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The Rod of Seasons

"The galaxy is full relics and artifacts, of the dark side and the light."
―Luke Skywalker[1]

A Force artifact was an object either imbued or directly related to the Force in some way. There where many different types of artifact, including dark side artifacts, Sith artifacts, and Jedi artifacts.


"The Jedi elders have identified three main kinds of Force artifacts. There are artifacts that contain memories or even past personalities of past Force users. There are artifacts that enhance a Jedi's ability to use the Force. And then there are artifacts that hinder or confound that ability—Force dampeners, if you will."
Reath Silas[2]

Force artifacts where items that where imbued or infused with the Force. By the time of the High Republic Era, the Jedi elders had identified three types of Force artifact. The first type were artifacts that contained certain memories and personalities of past Force users, and were known as Force containers. Then, there were artifacts that enhanced a Force wielder's ability to use the Force. Finally, there were artifacts that could hinder or restrict the powers of a Force user known as Force dampeners.[2]


In 382 BBY,[3] the Force cult the Path of the Open Hand was collecting Force artifacts to nominally prevent their "misuse".[4] In 230 BBY,[5] four mysterious idols recovered from an Amaxine space station were believed to be Force containers. After the protective sheath in the Force around them had been removed by the Jedi Cohmac Vitus and Orla Jareni, it was discovered that they were instead Force dampeners, used to contain an evil on board of the station. This evil took the form of the Drengir, a sentient plant species that was closely attuned with the Dark side of the Force. They were later returned there, before being destroyed shortly thereafter to resolve the chaotic situation taking place onboard, with the Jedi setting the Drengir free so they could attack the Nihil.[6]

During the New Republic Era, the Jedi Master Luke Skywalker and Lor San Tekka of the Church of the Force went on a series of adventures to acquire artifacts and relics with ties to the Force. They recovered a variety of Force artifacts, including books, tomes, papers, data cards, ritual items, sigils and symbols of power, and technology, including multiple lightsabers.[1]



Notes and references[]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Shadow of the Sith
  2. 2.0 2.1 The High Republic: Into the Dark
  3. StarWars Star Wars: The High Republic Chronological Reader's Guide on StarWars.com (article) (content now obsolete; backup link) establishes that Phase II media of Star Wars: The High Republic chronologically begins with the novel The High Republic: Quest for the Hidden City. As Star Wars: The High Republic Character Encyclopedia dates the events of Quest for the Hidden City and the end of Phase II to 382 BBY, Phase II titles of The High Republic must be set in that year.
  4. The High Republic: Path of Deceit
  5. Star Wars: Timelines
  6. The High Republic: Into the Dark
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