

Forums > Consensus track > CT:Tab system

With the recent announcement regarding canon within the Star Wars universe, the entire Expanded Universe has been relegated to the status of "Legends." As we currently understand the situation, the new canon consists only of the six films, Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars Rebels, and any future material published from this point forward. As far as we know, this includes the StarWars.com Encyclopedia, though there are some exceptions like Star Wars: Rebel Heist, other ongoing comics, and the Warfare Author's Cut.

As is clearly evident by the ongoing CT, Wookieepedia is against the idea of splitting the wiki, and thus Wookieepedia will continue to cover both Legends and new canon material. In order to achieve this, we have developed a system of tab templates and subpages that will separate Legends material from the new canon. This CT is composed of several votes, each of which addresses part of this proposed system.

Vote 1: Tab system

Vote 2: Banners

Vote 3: Default page

With the tab system, one of the continuities will be relegated to a subpage. This vote is to determine which continuity will occupy the primary name (i.e. Yoda) and which will occupy a subpage (i.e. Yoda/Legends or Yoda/Canon).

Either way, the following will be added to the Manual of Style's section on naming articles: (note that the stuff in italics will be decided by this vote)

If a topic exists within both the Legends continuity and the official Star Wars canon, the "Legends/Canon" material should be covered by an article at the topic's title, while the "Canon/Legends" material should be covered at a subpage entitled "Canon/Legends".

Please take into account the following factors:

  • Choosing "Canon" as the default page will necessitate the moving of the majority of the TCW and film pages.
  • These Canon pages won't all be created right away; we can't move the pages and then wait for people to fill in the canon pages. Better to create the canon pages as subpages.
  • The sheer amount of content on our Legends pages will be far superior to the small Canon pages, at least for a while after this process.
  • At a later date, when the site's coverage of canon subjects is to an extent where they can be showcased, we can reverse the decision and move Legends material to subpages.

Legends as default

  1. Cade StupidRepublicEmblem-Traced-TORkit Calrayn 00:06, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  2. Clone Commander Lee Talk 00:08, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  3. IFYLOFD (Enter the Floydome) 00:09, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  4. -- Darth Culator (Talk) 00:14, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  5. Winterz (talk) 00:25, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  6. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 00:45, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  7. Sure. Corellian PremierJedi symbolThe Force will be with you always 01:29, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  8. Support with emphasis on that last bullet point. As much as I despise the new canon system, I think there will come a time when we will need to accept it as the proper "true" canon.—Cal JediInfinite Empire (Personal Comm Channel) 02:16, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  9. "Please take into account the following factor: Choosing 'Canon' as the default page would suck. So hard." --R5-X41238-G8-R3-3124-D2 (talk) 02:28, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  10. This is the most logical choice. Supreme Emperor (talk) 03:00, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  11. But only until we actually start getting information on "New Canon" stuff. Once that starts happening, I'm all for a rebrand. It's too bad we can't make it a user-preference thing. JorrelWiki-shrinkableFraajic 03:05, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  12. Per Cal.--Exiled Jedi Oldrepublic crest (Greetings) 03:48, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  13. Only until there is enough canon material to make a decent article.--Dionne Jinn (Something to say?) 04:30, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  14. Adamwankenobi (talk) 05:29, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  15. In response to Menkooroo: So, basically, for the next five years you want all our articles to default to pages that have no content, not because we're too lazy to add it, but because that content simply doesn't exist because there hasn't been enough information released to write long detailed articles on? I'm not seeing how that's constructive or professional at all. MasterFredCommerce Guild(Whatever) 08:25, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
    • Well, no. The claim that the pages will have "no content" isn't an accurate one at all. Seven films and six seasons of a TV show are already in the bag for the new canon, and new material is coming out as early as September. Where's this "five years" figure coming from? I believe that the professional thing to do is to keep canon information as default rather than non-canon info, as AlexRD says below. IMO, the length of the articles is immaterial. Menkooroo (talk) 13:05, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  16. As per many above where this is temporary. Ayrehead02 (talk) 09:34, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  17. For now. It will take a long time until the Canon versions have gained some actual content, but until then, I think it's the best approach to feature the Legends versions. 1358 (Talk) 11:30, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  18. How about forever? :D I'll support putting new-canon first tab-wise when we actually have some new-canon info..... 501st dogma(talk) 12:28, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  19. I wholeheartedly support any rule that officially justifies hiding the new canon as far back as possible. We might tolerate the new canon, but that doesn't mean we have to put it on a shiny pedestal. Too bad it's only a temporary measure. QuiGonJinn Senate seal(Talk) 14:54, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  20. CC7567 (talk) 14:59, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  21. Richterbelmont10 (come in R2!) 15:34, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  22. We don't really have much of a choice. "New canon" is just too small at this point. Once we start getting more "new canon" information, we should shift our default to the that. However bitter that pill will be. -- SFH (talk) 16:08, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  23. Lord Dreist (talk) 17:00, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
    Coruscantfan (Talk) 18:17, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  24. Trip391 (talk) 05:57, May 4, 2014 (UTC)
    Only with the understanding that this is temporary, and the community will bust ass work hard to get the canon pages presentable in time for making canon the default page by the time Episode VII is released, because by then the general public is going to be most interested by far in the canon pages, and that's what we should be showing them.
    Master JonathanJedi symbolCouncil Chambers
    06:25 UTC SunMay 4, 2014
  25. Per Master Jonathan. Perhaps a date could be set to revisit this in a year or so? —Silly Dan (talk) 17:19, May 4, 2014 (UTC)
  26. JangFett (Talk) 03:24, May 5, 2014 (UTC)
  27. Jinzler (talk) 12:20, May 5, 2014 (UTC)
  28. Was gonna vote the other way but the last bullet changed my mind. Commander Code-8 Felicitations malefactors! 06:46, May 6, 2014 (UTC)
  29. Because I want to see this happen. --Darth Nospher (talk) 07:23, May 10, 2014 (UTC)
    Allowing the New Canon to occupied that space will give people who are unfamiliar to the site the impression that our information is lacking, and start willing the NC page with Legends content. --User:AV-6R7 16:38 , May 10, 2014 (Vote struck per policy: See fourth bullet point of "Additional provisions" in Wookieepedia:Single-issue voters -- Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 22:48, May 10, 2014 (UTC))

New Canon as default

  1. This is our responsibility as the largest and most professional SW wiki. Starwars.com links to us, SW authors come to us to double-check canon information all the time, and thousands of people browse our content. We as a community may prefer Legends content, but our wiki is for everyone, not just for us. IMO, it's better to do this now than to put it off to an unspecified later date. Given some of the comments I saw in the IRC channel, I don't have a lot of faith that that later date will ever come. Menkooroo (talk) 02:30, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
    • I was told that there will be an option to set your own default tab as a personal preference. Couldn't these SW authors (and others) just do that if they wanted to?--Richterbelmont10 (come in R2!) 15:37, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  2. Per Menkooroo. Lucasfilm made the decision. To keep non-canon information (because that's what it is) as default seems to go against the very purpose of Wookieepedia, and is a misleading and selfish attitude towards many readers. Besides, it's only delaying the inevitable. Alexrd (talk) 10:58, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  3. Our first, best destiny is to document for our readers the canon of the Star Wars universe. Even in a world where suddenly we find ourselves with a wealth of non-canon info and a dearth of strictly canon info, our mandate hasn't changed. jSarek (talk) 20:49, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  4. --The-Boy 15:59, May 4, 2014 (UTC)
  5. Doing it sooner rather than later holds three purposes: 1. To give us, as a community, a kick in the rear to get started on the new canon pages. Leaving it hidden as above will only facilitate the procrastination of page creations. I know I'm not keen to be involved in a Boba Fett article where he dies on tatooine. Having it front and center is a constant "fix me" reminder. 2. Saves us going through and changing it all over again in the future. Isn't moving A -> B better than moving A -> B then switching A and B at a later date? 3. As Menk said, and as several others insist on the other votes, our job is to document, not make decisions on what is or is not or might be. At the least, some of us think the situation is an annoyance. Many of us obsolutely despise what is happening. But despite our opinion, what is canon may not be what we want it to be, and we owe it to the community in general, especially those who don't contribute, to place what is canon at the convenience of that community. Manoof (talk) 01:47, May 5, 2014 (UTC)
  6. I prefer Legends material as much as anyone else, but I think Canon needs to be the default. While we transition and wait for more Canon material, I think a template at the top of all Canon articles that have Legends sources should encourage visiting the Legends tabs. Something like "Due to the new Canon guidelines laid out by the Lucasfilm Story Group, this article is undergoing renovation. For additional reading, see the Legends tab." Tainb'ocu'chulainn (talk) 13:52, May 5, 2014 (UTC)
  7. Yes, we would hate to see our Legends content shoved to the back because that is what Wookieepedia has been about. It looks bad right now because of the giant offset that exists between canon and Legends. However, given the release of new films and novels, we should use this as an opportunity to be ahead of the game when new material comes out. With A New Dawn, we can see what will be referenced and re-canonized. That number of re-canonized articles will grow, albeit it may be small compared to the remainder of articles on our 110,000 article wiki that cover EU material. When the sequels release, people will come to Wookieepedia to read about those articles, which should be showcased. Now If we lived in a perfect world, everything would be accessible in one space, but that would err the flow of our articles per this new system. We have no control over that if we wish to remain cohesive. We can use the tabs. To have the tabs gives the reader a choice of reference. Yes, I said reader. I know there are many people that would rather want the baseline information and not the 20 pages of details on Palpatine's life as expounded in Legends sources, and for the most part the "Canon" tab would be what they needed. For our purposes and that of authors and artists, we can go to the Legends tab whenever for the nitty gritty, but for browsers, non-logged in users, and general reference, the first thing they see should be what is established in the films. This is our true audience, at a number far greater than any of us editors or niche users. I know this is in stark contrast with my usual hyperinclusionism stance, though we aren't really losing anything; it's just being reshuffled. -- Riffsyphon1024 15:31, May 5, 2014 (UTC)
  8. Odds are, new comers will be looking for what is currently canon as the new material begins to be published. As such, Canon should be the default page, more on the behalf of anyone getting into Star Wars, and who would like to see the "New Official Canon" foremost, as it would be more relevant than anything old. Legends is great, and I hate the fact it's Non-Canon, but this I think this is the best way to move forward with the wiki, for whatever that's worth. Mentioned somewhere above: Registered users should be able to choose their default tabs, but guests should probably be forwarded to look at Canon material, as that is most likely what they have come for. --Clonehunter(Report your W.M.D.) 04:02, May 6, 2014 (UTC)
  9. The comments above have convinced me that this is the correct way to go right now. To do otherwise, even in the short term, would go against who we have been for the past nine years. Putting Canon in the forefront now gives us a kick in the rear to get the canon versions up to snuff ASAP, a task that, with them hidden on subpages, would likely fall by the wayside otherwise due to sheer laziness. It is the more professional way to handle this, and it is also our responsibility as the most respected source for Star Wars information on the Internet.
    Master JonathanJedi symbolCouncil Chambers
    04:11 UTC TueMay 6, 2014
  10. We need to capitalize on what has been given too us and what is coming. Not try to hang on to the old ways. Fe Nite (talk) 20:38, May 6, 2014 (UTC)
  11. Per above comments. Coruscantfan (Talk) 01:43, May 8, 2014 (UTC)
    Legends as default is an emotional response. --Imperialles 02:26, May 8, 2014 (UTC) (Vote struck per policy: See fourth bullet point of "Additional provisions" in Wookieepedia:Single-issue voters -- Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 02:34, May 8, 2014 (UTC))
  12. Per the above. Stake black msg 14:22, May 8, 2014 (UTC)
  13. Per MJ, et al. - Esjs(Talk) 23:54, May 8, 2014 (UTC)
    Go with the canon. --Darth R2-D2, Dark Lord of the Droids (talk) 14:52, May 10, 2014 (UTC) (Vote struck per policy: See fourth bullet point of "Additional provisions" in Wookieepedia:Single-issue voters -- Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 18:24, May 10, 2014 (UTC))
  14. Yeah. Kids today don't know what a VCR is. Kids tomorrow won't know what Legends canon is. Us old people gotta deal with the changing world. Get off my lawn. SinisterSamurai (talk) 15:57, May 11, 2014 (UTC)


  • No way that could be made to be a user option somehow is there? Like set in an options page whether you want Legends or Canon pages to load by default, then have Legends load by default for non-logged in users. Probably impossible with MediaWiki, but I really don't know. -- Xell Khaar (talk) 02:54, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
    • Unfortunately, no. We originally looked at a Javascript version of this that would do just that, but that ultimately wasn't working out, so we went with this version. Cade StupidRepublicEmblem-Traced-TORkit Calrayn 16:44, May 3, 2014 (UTC)
  • What about a case-by-case basis? Seems to me that Mara Jade Skywalker should default to Legends, while Luke Skywalker should default to Canon. I guess the way I see it, if a topic has anything in the Canon article, it would default to Canon (which is how I may be voting if this option is not considered viable), but if there "nothing" (or basically nil) for a topic under the Canon heading, then that topic should default to the Legends tab. It won't be the cleanest option, technically, and there may be some subjectiveness to it, but it should give the readers what they are expecting in most cases. - Esjs(Talk) 16:36, May 5, 2014 (UTC)
    • Never mind. I didn't really read the full proposal I guess. - Esjs(Talk) 23:54, May 8, 2014 (UTC)
  • I understand that a lot of people have reservations about making Legends the default page view, but at this time, I really don't think we have much of a choice. "New canon" is just too small make anything meaningful at this time. That said, I don't think that we should be waiting a year to make the change from Legends to "new canon". I imagine we could have the switch ready as early as October, maybe November at the latest. By that point we'll have gotten some more "new canon" and can fill in the articles. -- SFH (talk) 00:07, May 9, 2014 (UTC)
    • Sorry, but I really don't understand that "argument". As was said, 7 movies and 121 episodes of a TV series is not "too small". Besides, since when is "too small" a valid reason to maintain non-canon information visible over canon? And who gets to decide what's enough? Alexrd (talk) 21:04, May 9, 2014 (UTC)
  • I'm not allowed to vote because I'm not a contributor, but as a reader, I would want canon stuff visible by default. Everyone who is able to vote is an active contributor, which seems biased to me since they have a personal attachment to the Legends material that they've worked hard on to write over the years. -- Xell Khaar (talk) 23:39, May 9, 2014 (UTC)

Vote 4: Movie subjects

Vote 5: FA/GA/CA requirements

I just thought of another issue that this split presents: what happens to status articles? Specifically, will the Canon and Legends versions of a topic be considered one article that must be nominated together, or would each version be able to be nominated and earn/maintain status separately? There are a few issues to consider here, namely:

  • How would word count requirements apply to combined nominations? It's quite possible that a Legends page could qualify for FA on word count, but the canon version would only qualify for GA. We would in the future have to determine which versions dictates the word count.
  • What about the large number of movie subjects that already have status? If combined nominations are required, then those that already have status will need massive amounts of work that is not likely to get done on many, leaving mountains of work for the Inq and AC to handle as they strip those articles of status.
  • If combined nominations are required, then a lot more work will be needed to produce an FA, which will lead to a reduction in the number of nominations and therefore a reduction in new FAs. On the other hand, if separate nominations are allowed, then we actually have a reasonable chance to get major characters like Luke and Leia to status now by just nominating the canon versions, and that would look good for the whole site to have such major characters featured on the Main Page.
I am limiting the scope of this vote to purely the question, "Do Canon and Legends versions of a topic have to be nominated for, obtain, and retain status as a combined unit, and will they be treated as separate units that can undergo the nomination process and earn and retain status separately and independently?" Further issues beyond that are dependent on the outcome of this vote, and would therefore be discussed in a separate CT in the future.
Master JonathanJedi symbolCouncil Chambers
04:36 UTC TueMay 6, 2014

Combined unit (both versions are nominated for status together as a single unit)

Independent unit (each version can be nominated for status separately and independently)

  1. The bullet points above pretty much express my concerns with combined nominations. Indeed, combined noms would probably be the point at which I stop maintaining Wedge, since it was never my article to begin with and I'm not willing to put that much work into it when I've already grown weary of maintaining it as is.
    Master JonathanJedi symbolCouncil Chambers
    04:36 UTC TueMay 6, 2014


  • I think we're jumping the gun in having this vote already, and I'd like to request that the Inq have a chance to discuss this first before we rashly just throw this to the whims of a CT. Some Inqs and I have already had preliminary discussions about this, and it's something we're definitely going to bring up at the next Inqmoot, which should be scheduled imminently. But I think it would be better to let us talk about it first. Toprawa and Ralltiir (talk) 04:40, May 6, 2014 (UTC)
    • Exactly. This was going to be kept towards a later CT or individual review group meetings, as are the LG/MOS updates that go along with the tabs. Cade StupidRepublicEmblem-Traced-TORkit Calrayn 04:41, May 6, 2014 (UTC)