

Click here for Wookieepedia's article on the Canon version of this subject.  This article covers the Legends version of this subject. 

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"We've finally managed to fight off the remaining Sand People from Fort Tusken. As the last one fell, I was overwhelmed with profound pride as the fortress had at last been recovered from the hands of the foul murderers who have soiled its halls for so long. I look forward to sending word to... what's this... another wave of Tusken Raiders has appeared! They seem to fight with renewed vigor and have reinforced their numbers with much more powerful warriors this time. Perhaps my thoughts of victory are far too premature..."
―From a personal voice recorder found in a Jawa junk sale

Fort Tusken was a settlement on Tatooine that was founded 100 BBY. It was situated on the northern edge of the Jundland Wastes near the Tusken March. It was named after an island on Bestine IV.


The fort was abandoned in 95 BBY, after three years of attacks by the Sand people. This incident resulted in the term "Tusken Raiders," which thereafter was used synonymously with Sand people.

Fort Tusken was briefly resettled by mercenaries and moisture farmers during the height of the Galactic Civil War, but a union of different clans of Tusken Raiders were able to recapture the fort. At some point during the war, some spacer artists briefly visited the ruins of Fort Tusken in order to paint up a panorama of the area across Tatooine, guided by various columns near certain landmarks.[1]


The fort itself consisted of four main buildings, and plenty of balaconies which offered exceptional defensive positions. Beneath the fort, there were caves which lead directly into the complex. These caves were filled with Tusken Raiders, who were vehemently defending a small pond of water beneath the ground.



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