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Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 
This article is about the musical instrument. You may be looking for "Flutie," a derisive term for the Ssi-ruuk.
Noa plays the flute

Noa Briqualon playing the flute in his cottage

"It's made for stabbing. Bleeds someone out very efficiently."
"Why have a flute that's a weapon?"
"Maybe we just don't like music critics."
Wad'e Tay'haai and Bardan Jusik, discussing a Mandalorian bes'bev flute[1]

The flute was a musical instrument of the woodwind family.

Unlike other woodwind instruments, a flute produced its sound from the flow of air against an edge, instead of using a reed. A musician who played the flute was generally referred to as a flutist.

Flute tones were sweet in character and blended well with other instruments. The flute's pitch, and various aspects of its timbre were flexible, allowing a very high degree of instantaneous expressive control.

A bes'bev was a traditional Mandalorian flute forged of beskar iron.[2] The veteran Mandalorian soldier Wad'e Tay'haai owned an ancient bes'bev, painted the same dark violet color as the plates of his Mandalorian armor,[1] which he carried on his belt.[2] Tay'haai was a skilled bes'bev player, and knew how to play a number of songs including Vode An. In 19 BBY, at the home of his former Cuy'val Dar contemporary Kal Skirata, Tay'haai played for the Skirata clan, and encouraged Skirata's adopted son Bardan Jusik to give his bes'bev a try.[1]

During the Galactic Civil War, a group of Rebels, accompanied by an Ewok, attempted to pass themselves off as stormtroopers. Since the Ewok could not fit into a suit of stormtrooper armor, the little alien was encased in an R2-series astromech droid exterior. The Ewok then used a flute to mimic the sounds of an R2-unit.[3]

The Ewok Latara was a flutist.



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