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The Glie-44 blaster pistol was a blaster pistol manufactured by Eirriss Ryloth Defense Tech[2] and named after Twi'lek freedom fighter Gobi Glie.[5] The blaster had a lightweight, rugged construction.[6] The pistol had a power cartridge as ammunition and a reactant gas port cap in its stock.[7] General Leia Organa also uses the Glie-44 as she prefers compact hand weapons.[2]

Many Resistance members, including General Organa[2] and the pilots Poe Dameron,[3] Ello Asty, and many others used this pistol.[2] Jarek Yeager had a Glie-44 with a scope on the top.[8] The defected stormtrooper Finn used one as a sidearm during his mission to Canto Bight[9] and a mission to Kijimi.[10] Susaut Volupicite carried a Glie-44 during his time on Vandor.[11]

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Behind the scenes[]

The Glie-44 props were modified SIG Sauer P226s.[12]



Finn's blaster pistol

Non-canon appearances[]


Notes and references[]
