Vodo-Siosk Baas uses a Force-imbued walking stick to duel Exar Kun
- "Through the Force I can make my simple staff more powerful than any lightsaber."
- ―Vodo-Siosk Baas
Force Weapon was a Force ability that allowed the user to imbue an unpowered weapon with the Force for a period of time. By channeling energy into the weapon, it allowed the wielder to strike and do more damage than the weapon's simple appearance would suggest. As a useful side effect, a Force-imbued weapon could be used to block lightsabers without damaging the weapon.
The ancient Jedi of Tython were perhaps the first to develop the ability, with their Jedi Forge ceremony, However, the unique process they used meant that their katanas were permanently force imbued.
Most of the users of this power were those outside the Jedi Order, many from cultures and Force traditions that were considered quite primitive, such as the Zeison Sha, who used this power to augment their discblades, though there were some exceptions. Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas used this power in his duel against Exar Kun, using his humble walking stick to counter Kun's lightsaber skills.
The Force-sensitive natives of Felucia were also known to employ such an ability, infusing their jawbone swords with the Force to increase their cutting power and allow them to block lightsabers.
Darth Vader and Starkiller were able to imbue and charge their lightsabers with the Force. In Starkiller's case, his lightsaber emitted Force lightning or Force Push, granting him attack capabilities that opponents were rarely able to predict, much less counter.
Behind the scenes[]
It is also possible that Kreia might have used this power during her adventures with Meetra Surik. In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords, whenever Kreia uses a two-handed wield there is a purple glow from the severed hand.
- Tales of the Jedi – Dark Lords of the Sith 1
- Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 2
- Tales of the Jedi – The Sith War 3
- Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic II: The Sith Lords
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Onslaught
- Jedi vs. Sith 1
- Jedi vs. Sith 2
"Nameless" — Star Wars Tales 10
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- ° Star Wars: Dark Empire (First appearance)
- ° Star Wars: Dark Empire II
- ° Star Wars: Empire's End