set in 3 BBY. As the novel states that the Royal Palace of Alderaan was "the work of more than a millennium," the palace must have begun construction around 1000 BBY.
  100. 100.0 100.1 100.2 100.3 100.4 100.5 100.6 Leia, Princess of Alderaan
  101. Star Wars: Han Solo, set shortly after the Battle of Yavin, states that what would be remembered as the most unpredictable and thrilling instance of the Dragon Void race until the race involving Han Solo occurred a millennia ago. Per the dating system used in Star Wars: Timelines, the race occurred around 1000 BBY.
  102. It is stated in Aftermath: Empire's End, which takes place one year after the Battle of Endor and thus in the year 5 ABY since the latter battle is dated by Star Wars: Timelines to 4 ABY, that the Anchorite sect of Jakku bound itself to the Jedi Order a thousand years before. Thus, those servants of the light side of the Force that believed in suffering being the basis of life bound itself to the Jedi around 1000 BBY.
  103. 103.0 103.1 Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order to 14 BBY. Since Fallen Order states that the Jedi Temple on Ilum was constructed "a thousand years ago," the temple must have been constructed around 1014 BBY.
  104. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates Maz Kanata birth to 1007 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 973 BBY.
  105. Poe Dameron: Free Fall
  106. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, the Dai Bendu Monastery was constructed on Kijimi a thousand years prior to the planet's destruction depicted in Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker. As events of The Rise of Skywalker took place a year after the Starkiller Incident, as established by The Visual Dictionary, and because Star Wars: Timelines states that the Incident occurred in 34 ABY, the monastery was constructed around the time of 965 BBY.
  107. Star Wars: Timelines dates The Vow of Silver Dawn to 200 BBY. The novel states that the Sky Three starship engine model was created 700 years ago by North River Freight, which means it was first made in 900 BBY.
  108. Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 49 (Starship Fact File: Acclamator-class Assault Ship)
  109. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 2 (Databank A-Z: Alzoc III—Antilles)
  110. StarWars-DatabankII The Citadel in the Databank (backup link) says that the Citadel was built "five hundred years before the Clone Wars", which started with the First Battle of Geonosis, dated to 22 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. Thus, the Citadel was constructed around 522 BBY.
  111. 111.0 111.1 Star Wars: Complete Locations states that the Kallidahin surveys of Polis Massa had begun for 500 years by the time of Luke Skywalker's birth, fifty years before which the discovery of Wiyentaah occurred. Since Star Wars: Timelines dates Skywalker's birth to 19 BBY, the Kallidahin surveys began in 519 BBY, and the discovery of Wiyentaah took place in 69 BBY.
  112. The prologue of Lost Stars, which mentions the first settlers to Jelucan arrived "nearly five hundred years before," takes place when Thane Kyrell and Ciena Ree are both eight years old. The two are established in the same novel to have been born the year the Galactic Empire was founded, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY. Thus, the prologue is set in 11 BBY, setting Jelucan's colonization around 511 BBY.
  113. According to Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Yaddle was 477 years old at the time of the invasion of Naboo. Since Star Wars: Timelines dates the invasion to 32 BBY, Yaddle was born around 509 BBY.
  114. Star Wars: Timelines (bonus content)
  115. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that Phase II media of Star Wars: The High Republic chronologically begins with the novel The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City. As Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of Quest for the Hidden City and the end of Phase II to 382 BBY, Phase II titles of The High Republic must be set in that year. The High Republic: Path of Deceit states that the Path of the Open Hand was founded over a century prior, meaning it must have been founded by 483 BBY.
  116. The flashbacks of The High Republic Adventures: Quest of the Jedi take place more than a century before the main events, which take place shortly after the events of The High Republic: Path of Deceit. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that Phase II media of Star Wars: The High Republic chronologically begins with the novel The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City. As Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of Quest for the Hidden City and the end of Phase II to 382 BBY, Phase II of The High Republic, which includes Path of Deceit, must be set in that year.
  117. 117.0 117.1 The first issue of Star Wars: The High Republic — The Blade is set "a century and a half" before the fall of Starlight Beacon, dated to 230 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines, and the second issue takes place after the ceasefire of the Eiram and E'ronoh War, dated to 382 BBY by Timelines. Furthermore, Porter Engle is dispatched to the siege of Bardotta in the fourth issue, and SWYTlogo Jedi Master Porter Engle: Characters of the High Republic on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the siege earned him the nickname "Blade of Bardotta," an event dated to 382 BBY by Timelines. Therefore, The Blade series is set in 382 BBY, and the flashback sequence featuring a young Engle in the first issue, taking place twenty-five years prior, must have occurred around 407 BBY.
  118. 118.0 118.1 The High Republic — The Blade 1
  119. Thomas Toov says he has "only lived 400 years" in Doctor Aphra (2016) 12, which is set between issues 7 and 40 of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra (2016) comic-book series. The events of issue 7 take place after the Battle of Yavin, which marks the beginning of 0 ABY, according to Star Wars: Timelines, while the rebel base on Hoth is still intact during the events of issue 40. Given that Timelines dates the destruction of the base to 3 ABY, Doctor Aphra (2016) 12 must take place between 0 ABY and 3 ABY, and Toov was born around 400 BBY.
  120. 120.0 120.1 120.2 120.3 StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that Phase II media of Star Wars: The High Republic chronologically begins with the novel The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City. As Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of Quest for the Hidden City and the end of Phase II to 382 BBY, Phase II of The High Republic, which includes The High Republic: Path of Deceit, must be set in that year.
  121. 121.0 121.1 121.2 This event takes place between the peace being negotiated between Eiram and E'ronoh and the Battle of Jedha, both of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 382 BBY.
  122. The High Republic — The Blade 4
  123. 123.0 123.1 The High Republic: Path of Vengeance
  124. 124.0 124.1 124.2 The High Republic: Shadows of Starlight 1
  125. Per The High Republic: Quest for Planet X, the Path is dissolved in the immediate aftermath of the Night of Sorrow, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 382 BBY.
  126. Per The High Republic: Path of Vengeance, Marda Ro creates her new organization in the immediate aftermath of the Night of Sorrow, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 382 BBY.
  127. 127.0 127.1 127.2 127.3 127.4 Queen's Peril
  128. The events of Queen's Peril overlap with that of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 32 BBY. Queen's Peril states that the Jafan family had ruled the eponymous planet for over 300 years after leading a group of people to colonize the Chommell sector world, which corresponds to the colonization taking place around 332 BBY.
  129. 129.0 129.1 By the time of the events of The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, the mining industry of Elphrona is over a century old. Since SWYTlogo Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the events of Star Wars: The High Republic, which include the events of Light of the Jedi, took place 200 years prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 32 BBY, Elphrona's mining industry must have been established by 332 BBY.
  130. 130.0 130.1 130.2 130.3 The Rise of Kylo Ren 2
  131. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, the Aionomica forgery scandal took place 300 years before the fall of the Jedi Order, which took place in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, the events of which is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. Hence, the scandal occurred around 319 BBY.
  132. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition states that the Techno Union came to own Mustafar over three hundred years before the end of the Clone Wars, which is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. Thus, the Union came to own the planet around 319 BBY.
  133. Star Wars: Timelines places the main events of Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil in 18 BBY. As the creation of the modern Chiss Syndicure is stated to have occurred around 300 years earlier, it must have occurred around 318 BBY.
  134. The Star Wars Book establishes that events of the novel Bloodline occur 28 years after those of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to the year 0 ABY; therefore, Bloodline takes place in 28 ABY. Given that Bloodline says Pamarthe had not faced invaders for about three hundred years, the last time Pamarthe was faced with invaders until the novel's events must have been around 272 BBY.
  135. Lourna Dee is stated to be roughly 40 years old in The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which is set in 232 BBY per the reasoning here. Therefore, she must have been born around 272 BBY.
  136. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Faddaff Davenspon was three hundred years old during the events of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, which the Visual Dictionary dates to thirty-five years after the Battle of Yavin. As Star Wars: Timelines dates the battle to 0 BBY, Davenspon was born around 265 BBY.
  137. The High Republic: Light of the Jedi establishes that Avar Kriss was around thirty years old at the time of the novel, which is set shortly after the completion of the Starlight Beacon. The Star Wars Book places the launch of the Beacon to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. As Star Wars: Timelines states that A New Hope begins in 0 BBY, the launch of the Beacon must have occurred in 232 BBY, and Kriss must have been born around 262 BBY.
  138. 138.0 138.1 138.2 138.3 138.4 138.5 138.6 The High Republic: Into the Dark
  139. SWYTlogo Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the events of Star Wars: The High Republic, which include the events of The High Republic: Into the Dark, take place two-hundred years before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Since Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace to 32 BBY, and the Eiram–E'ronoh crisis is stated to have occurred twenty-five years ago in Into the Dark, the crisis must have occurred around 257 BBY.
  140. The High Republic: Light of the Jedi establishes that Innamin was just over two decades old at the time of the novel, which is set shortly after the completion of the Starlight Beacon. The Star Wars Book places the launch of the Beacon to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. As Star Wars: Timelines states that A New Hope begins in 0 BBY, the launch of the Beacon must have occurred in 232 BBY, and Innamin must have been born around 252 BBY.
  141. Star Wars: The High Republic: Chronicles of the Jedi establishes that Pra-Tre Veter had served on the Jedi High Council for more than two decades by the time of the destruction of Starlight Beacon, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 230 BBY. Therefore, Veter must have joined the Council by 250 BBY.
  142. Yoda 1
  143. 143.0 143.1 The High Republic: Light of the Jedi establishes that Bell Zettifar was eighteen years old and had been with the Jedi Order for fifteen years. Since Light of the Jedi takes place in 232 BBY per the reasoning here. Therefore, Zettifar must have been born around 250 BBY and joined the Jedi in 247 BBY.
  144. SWYTlogo Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the events of Star Wars: The High Republic, including The High Republic: Into the Dark, take place 200 years prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 32 BBY. In Into the Dark, Reath Silas and Affie Hollow are stated to be seventeen years old, thereby placing their births around 249 BBY.
  145. SWYTlogo Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the events of Star Wars: The High Republic, which include the events of The High Republic: A Test of Courage, took place 200 years prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 32 BBY. Thus, it can be deduced that the events of The High Republic: A Test of Courage took place around 232 BBY. According to Justina Ireland in this interview, Vernestra Rwoh is sixteen years old during A Test of Courage, thus setting her birth around 248 BBY.
  146. The High Republic (2021) 2 states that Sedri Minor was colonised twelve years ago. Since The High Republic 2 takes place shortly after the events of The High Republic (2021) 1, which include dedication of the Starlight Beacon that is dated by The Star Wars Book to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, the events of The High Republic 2 must be set around 232 BBY. Therefore, it can be found that the Sedri Minor colony was founded around 244 BBY.
  147. SWYTlogo Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the events of Star Wars: The High Republic, which include the events of The High Republic: A Test of Courage, take place two-hundred years before the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. Since Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The Phantom Menace to 32 BBY, it can be deduced that the events of The High Republic: A Test of Courage take place around 232 BBY. As Justina Ireland has stated that Avon Starros is twelve years old during A Test of Courage, Starros was born around 244 BBY.
  148. The High Republic: Light of the Jedi establishes that Serj Ukkarian was around ten years old. Since Light of the Jedi is set shortly after the completion of the Starlight Beacon, which The Star Wars Book dates to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, and Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that A New Hope begins in 0 BBY, the launch of the Beacon must have occurred in 232 BBY. Therefore, Ukkarian must have been born around 242 BBY.
  149. SWYTlogo Star Wars: The High Republic | Announcement Trailer on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com) states that the events of Star Wars: The High Republic, including The High Republic: Into the Dark, take place 200 years prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 32 BBY. Into the Dark states that Dez Rydan passed his Jedi Trials eight years before, placing Rydan's knighting to around 240 BBY.
  150. Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge
  151. 151.0 151.1 Revelations (2022) 1
  152. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "The Young Jedi"
  153. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Yoda's Mission"
  154. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Taborr's Pirate Showdown"
  155. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Nash's Race Day"
  156. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "The Lost Jedi Ship"
  157. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Get Well Nubs"
  158. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Lys and the Snowy Mountain Rescue"
  159. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "The Jellyfruit Pursuit"
  160. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Creature Safari"
  161. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "Squadron"
  162. Star Wars Young Jedi Adventures template logo Star Wars: Young Jedi Adventures — "The Missing Kibbin"
  163. 163.00 163.01 163.02 163.03 163.04 163.05 163.06 163.07 163.08 163.09 163.10 163.11 163.12 163.13 163.14 163.15 163.16 163.17 163.18 163.19 The High Republic: Light of the Jedi
  164. 164.0 164.1 164.2 164.3 164.4 164.5 The High Republic (2021) 2
  165. 165.0 165.1 165.2 Star Wars (2020) 2
  166. 166.0 166.1 Star Wars (2020) 29
  167. StarWars-DatabankII Vernestra "Vern" Rwoh in the Databank (backup link)
  168. The High Republic Adventures (2021) 1
  169. 169.0 169.1 The High Republic (2021) 1
  170. StarWars-DatabankII Sskeer in the Databank (backup link)
  171. 171.0 171.1 The High Republic (2021) 3
  172. 172.0 172.1 Marvel Comics April 2021 solicitations and covers revealed on www.gamesradar.com (January 21, 2021) (archived from the original on January 21, 2021)
  173. HighRepublicShow Logo Star Wars: The High Republic Show: A Deep Dive Into Star Wars: The High Republic, Bringing A Younger Yoda to Life (in VR), and More! on the official Star Wars YouTube channel (backup link)  (Posted on StarWars.com)
  174. "A Bitter Harvest" — Dark Legends
  175. The Star Wars Book dates the launch of the Starlight Beacon to 232 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 232 BBY in the dating system used by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As The High Republic: The Rising Storm takes place nearly a year after The High Republic: Light of the Jedi, which depicts the launch, its events must occur around 231 BBY.
  176. The High Republic: Trail of Shadows 2
  177. 177.0 177.1 177.2 177.3 The High Republic: Out of the Shadows
  178. The High Republic: Mission to Disaster
  179. 179.0 179.1 179.2 179.3 179.4 The High Republic: The Fallen Star
  180. The High Republic (2021) 13
  181. The High Republic: Eye of the Storm 2
  182. Star Wars: Tales from the Galaxy's Edge – Last Call
  183. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "The Lost Stories, Part 1" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 30
  184. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Chewbacca - Kashyyyk Warrior - Base Series 1)
  185. 185.0 185.1 185.2 185.3 185.4 185.5 185.6 The Vow of Silver Dawn
  186. Star Wars: Timelines dates The Vow of Silver Dawn to 200 BBY.
  187. Chelli Lona Aphra states in Doctor Aphra (2020) 4 that the sewers of Vaale had not been used for a few hundred years, and, in Doctor Aphra (2020) 2, that the Architects of Vaale had inscribed Old Republic iconography in their sacred workshop in Vaale, which warned of the dangerous potential of the Rings of Vaale. Since the comics are set soon after the Battle of Hoth, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 3 ABY, it can be found that the past events relating to Vaale as Aphra claimed had occurred by around 196 BBY.
  188. Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure states that the carved, cathedral-like ceiling of the landing pads of Basteel's Eladro City had existed for centuries. Since the events of the novel take place shortly before the Battle of Endor, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY, the ceiling on Basteel must have been made by 196 BBY.
  189. Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure states that the fertilizer farmers of fertile Jowloon had settled on Jaresh because they did not want change, and had done so for centuries. Since the events of the novel take place shortly before the Battle of Endor, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY, Jowloon must have been settled by the farmers by 196 BBY.
  190. The main events of Phasma takes place a few weeks before that of Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire, which in turn takes place concurrently to Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Since the latter's events are dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, and it is established in a chapter set ten years before the main events of Phasma that the Con Star Mining Corporation established mining colonies on Parnassos one hundred and eighty-six years prior, it can be deduced that the corporation's arrival occurred around 162 BBY.
  191. Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good takes place around 18 BBY per the reasoning here. In Greater Good, Xodlak'ji'iprip dates the Coduyo family's family emergency to thirty-two years prior, and Coduyo'po'nekri says the Coduyo had not been a Ruling Family for 100 years before that. Thus, the family's removal took place around 150 BBY.
  192. 192.0 192.1 192.2 192.3 Thrawn Ascendancy: Greater Good
  193. 'Star Wars': The Rebellion Will Be Televised by Breznican, Anthony on www.vanityfair.com (May 17, 2022) (archived from the original on May 17, 2022) states that The Acolyte takes place roughly 100 years before Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 32 BBY. Therefore, the events of The Acolyte, as described in StarWars The Acolyte Original Series Cast Revealed on StarWars.com (backup link), takes place around 132 BBY.
  194. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the Imperial Era began in 19 BBY, thus placing events that took place nearly a century prior to the birth of the Galactic Empire to around 119 BBY.
  195. 195.0 195.1 195.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Old Friends Not Forgotten"
  196. Adventures in Wild Space: The Steal
  197. "Rules of the Game" — Canto Bight states that Kedpin Shoklop was born on Werma Lesser and had experienced a century and a half of life by the time of the novelella's events, which take place shortly before the events of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Given that the events of The Last Jedi take place immediately after that of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which are dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Kedpin Shoklop must have been born around 116 BBY.
  198. Star Wars Propaganda: A History of Persuasive Art in the Galaxy states that Janyor had experienced fourteen decades of life by the time of the Hosnian Cataclysm, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, Janyor must have been born around 106 BBY.
  199. According to Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Dooku was eighty years old at the time of the First Battle of Geonosis. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the battle to 22 BBY, therefore establishing Dooku's birth to around 102 BBY. The script of Dooku: Jedi Lost establishes that Ramil, born on Serenno, was two years older than Dooku, placing Ramil's birth to around 104 BBY.
  200. StarWars Count Dooku in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  201. 201.0 201.1 201.2 201.3 Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle!
  202. According to Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Dooku was eighty years old at the time of the First Battle of Geonosis. Per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, the battle took place in 22 BBY, thus placing Dooku's birth to around 102 BBY. Dooku: Jedi Lost establishes that Arath Tarrex was the same age as Dooku at the time of their Initiate Trials, thereby placing Tarrex's birth to around 102 BBY as well.
  203. StarWars "Narkina 5" Trivia Gallery | Andor on StarWars.com (backup link) (Slide 6) dates "In the Name of the Rebellion" to the year 1 BBY. As the events of "Flight of the Defender", including the remark that there had been no reported sighting of the Loth-wolf in "a hundred-years," takes place shortly after "In the Name of the Rebellion", it can be placed around the year 1 BBY. Thus, the last reported sighting of a Loth-wolf happened around 101 BBY.
  204. The events of issues 1 to 8 of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series take place after the Battle of Yavin, which marks the beginning of 0 ABY, according to Star Wars: Timelines. Additionally, issue 8 is part of the Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel crossover arc, which is placed chronologically before the mutiny on Mon Cala. Star Wars: Battles that Changed the Galaxy dates the mutiny on Mon Cala to nineteen years after the formation of the Galactic Empire, which Timelines dates to 19 BBY. Therefore, the events of Doctor Aphra 2 must be set in 0 ABY. Since the comic issue states that the Cosmatanic Steppes had been a center of archaeological digs and scavenging for the last hundred years of the historical art rush, the period of the rush involving the Cosmatanic Steppes must have began around 99 BBY.
  205. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of issues 9 to 31 of the Star Wars: Doctor Aphra comic-book series to around 1 ABY. Therefore Doctor Aphra 16 must take place around 1 ABY. Since Doctor Aphra 16 establishes that Wat Tambor acquired the Triple-Zero protocol personality matrix nearly a century ago, the acquisition occurred around 99 BBY.
  206. Doctor Aphra (2016) 16
  207. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide states that Iakar had been visited for interstellar trade nearly a century before the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 0 BBY. Therefore, Iakar began to be visited for interstellar trade around 99 BBY.
  208. According to the novelization of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, Meggone was ninety-three at the time of the destruction of the Holy City, an event dated to 0 BBY by Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide Therefore, Meggone must have been born around 93 BBY.
  209. In Star Wars Forces of Destiny: Volume 3, while narrating her knowledge of Finn and Rose Tico's mission to Canto Bight, Maz Kanata finds a holocron she says she has not seen for 125 years. Since the mission to Canto Bight is an event of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi, which takes place immediately after the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, and such events are dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, the Canto Bight mission must have occurred in 34 ABY. As Maz Kanata's narration took place after the mission, Kanata last saw her holocron in or after 91 BBY.
  210. In the short story SWInsider "Orientation" — Star Wars Insider 157, Pell Baylo is said to be "well past 70" and older than Palpatine. According to the novel Tarkin, Palpatine was born 84 years before the Battle of Yavin. Since the battle is dated to 0 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Palpatine must have been born in 84 BBY, Therefore, Baylo was born by that year.
  211. The script of Dooku: Jedi Lost gives Gretz Droom's age as sixteen years when he is chosen as the Padawan of Jor Aerith. Qui-Gon Jinn, who is simultaneously made the Padawan of Dooku, is stated to have been twelve years old at the time in the novel Master & Apprentice. Skywalker: A Family at War places the novel's events eight years before the Invasion of Naboo, which is placed in 32 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As such, Master & Apprentice is set in 40 BBY, meaning that both Jinn and Droom became Padawans in 68 BBY. Therefore, Droom was born sixteen years earlier, around 84 BBY.
  212. Qui-Gon Jinn is forty years old in the novel Master & Apprentice. Skywalker: A Family at War places the novel's events eight years before the Invasion of Naboo, which is placed in 32 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. Therefore, Master & Apprentice is set in 40 BBY, thereby placing Jinn's birth around 80 BBY.
  213. Qui-Gon Jinn is forty years old in the novel Master & Apprentice. Skywalker: A Family at War places the novel's events eight years before the Invasion of Naboo, which is placed in 32 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. Therefore, Master & Apprentice is set in 40 BBY, thereby placing Jinn's birth around 80 BBY. The script of Dooku: Jedi Lost states that members of Jedi Initiate Clans are the same age, and as Ky Narec is in the same clan as Jinn, it can be deduced that Narec was also born around 80 BBY.
  214. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious states that Dannl Faytonni is 54 years old in 7955 C.R.C.. The book also places the Trade Federation's plot to assassinate Senator Amidala in 7955 C.R.C.. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the plot to 22 BBY, it can be deduced that 7955 C.R.C. took place in 22 BBY, thereby placing Dannl Faytonni's birth to 76 BBY.
  215. Skywalker: A Family at War places the events of Master & Apprentice eight years before the Invasion of Naboo, which is placed in 32 BBY by Star Wars: Timelines. Therefore, Master & Apprentice is set in 40 BBY. Since Rahara Wick is twenty-nine years old in Master & Apprentice, Wick was born around 69 BBY.
  216. "Rules of the Game" — Canto Bight states that Kedpin Shoklop had been selling vaporators for VaporTech for 102 years by the time of the novelella's events, which take place shortly before the events of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Given that the events of The Last Jedi take place immediately after that of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which are dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Timelines, Kedpin Shoklop must have began selling vaporators for VaporTech in 68 BBY.
  217. "Rules of the Game" — Canto Bight states that Anglang Lehet had been working for the Syndicate for 102 years by the time of the novelella's events, which take place shortly before the events of Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi. Given that the events of The Last Jedi take place immediately after that of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which are dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Timelines, Anglang Lehet must have began working for the Syndicate in 68 BBY.
  218. Star Wars Complete Vehicles, New Edition states that the Radiant VII was a veteran of 34 years in the Republic Diplomatic Corps at the time of the Invasion of Naboo. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the invasion took place in 32 BBY, the Radiant VII's service with the Diplomatic Corps began in 66 BBY.
  219. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens in 34 ABY, and Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi takes place immediately after The Force Awakens. Since Star Wars: The Last Jedi: Incredible Cross-Sections states that the Libertine was built a century before the events of The Last Jedi, the starship was built in 66 BBY.
  220. StarWars-DatabankII Ric Olie in the Databank (backup link)
  221. StarWars-DatabankII Naboo Royal Guards in the Databank (backup link)
  222. According to Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide, Raddus was 65 years old at the time of the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which is dated to 0 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Thus, Raddus was born around 65 BBY. Additionally, the Visual Guide states that Raddus was born on Mon Cala.
  223. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious establishes that Cad Bane was 41 years old in the year 7956 C.R.C., eleven years after the 7945 C.R.C. Boonta Eve Classic of Neva Kee's disappearance. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates that podrace to 32 BBY, it can be calculated that Bane was born in the year 62 BBY.
  224. StarWars-DatabankII Cad Bane in the Databank (backup link)
  225. SWInsider "Orientation" — Star Wars Insider 157 states that Pell Baylo founded the Defiance Flight Training Institute, which he had been running for nearly fifty years by the time of the short story's events that took place in 14 BBY. Ergo, Baylo began running his Flight Training Institute around 60 BBY.
  226. Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide states that Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla met on Gorse, as depicted in the novel A New Dawn, six years prior to the events of Star Wars Rebels. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the events of Rebels began in 5 BBY, thereby dating the events of A New Dawn to 11 BBY. It is revealed in A New Dawn that Denetrius Vidian was once Lemuel Tharsa via hologram footage from twenty years before. Therefore, the footage was taken in 31 BBY, and since Tharsa is shown to be "just shy of thirty years old" in the footage, he must have been born around 60 BBY.
  227. StarWars-DatabankII Obi-Wan Kenobi in the Databank (backup link)
  228. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge takes place in 34 ABY per the reasoning here. GalaxysEdgeLogo icon Star Wars: Galaxy's EdgeStar Wars: Datapad states that Brookish Boon was 91 years old during the events of Galaxy's Edge, thereby placing his birth to around 57 BBY. The Datapad also establishes that Boon was born on Sy Myrth.
  229. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Galen Erso's birth on Grange to 56 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 56 BBY.
  230. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Baze Malbus's birth on Grange to 53 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 53 BBY.
  231. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Chirrut Îmwe's birth to 52 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 52 BBY.
  232. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Orson Callan Krennic's birth to 51 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 51 BBY.
  233. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! places the birth of Asajj Ventress and her subsequent selling to Hal'Sted to 50 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 50 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines.
  234. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Babu Frik's age was eighty-five years old during the events of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker, which are established by The Visual Dictionary to have taken place one year after the Hosnian Cataclysm. Since the Cataclysm is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, The Rise of Skywalker must take place in 35 ABY, and Babu Frik must have been born in 50 BBY.
  235. 235.0 235.1 235.2 235.3 235.4 235.5 235.6 235.7 235.8 235.9 Queen's Shadow
  236. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Lyra Erso's birth on Aria Prime to 47 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 47 BBY.
  237. The novel Tarkin establishes that Wilhuff Tarkin was eighteen years old when Q'anah died in the Greater Seswenna raids, and 64 years old at the time of his own death at the Battle of Yavin. This can therefore be used to establish a 46 year gap between the two deaths, placing the novel's events at 46 BBY.
  238. 238.0 238.1 238.2 238.3 StarWars-DatabankII Padmé Amidala Biography Gallery in the Databank (backup link) (Slide 1)
  239. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Antoc Merrick's birth on Virujansi to 46 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 46 BBY.
  240. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Mon Mothma's birth on Chandrila to 46 years before the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story to 0 BBY, the event must have taken place in 46 BBY.
  241. Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide states that Cikatro Vizago was born on Devaron, and was 40 years of age at the beginning of Star Wars Rebels. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the start of Rebels to 5 BBY, it can be calculated that Vizago was born around 45 BBY.
  242. In Shadow of the Sith, Beaumont Kin estimates that Lor San Tekka is around 40 years his senior. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Kin was 40 years old one year after the "Starkiller Incident." Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Starkiller Incident to 34 ABY, Beaumont was born in 5 BBY, meaning that San Tekka must have been born around 45 BBY.
  243. 243.0 243.1 Doctor Aphra (2016) 36 states that Pitina Mar-Mas Voor was born twenty-five years before Palpatine's rise to absolute power, which is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As such, Voor was born in 44 BBY. As per Doctor Aphra 36, Voor was married off on her eighteenth birthday, allowing the calculation that Pitina Mar-Mas Voor married in 26 BBY.
  244. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates Landonis Balthazar Calrissian's birth on Socorro to 77 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 43 BBY.
  245. Yoda 6
  246. Padawan
  247. IDWAdventures2020LogoSmaller "Life Day" — Star Wars Adventures (2020) 3
  248. Jedi Fallen Order - Dark Temple 1
  249. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" and "Chapter 16: The Rescue" to 9 ABY. The events of Chapters 1–16 must therefore also take place in 9 ABY. Since Grogu is fifty years old in Chapter 1, he must have been born around 41 BBY.
  250. Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide states that Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla met on Gorse, as depicted in the novel A New Dawn, six years prior to the events of Star Wars Rebels. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that Star Wars Rebels begins in the year 5 BBY, thereby dating the events of A New Dawn to 11 BBY. Rae Sloane is thirty years in A New Dawn, thus placing her birth in 41 BBY.
  251. 251.0 251.1 251.2 251.3 251.4 A New Dawn
  252. 252.0 252.1 252.2 Master & Apprentice
  253. Star Wars: Timelines places the events of Master & Apprentice in 40 BBY.
  254. Star Wars (2015) 26
  255. Star Wars (2015) 29
  256. 256.0 256.1 Star Wars (2015) 28
  257. 257.0 257.1 257.2 257.3 Build the Millennium Falcon Star Wars: Build the Millennium Falcon 32 (Guide to the Galaxy: The History of Mandalore)
  258. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 18: The Mines of Mandalore"
  259. According to The Official Star Wars Fact File Part 98 (MAN 1-4, Mandalore), the Mandalorian Civil War took place around 20 years before the Clone Wars. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas establishes that the Clone Wars took place starting in 22 BBY through 19 BBY. Therefore, the Mandalorian Civil War can be dated to around 42 BBY to 39 BBY. By the time of Padawan, which Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of to 41 BBY, author Kiersten White establishes that the novel's plot was explicitly written to convey that he had not met Satine Kryze. As Obi-Wan Kenobi is established to have met Kryze during the Mandalorian Civil War in TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Voyage of Temptation", the war must have taken place between around 41 BBY and 39 BBY.
  260. 260.0 260.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Voyage of Temptation"
  261. StarWars-DatabankII Wald in the Databank (backup link)
  262. Age of Republic - Qui-Gon Jinn 1
  263. Star Wars Rebels: Visual Guide: Epic Battles
  264. SWInsider "Inbrief" — Star Wars Insider 161
  265. 265.0 265.1 265.2 265.3 265.4 Star Wars: The Rebel Files
  266. In Ahsoka, Kaeden Larte is established to have passed her sixteenth birthday one year prior to the novel's events. As the novel also establishes its events to have taken place one year after the founding of the Galactic Empire, and the Empire's founding is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Larte was born around 35 BBY.
  267. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates the Battle of Batuu, which includes the First Order's occupation of Batuu, to six months after the Hosnian Cataclysm, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Play Disney Parks Star Wars: Datapad — "Flight Crews Wanted" (Screenshots: 1, 2) states that Wazellman is age 69 during the occupation, meaning he was born around 35 BBY.
  268. The Secret Jedi: The Adventures of Kanan Jarrus: Rebel Leader
  269. "The Weapon" — Age of Republic Special 1
  270. 270.0 270.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cat and Mouse"
  271. StarWars The Clone Wars Episode Guide: Cat and Mouse on StarWars.com (content now obsolete; backup link)
  272. 272.0 272.1 Age of Republic - Darth Maul 1
  273. SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 200 states that the Eriadu Conference took place 33 years prior to the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 33 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines.
  274. 274.0 274.1 Star Wars: Complete Vehicles
  275. Darth Maul (2017) 1
  276. 276.0 276.1 Darth Maul (2017) 2
  277. Darth Maul (2017) 5
  278. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Lott Dod - Senator - Base Series 1)
  279. 280.0 280.1 280.2 280.3 280.4 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lost One"
  280. 281.0 281.1 Tales of the Jedi logo Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — "The Sith Lord"
  281. 282.0 282.1 "Dark Vengeance: The True Story of Darth Maul and His Revenge Against the Jedi Known as Obi-Wan Kenobi" — The Clone Wars: Stories of Light and Dark
  282. 283.0 283.1 Age of Republic - Jango Fett 1
  283. 284.0 284.1 284.2 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Bounty Lost"
  284. 285.0 285.1 285.2 285.3 Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide
  285. In Ahsoka, Miara Larte is established to be fourteen years old. As the novel also establishes its events to have taken place one year after the founding of the Galactic Empire, and the Empire's founding is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Larte was born around 32 BBY.
  286. Blue Shadow Virus" involves the raid on Nuvo Vindi's laboratory in which Gregar Typho states that the Separatist scientist disappeared "ten years ago." As the raid is dated to 21 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, Nuvo Vindi must have disappeared around 31 BBY.
  287. Star Wars Rebels: The Visual Guide states that Kanan Jarrus and Hera Syndulla met on Gorse, as depicted in the novel A New Dawn, six years prior to the events of Star Wars Rebels. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that Star Wars Rebels begins in the year 5 BBY, thereby dating the events of A New Dawn to 11 BBY. During the Gorse Conflict, Jarrus, Syndulla, Zaluna Myder, and Skelly, investigating Denetrius Vidian's identity, discover that he was once Lemuel Tharsa via hologram footage taken twenty years before during his visit to the Introsphere facility. Thus, the visit took place around 31 BBY.
  288. In Ahsoka, the family of Kaeden Larte is established to have moved to Raada when Kaeden was four years of age. As the novel also establishes its events to have taken place one year after the founding of the Galactic Empire, and the Empire's founding is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, the Lartes moved to Raada around 31 BBY.
  289. According to Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded, Apailana became Queen of Naboo aged twelve, towards the end of the Clone Wars. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas establishes that the war was a four-year conflict spanning from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, Apailana became Queen of Naboo in either 20 or 19 BBY. Therefore, her birth, which took place twelve years earlier according to the encyclopedia, must have occurred around 31 BBY.
  290. StarWars-DatabankII Queen Apailana in the Databank (backup link)
  291. Queen's Shadow, which has the effects of the groundquakes at Bromlarch as its central plot point, is set four years after the Invasion of Naboo, dated to 32 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Thus, the events of Queen's Shadow occurred around 28 BBY. Since Padmé Amidala is established to have been serving the second of her two two-year terms as Monarch of Naboo when she stepped down that year, Amidala's second term began around 30 BBY.
  292. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious establishes that Rinnrivin Di was 57 years old in the year 8004 C.R.C.. From this his birth can be calculated to tge year 7947 C.R.C.; because Scum and Villainy also states that the escape from Cloud City took place in 7980 C.R.C., and Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates that event to 3 ABY, 7947 C.R.C. converts to 30 ABY.
  293. Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi 1 takes place in between Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places in 32 BBY, and Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide dates Anakin Skywalker's birth to 41 BBY, and since Anakin is 12 years old in Star Wars: Obi-Wan and Anakin, it must take place in 29 BBY. Therefore, Age of Republic - Obi-Wan Kenobi 1 must take place in between 29 BBY and 32 BBY.
  294. AltayaCite "Anakin Skywalker" — Star Wars Encyclopedia
  295. Obi-Wan and Anakin 1
  296. 297.0 297.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Zillo Beast"
  297. 298.0 298.1 Solo: A Star Wars Story: Expanded Edition
  298. Age of Republic - Count Dooku 1
  299. StarWars "Innocents of Ryloth" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that Numa was five years old by the time of the Battle of Ryloth. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places the Battle of Ryloth to 21 BBY, Numa must have been born in 26 BBY.
  300. StarWars Numa in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  301. As stated in TK-462, the eponymous protagonist was twelve years of age in the year Wilhuff Tarkin was promoted to Grand Moff. According to the novel Tarkin, this occurred 14 years before the Battle of Yavin. Thus, the birth of TK-462 must have occurred around 26 years before the battle, which, per the calendar system of used in Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, is around 26 BBY.
  302. In Aftermath: Life Debt, Gallius Rax's prelude and epilogue chapters are set three decades before the Battle of Jakku of 5 ABY.
  303. 304.0 304.1 Star Wars: Rogue One: Rebel Dossier
  304. 305.00 305.01 305.02 305.03 305.04 305.05 305.06 305.07 305.08 305.09 305.10 305.11 305.12 305.13 305.14 Bloodline
  305. 306.0 306.1 306.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Nightsisters"
  306. 307.0 307.1 307.2 307.3 307.4 307.5 307.6 307.7 307.8 Lost Stars
  307. As stated in TK-462, the eponymous protagonist was twelve years of age in the year Wilhuff Tarkin was promoted to Grand Moff. According to the novel Tarkin, this occurred 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, which corresponds to 14 BBY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Thus, the birth of TK-462 must have occurred around 26 BBY. Since Xea is established to have been born when TK-462 was four years old in the aforementioned short story, Xea was born around 22 BBY.
  308. 309.0 309.1 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 59 (Databank A-Z: Darth Tyranus)
  309. 310.0 310.1 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 52 (Databank A-Z: Hera Syndulla–Ahsoka Tano)
  310. Hyperspace Stories 1
  311. 312.0 312.1 Queen's Hope
  312. 313.0 313.1 313.2 313.3 313.4 Brotherhood
  313. 314.0 314.1 314.2 314.3 314.4 Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Brotherhood to 22 BBY. At the end of Brotherhood, Jedi Knights were officially made generals; their promotion occurs prior to the Operation on Hissrich per the opening crawl of Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 1.
  314. Jedi of the Republic – Mace Windu 1
  315. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Deserter"
  316. 317.0 317.1 "501 Plus One" — Age of Republic Special 1
  317. 318.0 318.1 318.2 318.3 "501 Plus One" depicts Anakin Skywalker without a scar during the Battle of Arantara, while Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 1 and Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1 establishes that Skywalker has the scar by the time of the mission to Benglor and the Battle of Corvair. Thus, the Battle of Arantara must have occurred prior.
  318. 319.0 319.1 Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 1
  319. Age of Republic - Anakin Skywalker 1
  320. StarWars-DatabankII Admiral Wullf Yularen in the Databank (backup link)
  321. Star Wars Adventures: The Clone Wars – Battle Tales 2
  322. 323.0 323.1 323.2 323.3 323.4 323.5 323.6 Star Wars: The Clone Wars film
  323. 324.00 324.01 324.02 324.03 324.04 324.05 324.06 324.07 324.08 324.09 324.10 324.11 324.12 324.13 324.14 324.15 324.16 324.17 324.18 324.19 324.20 324.21 324.22 324.23 StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link)
  324. 325.0 325.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Supply Lines"
  325. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Ambush"
  326. StarWars-DatabankII Battle Droid in the Databank (backup link)
  327. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Rising Malevolence"
  328. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shadow of Malevolence"
  329. 330.0 330.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Destroy Malevolence"
  330. 331.0 331.1 331.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Rookies"
  331. 332.0 332.1 332.2 332.3 332.4 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Downfall of a Droid"
  332. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Duel of the Droids"
  333. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bombad Jedi"
  334. 335.00 335.01 335.02 335.03 335.04 335.05 335.06 335.07 335.08 335.09 335.10 335.11 335.12 335.13 335.14 Star Wars: Galactic Atlas
  335. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious establishes that Ketsu Onyo was born on Shukut and was 18 standard years old four years before the Battle of Scarif. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the events of Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which encompasses the Battle of Scarif, to 0 BBY, Onyo was 18 years old in 4 BBY and was thus born around 22 BBY.
  336. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cloak of Darkness"
  337. 338.0 338.1 338.2 338.3 338.4 338.5 338.6 338.7 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 30 (Highlights of the Saga: The Betrayal of Captain Argyus) dates the events of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars episode "Cloak of Darkness" to 21 BBY and Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the episode "Blue Shadow Virus" also to 21 BBY. Thus, events of the episodes that take place between the episodes "Cloak of Darkness" and "Blue Shadow Virus" per StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) must also have taken place in 21 BBY.
  338. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Lair of Grievous"
  339. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Dooku Captured"
  340. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Gungan General"
  341. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Jedi Crash"
  342. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Defenders of Peace"
  343. 344.0 344.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Trespass"
  344. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Blue Shadow Virus"
  345. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Mystery of a Thousand Moons"
  346. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places the raid on Nuvo Vindi's laboratory to 21 BBY. As the mission to Iego occurs concurrently to the raid, it must also have taken place in 21 BBY.
  347. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Storm Over Ryloth"
  348. 349.0 349.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Innocents of Ryloth"
  349. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Liberty on Ryloth"
  350. 351.0 351.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Holocron Heist"
  351. 352.0 352.1 352.2 352.3 352.4 Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates both the conclusion of the Battle of Ryloth and the second mission to Rodia to 21 BBY. As the two events are depicted in Star Wars: The Clone Wars episodes "Liberty on Ryloth" and "Children of the Force," the events of the episodes between the aforementioned, as chronologically ordered by StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link), must have taken place in 21 BBY.
  352. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Cargo of Doom"
  353. 354.0 354.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Children of the Force"
  354. 355.0 355.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bounty Hunters"
  355. 356.00 356.01 356.02 356.03 356.04 356.05 356.06 356.07 356.08 356.09 356.10 356.11 356.12 356.13 356.14 356.15 356.16 356.17 356.18 356.19 356.20 356.21 356.22 356.23 Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates both the end of the Battle of Ryloth, featured in "Liberty on Ryloth," and the Battle of Kamino, featured in "ARC Troopers," to 21 BBY. Thus, events shown in episodes chronologically placed between "Liberty on Ryloth" and "ARC Troopers" per StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) must also have occurred in 21 BBY.
  356. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back"
  357. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Senate Spy"
  358. 359.0 359.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Landing at Point Rain"
  359. 360.0 360.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Brain Invaders"
  360. 361.0 361.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Grievous Intrigue"
  361. Yoda 7
  362. Yoda 1
  363. SWInsider "A Seat on the Council" — Star Wars Insider 199
  364. Darth Vader (2017) 19
  365. 366.0 366.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Duchess of Mandalore"
  366. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Death Trap"
  367. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "R2 Come Home"
  368. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Lethal Trackdown"
  369. 370.0 370.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Corruption"
  370. 371.0 371.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Assassin"
  371. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "ARC Troopers"
  372. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Intermission, Part I" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 12
  373. 374.0 374.1 374.2 374.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Sphere of Influence"
  374. 375.0 375.1 375.2 375.3 375.4 375.5 375.6 The Star Wars Book dates the Invasion of Kamino and the Confederate–Republic peace initiative, featured in "ARC Troopers" and "Heroes on Both Sides" respectively, to 21 BBY. Therefore, events of the episodes Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series chronologically placed between "ARC Troopers" and "Heroes on Both Sides" per StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) must also have occurred in 21 BBY.
  375. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hostage Crisis"
  376. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Hunt for Ziro"
  377. ForcesOfDestinyLogo-Dplus Star Wars Forces of Destiny — "The Padawan Path"
  378. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Heroes on Both Sides"
  379. Star Wars: Absolutely Everything You Need to Know, Updated and Expanded
  380. Catalyst: A Rogue One Novel establishes that Jyn Erso was born to Galen and Lyra Erso on Vallt one year after the First Battle of Geonosis, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 22 BBY. Therefore, Erso was born in 21 BBY.
  381. In Ahsoka, the parents of Kaedan and Miara Larte is established to have been killed in a farming accident that also injured Selda when Kaeden was fourteen years old. As the novel, in which Kaeden is seventeen years old, also establishes its events to have taken place one year after the founding of the Galactic Empire, and the Empire's founding is dated to 19 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, the accident occurred around 21 BBY.
  382. 383.0 383.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Pursuit of Peace"
  383. 384.0 384.1 The Star Wars Book dates the Confederate–Republic peace initiative, featured in "Heroes on Both Sides," to 21 BBY. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Senate Murders" to 21 BBY. Thus, events shown in episodes chronologically placed between "Heroes on Both Sides" and "Nightsisters" per StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) must have occurred between 21 and 20 BBY.
  384. 385.0 385.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Senate Murders"
  385. 386.0 386.1 Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Senate Murders" to 21 BBY.
  386. Star Wars: Rogue One: The Ultimate Visual Guide states that the Death Star began construction over Geonosis twenty years before the Rogue One mission. Since the latter is dated to 0 BBY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, the Death Star must have began construction over Geonosis in 20 BBY.
  387. 388.00 388.01 388.02 388.03 388.04 388.05 388.06 388.07 388.08 388.09 388.10 388.11 388.12 388.13 388.14 388.15 388.16 388.17 388.18 388.19 388.20 388.21 388.22 388.23 Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the events of both "Nightsisters" and "Water War" to 20 BBY. Thus, events shown in episodes chronologically placed between "Nightsisters" and "Water War" per StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) must have also occurred in 20 BBY.
  388. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Monster"
  389. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Witches of the Mist"
  390. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Overlords"
  391. 392.0 392.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Citadel"
  392. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Citadel Rescue"
  393. 394.0 394.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Padawan Lost"
  394. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Water War"
  395. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Roger Roger" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 19
  396. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shadow Warrior"
  397. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Mercy Mission"
  398. 399.0 399.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Nomad Droids"
  399. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Darkness on Umbara"
  400. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Kidnapped"
  401. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Slaves of the Republic"
  402. 403.0 403.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Friend in Need"
  403. 404.0 404.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Deception"
  404. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Friends and Enemies"
  405. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Box"
  406. 407.0 407.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Crisis on Naboo"
  407. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Massacre"
  408. 409.0 409.1 409.2 409.3 409.4 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Highlights of the Saga: The Unlikely Heroes) dates the events of "Secret Weapons" to 20 BBY. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas also dates the events of "Crisis on Naboo" to 20 BBY. As such, episodes chronologically placed by StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) between the two aforementioned episodes must also take place in 20 BBY.
  409. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bounty"
  410. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Brothers"
  411. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Hide and Seek" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 20
  412. 413.0 413.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Revenge"
  413. 414.0 414.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Tipping Points"
  414. 415.0 415.1 415.2 Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the partnership between Ahsoka Tano and the Onderon rebels, which was first depicted in "Front Runners," to 20 BBY. Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! dates the events of "The Gathering" to be 20 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 20 BBY according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that the events of "Tipping Points" occurred between the events of Front Runners and The Gathering, it also must have happened in 20 BBY.
  415. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Gathering"
  416. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Test of Strength"
  417. 418.00 418.01 418.02 418.03 418.04 418.05 418.06 418.07 418.08 418.09 418.10 According to StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link), the events of "A Test of Strength," "Bound for Rescue," and "A Necessary Bond" occur after "The Gathering." Star Wars: The Clone Wars: Character Encyclopedia - Join the Battle! dates the events of that episode to be 20 years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which corresponds to 20 BBY according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. The chronological episode guide also says those episodes are set before "Secret Weapons," which occurs in 20 BBY according to Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Highlights of the Saga: The Unlikely Heroes), meaning they all occur in 20 BBY. Furthermore, the guide dates "A Sunny Day in the Void," "Missing in Action," "Point of No Return," and "Revival" to occur after "Secret Weapons" but before the end of the Clone Wars, which Galactic Atlas says was in 19 BBY. Therefore, the events of these episodes must occur 20 or 19 BBY.
  418. 419.0 419.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Bound for Rescue"
  419. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Necessary Bond"
  420. 421.0 421.1 421.2 421.3 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Revival"
  421. 422.0 422.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Secret Weapons"
  422. Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded states that Apailana became Queen of Naboo toward the Clone Wars' end. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas establishes that the war was a four-year conflict spanning from 22 BBY to 19 BBY, Apailana became Queen of Naboo in either 20 or 19 BBY.
  423. 424.0 424.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Sunny Day in the Void"
  424. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Point of No Return"
  425. 426.0 426.1 426.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Eminence"
  426. IDWAdventures2020LogoSmaller "Tales of Villainy: The Hostage" — Star Wars Adventures (2020) 3
  427. 428.0 428.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shades of Reason"
  428. 429.0 429.1 429.2 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Lawless"
  429. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Sabotage"
  430. 431.0 431.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Jedi Who Knew Too Much"
  431. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "To Catch a Jedi"
  432. 433.0 433.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Wrong Jedi"
  433. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Unknown"
  434. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Fugitive"
  435. 436.0 436.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Orders"
  436. 437.0 437.1 437.2 437.3 Thrawn: Alliances
  437. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "An Old Friend"
  438. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Crisis at the Heart"
  439. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Disappeared, Part I"
  440. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Disappeared, Part II"
  441. 442.00 442.01 442.02 442.03 442.04 442.05 442.06 442.07 442.08 442.09 442.10 442.11 442.12 442.13 442.14 442.15 442.16 442.17 442.18 StarWars Star Wars: The Clone Wars Chronological Episode Order on StarWars.com (backup link)
  442. 443.0 443.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Death on Utapau"
  443. 444.0 444.1 StarWars "Deal No Deal" Episode Guide | The Clone Wars on StarWars.com (backup link)
  444. 445.0 445.1 Collapse of the Republic
  445. 446.0 446.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Bad Batch"
  446. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "A Distant Echo"
  447. 448.0 448.1 448.2 448.3 448.4 448.5 448.6 448.7 448.8 448.9 Dark Disciple
  448. 449.0 449.1 Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 1
  449. Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 2
  450. Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 3
  451. Darth Maul—Son of Dathomir 4
  452. Kanan 7
  453. Kanan 9
  454. Kanan 10
  455. Kanan 11
  456. 457.0 457.1 457.2 457.3 457.4 457.5 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "The Phantom Apprentice"
  457. Star Wars Lightsabers: A Guide to Weapons of the Force
  458. 459.0 459.1 459.2 459.3 459.4 Bounty Hunters 14
  459. 460.00 460.01 460.02 460.03 460.04 460.05 460.06 460.07 460.08 460.09 460.10 460.11 460.12 460.13 460.14 460.15 460.16 460.17 460.18 460.19 460.20 460.21 460.22 Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith
  460. 461.0 461.1 Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 33 (Helmets: Commander Neyo)
  461. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Stass Allie - Jedi Master - Base Series 1)
  462. 463.0 463.1 ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Tarfful - Wookiee General - Base Series 1)
  463. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: König Grakchawwaa - Topps Choice 2)
  464. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 15 (Helmets: The Mygeeto Campaign)
  465. Kanan 1
  466. 467.0 467.1 TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Shattered"
  467. TCW mini logo Star Wars: The Clone Wars — "Victory and Death"
  468. 469.0 469.1 Star Wars: The Force Awakens novelization
  469. StarWars Yoda in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  470. Kanan 2
  471. 472.0 472.1 Star Wars Character Encyclopedia: Updated and Expanded
  472. Tales of the Jedi logo Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi — "Resolve"
  473. 474.0 474.1 474.2 474.3 474.4 474.5 474.6 Ahsoka
  474. 475.0 475.1 475.2 475.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Empire Day"
  475. 476.0 476.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Cut and Run"
  476. 477.0 477.1 477.2 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Aftermath"
  477. 478.0 478.1 Darth Vader (2017) 1
  478. Darth Vader (2017) 2
  479. Darth Vader (2017) 3
  480. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Replacements"
  481. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Rampage"
  482. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Decommissioned"
  483. Darth Vader (2017) 8
  484. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Battle Scars"
  485. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Reunion"
  486. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Common Ground"
  487. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Devil's Deal"
  488. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Rescue on Ryloth"
  489. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Infested"
  490. 491.0 491.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "War-Mantle"
  491. 492.0 492.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Return to Kamino"
  492. 493.0 493.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Spoils of War"
  493. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "The Solitary Clone"
  494. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Faster"
  495. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Entombed"
  496. TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Tribe"
  497. Per the reasoning here, the seventh and eighth episodes of The Bad Batch Season 2, "The Clone Conspiracy" and "Truth and Consequences," can be placed in 18 BBY. The sixth episode of Season 2, "Tribe," also features the Vanguard Axis, which is an offshoot of the Droid Gotra as per Star Wars: Dawn of Rebellion: The Visual Guide. As Star Wars: Timelines places the founding of the Droid Gotra around 18 BBY, and episodes that come after "Tribe" are set in that year, the events of "Tribe" occur around 18 BBY. Additionally, all Season 2 episodes proceeding "Tribe" occur between 19 BBY, which features the end of The Bad Batch Season 1 according to Star Wars: Timelines, and 18 BBY. The Galactic Empire, the formation of which Star Wars: Timelines dates to 19 BBY, sent Mayday's squad to Barton IV over a year prior to the events of the twelfth episode, "The Outpost." As it occurs over a year into the Imperial Era and is set shortly after the events of "Truth and Consequences," the events of "The Outpost" occur around 18 BBY. Following that logic, the ninth through eleventh episodes ("The Crossing" through "Metamorphosis") are also set around 18 BBY because they occur between the events of "Truth and Consequences" and "The Outpost." Finally, all season 2 episodes set after "The Outpost" occur shortly after its events, thereby placing those episodes around 18 BBY as well.
  498. 499.0 499.1 TBBtemplate Star Wars: The Bad Batch — "Truth and Consequences"
  499. 500.0 500.1 500.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Relics of the Old Republic"
  500. Adventures in Wild Space: The Escape
  501. Star Wars: Adventures in Wild Space books are set in 18 BBY according to Star Wars: Timelines.
  502. Kanan 5
  503. Darth Vader Annual 2
  504. The novel Tarkin mentions that the Antar Atrocity took place one year after the Clone Wars ended.
  505. Darth Vader (2017) 13
  506. Age of Rebellion - Darth Vader 1
  507. SWInsider "Rebel Rousers: Our Top Ten Rebels" — Star Wars Insider 203 states that Mon Mothma began organizing an anti-Empire coalition eighteen years before the events of Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that A New Hope begins in 0 BBY, Mothma must have began organizing the anti-Empire coalition in 18 BBY.
  508. "True Love" — Tales from a Galaxy Far, Far Away: Aliens: Volume I
  509. "Time of Death" — From a Certain Point of View
  510. 511.0 511.1 511.2 511.3 511.4 511.5 511.6 Thrawn
  511. Per the reasoning here, the events of Thrawn begin around 15 BBY.
  512. Darth Vader (2017) 22
  513. TK-462
  514. As stated in TK-462, the eponymous protagonist was twelve years of age in the year Wilhuff Tarkin was promoted to Grand Moff. According to the novel Tarkin, this occurred 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, which corresponds to 14 BBY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Thus, the birth of TK-462 must have occurred around 26 BBY. Since TK-462's mother is established to have been dead by the time TK-462 was twelve years old in the aforementioned short story, the mother died around 14 BBY.
  515. 516.0 516.1 516.2 516.3 Lords of the Sith
  516. 517.0 517.1 517.2 517.3 In Star Wars canon, the "Story of Star Wars" timeline of novels places the events of Lords of the Sith as having taken place before the events of Tarkin, both having taken place approximately 5 years after the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith.
  517. 518.0 518.1 518.2 518.3 518.4 Tarkin states that "five standard years have passed since Darth Sidious proclaimed himself galactic Emperor," an event shown in Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the events of Revenge of the Sith to 19 BBY, the events of Tarkin occurred in 14 BBY.
  518. As stated in TK-462, the eponymous protagonist was twelve years of age in the year Wilhuff Tarkin was promoted to Grand Moff. According to the novel Tarkin, this occurred 14 years before the Battle of Yavin, which corresonds to 14 BBY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Thus, the events of TK-462, which include protagonist's application to become a stormtrooper, took place around 14 BBY.
  519. Boba Fett states in "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" that his chain code was encoded into his armor twenty-five years prior to the events of the episode. StarWars SWCC 2019: 9 Things We Learned from The Mandalorian Panel on StarWars.com (backup link) establishes that The Mandalorian is set about five years after the events of Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY. Therefore, the events of The Mandalorian, including Boba's appearance, must have taken place around 9 ABY. Furthermore, it can be determined using simple math that Boba's chain code was encoded into his armor around the year 14 BBY.
  520. 521.0 521.1 521.2 521.3 521.4 521.5 521.6 521.7 521.8 521.9 Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
  521. "Mercy Mission" — The Rise of the Empire
  522. Most Wanted
  523. 524.0 524.1 524.2 524.3 524.4 524.5 524.6 524.7 Solo: A Star Wars Story
  524. Han Solo - Imperial Cadet 3
  525. Han Solo - Imperial Cadet 5
  526. As stated in TK-462, the eponymous protagonist graduated to the Imperial Academy of Eriadu after a year at the Junior Academy.
  527. Darth Vader (2017) 23
  528. Darth Vader (2017) 24
  529. Darth Vader (2017) 25
  530. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Fortress Vader was completed forty-six years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, the fortress's construction, as well as the Battle of Fortress Vader, must have happened in 12 BBY.
  531. 532.0 532.1 532.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Legacy"
  532. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Shadow of the Sith, in which Dathan is thirty-three years old, to 21 ABY, therefore placing Dathan's birth on Exegol in 12 BBY.
  533. Jedi: Battle Scars dates itself to a few years after the events of Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order which take place in 14 BBY per Star Wars: Timelines. Therefore, the events of Jedi: Battle Scars must take place in 12 BBY at the earliest. Additionally, the novel dates itself within the years before Star Wars Jedi: Survivor, the events of which take place in 9 BBY per the reasoning here. Within Jedi: Survivor, it is also noted the Stinger Mantis crew has been broken up for "years." As the crew are together in Jedi: Battle Scars, the latest it can take place is 11 BBY. Therefore, the events of Jedi: Battle Scars occur between 12 and 11 BBY.
  534. Jedi: Battle Scars
  535. 536.0 536.1 536.2 536.3 536.4 Star Wars Jedi: Survivor
  536. Enfys Nest's mother died after her daughter turned sixteen in 11 BBY but before the raid on Gargon, which Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious dates to 7966 C.R.C., which corresponds to 11 BBY. This means her death also took place in 11 BBY.
  537. Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy
  538. 539.0 539.1 Star Wars: Rogue One: Secret Mission
  539. 540.0 540.1 Heir to the Jedi
  540. Lando - Double or Nothing 2
  541. Lando - Double or Nothing 5
  542. StarWars Solo: A Star Wars Story Books and Comics Revealed on StarWars.com (backup link) places Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing right before Solo: A Star Wars Story, which Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide places nine years after the founding of the Galactic Empire, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 19 BBY. Therefore, Star Wars: Lando - Double or Nothing takes place in 10 BBY.
  543. Solo: A Star Wars Story The Official Guide dates Han Solo's expulsion from the Imperial Academy in Solo: A Star Wars Story to nine years after the formation of the Galactic Empire. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Empire's founding to 19 BBY, Solo's expulsion must have occurred in 10 BBY.
  544. Dawn of Rebellion establishes that the Death Star was over Scarif months after the sterilization of Geonosis.
  545. "By Whatever Sun" — From a Certain Point of View
  546. In "By Whatever Sun" — From a Certain Point of View, which takes place at the Royal Award Ceremony, Miara Larte reminisces that her promotion to captain took place nine years before. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the ceremony took place in 0 ABY, Miara Larte's promotion could be dated to around 9 BBY.
  547. 548.0 548.1 Obi-Wan Kenobi new series logo Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part I"
  548. Obi-Wan Kenobi new series logo Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part II"
  549. Obi-Wan Kenobi new series logo Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part III"
  550. Obi-Wan Kenobi new series logo Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part I"
  551. Obi-Wan Kenobi new series logo Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part V"
  552. 553.0 553.1 553.2 Obi-Wan Kenobi new series logo Obi-Wan Kenobi — "Part VI"
  553. Star Wars (2015) 7
  554. War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh 1, set between Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the events of which are respectively placed in 3 ABY and 4 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, establishes that Keln would have been twelve years old, so Keln must have been born in 8 BBY.
  555. {{subst:HanSoloChewbaccaDate}}
  556. 557.0 557.1 Han Solo & Chewbacca 1
  557. Han Solo & Chewbacca 4
  558. Han Solo & Chewbacca 9
  559. Star Wars (2015) 20
  560. 561.0 561.1 561.2 Rebel Rising
  561. Thrawn: Treason states that Un'hee is seven years old. The events of Thrawn: Treason takes place shortly after "Rebel Assault" and before "Family Reunion – and Farewell." The epilogue of "Family Reunion – and Farewell" occurs after the end of the Galactic Civil War, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 5 ABY, meaning the epilogue must take place during or after that year. "A World Between Worlds" occurs prior to Rogue One: A Star Wars Story, which Galactic Atlas places in 0 BBY, so it must take place during or prior to that year. Star Wars: Women of the Galaxy establishes there is a five years pass between when Ahsoka Tano is saved by Ezra Bridger in "A World Between Worlds" and when she returns to Lothal in the epilogue of "Family Reunion – and Farewell." Therefore, "A World Between Worlds" must be set in 0 BBY. Because "Rebel Assault" is set in the days directly preceding "Rebel Assault," Thrawn: Treason also must take place in 0 BBY. It can then be calculated that Un'hee was born in 7 BBY.
  562. Star Wars: The Complete Visual Dictionary, New Edition
  563. 564.0 564.1 564.2 Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy
  564. 565.0 565.1 565.2 Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks
  565. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Shadow of the Sith, in which Miramir is twenty-seven years old, to 21 ABY, therefore placing her birth in 6 BBY.
  566. Andor logo new Andor — "Aldhani"
  567. Andor logo new Andor — "Announcement"
  568. Andor logo new Andor — "Narkina 5"
  569. Andor logo new Andor — "Daughter of Ferrix"
  570. Andor logo new Andor — "One Way Out"
  571. 572.0 572.1 572.2 Andor logo new Andor — "Rix Road"
  572. Ezra's Gamble
  573. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Property of Ezra Bridger"
  574. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Machine in the Ghost"
  575. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Art Attack"
  576. Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion
  577. 578.0 578.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Droids in Distress"
  578. 579.0 579.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Fighter Flight"
  579. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Out of Darkness"
  580. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Beaumont Kin was 40 years old one year after the "Starkiller Incident." Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Starkiller Incident to 34 ABY, Beaumont was born in 5 BBY.
  581. 582.0 582.1 Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice
  582. As stated in TK-462, the eponymous protagonist was killed on Lothal during an Imperial crackdown of its populace as a result of a local rebel cell's actions. This corresponds to the Spectres, who caused general disruption of Imperial activities on Lothal around 4 BBY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas.
  583. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Path of the Jedi"
  584. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Idiot's Array"
  585. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Vision of Hope"
  586. 587.0 587.1 587.2 587.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Call to Action"
  587. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Fire Across the Galaxy"
  588. StarWars-DatabankII Mustafar in the Databank (backup link)
  589. StarWars-DatabankII Alderaan Cruiser in the Databank (backup link)
  590. 591.0 591.1 Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy
  591. SWRM "Ocean Rescue" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 12
  592. 593.0 593.1 593.2 Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal
  593. SWRM "Secrets of Sienar" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 13
  594. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Always Two There Are"
  595. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Brothers of the Broken Horn"
  596. 597.0 597.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Wings of the Master"
  597. SWRM "No Sympathy" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 14
  598. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Blood Sisters"
  599. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Stealth Strike"
  600. SWRM "A Day's Duty" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 15
  601. 602.0 602.1 War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh 1, set between Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back and Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi, the events of which are respectively placed in 3 ABY and 4 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, establishes that Brene had been exiled from the Ubese homeworld of Uba IV for seven years and had been part of Boushh's crew for six years, so Brene must have been exiled in 3 BBY and joined the crew in 2 BBY.
  602. ForcesOfDestinyLogo-Dplus Star Wars Forces of Destiny — "Bounty of Trouble"
  603. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Future of the Force"
  604. SWRM "Ice Breaking" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 16
  605. SWRM "Vulnerable Areas" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 17
  606. 607.0 607.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A Princess on Lothal"
  607. 608.0 608.1 608.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Protector of Concord Dawn"
  608. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Legends of the Lasat"
  609. 610.0 610.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Call"
  610. 611.0 611.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Homecoming"
  611. SWRM "A Time to Survive" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 27
  612. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Honorable Ones"
  613. 614.0 614.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Shroud of Darkness"
  614. SWRM "The Gangsters of Galzez" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 20
  615. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Forgotten Droid"
  616. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Mystery of Chopper Base"
  617. 618.0 618.1 618.2 618.3 618.4 SWInsider "A Certain Point of View" — Star Wars Insider 203
  618. SWRM "The Second Chance" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 24
  619. SWRM "The Thune Cargo" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 22
  620. 621.0 621.1 621.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "A World Between Worlds"
  621. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: 1 (Ahsoka Tano) - Artist Series - Dave Filoni)
  622. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: 3 (Ahsoka Tano) - Artist Series - Dave Filoni)
  623. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: 7 (Ahsoka Tano) - Artist Series - Dave Filoni)
  624. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: 8 (Ahsoka Tano) - Artist Series - Dave Filoni)
  625. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: 10 (Ahsoka Tano) - Artist Series - Dave Filoni)
  626. 627.0 627.1 627.2 Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
  627. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Holocrons of Fate"
  628. 629.0 629.1 629.2 629.3 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Antilles Extraction"
  629. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Hera's Heroes"
  630. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Last Battle"
  631. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Imperial Supercommandos"
  632. 633.0 633.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Iron Squadron"
  633. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Wynkahthu Job"
  634. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "An Inside Man"
  635. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Visions and Voices"
  636. SWRM "Final Round" — Star Wars Rebels Magazine 34
  637. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Endangered, Part 2" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 8
  638. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Warhead"
  639. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Trials of the Darksaber"
  640. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Legacy of Mandalore"
  641. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Through Imperial Eyes"
  642. 643.0 643.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Secret Cargo"
  643. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Double Agent Droid"
  644. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Twin Suns"
  645. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Zero Hour"
  646. The Alliance to Restore the Republic was founded in the Star Wars Rebels episode "Secret Cargo." Star Wars: On the Front Lines states that the event occurred two years before the Battle of Yavin, or in 2 BBY. Since the comic Rogue One - Cassian & K-2SO Special 1 and Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire features the Alliance as well as K-2SO, the events of both the comic and Secrets of the Empire took place after the Alliance's founding in 2 BBY and prior to the Battle of Scarif in 0 BBY, in which K-2SO was destroyed.
  647. Rogue One - Cassian & K-2SO Special 1
  648. Star Wars: Secrets of the Empire
  649. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Tales from Wild Space: Adventures in Wookiee-Sitting" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 3
  650. Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore
  651. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 5: Return of the Mandalorian"
  652. 653.0 653.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 8: Redemption"
  653. 654.0 654.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "In the Name of the Rebellion"
  654. 655.0 655.1 655.2 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "The Occupation"
  655. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Crawler Commandeers"
  656. 657.0 657.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Rebel Assault"
  657. 658.0 658.1 658.2 658.3 658.4 658.5 658.6 Thrawn: Treason
  658. 659.0 659.1 Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Jedi Night"
  659. Rebels-mini-logo Star Wars Rebels — "Family Reunion – and Farewell"
  660. "Family Reunion – and Farewell" shows that Jacen Syndulla was born after the Liberation of Lothal and Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition states that he was born before the Battle of Scarif. Since The Star Wars Book states that Star Wars Rebels ends the same year as Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 0 BBY, whilst Galactic Atlas also dates the Battle of Scarif to 0 BBY, Jacen Syndulla must have been born in that same year.
  661. Farnay's mother's died a year before the events of The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure, which takes place shortly after the Battle of Yavin. Since the year following the battle is established by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas to be 0 ABY, it can be calculated that Farnay's mother died one year before 0 ABY, which was 0 BBY according to the Galactic Atlas.
  662. According to Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, the Alliance to Restore the Republic was founded during the Galactic Civil War, and the Alliance's founding is dated to two years before the Battle of Yavin, or 2 BBY, by Star Wars: On the Front Lines. Thus the events the Alliance and its 61st Mobile Infantry took part in, including the battles mentioned in Battlefront: Twilight Company, must have taken place during or after 2 BBY.
  663. Battlefront: Twilight Company establishes that the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry was deployed to Ferrok Pax prior to when Brand joined the company. Brand was a member of the Sixty-First by the time of the battle on Vir Aphshire, which occurred concurrent to the Battle of Yavin. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas establishes that the year in which the Battle of Yavin took place is 0 BBY/ABY, with events of the year that occurred prior to the battle being listed as 0 BBY. Thus, the Sixty-First must have been deployed to Ferrok Pax by 0 BBY.
  664. In Battlefront: Twilight Company, the rebel trooper Hazram Namir refers to Brand as a bounty hunter during the battle on Vir Aphshire, which occurred concurrent to the Battle of Yavin. As "Inbrief" establishes that Brand's bounty hunter past was not known by other rebels until the battle of Allst Prime, the battle of Allst Prime must have taken place before the Battle of Yavin, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 0 BBY. Thus, the battle of Allst Prime had occurred by that year.
  665. Battlefront: Twilight Company sets the battles at Mygeeto prior to when Hazram Namir joined the Sixty-First Mobile Infantry. Twilight Company also establishes that Namir was part of the company by the time of the Battle of Yavin, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to the end of 0 BBY. The battle of Mygeeto must therefore have occurred by 0 BBY.
  666. The section of Battlefront: Twilight Company where the Battle of the Tower takes place is set two months prior to the Battle of Yavin, which marks the end of 0 BBY of the year 0 BBY/ABY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. The Battle of the Tower must have therefore occurred two months before the Battle of Yavin, in 0 BBY.
  667. The flashback sequence involving an adolescent Bansu Ro in Tie Fighter 4 is set in troubling times, during the Imperial Senate's existence, and years before the death of the Emperor as mentioned in Tie Fighter 5. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the Senate was dissolved in 0 BBY and dates the death of the Emperor to 4 ABY, it can be deduced that the flashback sequence takes place around 0 BBY.
  668. 669.0 669.1 TIE Fighter 4
  669. 670.0 670.1 TIE Fighter 5
  670. Rogue One: Recon A Star Wars 360 Experience
  671. 672.0 672.1 "Raymus" — From a Certain Point of View
  672. SWInsider "Blade Squadron" — Star Wars Insider 149150
  673. 674.0 674.1 674.2 674.3 674.4 674.5 674.6 674.7 674.8 Star Wars: Episode IV A New Hope
  674. 675.0 675.1 675.2 Star Wars (2020) 7
  675. SWInsider "One Thousand Levels Down" — Star Wars Insider 151
  676. 677.0 677.1 Princess Leia 1
  677. 678.0 678.1 Chewbacca (2015) 1
  678. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 34 (Highlights of the Saga: Alderaan Survives)
  679. 680.00 680.01 680.02 680.03 680.04 680.05 680.06 680.07 680.08 680.09 680.10 680.11 680.12 680.13 680.14 680.15 Moving Target: A Princess Leia Adventure
  680. Chewbacca 2
  681. Chewbacca 4
  682. 683.0 683.1 Chewbacca (2015) 5
  683. Han Solo 1
  684. 685.0 685.1 685.2 685.3 685.4 685.5 Battlefront II: Inferno Squad
  685. Star Wars (2015) 1
  686. The events of this issue take place between the Battle of Yavin, which marked the beginning of 0 ABY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, and Darth Vader (2015) 4, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas places in 0 ABY. As such, the events of this issue must also take place in 0 ABY.
  687. 688.0 688.1 Darth Vader (2015) 2
  688. The events of this issue take place between the Battle of Yavin, which marked the beginning of 0 ABY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, and Vader Down 1, the events of which, specifically the Battle of Vrogas Vas, is placed in 0 ABY by The Star Wars Book. As such, the events of this issue must also take place in 0 ABY.
  689. 690.0 690.1 Darth Vader (2015) 3
  690. Darth Vader (2015) 5
  691. The Weapon of a Jedi: A Luke Skywalker Adventure
  692. Star Wars (2015) 5
  693. 694.0 694.1 Darth Vader (2015) 7
  694. Darth Vader (2015) 9
  695. 696.0 696.1 IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Swoop Racers" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 21
  696. Darth Vader Annual 1
  697. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "The Trouble at Tibrin, Part II" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 5
  698. 699.0 699.1 Star Wars (2015) 8
  699. Vader Down 1
  700. Star Wars Annual (2015) 1
  701. 702.00 702.01 702.02 702.03 702.04 702.05 702.06 702.07 702.08 702.09 702.10 702.11 702.12 Per Marvel Comics' 2015–2019 Star Wars's numbered order of issues, this event occurs between the Battle of Yavin, which marked the beginning of 0 ABY as stated by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, and the assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks, which Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition places around one year after the Battle of Yavin. Thus, the assault took place in 1 ABY. Hence, this event occurred in 0–1 ABY.
  702. Star Wars (2015) 16
  703. 704.0 704.1 Darth Vader (2015) 16
  704. Darth Vader (2015) 17
  705. Darth Vader (2015) 19
  706. Darth Vader (2015) 21
  707. Star Wars (2015) 21
  708. Star Wars (2015) 22
  709. Star Wars (2015) 24
  710. Star Wars Annual (2015) 2
  711. Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel
  712. Doctor Aphra (2016) 9
  713. Doctor Aphra (2016) 12
  714. Star Wars (2015) 33
  715. Star Wars (2015) 35
  716. Star Wars (2015) 37
  717. Star Wars (2015) 36
  718. Star Wars (2015) 38
  719. Star Wars: The Last Jedi – The Storms of Crait 1
  720. 721.0 721.1 Star Wars (2015) 50
  721. 722.0 722.1 Star Wars (2015) 55
  722. StarWars Super Star Destroyer in the Encyclopedia (content now obsolete; backup link)
  723. The assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks could be dated to 1 ABY since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the Battle of Yavin marked the beginning of 0 ABY and the assault is established to have occurred around one year after the Battle of Yavin by Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition.
  724. Helmet Collection logo small Star Wars Helmet Collection 12 (Databank A-Z: Planets)
  725. Star Wars (2015) 59
  726. Star Wars (2015) 61
  727. 728.0 728.1 This event occurs between the assault on the Mako-Ta Space Docks, which could be dated to 1 ABY since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that the Battle of Yavin marked the beginning of 0 ABY and the assault is established to have occurred around one year after the Battle of Yavin by Ultimate Star Wars, New Edition, and the events of Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back, which the Galactic Atlas dates to 3 ABY. Therefore, this event must take place between 1 ABY and 3 ABY.
  728. Star Wars (2015) 63
  729. 730.0 730.1 730.2 Star Wars (2015) 68
  730. Star Wars (2015) 75
  731. 732.0 732.1 StarWars-DatabankII Echo Base in the Databank (backup link)
  732. "Rogue Two" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  733. Star Wars: Commander
  734. 735.0 735.1 Empire Ascendant 1
  735. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that Echo Base was constructed in 3 ABY.
  736. Star Wars: Target Vader is set before Empire Ascendant 1, which in turn takes place before the Battle of Hoth.
  737. Target Vader 1
  738. Target Vader 4
  739. Target Vader 5
  740. Target Vader 6
  741. "Against All Odds" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  742. 743.0 743.1 Doctor Aphra (2016) 40
  743. Doctor Aphra (2016) 39 depicts an intact rebel base on Hoth, and is set prior to Empire Ascendant 1, which in turn took place before the Battle of Hoth. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas states that Echo Base was constructed and destroyed in 3 ABY, and places the Battle of Hoth in the same year, meaning the events of Doctor Aphra 39 are set in 3 ABY. Thus, events set shortly after and prior to Doctor Aphra 39, including those of Doctor Aphra issues 37—40 and Empire Ascendant 1, must also take place in 3 ABY. Since Doctor Aphra 40 establishes that the Empire was delayed in their attack on the rebels on Hoth by a few weeks, the events of Doctor Aphra 37—40 and Empire Ascendant 1 also took place weeks from the Battle of Hoth.
  744. 745.0 745.1 745.2 745.3 745.4 745.5 Star Wars: Episode V The Empire Strikes Back
  745. Age of Rebellion - Lando Calrissian 1
  746. 747.0 747.1 Darth Vader (2020) 1
  747. 748.0 748.1 748.2 748.3 748.4 Darth Vader (2020) 2
  748. 749.0 749.1 749.2 "Rendezvous Point" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  749. 750.0 750.1 750.2 Bounty Hunters 10
  750. 751.0 751.1 751.2 Star Wars (2020) 1
  751. Star Wars (2020) 8
  752. Doctor Aphra (2020) 1
  753. Doctor Aphra (2020) 2
  754. Doctor Aphra (2020) 4
  755. 756.0 756.1 Doctor Aphra (2020) 5
  756. 757.0 757.1 Bounty Hunters 2
  757. Bounty Hunters 1
  758. Star Wars (2020) 3
  759. 760.0 760.1 Star Wars (2020) 4
  760. 761.0 761.1 Star Wars (2020) 5
  761. Star Wars (2020) 6
  762. 763.0 763.1 763.2 Darth Vader (2020) 4
  763. Darth Vader (2020) 3
  764. Darth Vader (2020) 5
  765. 766.0 766.1 766.2 Bounty Hunters 3
  766. 767.0 767.1 Bounty Hunters 4
  767. Bounty Hunters 5
  768. 769.0 769.1 Bounty Hunters 6
  769. 770.0 770.1 Doctor Aphra (2020) 7
  770. 771.0 771.1 771.2 771.3 Doctor Aphra (2020) 6
  771. Doctor Aphra (2020) 8
  772. 773.0 773.1 Doctor Aphra (2020) 9
  773. 774.0 774.1 774.2 774.3 Doctor Aphra (2020) 10
  774. Darth Vader (2020) 6
  775. Darth Vader (2020) 8
  776. 777.0 777.1 Darth Vader (2020) 9
  777. Darth Vader (2020) 10
  778. Darth Vader (2020) 11
  779. Shadow of the Sith
  780. 781.0 781.1 781.2 Star Wars (2020) 9
  781. 782.0 782.1 Star Wars (2020) 10
  782. 783.0 783.1 783.2 Star Wars (2020) 11
  783. Bounty Hunters 7
  784. Bounty Hunters 8
  785. 786.0 786.1 Bounty Hunters 11
  786. War of the Bounty Hunters Alpha 1
  787. 788.0 788.1 788.2 788.3 War of the Bounty Hunters 1
  788. War of the Bounty Hunters – Jabba the Hutt 1
  789. 790.0 790.1 790.2 790.3 Bounty Hunters 12
  790. 791.0 791.1 791.2 Bounty Hunters 13
  791. Darth Vader (2020) 12
  792. 793.0 793.1 793.2 Star Wars (2020) 13
  793. Starships and Speeders
  794. 795.0 795.1 795.2 795.3 795.4 Bounty Hunters 16
  795. 796.0 796.1 796.2 Bounty Hunters 15
  796. 797.0 797.1 Doctor Aphra (2020) 11
  797. 798.0 798.1 Darth Vader (2020) 14
  798. Darth Vader (2020) 13
  799. War of the Bounty Hunters – Boushh 1
  800. 801.0 801.1 801.2 Star Wars (2020) 14
  801. Star Wars (2020) 15
  802. War of the Bounty Hunters 2
  803. Doctor Aphra (2020) 12
  804. 805.0 805.1 805.2 805.3 805.4 805.5 War of the Bounty Hunters 4
  805. 806.0 806.1 806.2 Doctor Aphra (2020) 15
  806. Doctor Aphra (2020) 14
  807. Doctor Aphra (2020) 18
  808. 809.0 809.1 809.2 809.3 809.4 809.5 War of the Bounty Hunters 5
  809. 810.0 810.1 810.2 Darth Vader (2020) 17
  810. War of the Bounty Hunters – IG-88 1
  811. 812.0 812.1 812.2 Darth Vader (2020) 21
  812. 813.0 813.1 813.2 Darth Vader (2020) 20
  813. Crimson Reign 3
  814. Bounty Hunters 18
  815. 816.0 816.1 Darth Vader (2020) 19
  816. Doctor Aphra (2020) 16
  817. Doctor Aphra (2020) 17
  818. 819.0 819.1 819.2 Doctor Aphra (2020) 21
  819. 820.0 820.1 Darth Vader (2020) 22
  820. Darth Vader (2020) 24
  821. Darth Vader (2020) 27
  822. Darth Vader (2020) 28
  823. Star Wars (2020) 20
  824. 825.0 825.1 Crimson Reign 1
  825. 826.0 826.1 Star Wars (2020) 22
  826. 827.0 827.1 Star Wars (2020) 23
  827. 828.0 828.1 Crimson Reign 2
  828. Star Wars (2020) 24
  829. Crimson Reign 4
  830. Bounty Hunters 26
  831. 832.0 832.1 Crimson Reign 5
  832. 833.0 833.1 833.2 Hidden Empire 1
  833. 834.0 834.1 Bounty Hunters 29
  834. Bounty Hunters 30
  835. Bounty Hunters 32
  836. Doctor Aphra (2020) 23
  837. Doctor Aphra (2020) 26
  838. 839.0 839.1 Doctor Aphra (2020) 27
  839. 840.0 840.1 840.2 Star Wars (2020) 26
  840. 841.0 841.1 Star Wars (2020) 28
  841. Darth Vader (2020) 30
  842. 843.0 843.1 Darth Vader (2020) 32
  843. Bounty Hunters 34
  844. Doctor Aphra (2020) 28
  845. Hidden Empire 4
  846. Doctor Aphra (2020) 31
  847. 848.0 848.1 Hidden Empire 5
  848. 849.0 849.1 Darth Vader (2020) 34
  849. Star Wars (2020) 33
  850. Star Wars (2020) 34
  851. 852.0 852.1 Bounty Hunters 36
  852. 853.0 853.1 Star Wars (2020) 36
  853. Star Wars (2020) 35
  854. Darth Vader (2020) 35
  855. Darth Vader (2020) 36
  856. Doctor Aphra (2020) 32
  857. Doctor Aphra (2020) 33
  858. 859.0 859.1 Dark Droids 1
  859. Star Wars (2020) 38
  860. Darth Vader (2020) 37
  861. Doctor Aphra (2020) 35
  862. Dark Droids 2
  863. Dark Droids: D-Squad 1
  864. Bounty Hunters 39
  865. Dark Droids 4
  866. Bounty Hunters 42
  867. Star Wars Battlefront
  868. TIE Fighter 1
  869. ForcesOfDestinyLogo-Dplus Star Wars Forces of Destiny — "Bounty Hunted"
  870. 871.0 871.1 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Maz Kanata helped Leia Organa acquire Boushh's armor on Ord Mantell thirty years before the Starkiller Incident, which corresponds to 4 ABY per Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Additionally, ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Boushh - Bounty Hunter - Base Series 1) states that Boushh died prior to Leia Organa's rescue of Han Solo, which the Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY.
  871. ToppsDigitalLogo Star Wars: Card Trader (Card: Boushh - Bounty Hunter - Base Series 1)
  872. Age of Rebellion - Princess Leia 1
  873. 874.00 874.01 874.02 874.03 874.04 874.05 874.06 874.07 874.08 874.09 874.10 874.11 874.12 Star Wars: Episode VI Return of the Jedi
  874. Return of the Jedi: Beware the Power of the Dark Side!
  875. 876.00 876.01 876.02 876.03 876.04 876.05 876.06 876.07 876.08 876.09 876.10 876.11 Star Wars Battlefront II
  876. Age of Rebellion - Luke Skywalker 1
  877. EAFavicon-Logo 15 Details Making the Locations in Star Wars Battlefront II Feel Alive on Electronic Arts' official website (backup link)
  878. 879.0 879.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger"
  879. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" and "Chapter 16: The Rescue" to 9 ABY. The events of Chapters 1–16 must therefore also take place in 9 ABY.
  880. 881.0 881.1 Return of the Jedi – The Rebellion 1
  881. StarWars-DatabankII The Temperance in the Databank (backup link)
  882. 883.0 883.1 883.2 883.3 883.4 883.5 Before the Awakening
  883. Shattered Empire 1
  884. 885.0 885.1 885.2 Shattered Empire 2
  885. 886.0 886.1 IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "A Race for Answers" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 23
  886. The Princess and the Scoundrel
  887. Shattered Empire 2 places the events of Operation: Cinder on Naboo twenty days after the Battle of Endor. Shattered Empire 3 depicts this raid as taking place concurrently, so the date can be extrapolated from the second issue.
  888. Shattered Empire 3
  889. Shattered Empire 4 states that the mission to Vetine occurred three months after the Battle of Endor, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 4 ABY. Additionally, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that the New Republic was officially founded from the Rebel Alliance one year after the Battle of Endor, and twenty-nine years before the Starkiller Incident, which Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY, thereby placing the formation of the New Republic from the Rebel Alliance in 5 ABY. Since the Alliance participated in the mission to Vetine in Shattered Empire 4, the time of 3 months after the Battle of Endor must have also taken place in 4 ABY.
  890. 891.0 891.1 891.2 Shattered Empire 4
  891. 892.0 892.1 892.2 892.3 892.4 892.5 Victory's Price
  892. 893.0 893.1 893.2 893.3 Alphabet Squadron
  893. 894.0 894.1 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: Expanded Edition
  894. 895.0 895.1 Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary provides this information, and dates the Jedi training of Leia Organa as between her wedding with Han Solo and the birth of Ben Solo, with both having occurred thirty years before the Starkiller Incident, which is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As such, Organa's training must have taken place in 4 ABY, and specifically in between her wedding and the birth of Ben Solo. Moreover, Aftermath alludes to Organa not having been trained in the ways of the Force, thus the chronological placement of Organa's training as after the events of Aftermath.
  895. 896.0 896.1 Star Wars: Uprising
  896. SWInsider "Blade Squadron: Zero Hour" — Star Wars Insider 160
  897. StarWars-DatabankII The Overseer in the Databank (backup link)
  898. 899.0 899.1 Shadow Fall
  899. 900.0 900.1 900.2 StarWars-DatabankII the Starhawk in the Databank (backup link)
  900. 901.0 901.1 EAFavicon-Logo STAR WARS™: Squadrons Maps and Locations on Electronic Arts' official website (June 19, 2020) (backup link)
  901. Star Wars: Galactic Atlas says Shara Bey and Kes Dameron moved to Yavin 4 in 5 ABY. Before the Awakening dates the move to 6 months after the Battle of Endor.
  902. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that the New Republic was officially founded from the Rebel Alliance one year after the Battle of Endor, and twenty-nine years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY, thereby placing the formation of the New Republic from the Rebel Alliance in 5 ABY.
  903. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Shadow Fall to 5 ABY.
  904. 905.0 905.1 905.2 905.3 905.4 905.5 905.6 905.7 905.8 Aftermath: Empire's End
  905. 906.0 906.1 906.2 906.3 906.4 906.5 Phasma
  906. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Luke Skywalker began searching for lost lore of the Force twenty-nine years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, Skywalker began his search in 5 ABY.
  907. 908.0 908.1 908.2 908.3 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Recruit"
  908. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Rose Tico was twenty-four years old one year after the Starkiller Incident. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Incident to 34 ABY, Tico was born in 11 ABY. Since The Last Jedi: Bomber Command states that Paige Tico was five years older than Rose, the former could be calculated to have been born in 6 ABY.
  909. 910.0 910.1 The Last Jedi: Cobalt Squadron
  910. 911.0 911.1 911.2 Poe Dameron 8
  911. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Phasma to 34 ABY. Phasma takes place a few weeks before the beginning of Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire, which begins during the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. "Resistance Revisited" – Star Wars Insider 190 establishes that the events of Star Wars Resistance Season One take place thirty years after the Battle of Endor, which corresponds to 34 ABY according to Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, and Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary places the beginning of Star Wars Resistance half a year prior to Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens. Therefore, the year 34 ABY begins at least half a year prior to Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, and since a few weeks is shorter than half a year, Phasma must be set between "The Recruit" and Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, thereby placing it in 34 ABY. Phasma establishes that Phasma is the same age as Siv, who in a chapter set twelve years before the present day events, is stated to be sixteen. Therefore, Siv and Phasma were both born on Parnassos in 6 ABY.
  912. Poe Dameron: Flight Log
  913. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" and "Chapter 16: The Rescue" to 9 ABY. The events of Chapters 1–16 must therefore also take place in 9 ABY, and the events of Chapters 17–24 must take place around that year as well.
  914. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian"
  915. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 3: The Sin"
  916. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 4: Sanctuary"
  917. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 6: The Prisoner"
  918. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 10: The Passenger"
  919. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 11: The Heiress"
  920. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 12: The Siege"
  921. 922.0 922.1 922.2 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 13: The Jedi"
  922. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 14: The Tragedy"
  923. The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 15: The Believer"
  924. 925.0 925.1 925.2 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 16: The Rescue"
  925. 926.0 926.1 926.2 926.3 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 22: Guns for Hire"
  926. The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 6: From the Desert Comes a Stranger"
  927. 928.0 928.1 The Book of Boba Fett logo The Book of Boba Fett — "Chapter 7: In the Name of Honor"
  928. 929.0 929.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 19: The Convert"
  929. 930.0 930.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 23: The Spies"
  930. 931.0 931.1 The-Mandalorian-logo The Mandalorian — "Chapter 21: The Pirate"
  931. AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Seven: Dreams and Madness"
  932. 933.0 933.1 933.2 933.3 AhsokaS1 Logo Ahsoka — "Part Eight: The Jedi, the Witch, and the Warlord"
  933. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary gives CS-9147's age during the events of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker as twenty-five years old. Since the events of The Rise of Skywalker are dated to 35 ABY by The Star Wars Book, CS-9147 must have been born in 10 ABY.
  934. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary gives HF-3311's age during the events of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker as twenty-five years old. Since the events of The Rise of Skywalker take place 35 ABY per the reasoning here, HF-3311 must have been born in 10 ABY.
  935. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Rose Tico was 24 years old one year after the Starkiller Incident. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Incident to 34 ABY, Tico was born in 11 ABY.
  936. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, ST-I4191 was 22 years old one year after the Hosnian Cataclysm. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Cataclysm to 34 ABY, ST-I4191 was born in 13 ABY.
  937. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Kaydel Ko Connix was 22 years old one year after the Hosnian Cataclysm. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Cataclysm to 34 ABY, Connix was born in 13 ABY.
  938. Star Wars Is BACK…. On TV with Star Wars Resistance! on Jedinews.co.uk (archived from the original on August 29, 2019)
  939. Star Wars: The Force Awakens: The Visual Dictionary states that Finn is 23 years old during the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which are dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Therefore, Finn was born in 11 ABY. Since Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Finn was abducted from his family at the age of three by the First Order, he must have been abducted in 14 ABY.
  940. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates restoration of the Jedi Order to 19 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 15 ABY.
  941. A Crash of Fate takes place after the Hosnian Cataclysm, which is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As the novel takes place on the day before and day of Izal Garsea's eighteenth birthday, it can be deduced that she was born around 16 ABY.
  942. A Crash of Fate
  943. StarWars-DatabankII Torra Doza in the Databank (backup link)
  944. 945.0 945.1 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Rendezvous Point"
  945. Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire begins concurrent with the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, then jumps four months ahead to the Resistance establishing its presence on Batuu, and concludes with an epilogue set several weeks later, when the First Order occupies the planet and the Battle of Batuu begins. As Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The Force Awakens and the Battle of Batuu to 34 ABY, everything within Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and any related tie-in media depicting the Battle of Batuu, or set between The Force Awakens and the battle, must also occur in 34 ABY. Jac Lodain was sixteen years old in A Crash of Fate, thus placing his birth in 18 ABY.
  946. 947.0 947.1 947.2 947.3 Resistance Reborn
  947. Skywalker: A Family at War states that the mission to Elphrona took place the year Ben Solo turned fourteen. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary establishes that Solo was born twenty-nine years prior to the Hosnian Cataclysm, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, the mission took place in 19 ABY.
  948. Join the Resistance
  949. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates mission to Pasaana to 13 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 21 ABY.
  950. Phasma takes place a few weeks before the beginning of Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire which begins during the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, which is dated to 34 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. As Egil is killed on Parnassos in a chapter set twelve years before the main story of Phasma, it can be deduced that he was killed around 22 ABY.
  951. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates Poe Dameron leaving the Spice Runners of Kijimi to 11 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 23 ABY.
  952. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Bloodline to 28 BBY. In Bloodline, Greer Sonnel states that she received her bloodburn diagnosis three years prior, and the short story "Scorched" is set when Sonnel is symptomatic but not yet diagnosed; this places "Scorched" in 25 ABY.
  953. Age of Resistance - Rose Tico 1
  954. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Age of Resistance - Rose Tico 1 as taking place from around 26 ABY to 34 ABY.
  955. Star Wars: Scum and Villainy: Case Files on the Galaxy's Most Notorious establishes that the New Republic issued a wanted poster for Rinnrivin Di in the year 8004 C.R.C.. Because Scum and Villainy also states that the escape from Cloud City took place in 7980 C.R.C., and Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates that event to 3 ABY, 8004 C.R.C. converts to 27 ABY.
  956. According to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary, Temmin Wexley joined the New Republic Defense Fleet 7 years before the Starkiller Incident. Since Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Incident to 34 ABY, Temmin Wexley must have joined the New Republic Defense Fleet in 27 ABY.
  957. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates Poe Dameron entering the New Republic Academy to 7 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 27 ABY.
  958. Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of Bloodline to 28 ABY.
  959. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary dates formation of the Resistance to 5 years before the the Hosnian Cataclysm. As Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the the Hosnian Cataclysm to 34 ABY, the event must have taken place in 29 ABY.
  960. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that the Jedi Temple of Luke Skywalker was destroyed six years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, the destruction must have taken place in 28 ABY.
  961. The Rise of Kylo Ren 1
  962. 963.0 963.1 The Rise of Kylo Ren 4
  963. The Rise of Kylo Ren 3
  964. 965.0 965.1 965.2 965.3 965.4 965.5 965.6 965.7 965.8 965.9 Star Wars: Episode VIII The Last Jedi
  965. 966.0 966.1 966.2 966.3 966.4 Happenings stated to have occurred five years before the Starkiller Incident in Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary must have occurred in 29 ABY. This is as Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates the Incident to 34 ABY.
  966. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that BB-8 was assigned to Poe Dameron four years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, BB-8 was assigned to Dameron in 30 ABY.
  967. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary establishes Brendol Hux's killing as having occurred four years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Hence, Hux died in 30 ABY.
  968. "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku"
  969. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that BB-8 and Poe Dameron joined the Resistance three years prior to the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. Therefore, BB-8 and Dameron joined the Resistance in 31 ABY.
  970. "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon" takes place after the events of "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku," as Kix is indirectly mentioned, but before Life Day 1, which Star Wars: Timelines dates to c. 31 ABY. "The Crimson Corsair and the Lost Treasure of Count Dooku" refers to the prologue as taking place 50 years prior to the main story. The prologue takes place in between "The Wrong Jedi" and Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith, both of which are placed in 19 ABY by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas. Therefore the prologue takes place in 19 BBY, and the main story takes place around 31 ABY. Therefore, "Flight of the Falcon, Part 5: Grand Theft Falcon" also takes place around 31 ABY.
  971. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: The Visual Dictionary states that Poe Dameron began leading Black Squadron on missions two years before the Starkiller Incident, which Star Wars: Galactic Atlas dates to 34 ABY. The mission to Ovanis was the first mission that Black Squadron undertook as stated in Poe Dameron 1. Therefore, the mission must have occurred in 32 ABY.
  972. 973.0 973.1 Star Wars Special: C-3PO 1
  973. Poe Dameron 1
  974. Poe Dameron 4
  975. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Better the Devil You Know, Part II" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 2
  976. Poe Dameron 7
  977. Poe Dameron 11
  978. Poe Dameron 14
  979. Poe Dameron 15
  980. Poe Dameron 17
  981. Poe Dameron 21
  982. Poe Dameron 25
  983. The Last Jedi: Bomber Command
  984. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Triple Dark"
  985. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The High Tower"
  986. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Children from Tehar"
  987. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Synara's Score"
  988. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Platform Classic"
  989. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Secrets and Holograms"
  990. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Station Theta Black"
  991. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "All Aces Battle Royale" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 16
  992. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Bibo"
  993. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Dangerous Business"
  994. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Doza Dilemma"
  995. 996.0 996.1 996.2 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The First Order Occupation"
  996. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Core Problem"
  997. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Disappeared"
  998. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Descent"
  999. 1000.0 1000.1 1000.2 1000.3 1000.4 1000.5 1000.6 Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens
  1000. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "No Escape: Part 2"
  1001. Captain Phasma 1
  1002. 1003.0 1003.1 Poe Dameron 29
  1003. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "A Quick Salvage Run"
  1004. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Hunt on Celsor 3"
  1005. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Engineer"
  1006. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "From Beneath"
  1007. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Relic Raiders"
  1008. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Voxx Vortex 5000"
  1009. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Kaz's Curse"
  1010. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Station to Station"
  1011. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Missing Agent"
  1012. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Mutiny"
  1013. 1014.0 1014.1 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The New World"
  1014. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "No Place Safe"
  1015. SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "Rebuilding the Resistance"
  1016. 1017.0 1017.1 SWResistanceLogo Star Wars Resistance — "The Escape"
  1017. Poe Dameron 30
  1018. 1019.0 1019.1 1019.2 1019.3 Allegiance 1
  1019. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Ghosts of Kashyyyk, Part 1" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 27
  1020. Choose Your Destiny: A Finn & Poe Adventure
  1021. Spark of the Resistance
  1022. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "Secret Agent Droids, Part 1" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 27
  1023. IDWStarWarsAdventuresLogoSmaller "The Battle for Horizon Base" — Star Wars Adventures (2017) 32
  1024. Hyperspace Stories 3
  1025. Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge: The Official Black Spire Outpost Cookbook
  1026. 1027.0 1027.1 1027.2 1027.3 Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire begins concurrent with the events of Star Wars: Episode VII The Force Awakens, then jumps four months ahead to the Resistance establishing its presence on Batuu, and concludes with an epilogue set several weeks later, when the First Order occupies the planet and the Battle of Batuu begins. As Star Wars: Timelines dates the events of The Force Awakens and the Battle of Batuu to 34 ABY, everything within Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge and any related tie-in media depicting the Battle of Batuu, or set between The Force Awakens and the battle, must also occur in 34 ABY.
  1027. 1028.0 1028.1 Galaxy's Edge: Black Spire
  1028. Galaxy's Edge 1
  1029. GalaxysEdgeLogo icon Star Wars: Galaxy's EdgeBlack Spire Outpost
  1030. 1031.0 1031.1 Star Wars (2020) 25
  1031. 1032.00 1032.01 1032.02 1032.03 1032.04 1032.05 1032.06 1032.07 1032.08 1032.09 1032.10 1032.11 1032.12 1032.13 1032.14 1032.15 1032.16 1032.17 Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker
  1032. The events of Star Wars: Episode IX The Rise of Skywalker are dated to 35 ABY by The Star Wars Book.
  1033. StarWars-DatabankII The Force in the Databank (backup link)
  1034. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker: A Junior Novel
  1035. StarWars SWCE 2023: Three New Star Wars Movies Announced on StarWars.com (backup link)
  1036. Star Wars: Galaxy of Heroes
  1037. Star Wars: Alien Archive
  1038. "The Whills Strike Back" — From a Certain Point of View: The Empire Strikes Back
  1039. 1040.0 1040.1 StarWars SWCE 2023: Three New Star Wars Movies Announced on StarWars.com (backup link)
  1040. StarWars The Legendary Star Wars Expanded Universe Turns a New Page on StarWars.com (backup link)
  1041. StarWars Star Wars Eras on StarWars.com (backup link)
Years in the BBY/ABY dating system
Pre-Republic period 100,000 BBY · 57,000 BBY · 29,996 BBY · 27,000 BBY · 26,000 BBY
Dawn of the Jedi era 25,025 BBY · 25,020 BBY
Old Republic-era/Expansionist Period 25,000 BBY · 22,000 BBY · 20,019 BBY · 20,000 BBY
15,000 BBY · 12,000 BBY · 9991 BBY
Fall of the Old Republic
(Middle Era of the Old Republic)
7977 BBY · 6000 BBY · 5500 BBY · 5100 BBY
5019 BBY · 5000 BBY · 4300 BBY · 4000 BBY
3966 BBY · 3705 BBY · 3700 BBY · 3450 BBY
3277 BBY · 2500 BBY · 2320 BBY · 2200 BBY
2000 BBY · 1300 BBY · 1100 BBY · 1050 BBY
1032 BBY
Republic Era 1032 BBY · 1014 BBY · 1000 BBY · 982 BBY
973 BBY · 972 BBY · 965 BBY · 900 BBY
896 BBY · 867 BBY · 832 BBY · 800 BBY
797 BBY · 620 BBY · 600 BBY · 582 BBY
532 BBY · 522 BBY · 511 BBY · 509 BBY · 500 BBY

High Republic Era
500 BBY · 437 BBY · 431 BBY · 430 BBY · 428 BBY
422 BBY · 412 BBY · 407 BBY · 402 BBY · 400 BBY
399 BBY · 397 BBY · 396 BBY · 394 BBY · 392 BBY
387 BBY · 385 BBY · 383 BBY · 382 BBY · 381 BBY
380 BBY · 379 BBY · 350 BBY · 339 BBY · 332 BBY
319 BBY · 318 BBY · 300 BBY · 285 BBY · 272 BBY
270 BBY · 265 BBY · 262 BBY · 257 BBY
255 BBY · 253 BBY · 252 BBY · 251 BBY
250 BBY · 249 BBY · 248 BBY · 247 BBY
246 BBY · 245 BBY · 244 BBY · 243 BBY
242 BBY · 241 BBY · 240 BBY · 238 BBY
237 BBY · 236 BBY · 235 BBY · 234 BBY
233 BBY · 232 BBY · 231 BBY · 230 BBY
229 BBY · 228 BBY · 217 BBY · 205 BBY
201 BBY · 200 BBY · 161 BBY · 150 BBY
146 BBY · 132 BBY · 131 BBY · 118 BBY
104 BBY · 102 BBY · 101 BBY · 100 BBY

Fall of the Republic
100 BBY · 99 BBY · 93 BBY · 92 BBY · 90 BBY · 88 BBY
87 BBY · 86 BBY · 85 BBY · 84 BBY · 82 BBY · 81 BBY
80 BBY · 76 BBY · 72 BBY · 70 BBY · 69 BBY
68 BBY · 66 BBY · 65 BBY · 64 BBY · 62 BBY
60 BBY · 58 BBY · 57 BBY · 56 BBY · 55 BBY · 54 BBY
53 BBY · 52 BBY · 51 BBY · 50 BBY · 49 BBY
48 BBY · 47 BBY · 46 BBY · 45 BBY · 44 BBY
43 BBY · 42 BBY · 41 BBY · 40 BBY · 39 BBY
38 BBY · 37 BBY · 36 BBY · 35 BBY · 34 BBY
33 BBY · 32 BBY · 31 BBY · 30 BBY · 29 BBY
28 BBY · 27 BBY · 26 BBY · 25 BBY · 24 BBY
23 BBY · 22 BBY · 21 BBY · 20 BBY · 19 BBY
Imperial Era 19 BBY · 18 BBY · 17 BBY · 16 BBY · 15 BBY · 14 BBY
13 BBY · 12 BBY · 11 BBY · 10 BBY · 9 BBY · 8 BBY · 7 BBY
6 BBY · 5 BBY · 4 BBY · 3 BBY · 2 BBY · 1 BBY

Age of Rebellion
0 BBY/0 ABY · 1 ABY · 2 ABY · 3 ABY · 4 ABY

Fall of the Empire
4 ABY · 5 ABY
New Republic Era 5 ABY · 6 ABY · 7 ABY · 8 ABY · 9 ABY
10 ABY · 11 ABY · 12 ABY · 13 ABY · 14 ABY
15 ABY · 16 ABY · 17 ABY · 18 ABY · 19 ABY
20 ABY · 21 ABY · 22 ABY · 23 ABY · 24 ABY
25 ABY · 26 ABY · 27 ABY · 28 ABY
Rise of the First Order
29 ABY · 30 ABY · 31 ABY · 32 ABY · 33 ABY · 34 ABY · 35 ABY
New Jedi Order Era 50 ABY
See also: Timeline of galactic history