One of the few but persistent challenges in creating articles for Star Wars Rebels, particularly event articles, is knowing where they fall in the timeline in relation to the Battle of Yavin. When the show started, Lucasfilm said that it was set five years before A New Hope. Within a few episodes, however, we were told that it was the fifteenth anniversary of the Galactic Empire, which would mean the show had advanced to be around four years before A New Hope. Now, the Lucasfilm announcement for the episode "A Princess on Lothal" says that the episode is set three years before the Battle of Yavin.
That got me thinking, and I think I have an effective solution to the ambiguity around the Rebels dates. Just like the big TCW timeline before it, this thread will outline the timeline of Rebels episodes and other media with corresponding dates. It's not the typical dating system we use, but I think it's a good one to use for Rebels articles.
- 1 Considerations
- 2 The Timeline
- 2.1 c. 20-19 years before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.2 19 years before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.3 c. 19 years before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.4 11 years before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.5 In the sixth year before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.6 In the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.7 In the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.8 In the third year before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.9 In the second year before the Battle of Yavin
- 2.10 In the first year before the Battle of Yavin
- 3 How to cite this information
- 4 Not included
- 5 Discussion
First, some backstory:
- We know from Season One press releases, news articles, and more that the show starts about five years before the Battle of Yavin. Here is a tweet from Leland Chee with the chronology as well. Episode I is Year 0, Rebels is Year 27, and Episode IV is Year 32. Therefore, with simple math, we can know that Rebels began in the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin.
- The events of the episodes "Empire Day" and "Gathering Forces" take place on the fifteenth anniversary of the Galactic Empire. Ancillary work such as Ezra's Duel with Danger specifically call it the fifteenth anniversary. Using the same tweet from Leland Chee, we can deduce the year change. Episode III, when the Empire was founded, is Year 13. Fifteen years later means it becomes Year 28, or four years before the Battle of Yavin.
- The announcement for "A Princess on Lothal" says that the episode takes place three years before the events of A New Hope. That suggests we are now into Year 29.
- We known from Pablo Hidalgo's tweet for Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow that six months pass between "Twilight of the Apprentice" and "Steps Into Shadow", so it is 2 years from A New Hope. This means that we are into Year 30.
- The trivia guide for Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore states that Bo-Katan Kryze was redesigned to advance the character's age by "18 years or so". As she was last seen was in The Lawless, which was dated to 19 BBY (Year 13) by Star Wars: Galactic Atlas, it can be assumed that the events of Heroes of Mandalore takes place in approximately 1 BBY (Year 31).
Given that, we can assume the following: the events of Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion through the end of "Out of Darkness" take place in the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin. The events of "Empire Day" through possibly "Stealth Strike" take place in the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin. Thanks to information from Leia, Princess of Alderaan, we can assume that not only "A Princess on Lothal", but all of Season Two from "The Future of the Force" onward, takes place in the third year before the Battle of Yavin. Then, all of Star Wars Rebels Season Three takes place in the second year before the Battle of Yavin, and Season Four takes place in the first.
Now, note my phrasing there. I'm not saying "five years before the Battle of Yavin," "four years before the Battle of Yavin," or "three years before the Battle of Yavin." I am saying the fifth, fourth, and third years before the Battle of Yavin, so sometime within those years. Because we don't have a standard canon dating system yet, we shouldn't say "3 years before the Battle of Yavin" like that's a year. It's better to say "in the third year before the Battle of Yavin." It's more accurate and provides more wiggle room.
So knowing all of that, the following is the timeline of events pertaining to Star Wars Rebels.
The Timeline[]
c. 20-19 years before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Kanan 7 (Clone Wars era flashbacks)
- Kanan 8 (Clone Wars era flashbacks)
- Bombing at the Jedi Temple (continued)
- A New Dawn prologue (the prologue is set sometime within the events of Kanan 7 and Kanan 8, before Caleb Dume officially becomes Depa Billaba's apprentice)
- Kanan 9 (Clone Wars era flashbacks)
- Kanan 10 (Clone Wars era flashbacks)
- Kanan 11 (Clone Wars era flashbacks)
- Third Battle of Mygeeto (continued)
- Funeral of CT-1157
19 years before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Kanan 1 (Clone Wars era flashbacks; concurrent with the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith)
- Kanan 2 (Clone Wars era flashbacks; concurrent with the events of Star Wars: Episode III Revenge of the Sith)
- Order 66 and the start of the Great Jedi Purge
c. 19 years before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Kanan 3 (post-Episode III era flashbacks)
- Kanan 4 (post-Episode III era flashbacks)
- Kanan 5 (post-Episode III era flashbacks)
11 years before the Battle of Yavin[]
In the sixth year before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Servants of the Empire: Edge of the Galaxy (Begins a year before Season One and ends some time before "Breaking Ranks")
In the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Star Wars Rebels: Ghost Raid
- "The Machine in the Ghost" (Adaptations: Rise of the Rebels, Chopper Saves the Day)
- "Art Attack" (Adaptations: Rise of the Rebels, Sabine's Art Attack)
- "Entanglement" (Adaptations: Rise of the Rebels, Zeb to the Rescue)
- Ezra's Gamble (the ending is the same scene as "Property of Ezra Bridger")
- "Property of Ezra Bridger" (Adaptations: Rise of the Rebels, Ezra and the Pilot)
- Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion (Adaptations: The Rebellion Begins, Droids in Distress, Ezra's Wookiee Rescue,The Secret Jedi: The Adventures of Kanan Jarrus: Rebel Leader)
- "Droids in Distress" (Adaptation: Droids in Distress)
- "Fighter Flight"
- "Ring Race"
- "Rise of the Old Masters" (Adaptations: Droids in Distress, The Inquisitor's Trap)
- "Learning Patience"
- "Breaking Ranks"
- Servants of the Empire: Rebel in the Ranks (takes place concurrently with "Breaking Ranks")
- "The Fake Jedi"
- "Kallus' Hunt"
- Star Wars Rebels: Rebel Strike
- "Out of Darkness" (Adaptation: Hera's Phantom Flight)
- Attack on an Imperial convoy
- The events on Fort Anaxes
- Star Wars Rebels: Recon Missions
In the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin[]
- "Empire Day" and "Gathering Forces" (two-parter—set during the fifteenth anniversary of the Galactic Empire) (Adaptation: Ezra's Duel with Danger)
- "Eyes on the Prize"
- "Return of the Slavers"
- Star Wars: Kanan
- "Present Moments"
- "Path of the Jedi" (Adaptations: Ezra's Duel with Danger, Kanan's Jedi Training)
- Ezra's trials in the Lothal Jedi Temple
- "Sabotaged Supplies"
- Attack on Imperial Complex
- "Idiot's Array" (Adaptation: Always Bet on Chopper)
- Servants of the Empire: Imperial Justice (begins a little before "Vision of Hope", and takes place partly-concurrently with it)
- "Vision of Hope"
- "Ezra's Vision"
- "Becoming Hunted"
- "Assessment"
- "Call to Action" (Adaptation: Battle to the End)
- "Rebel Resolve" (Adaptation: Battle to the End)
- "Fire Across the Galaxy" (Adaptation: Battle to the End)
- Action at Mustafar (continued)
- Servants of the Empire: The Secret Academy (takes place shortly after "Fire Across the Galaxy", as it references the death of the Grand Inquisitor)
- "Senate Perspective"
- "Ocean Rescue"
- "Rebel Bluff" — Star Wars Insider 158 (The mission Lando is on during the short story is mentioned in Siege of Lothal indirectly when he is contacted by the Ghost crew)
- Tarkintown Uprising
- "Puffer Problems"
- Star Wars Rebels: The Siege of Lothal (Adaptation: Star Wars Rebels: Team Tactics)
- "The Lost Commanders" and "Relics of the Old Republic" (two-parter)
- "Secrets of Sienar"
- "Always Two There Are"
- "Brothers of the Broken Horn"
- Star Wars Rebels: Strike Missions
- "Wings of the Master"
- "No Sympathy"
- "Blood Sisters"*
- "Too Late to Change"
- "Always Bet on Chop"
- "Stealth Strike"
- "A Day's Duty"
*It is possible that the events of "Blood Sisters" mark a change in year. It is exactly one year after the airing of "Empire Day", which also marked a year change. Until there is clarity, however, all Season Two episodes until "Stealth Strike" are treated as being part of the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin. Thanks to Leia, Princess of Alderaan, we know that Leia didn't join the Rebellion until she was 16. Since she was born in 19 BBY, and the book takes place over a span of several months, we know that all of it takes place in 3 BBY, and before "A Princess on Lothal". Since "The Future of the Force" and "Legacy" take place shortly before "A Princess on Lothal", it can be concluded that they too take place in that year.
In the third year before the Battle of Yavin[]
- "The Future of the Force"
- "Ice Breaking"
- "Vulnerable Areas"
- "The Size of the Fight"
- "Legacy"
- "A Princess on Lothal"
- "The Protector of Concord Dawn"
- "Legends of the Lasat"
- "Academy Cadets"
- "The Call"
- "Escaping the Scrap Pile"
- "The Ballad of 264"
- "Homecoming"
- "A Time to Survive"
- "The Wrong Crowd"
- "The Honorable Ones"
- "Shroud of Darkness"
- "The Gangsters of Galzez"
- "The Forgotten Droid"
- "The Second Chance"
- "The Mystery of Chopper Base"
- "The Thune Cargo"
- "The Line of Duty"
- "Twilight of the Apprentice"
In the second year before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow
- "The Holocrons of Fate"
- "The Antilles Extraction"
- "Hera's Heroes"
- "Sons of the Sky"
- "The Last Battle"
- "Imperial Supercommandos"
- "Iron Squadron"
- "The Wynkahthu Job"
- "An Inside Man"
- "To Thy Metal Heart Be True"
- "Visions and Voices"
- "Final Round"
- "Ghosts of Geonosis"
- "Warhead"
- "Trials of the Darksaber
- "Legacy of Mandalore"
- "Through Imperial Eyes"
- "Secret Cargo"
- "Double Agent Droid"
- "Twin Suns"
- "Zero Hour"
In the first year before the Battle of Yavin[]
- Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore
- "In the Name of the Rebellion"
- "The Occupation"
- "Flight of the Defender," "Kindred
- "Crawler Commandeers"
- "Rebel Assault"
- "Jedi Night"
- "DUME"
- "Wolves and a Door","A World Between Worlds"
- "A Fool's Hope"
- "Family Reunion – and Farewell"
How to cite this information[]
For events taking place in the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin, use this citation:
- In the fifth [[Standard year|year]] before the [[Battle of Yavin]]<ref name="Chronology Note">The events of this article take place in or between ''[[Star Wars Rebels: Spark of Rebellion]]'', which takes place in the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin; and "[[Empire Day (episode)|Empire Day]]", which marks the beginning of the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin. As such, we can deduce that this event takes place in the fifth year before the Battle of Yavin. For more information, see [[Forum:SH:Timeline of Star Wars Rebels Events|Wookieepedia's Timeline of ''Star Wars Rebels'' Events]].</ref>
For events taking place in the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin, use this citation:
- In the fourth [[Standard year|year]] before the [[Battle of Yavin]]<ref name="Chronology Note">The events of this article take place in or between "[[Empire Day (episode)|Empire Day]]", which marks the beginning of the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin; and "[[The Future of the Force]]", which is the first known episode to take place in the third year before the Battle of Yavin. As such, we can deduce that this event takes place in the fourth year before the Battle of Yavin. For more information, see [[Forum:SH:Timeline of Star Wars Rebels Events|Wookieepedia's Timeline of ''Star Wars Rebels'' Events]].</ref>
For events taking place in the third year before the Battle of Yavin, use this citation:
- In the third [[Standard year|year]] before the [[Battle of Yavin]]<ref name="Chronology Note">The events of this article take place in or after "[[The Future of the Force]]", which is the first known episode to take place in the third year before the Battle of Yavin. As such, we can deduce that this event takes place in the third year before the Battle of Yavin. For more information, see [[Forum:SH:Timeline of Star Wars Rebels Events|Wookieepedia's Timeline of ''Star Wars Rebels'' Events]].</ref>
For events taking place in the second year before the Battle of Yavin, use this citation:
- In the second [[Standard year|year]] before the [[Battle of Yavin]]<ref name="Chronology Note">The events of this article take place in or after ''[[Star Wars Rebels: Steps Into Shadow]]'', which is the first known episode to take place in the second year before the Battle of Yavin. As such, we can deduce that this event takes place in the second year before the Battle of Yavin. For more information, see [[Forum:SH:Timeline of Star Wars Rebels Events|Wookieepedia's Timeline of ''Star Wars Rebels'' Events]].</ref>
Feel free to tweak it as necessary depending on the context of the article, but that should suffice.
Not included[]
I got bored and reformatted it as an Appearances section, and comparing it to others you're missing a few things. Note that I'm not knowledgeable as to whether or not these belong; you can keep this as a section for things without a placement yet. (feel free to edit) Cade Calrayn 16:15, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
- HoloNet:
- HoloNet News Report: Imperial Registration Program (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Report: Wookiee Revolt Quelled on Kashyyyk (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Lothal Jobless Rates Hit All-time Low (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Controversial Statue Finally Destroyed (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Rise in Citizen Reporting Results in Captured Criminals (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Empire Ensures New Affordable Housing on Lothal (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Famed Imperial Pilot Moves to Lothal (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Journalists Across Galaxy Join Press Corps (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Breaking News: Unauthorized Mining Operation Halted (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Special Report: Community Leaders Discuss Capital City Improvements (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
- HoloNet News Exclusive: Mas Amedda receives Governor Arihnda Pryce for Lothal report (article) (content now obsolete; backup link)
Anyone have any thoughts, suggestions, or general feedback? Let me know what you think! I will also note that I have not included the Rebels comics from the Star Wars Rebels Magazine in this, as I have not yet been able to look at them to see when they may fit into the events of the series. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 00:58, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- Why the Rebels Magazine Comics are not being updated? It's alreay in edition 27, which means there are 5 more mini-comics that aren't included in the Timeline.
- FYI, the writer of those comics (Martin Fisher) has detailed notes about when each story fits. He is on Twitter and is very reachable. I can make a spreadsheet if you like, in the next few days. --LelalMekha (talk) 01:45, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- That'd be great! I'll take a look at it and then add the events to this timeline. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 01:48, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- I have contacted Martin Fisher, and he will provide me with a list that reveals the placement of all the Rebels stories of his that have been published so far. I will upload said list on WP as soon as I have it. Every time a new comic gets released, I will take the responsibility to ask him the timeline placement on Twitter and update the spreadsheet. --LelalMekha (talk) 19:21, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- Much appreciated. Thanks Lelal. If you haven't, feel free to show him this forum too so he knows what the project is behind your questions. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 19:28, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- This is a very worthy endeavor. I'm glad that you're taken the time and effort to compile a chronology of Star Wars Rebels. It will certainly make our lives easier on this Wikia. Andykatib 03:40, January 13 2016 (UTC)
- Martin Fisher's answer has arrived, and it's been posted here, folks! --LelalMekha (talk) 14:57, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
- Thanks Lelal. I've added them to the timeline. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 15:40, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
- What about magazines 14 - end of run? - starwarstimeline(talk) 16:39, July 11, 2017 (UTC)
- Martin Fisher's answer has arrived, and it's been posted here, folks! --LelalMekha (talk) 14:57, January 14, 2016 (UTC)
- This is a very worthy endeavor. I'm glad that you're taken the time and effort to compile a chronology of Star Wars Rebels. It will certainly make our lives easier on this Wikia. Andykatib 03:40, January 13 2016 (UTC)
- Much appreciated. Thanks Lelal. If you haven't, feel free to show him this forum too so he knows what the project is behind your questions. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 19:28, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- I have contacted Martin Fisher, and he will provide me with a list that reveals the placement of all the Rebels stories of his that have been published so far. I will upload said list on WP as soon as I have it. Every time a new comic gets released, I will take the responsibility to ask him the timeline placement on Twitter and update the spreadsheet. --LelalMekha (talk) 19:21, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
- That'd be great! I'll take a look at it and then add the events to this timeline. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 01:48, January 12, 2016 (UTC)
Re: Cade's list of things that are not included yet. Yeah some things aren't included yet, since I'm still going through stuff. This is by no means complete. Couple of notes in that regard:
- Kanan will be added once I figure out the exact placement of the "present day" and flashback stuff.
- A New Dawn will be added once I figure out where the prologue fits with Kanan: First Blood.
- I need to read Rebel Bluff again because I know it's set after "Call to Action" and The Siege of Lothal but I'm not entirely sure on where.
- I recall The Secret Jedi being more of a source than an appearance but I'll have to check that again.
- I couldn't even tell you where those games go since they're not that story-focused.
- The Team Tactics game is a loose adaptation of Siege of Lothal and Ghost Raid takes place before any episodes. The other games are all over the place and hard to pinpoint, though. --Dentface (talk) 08:31, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
- Regarding Kanan, the exact placement still isn't confirmed, but the present day story line is likely set between Spark of Rebellion and "Droids in Distress." Ezra doesn't appear to have built his lightsaber yet, Tarkintown hasn't been destroyed, and Ahsoka still goes by "Fulcrum." The series will probably be easier to place once it finishes in March. CC7567 (talk) 20:08, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
- You mean between Spark of Rebellion and Path of the Jedi? Because they didn't know about Fulcrum until after Droids in Distress. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 21:06, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
- That's true. It's definitely somewhere within the first half of Season One, but exactly where is hard to say. CC7567 (talk) 22:41, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
- Sorry if it's bad form for me to reply to a comment from two weeks ago. Just throwing in my two cents' worth: In the sixth issue of Kanan, Kanan mentions the rebellion, which only reveals itself to the Lothal crew at the end of Season One. Placing Kanan somewhere between Season One and The Siege of Lothal, as has been done for the 'Timeline of canon media,' makes sense, right? Ezra using his slingshot in the comic is definitely a complication, though. Obi-wan Baloney (talk) 11:49, January 29, 2016 (UTC)
- That's true. It's definitely somewhere within the first half of Season One, but exactly where is hard to say. CC7567 (talk) 22:41, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
- You mean between Spark of Rebellion and Path of the Jedi? Because they didn't know about Fulcrum until after Droids in Distress. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 21:06, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
- Regarding Kanan, the exact placement still isn't confirmed, but the present day story line is likely set between Spark of Rebellion and "Droids in Distress." Ezra doesn't appear to have built his lightsaber yet, Tarkintown hasn't been destroyed, and Ahsoka still goes by "Fulcrum." The series will probably be easier to place once it finishes in March. CC7567 (talk) 20:08, January 15, 2016 (UTC)
How come Empire Day and onwards is considered four years prior to the Battle of Yavin? Leland Chee tweeted a while back that that only works if Empire Day occurs on the same day as the Battle of Yavin. Cevan (talk) 02:07, January 16, 2016 (UTC)
- It's fifteen years after Episode III, which according to Leland's own timeline makes it approximately four years before the Battle of Yavin. That's why this timeline uses approximations like "in the fourth year before" instead of "four years before." I would interpret Leland's tweet to say that "Empire Day" is not exactly four years before the Battle of Yavin. Plus now that we know that "A Princess on Lothal" has moved into the third year before the Battle of Yavin, it makes "Empire Day's" placement a bit less vague. This type of timeline is the best we have to go on until a clearer timeline is established. - Brandon Rhea(talk) 02:23, January 16, 2016 (UTC)
Has there been any confirmation by the Powers That Be regarding the placement of the "modern" / framing sections of the Kanan comic? I don't think there's been anything in the comics themselves, but I don't know whether Hidalgo/Chee/whoever have said anything on it. EDIT: Oh, and also I see nobody has mentioned Eyes on the Prize so far. — DigiFluid(Whine here) 08:59, January 16, 2016 (UTC)
- I asked Jeremy Barlow about "Eyes on the Prize," and he said that he imagined it going between Gathering Forces and Path of the Jedi. --LelalMekha (talk) 10:12, February 1, 2016 (UTC)
- I believe that the Kanan comic is supposed to be set between "Ocean Rescue" and "The Siege of Lothal". That's where the "Timeline of canon media" page places it. --Jocostrikesback (talk) 11:49, February 13, 2016 (UTC)
I created a forum for Everything we know about The Old Republic era in Canon. The reason I'm bringing that up here is because I imagine we'll probably learn more about that on the show, given the Season 2 finale, the Sith holocron, ETC. DarkKnight2149 17:37, November 23, 2016 (UTC)
Arbitrary break[]
Is it possible for the series to continue passed the events of Rogue One and Star Wars (1977)? The current season is placed at 2 BBY, which is pretty close to those events. Has anyone at Lucasfilm or Disney said anything to contradict the series eventually taking place during that time period and/or beyond? DarkKnight2149 04:29, November 25, 2016 (UTC)
- They haven't confirmed anything but its possible that the series could carry on pass the films. We just have to wait and see what happens --Lewisr (talk) 04:32, November 25, 2016 (UTC)
New season[]
Star Wars Rebels: Heroes of Mandalore will be addedcreated -Yasen Nestorov (talk) 07:32, October 16, 2017 (UTC)
- Done. - Tommy-Macaroni (Talk) 18:57, October 18, 2017 (UTC)
Pin thread?[]
Should this thread be pinned? I see this post linked to and mentioned in a majority of the articles about Star Wars Rebels on the wiki. I feel like it should be preserved owing to its importance before it fades into relative obscurity in the archives after a bot removes it for thirty days of inactivity. Commander Boots 17:01, December 7, 2017 (UTC)
- I think so. - Tommuskq (TAKE A SEAT) 09:16, December 8, 2017 (UTC)
Other books[]
I can't help with this yet (I've not read these yet), but is there an appetite to include other novels from the time period in this timeline? I see that the Kanan comics and A New Dawn are both already on the timeline. What about Ahsoka or Thrawn, which are both fairly explicitly tied to Rebels (if not tagged as such). There's also Rebel Rising and Leia, Princess of Alderaan, which are set in the era, but are much less tied to the show. Thoughts? Taral, Dark Lord of the Sith -Just shy, not antisocial: You can talk to me!- 13:55, January 31, 2018 (UTC)
Dawn of rebellion[]
Dawn of Rebellion confirms that Chopper Base was constructed in 3 BBY. I have updated that article and removed the note. I don't actually own the book, a friend sends pics. If I find anymore timeline confirmations I'll post here--Vitus InfinitusTalk 14:16, March 23, 2018 (UTC)
- DoR also states: "Seventeen years after the end of the Clone Wars, Bendu revealed himself to Kanan Jarrus, claiming the would-be Jedi's internal conflict had roused him from a long slumber."--Vitus InfinitusTalk 21:49, March 23, 2018 (UTC)