


German Clone Wars audio dramas were a series of German language audio dramas released by Universal Music Group from May 27, 2011 to September 5, 2014. They were adaptations of season 1 and season 2 of the animated series Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Each of the twenty two albums adapted two episodes from the series and used the audio tracks of the German Dubs of each episode, with added narration by Uli Krohm. The first three albums were collected in and released as a The Clone Wars: 3-CD Box on October 11, 2013[4]


The audio dramas were performed by a full cast using many of the same voice actors that performed the German language dub for the animated series. Episodes one through eleven were directed by Dennis Ehrhardt and Sebastian Breidbach with Dennis Ehrhardt also writing the scripts. Episodes twelve through seventeen were written by Dirk Hardegen and directed by Sebastian Breidbach. The final episodes were written by both Sebastian Breidbach and Carolina Möbis as well as directed by Sebastian Breidbach.[4]


Album Number Episodes adapted Release date
The Clone Wars Episode 1 - Ambush / Rising Malevolence
(German: Der Hinterhalt / Der Angriff Der Malevolence)
1 "Ambush"
"Rising Malevolence"
The Clone Wars Episode 2 - Shadow of Malevolence / Destroy Malevolence
(German: Der Schatten Der Malevolence / Die Zerstörung Der Malevolence)
2 "Shadow of Malevolence"
"Destroy Malevolence"
The Clone Wars Episode 3 - Rookies / Downfall of a Droid
(German: Rekruten / Der Fall Eines Droiden)
3 "Rookies"
"Downfall of a Droid"
The Clone Wars Episode 4 - Duel of the Droids / Bombad Jedi
(German: Kampf Der Droiden / Superheftig Jedi)
4 "Duel of the Droids"
"Bombad Jedi"
The Clone Wars Episode 5 - Cloak of Darkness / Lair of Grievous
(German: Im Mantel Der Dunkelheit / In Den Fängen Von Grievous)
5 "Cloak of Darkness"
"Lair of Grievous"
The Clone Wars Episode 6 - Dooku Captured / The Gungan General
(German: Die Ergreifung Des Count / Der Freikauf)
6 "Dooku Captured"
"The Gungan General"
The Clone Wars Episode 7 - Jedi Crash / Defenders of Peace
(German: Die Bruchlandung / Die Verteidiger Des Friedens)
7 "Jedi Crash"
"Defenders of Peace"
The Clone Wars Episode 8 - Trespass / The Hidden Enemy
(German: Der Übergriff / Der Unsichtbare Feind)
8 "Trespass"
"The Hidden Enemy"
The Clone Wars Episode 9 - Blue Shadow Virus / Mystery of a Thousand Moons
(German: Das Virus / Das Geheimnis Der Monde)
9 "Blue Shadow Virus"
"Mystery of a Thousand Moons"
The Clone Wars Episode 10 - Storm Over Ryloth / Innocents of Ryloth
(German: Sturm Über Ryloth / Die Unschuldigen Von Ryloth)
10 "Storm Over Ryloth"
"Innocents of Ryloth"
The Clone Wars Episode 11 - Liberty on Ryloth / Hostage Crisis
(German: Freiheit Für Ryloth / Das Geiseldrama)
11 "Liberty on Ryloth"
"Hostage Crisis"
The Clone Wars Episode 12 - Holocron Heist / Cargo of Doom
(German: Der Holocron-Raub / Schicksalhafte Ladung)
12 "Holocron Heist"
"Cargo of Doom"
The Clone Wars Episode 13 - Children of the Force / Senate Spy
(German: Kinder Der Macht / Spion Des Senats)
13 "Children of the Force"
"Senate Spy"
The Clone Wars Episode 14 - Landing at Point Rain / Weapons Factory
(German: Kampf Und Wettkampf / Die Waffenfabrik)
14 "Landing at Point Rain"
"Weapons Factory"
The Clone Wars Episode 15 - Legacy of Terror / Brain Invaders
(German: Vermächtnis Des Terrors / Gehirn-Parasiten)
15 "Legacy of Terror"
"Brain Invaders"
The Clone Wars Episode 16 - Grievous Intrigue / The Deserter
(German: Grievous' Hinterhalt / Der Deserteur)
16 "Grievous Intrigue"
"The Deserter"
The Clone Wars Episode 17 - Lightsaber Lost / The Mandalore Plot
(German: Eine Lektion In Sachen Geduld / Verschwörung Auf Mandalore)
17 "Lightsaber Lost"
"The Mandalore Plot"
The Clone Wars Episode 18 - Voyage of Temptation / Duchess of Mandalore
(German: Reise Der Versuchung / Die Herzogin Von Mandalore)
18 "Voyage of Temptation"
"Duchess of Mandalore"
The Clone Wars Episode 19 - Senate Murders / Cat and Mouse
(German: Mord Im Senat / Katz Und Maus)
19 "Senate Murders"
"Cat and Mouse"
The Clone Wars Episode 20 - Bounty Hunters / The Zillo Beast
(German: Kopfgeldjäger / Das Zillo-Biest)
20 "Bounty Hunters"
"The Zillo Beast"
The Clone Wars Episode 21 - The Zillo Beast Strikes Back / Death Trap
(German: Das Zillo-Biest Schlägt Zurück / Tödliche Falle)
21 "The Zillo Beast Strikes Back"
"Death Trap"
The Clone Wars Episode 22 - R2 Come Home / Lethal Trackdown
(German: Komm Nach Hause, R2 / Auf Geiseljagd)
22 "R2 Come Home"
"Lethal Trackdown"


Album Collects Release date
The Clone Wars: 3-CD Box
(The Clone Wars - 3-CD Hörspielbox Vol.1)
Collection of Albums 1-3[4] 2013-10-11


Cover gallery[]

Notes and references[]

External links[]

In other languages