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"Thank you, Commander Kungurama, for delivering us to Foless… and for protecting the children from harm. You are truly kind."
Kuvuta Pindi, to Nuru Kungurama[3]

Foless was a planet located in the Southern Core portion[2] of the Colonies.[1] It was situated on the periphery of the Trailing Sectors portion of the Inner Rim.[2]

Foless sat at the intersection of the Corellian Trade Spine and Shipwrights' Trace hyperlanes,[5] known as the Foless Crossroads.[4][7]


Situated at the intersection of the Corellian Trade Spine and the Shipwrights' Trace, Foless was a large trading center.[5] It was the site of the Foless Spaceport,[3] a massive stellar-class starport.[5]

The planet featured an endless panorama of mountains and forests teeming with ferocious predators.[5]

By 25 ABY, Foless boasted a population of 10 billion to 100 billion sentients.[2]


Foless was explored sometime between 20,000 BBY and 15,000 BBY.[2]

During the Jedi Civil War, the planet was the site of a battle won by the Galactic Republic.[2]

During the Clone Wars, Foless was located in the Corellian Oversector, an oversector protected by the Galactic Republic's Second Army.[6]

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Behind the scenes[]

The appendix to The Essential Atlas and the Online Companion both placed the Foless system in the Colonies region.[2][1] However, the Foless system was shown to be in the Inner Rim region on the maps of The Essential Atlas.[2] This error was repeated in The Essential Guide to Warfare,[6] and also in Fantasy Flight Games's core rulebooks for the Star Wars Roleplaying series.[8][9][5]



Notes and references[]
