This page is an archive of a community-wide discussion. This page is no longer live. Further comments or questions on this topic should be made in a new Knowledge Bank page rather than here so that this page is preserved as a historic record. jSarek 11:43, February 9, 2012 (UTC)
The Jedi mostly use four different crystal colors in their lightsabers: blue, green, yellow and purple. The first three usually indicate in which specialty the Jedi belongs (guardian, consular and sentinel). But what purple stands for? Do these lightsabers have a symbolism, or they exist just because purple such crystals exist as well?--Woka (comms) 18:58, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
- i don't think that is known. Ralphjedimaster 20:24, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
- I'm fairly certain that Jedi are not bound to one color. Personal preference is permitted. OLIOSTER (talk) 20:27, March 27, 2011 (UTC)
- Though those are the traditional meanings, Jedi are not bound by that color. There are numerous colors to choose from, but many are rare or have to be aquired specially. Most Jedi start with a blue or green blade because those are simply the most common. NaruHina Talk 18:58, March 28, 2011 (UTC)
Well, my question is not about why are they used, but if they symbolize something. For example, the yellow lightsabers are almost exclusively used by Jedi Sentinels, who have some differences over other Jedi's. So, I wondered if the lightsaber in purple color is used (or appears to be used) by people of certain characteristics and/or roles, or if the crystal has some attributes that automatically make anyone with a lightsabers have some characteristics (Like the Solari crystal, for example). From the information I found from Wookieepedia, it appears that these lightsabers are seen, only because such crystals exist. Is this correct?--Woka (comms) 11:24, March 30, 2011 (UTC)
first, let me go on the record as saying i don't know if this is fandom or not, and if it is I'm really sorry about it. but i remember reading something about the purple light saber meaning they had a brush with the dark side (blue + red = purple) it would make since, Jania had a brush, I'm not sure about Windu (i don't read much about him.) anyway if this is fandom I'm really, really sorry about it. but i didn't know if it was or wasn't.
A AricaBolts 14:50, March 30, 2011 (UTC)
You actually have a point here. Mace Windu was the creator of Vaapad, a form of lightsaber combat that mostly suits to dark side users (and if they don't, it drives them away from the light side when operated). In KOTOR, some assassins that were sent to capture Bastila use purple lightsabers as well, so it might be an alternative to the classic Sith red-colored blade. Mara Jade, originally on the side of the Empire, was using a purple blade for a long period of time. On the other hand, purple lightsabers are used by the Jedi as well and mostly appear in Jedi hands rather than the Sith. --Woka (comms) 18:28, March 30, 2011 (UTC)
- The lightsaber colors do not have "meanings" and they are not used "exclusively" by any particular class of Jedi or Sith. For example, characters using blue or green lightsabers does not demote them as master or apprentice and Ferus Olin used a crimson blade when he was a Padawan. In addition, the red + blue = purple tidbit is fanon. Mace used a purple lightsaber because Samuel L. Jackson asked George Lucas if his character could have a defining feature. NaruHina Talk 22:09, March 30, 2011 (UTC)
- If I recall the behind-the-scenes footage correctly, Lucas said, "Basically, good guys have green and blue and bad guys have red." To which Jackson responded, "How about purple?" Karohalva 00:44, April 3, 2011 (UTC)
Lightsaber colors could have meanings for the reasons I explained below. However, your response, NaruHina, fully answers my question. It is indeed true that Samuel Jackson was actually the one who inserted this lightsaber color in the Star Wars universe (before the movie this color was simply nonexistent). In fact, after doing a little research about him, I discovered that he is trying to use purple things in all of his appearances in movies because it is his favourite color. --Woka (comms) 10:48, April 6, 2011 (UTC)
- Another note: The Old jedi order used mainly blue and green at the time of Mace Windu. His crystal was found on a different planet.And Blue lightsabers meant jedi guardian and green meant jedi consular(most of the timeDarth Bal 19:33, June 22, 2011 (UTC)
- That's not wholly true. Blue and green were used by so many Jedi because they were the most common colors available: the caves of Ilum have them in vast quantities. Purple could also be found there. The use of the color crystal to define Jedi Sentinals, Consulars, and Guardians is also somewhat defunct as of Mace's time. The rank is simply held and the Jedi may use whatever color he or she wishes. NaruHina Talk 21:10, June 22, 2011 (UTC)
- Ether that is true or that some of the more advance jedis prefer to make their lightsaber unique to the their padawan version (like mace windu creating the lightsaber out of the electrum). But from theis Clone wars graphic novel, windu got his lightsaber crystal form an alien (or human) when he (i think...sorry it has been a while after I finish reading that book) rescued them. Anakin Skyobiliviator 04:30, June 23, 2011 (UTC)
As said, purple lightsabers originated with Samuel L. Jackson. As said ,in the star wars universe itself, Mace windu's crystal wasn't found in the caves of Ilum but on another planet; a jedi could want a purple lighsaber (or any other sort of unusual lighsaber) as a sign of individuality and pride; Cilghal created her lightsaber with an ultima-pearl from her homeworld of Dac. Ewok9007 09:18, August 20, 2011 (UTC)
Purple lightsabers did exist in the canon before Mace Windu. In October 1997 the character Boc Aseca wielded twin purple lightsabers in the video game Jedi Knight, and in January 1998 Mara Jade uses a purple lightsaber in the game expansion Mysteries of the Sith. This is all before Episode I was released in 1999 and before Mace debuted his purple lightsaber in Episode II in 2002. KievanMereel 19:58, September 2, 2011 (UTC)